What did you want to be as a kid ????

I had 2 dreams as a kid .
One was a doctor of some sort like a pathologist or radiologist !! Few people contacts

Second was a FBI agent

That was It !!
What about you
I can't remember a time I didn't want to be a writer or some sort of communicator and/or detective/investigator. By the time I was in High School and College I envisioned myself as the first female Ernie Pyle though not in a war zone. My interests and circumstances didn't take me in the directions I have envisioned, but I have been amazed at a life time of various opportunities to write, communicate, teach and how many of my jobs have involved investigating different things for which I apparently have some aptitude.
I don't remember what I wanted to be when I was really little. But as I got closer to being a teen, I wanted to be an actress. (don't laugh 😝 ) The funny thing is, when I was a kid I used to write plays and I would get the neighborhood kids together and we'd put on performances, and I was always the writer / director and I'd give myself a part in the play too. It was fun doing stuff like that. I was always doing creative things when I was a kid. Oh, and I did end up taking a "film acting workshop" in LA (I think when I was 18) and I had a modeling agent, so I was into that scene for a while.
As a little girl, I played teacher during the summer with my four little brothers. I was the teacher, and they were my students. I would use the information my teacher gave us at the end of the school year all the leftover books, worksheets, workbooks, etc... I would make them out a report card, and go in the kitchen and fix their lunches for lunch time. I was just playing... I had no idea God was watching me.

I was a nurse, I enlisted in the United States Army, earned my master and bachelor degrees, then finally I became a state of Texas Certified School Teacher teaching both elementary and middle school.

I look over my life and see that I was always doing social service in society; trying to help people or help within a situation. I'm always like, I'll do it. I can help. I was also a VISTA Volunteer years ago when the federal government requested we do so. Three more years of teaching, and I will retire as a successful school teacher. Job well done; stuck it out until the end. Truth is I prayed my way through it all.

Sort of like many of the little league football and baseball players. What they do as a little kids tells the story of what they will be doing as an adult.
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In 3rd grade I said I would be a cashier, which may have been BS to finish an assignment more than my personal interest. I didn't do much thinking about the future then.

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