What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

I disagree.
Ah, some more 'no it isn't'.


Last time I was in Israel in 2011, I caught a taxi from Ben Gurion to my hotel in Netanya. My cabbie spoke Hebrew, but the hotel owners I believe were Arab. The maids there were Ethiopian or African of some sort as they had very dark skin. My cabbie in Netanya only spoke Russian. It was difficult, but I did get to where I wanted to be.

The next day I passed through daliyat al carmel and bought a felafel. The whole town was Arab. I continued through Afula and then Nazareth, both mostly Arab towns. After I got to Tiberius, I ate on a Saturday night at a restaurant on HaGalil street owned by an Arab. When I got to Jerusalem I visited the Old City and specifically the Muslim Quarter and shopped at some of the shops there.

With all these Arabs and colored folks, I did not see any signs telling them not to be where they were. They were integrated and part of the communities in which they were located.

Forgive me, but is this the definition of Apartheid?

No, you are probably talking about the self imposed discrimination that the Palestinian leadership has unfortunately let their citizens be subject to with their continued (generations old now) message of hate and "push the Jews to the Sea" crap.
Humanity, you have gotten caught up into some serious name calling here. IMHO that does not do much for your specific position.
Roudy, the tables you posted way back on page 10(?) I found very interesting. Though they have some links contained within them, would you be so kind as to post your source of those tables?

Thank you.
What IS funny is that most Americans wouldn't be able to Identify Israel on a map of the Middle East! :finger3:

You might find it funny, I find it sad. No wonder so many Americans are so gullible to the Palestinian propaganda.

You know you do have a point, I always wonder who these 15 to 20 percent of Americans that support the Paliscumians over Israel are. You mean to tell me there are that many insane or incarcerated people in the world?
Thank you very much. And do not hate me, but I also do not think it does much for our side for you and Phoenall and SAYIT to resort to the name calling either. Even though I agree with much of what you folks post, I kind of get lost once someone starts to throw out the ISLAMONAZI thing over and over again.

I do understand it well as sometimes these 'posters' do make me want to get that low as well (and have), but if we kill them with cold hard facts and kindness, then what can they come back with then?

Just a suggestion, and again, I am on your side brother. In the end, just:


I won't mention Sarah or pishy or loopy's names of course, lol.
You know you do have a point, I always wonder who these 15 to 20 percent of Americans that support the Paliscumians over Israel are. You mean to tell me there are that many insane or incarcerated people in the world?

I think it is much worse. Look no further than who our POTUS is and on his second term.
No, you are probably talking about the self imposed discrimination that the Palestinian leadership has unfortunately let their citizens be subject to with their continued (generations old now) message of hate and "push the Jews to the Sea" crap.
So I can take it you didn't bother reading my cite from Mandela before dismissing it. Must be an Israel apologist.
Once again you cover your eyes when the truth Is put in front of them: nearly half of all Mideast/Arab women are ILLITERATE as are nearly 1/4 of their men.
Given the FACT that Mideast Arab/Muslims are treated like mushrooms - kept in the dark and fed camel crap - even America's mentally challenged have access to more facts about them and their world than they do.
So Arab/Muslims are not entitled to have their opinions recorded in an opinion survey. I think that's another one, normal people think Palestine opinion is suppressed.

So now we have normal people think Palestinians

live under apartheid regimes,
have their opinions suppressed.

Well, it's a start, I'm sure that list will be able to be added to.
Oh. Live under military rule in occupied territories. How could I forget that one?
Normal people think Palestinians

live under apartheid regimes,
have their opinions suppressed,
live under military rule in occupied territories.

Ok, now we're cooking.
They're a bunch of inbred animals who lift their ass to the sky five times a day as part of supplication to the divine, in the hopes that their compensation in the afterlife will be an eternity playing house with 72 six-year old girls in a one-bedroom apartment.Israel should continue appropriating all of their land. Mazel tov!
Yes! How could I have missed that one? Normal people think Palestinians are having their land and property appropriated by Israel. So, normal people think Palestinians

live under apartheid regimes,
have their opinions suppressed,
live under military rule in occupied territories,
have their land and property appropriated by Israel.
They're a bunch of inbred animals who lift their ass to the sky five times a day as part of supplication to the divine, in the hopes that their compensation in the afterlife will be an eternity playing house with 72 six-year old girls in a one-bedroom apartment.Israel should continue appropriating all of their land. Mazel tov!

Oh great another one filled with propaganda.
Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.

That's funny, according to mentally challenged Challenger, a majority of Americans that are strong supporters of Israel are crazy right wing brainwashed people.

Americans see Palestinians as a small part of a greater worldwide problem that modern civilization is having with Muslims.

True story dude. :clap2:

What IS funny is that most Americans wouldn't be able to Identify Israel on a map of the Middle East! :finger3:

They don't need to know where a place is located to know what the conflict is really about, and who the players are.

Israel represents freedom, democracy, Western values and coexistence and Palestinians represent Islamism and Muslim intolerance and terroristic violence.


Israel represents what Apartheid South Africa represented, oppression and racism. There is no democracy that doesn't allow half of the people under its control to vote.

Wrong again. For apartheid you need to look at Islamic shitholes, like the animals want to create in the "Islamic Khalifate of Palestine":

Classification of Non-Muslims:
In his article, "The Ordinances of the People of the Covenant and the Minorities in an Islamic State," Sheikh Najih Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah remarks that legists classify non-Muslims or infidels into two categories: Dar-ul-Harb or the household of War, which refers to non-Muslims who are not bound by a peace treaty, or covenant, and whose blood and property are not protected by the law of vendetta or retaliation; and Dar-us-Salam or the household of Peace, which refers to those who fall into three classifications:

Zimmis (those in custody) are non-Muslim subjects who live in Muslim countries and agree to pay the Jizya (tribute) in exchange for protection and safety, and to be subject to Islamic law. These enjoy a permanent covenant.

People of the Hudna (truce) are those who sign a peace treaty with Muslims after being defeated in war. They agree to reside in their own land, yet to be subject to the legal jurisprudence of Islam like Zimmis, provided they do not wage war against Muslims.

Musta'min (protected one) are persons who come to an Islamic country as messengers, merchants, visitors, or student wanting to learn about Islam. A Musta'min should not wage war against Muslims and he is not obliged to pay Jizya, but he would be urged to embrace Islam. If a Musta'min does not accept Islam, he is allowed to return safely to his own country. Muslims are forbidden to hurt him in any way. When he is back in his own homeland, he is treated as one who belongs to the Household of War.
This study will focus on the laws pertaining to Zimmis.

Islamic Law and Zimmis
Muslim Muftis (legal authorities) agree that the contract of the Zimmis should be offered primarily to the People of the Book, that is, Christians and Jews, then to the Magis or Zoroastrians. However, they disagree on whether any contract should be signed with other groups such as communists or atheists. TheHanbalites and the Shafi`ites believe that no contract should be made with the ungodly or those who do not believe in the supreme God. Hanifites and Malikites affirm that the Jizya may be accepted from all infidels regardless of their beliefs and faith in God. Abu Hanifa, however, did not want pagan Arabs to have this option because they are the people of the Prophet. They. must be given only two options: accept Islam or be killed.

Zimmis and Religious Practices
Muslims believe that the Zimmis are Mushrikun (polytheists) for they see the belief in the Trinity as belief in three gods. Islam is the only true religion, they claim. Therefore, to protect Muslims from corruption, especially against the unforgivable sin of shirk (polytheism), its practice is forbidden among Muslims, because it is considered the greatest abomination. When Christians practice it publicly, it becomes an enticement and exhortation to apostasy. It is significant here to notice that according to Muraghi, Zimmis and infidels are polytheists and therefore, must have the same treatment.

According to Muslim jurists, the following legal ordinances must be enforced on Zimmis (Christians and Jews alike) who reside among Muslims:

Zimmis are not allowed to build new churches, temples, or synagogues. They are allowed to renovate old churches or houses of worship provided they do not allow to add any new construction. "Old churches" are those which existed prior to Islamic conquests and are included in a peace accord by Muslims. Construction of any church, temple, or synagogue in the Arab Peninsula (Saudi Arabia) is prohibited. It is the land of the Prophet and only Islam should prevail there. Yet, Muslims, if they wish, are permitted to demolish all non-Muslim houses of worship in any land they conquer.

Zimmis are not allowed to pray or read their sacred books out loud at home or in churches, lest Muslims hear their prayers.

Zimmis are not allowed to print their religious books or sell them in public places and markets. They are allowed to publish and sell them among their own people, in their churches and temples.

Zimmis are not allowed to install the cross on their houses or churches since it is a symbol of infidelity.

Zimmis are not permitted to broadcast or display their ceremonial religious rituals on radio or television or to use the media or to publish any picture of their religious ceremonies in newspaper and magazines.

Zimmis are not allowed to congregate in the streets during their religious festivals; rather, each must quietly make his way to his church or temple.

Zimmis are not allowed to join the army unless there is indispensable need for them in which case they are not allowed to assume leadership positions but are considered mercenaries.

Marriage and Children
A Muslim male can marry a Zimmi girl, but a Zimmi man is not allowed to marry a Muslim girl. If a woman embraces Islam and wants to get married, her non-Muslim father does not have the authority to give her away to her bridegroom. She must be given away by a Muslim guardian.

If one parent is a Muslim, children must be raised as Muslims. If the father is a Zimmi and his wife converts to Islam, she must get a divorce; then she will have the right of custody of her child. Some fundamentalist schools indicate that a Muslim husband has the right to confine his Zimmi wife to her home and restrain her from going to her own house of worship.

The Witness of Zimmis
Zimmis cannot testify against Muslims. They can only testify against other Zimmis or Musta'min. Their oaths are not considered valid in an Islamic court. According to the Shari`a, a Zimmi is not even qualified to be under oath. Muraghi states bluntly, "The testimony of a Zimmi is not accepted because Allah - may He be exalted - said: `God will not let the infidels (kafir) have an upper hand over the believers'." A Zimmi, regarded as an infidel, cannot testify against any Muslim regardless of his moral credibility. If a Zimmi has falsely accused another Zimmi and was once punished, his credibility and integrity is tarnished and his testimony is no longer acceptable. One serious implication of this is that if one Muslim has committed a serious offense against another, witnessed by Zimmis only, the court will have difficulty deciding the case since the testimonies of Zimmis are not acceptable. Yet, this same Zimmi whose integrity is blemished, if he converts to Islam, will have his testimony accepted against the Zimmis and Muslims alike, because according to the Shari`a, "By embracing Islam he has gained a new credibility which would enable him to witness..." All he has to do is to utter the Islamic confession of faithbefore witnesses, and that will elevate him from being an outcast to being a respected Muslim enjoying all the privileges of a devout Muslim.

Business World
The political arena and the official public sectors are not the only area in which non-Muslims are not allowed to assume a position of authority. A Muslim employee who works in a company inquires in a letter "if it is permissible for a Muslim owner (of a company) to confer authority on a Christian over other Muslims? (Al-Muslim Weekly; Vol. 8; issue No. 418; Friday 2, 5, 1993).

In response to this inquiry three eminent Muslim scholars issued their legal opinions:

Sheikh Manna` K. Al-Qubtan, professor of Higher studies at the School of Islamic Law in Riyadh, indicates that:

Basically, the command of non-Muslims over Muslims in not admissible, because God Almighty said: 'Allah will not give access to the infidels (i.e. Christians) to have authority over believers (Muslims) {Qur'an 4:141}. For God - Glory be to Him - has elevated Muslims to the highest rank (over all men) and foreordained to them the might, by virtue of the Qurtanic text in which God the Almighty said: 'Might and strength be to Allah, the Prophet (Muhammad) and the believers (Muslims) {Qur'an 63:8}.
Thus, the authority of non-Muslim over a Muslim is incompatible with these two verses, since the Muslim has to submit to and obey whoever is in charge over him. The Muslim, therefore becomes inferior to him, and this should not be the case with the Muslim.

Dr. Salih Al-Sadlan, professor of Shari`a at the School of Islamic Law, Riyadh, cites the same verses and asserts that it is not permissible for a infidel (in this case is a Christian) to be in charge over Muslims whether in the private or public sector. Such an act:

"entails the humiliaton of the Muslim and the exaltation of the infidel (Christian). This infidel may exploit his position to humiliate and insult the Muslims who work under his administration. It is advisable to the company owner to fear God Almighty and to authorize only a Muslim over the Muslims. Also, the injunctions issued by the ruler, provides that an infidel should not be in charge when there is a Muslim available to assume the command. Our advice to the company owner is to remove this infidel and to replace him with a Muslim."
In his response Dr. Fahd Al-`Usaymi, professor of Islamic studies at the Teachers' College in Riyadh, remarks that the Muslim owner of the company should seek a Muslim employee who is better than the Christian (manager), or equal to him or even less qualified but has the ability to be trained to obtain the same skill enjoyed by the Christian. It is not permissible for a Christian to be in charge of Muslims by the virtue of the general evidences which denote the superiority of the Muslim over others. Then he quotes (Qur'an 63:8) and also cites verse 22 of Chapter 58:

Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Apostle, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred.
`Usaymi claims that being under the authority of a Christian may force Muslims to flatter him and humiliate themselves to this infidel on the hope to obtain some of what he has. This is against the confirmed evidences. Then he alludes to the story of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab the second Caliph, who was displeased with one of his governors who appointed a Zimmi as a treasurer, and remarked: "Have the wombs of women become sterile that they gave birth only to this man?" Then `Usaymi adds:

Muslims should fear God in their Muslim brothers and train them... for honesty and fear of God are, originally, in the Muslim, contrary to the infidel (the Christian) who, originally, is dishonest and does not fear God.

Just who is "Sheikh Najih Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah"?
What IS funny is that most Americans wouldn't be able to Identify Israel on a map of the Middle East! :finger3:

You might find it funny, I find it sad. No wonder so many Americans are so gullible to the Palestinian propaganda.

Probably because they are "aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves)." If they weren't, they'd be able to distinguish truth from the propaganda the Zionists have been force feeding them for decades.
Folks, this thread has had a light clean up. Food fights and homosexual derailments and generic religion bashing belong elsewhere. IP operates under Zone 2 rules - this means you must include content (more than lip service) related to the subject of discussion along with any flaming.

Discuss the topic please.
That's funny, according to mentally challenged Challenger, a majority of Americans that are strong supporters of Israel are crazy right wing brainwashed people.

Americans see Palestinians as a small part of a greater worldwide problem that modern civilization is having with Muslims.

True story dude. :clap2:

What IS funny is that most Americans wouldn't be able to Identify Israel on a map of the Middle East! :finger3:

They don't need to know where a place is located to know what the conflict is really about, and who the players are.

Israel represents freedom, democracy, Western values and coexistence and Palestinians represent Islamism and Muslim intolerance and terroristic violence.


Israel represents what Apartheid South Africa represented, oppression and racism. There is no democracy that doesn't allow half of the people under its control to vote.

Wrong again. For apartheid you need to look at Islamic shitholes, like the animals want to create in the "Islamic Khalifate of Palestine":

Classification of Non-Muslims:
In his article, "The Ordinances of the People of the Covenant and the Minorities in an Islamic State," Sheikh Najih Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah remarks that legists classify non-Muslims or infidels into two categories: Dar-ul-Harb or the household of War, which refers to non-Muslims who are not bound by a peace treaty, or covenant, and whose blood and property are not protected by the law of vendetta or retaliation; and Dar-us-Salam or the household of Peace, which refers to those who fall into three classifications:

Zimmis (those in custody) are non-Muslim subjects who live in Muslim countries and agree to pay the Jizya (tribute) in exchange for protection and safety, and to be subject to Islamic law. These enjoy a permanent covenant.

People of the Hudna (truce) are those who sign a peace treaty with Muslims after being defeated in war. They agree to reside in their own land, yet to be subject to the legal jurisprudence of Islam like Zimmis, provided they do not wage war against Muslims.

Musta'min (protected one) are persons who come to an Islamic country as messengers, merchants, visitors, or student wanting to learn about Islam. A Musta'min should not wage war against Muslims and he is not obliged to pay Jizya, but he would be urged to embrace Islam. If a Musta'min does not accept Islam, he is allowed to return safely to his own country. Muslims are forbidden to hurt him in any way. When he is back in his own homeland, he is treated as one who belongs to the Household of War.
This study will focus on the laws pertaining to Zimmis.

Islamic Law and Zimmis
Muslim Muftis (legal authorities) agree that the contract of the Zimmis should be offered primarily to the People of the Book, that is, Christians and Jews, then to the Magis or Zoroastrians. However, they disagree on whether any contract should be signed with other groups such as communists or atheists. TheHanbalites and the Shafi`ites believe that no contract should be made with the ungodly or those who do not believe in the supreme God. Hanifites and Malikites affirm that the Jizya may be accepted from all infidels regardless of their beliefs and faith in God. Abu Hanifa, however, did not want pagan Arabs to have this option because they are the people of the Prophet. They. must be given only two options: accept Islam or be killed.

Zimmis and Religious Practices
Muslims believe that the Zimmis are Mushrikun (polytheists) for they see the belief in the Trinity as belief in three gods. Islam is the only true religion, they claim. Therefore, to protect Muslims from corruption, especially against the unforgivable sin of shirk (polytheism), its practice is forbidden among Muslims, because it is considered the greatest abomination. When Christians practice it publicly, it becomes an enticement and exhortation to apostasy. It is significant here to notice that according to Muraghi, Zimmis and infidels are polytheists and therefore, must have the same treatment.

According to Muslim jurists, the following legal ordinances must be enforced on Zimmis (Christians and Jews alike) who reside among Muslims:

Zimmis are not allowed to build new churches, temples, or synagogues. They are allowed to renovate old churches or houses of worship provided they do not allow to add any new construction. "Old churches" are those which existed prior to Islamic conquests and are included in a peace accord by Muslims. Construction of any church, temple, or synagogue in the Arab Peninsula (Saudi Arabia) is prohibited. It is the land of the Prophet and only Islam should prevail there. Yet, Muslims, if they wish, are permitted to demolish all non-Muslim houses of worship in any land they conquer.

Zimmis are not allowed to pray or read their sacred books out loud at home or in churches, lest Muslims hear their prayers.

Zimmis are not allowed to print their religious books or sell them in public places and markets. They are allowed to publish and sell them among their own people, in their churches and temples.

Zimmis are not allowed to install the cross on their houses or churches since it is a symbol of infidelity.

Zimmis are not permitted to broadcast or display their ceremonial religious rituals on radio or television or to use the media or to publish any picture of their religious ceremonies in newspaper and magazines.

Zimmis are not allowed to congregate in the streets during their religious festivals; rather, each must quietly make his way to his church or temple.

Zimmis are not allowed to join the army unless there is indispensable need for them in which case they are not allowed to assume leadership positions but are considered mercenaries.

Marriage and Children
A Muslim male can marry a Zimmi girl, but a Zimmi man is not allowed to marry a Muslim girl. If a woman embraces Islam and wants to get married, her non-Muslim father does not have the authority to give her away to her bridegroom. She must be given away by a Muslim guardian.

If one parent is a Muslim, children must be raised as Muslims. If the father is a Zimmi and his wife converts to Islam, she must get a divorce; then she will have the right of custody of her child. Some fundamentalist schools indicate that a Muslim husband has the right to confine his Zimmi wife to her home and restrain her from going to her own house of worship.

The Witness of Zimmis
Zimmis cannot testify against Muslims. They can only testify against other Zimmis or Musta'min. Their oaths are not considered valid in an Islamic court. According to the Shari`a, a Zimmi is not even qualified to be under oath. Muraghi states bluntly, "The testimony of a Zimmi is not accepted because Allah - may He be exalted - said: `God will not let the infidels (kafir) have an upper hand over the believers'." A Zimmi, regarded as an infidel, cannot testify against any Muslim regardless of his moral credibility. If a Zimmi has falsely accused another Zimmi and was once punished, his credibility and integrity is tarnished and his testimony is no longer acceptable. One serious implication of this is that if one Muslim has committed a serious offense against another, witnessed by Zimmis only, the court will have difficulty deciding the case since the testimonies of Zimmis are not acceptable. Yet, this same Zimmi whose integrity is blemished, if he converts to Islam, will have his testimony accepted against the Zimmis and Muslims alike, because according to the Shari`a, "By embracing Islam he has gained a new credibility which would enable him to witness..." All he has to do is to utter the Islamic confession of faithbefore witnesses, and that will elevate him from being an outcast to being a respected Muslim enjoying all the privileges of a devout Muslim.

Business World
The political arena and the official public sectors are not the only area in which non-Muslims are not allowed to assume a position of authority. A Muslim employee who works in a company inquires in a letter "if it is permissible for a Muslim owner (of a company) to confer authority on a Christian over other Muslims? (Al-Muslim Weekly; Vol. 8; issue No. 418; Friday 2, 5, 1993).

In response to this inquiry three eminent Muslim scholars issued their legal opinions:

Sheikh Manna` K. Al-Qubtan, professor of Higher studies at the School of Islamic Law in Riyadh, indicates that:

Basically, the command of non-Muslims over Muslims in not admissible, because God Almighty said: 'Allah will not give access to the infidels (i.e. Christians) to have authority over believers (Muslims) {Qur'an 4:141}. For God - Glory be to Him - has elevated Muslims to the highest rank (over all men) and foreordained to them the might, by virtue of the Qurtanic text in which God the Almighty said: 'Might and strength be to Allah, the Prophet (Muhammad) and the believers (Muslims) {Qur'an 63:8}.
Thus, the authority of non-Muslim over a Muslim is incompatible with these two verses, since the Muslim has to submit to and obey whoever is in charge over him. The Muslim, therefore becomes inferior to him, and this should not be the case with the Muslim.

Dr. Salih Al-Sadlan, professor of Shari`a at the School of Islamic Law, Riyadh, cites the same verses and asserts that it is not permissible for a infidel (in this case is a Christian) to be in charge over Muslims whether in the private or public sector. Such an act:

"entails the humiliaton of the Muslim and the exaltation of the infidel (Christian). This infidel may exploit his position to humiliate and insult the Muslims who work under his administration. It is advisable to the company owner to fear God Almighty and to authorize only a Muslim over the Muslims. Also, the injunctions issued by the ruler, provides that an infidel should not be in charge when there is a Muslim available to assume the command. Our advice to the company owner is to remove this infidel and to replace him with a Muslim."
In his response Dr. Fahd Al-`Usaymi, professor of Islamic studies at the Teachers' College in Riyadh, remarks that the Muslim owner of the company should seek a Muslim employee who is better than the Christian (manager), or equal to him or even less qualified but has the ability to be trained to obtain the same skill enjoyed by the Christian. It is not permissible for a Christian to be in charge of Muslims by the virtue of the general evidences which denote the superiority of the Muslim over others. Then he quotes (Qur'an 63:8) and also cites verse 22 of Chapter 58:

Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Apostle, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred.
`Usaymi claims that being under the authority of a Christian may force Muslims to flatter him and humiliate themselves to this infidel on the hope to obtain some of what he has. This is against the confirmed evidences. Then he alludes to the story of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab the second Caliph, who was displeased with one of his governors who appointed a Zimmi as a treasurer, and remarked: "Have the wombs of women become sterile that they gave birth only to this man?" Then `Usaymi adds:

Muslims should fear God in their Muslim brothers and train them... for honesty and fear of God are, originally, in the Muslim, contrary to the infidel (the Christian) who, originally, is dishonest and does not fear God.

Just who is "Sheikh Najih Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah"?

Well known Islamic cleric and authority on Islam. That's what the name "sheikh" usually implies. Glad to see you can't disagree that Islam and Shariah at its core impose religious base institutional apartheid and persecution, which is practiced fully in many Muslim countries.
What IS funny is that most Americans wouldn't be able to Identify Israel on a map of the Middle East! :finger3:

You might find it funny, I find it sad. No wonder so many Americans are so gullible to the Palestinian propaganda.

Probably because they are "aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves)." If they weren't, they'd be able to distinguish truth from the propaganda the Zionists have been force feeding them for decades.

Yup! All of America are aging fascists and rednecks... that's why there has been wide support for Israel across all spectrums, for many decades.

If only they would be ignorant, terrorist loving, anti American, mentally imbalanced anti Semites who hated Israel, then they'd be the greatest people on earth to you Jooo haters.
...Just who is "Sheikh Najih Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah"?..

Well known Islamic cleric and authority on Islam. That's what the name "sheikh" usually implies...

If you have no idea, just say so. Anybody else know who is "Sheikh Najih Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah"
What IS funny is that most Americans wouldn't be able to Identify Israel on a map of the Middle East! :finger3:

You might find it funny, I find it sad. No wonder so many Americans are so gullible to the Palestinian propaganda.

Probably because they are "aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves)." If they weren't, they'd be able to distinguish truth from the propaganda the Zionists have been force feeding them for decades.

Yup! All of America are aging fascists and rednecks... that's why there has been wide support for Israel across all spectrums, for many decades.

If only they would be ignorant, terrorist loving, anti American, mentally imbalanced anti Semites who hated Israel, then they'd be the greatest people on earth to you Jooo haters.

Hey, if you can generalise and resort to stereotype, so can I. Just playing your game by your rules.

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