What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

What IS funny is that most Americans wouldn't be able to Identify Israel on a map of the Middle East! :finger3:

You might find it funny, I find it sad. No wonder so many Americans are so gullible to the Palestinian propaganda.

Probably because they are "aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves)." If they weren't, they'd be able to distinguish truth from the propaganda the Zionists have been force feeding them for decades.

Yup! All of America are aging fascists and rednecks... that's why there has been wide support for Israel across all spectrums, for many decades.

If only they would be ignorant, terrorist loving, anti American, mentally imbalanced anti Semites who hated Israel, then they'd be the greatest people on earth to you Jooo haters.

Hey, if you can generalise and resort to stereotype, so can I. Just playing your game by your rules.

Except you just generalized and trashed the entire American population. Just because they aren't on the same page as your warped ideology. :cuckoo:
Except you just generalized and trashed the entire American population. Just because they aren't on the same page as your warped ideology. :cuckoo:

I have posted at various boards for many years, and have encountered scores of Brits just as uneducated as Challenger, here. In fact, I have encountered precious few who AREN'T just like him, and so when I heard about the systematic sexual abuse of native British children, I really didn't have to question how it was allowed to happen.

Anti American, Lock-step authoritarian conformist, Politically correct pro-Islamic, Antisemitic, profoundly ignorant yet dismissive of those who aren't, -- it is a pattern I have witnessed so many times, I cannot count.
...Just who is "Sheikh Najih Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah"?..

Well known Islamic cleric and authority on Islam. That's what the name "sheikh" usually implies...

If you have no idea, just say so. Anybody else know who is "Sheikh Najih Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah"

Lame diversion. He's a well known Islamic scholar and his book is cited in many Islamic and non Islamic schools. You of course cannot refute the institutional religious persecution and apartheid that is the makeup of every Islamic society, which is the filth that Palestinians would like to establish in the holy land should they ever gain control, which they never will. :clap2:
Except you just generalized and trashed the entire American population. Just because they aren't on the same page as your warped ideology. :cuckoo:

I have posted at various boards for many years, and have encountered scores of Brits just as uneducated as Challenger, here. In fact, I have encountered precious few who AREN'T just like him, and so when I heard about the systematic sexual abuse of native British children, I really didn't have to question how it was allowed to happen.

Anti American, Lock-step authoritarian conformist, Politically correct pro-Islamic, Antisemitic, profoundly ignorant yet dismissive of those who aren't, -- it is a pattern I have witnessed so many times, I cannot count.

How do you know he's not actually a Muslim posing as a Christian? That's usually the shtick with most of them. They are either Muskim or in some way associated with Muslims, either by marriage, relatives, work, etc. His level of obsession with the Paliscumians is a sure sign.

But you're right, it's usually the rejects and mental cases that end up being avid Pali supporters.
How do you know he's not actually a Muslim posing as a Christian? That's usually the shtick with most of them. They are either Muskim or in some way associated with Muslims, either by marriage, relatives, work, etc. His level of obsession with the Paliscumians is a sure sign.

But you're right, it's usually the rejects and mental cases that end up being avid Pali supporters.

I do consider the possibility. Same with Coyote, who is so unerringly dishonest in all the telltale ways and so calculated in that dishonesty that I don't really take anything for granted.

For those who aren't Muslims, though, the sense of identification is just downright weird. I just can't imagine hating myself so much that I tried tried to be somebody else.
How do you know he's not actually a Muslim posing as a Christian? That's usually the shtick with most of them. They are either Muskim or in some way associated with Muslims, either by marriage, relatives, work, etc. His level of obsession with the Paliscumians is a sure sign.

But you're right, it's usually the rejects and mental cases that end up being avid Pali supporters.

I do consider the possibility. Same with Coyote, who is so unerringly dishonest in all the telltale ways and so calculated in that dishonesty that I don't really take anything for granted.

For those who aren't Muslims, though, the sense of identification is just downright weird. I just can't imagine hating myself so much that I tried tried to be somebody else.

Don't kid yourself, most of the regular Jew / Israel haters on these types of forums are either Muslims, converts to Islam, or in some way or another in bed with Muslims. Even the dedicated Jew hating Nazi will do their occasional hit and run posts, but then split to other forums and not come back for a while.
Yes! How could I have missed that one? Normal people think Palestinians are having their land and property appropriated by Israel. So, normal people think Palestinians

live under apartheid regimes,
have their opinions suppressed,
live under military rule in occupied territories,
have their land and property appropriated by Israel.

You forgot the foremost:

-Don't give a shit about their problems.
They're a bunch of inbred animals who lift their ass to the sky five times a day as part of supplication to the divine, in the hopes that their compensation in the afterlife will be an eternity playing house with 72 six-year old girls in a one-bedroom apartment.Israel should continue appropriating all of their land. Mazel tov!

Oh great another one filled with propaganda.

Instead of these weaksauce one-liners, try and refute whats been written.
They're a bunch of inbred animals who lift their ass to the sky five times a day as part of supplication to the divine, in the hopes that their compensation in the afterlife will be an eternity playing house with 72 six-year old girls in a one-bedroom apartment.Israel should continue appropriating all of their land. Mazel tov!

Oh great another one filled with propaganda.

Instead of these weaksauce one-liners, try and refute whats been written.

Your post is ignorant, and not worth refuting. You hate Muslims, we get that.
No, you are probably talking about the self imposed discrimination that the Palestinian leadership has unfortunately let their citizens be subject to with their continued (generations old now) message of hate and "push the Jews to the Sea" crap.
So I can take it you didn't bother reading my cite from Mandela before dismissing it. Must be an Israel apologist.

So I see you didn't address anything else I wrote in the post you quoted. You must be a Palestinian apologist.

As for what Mandela wrote, you re correct, I didn't read it at the time. I have now. And honestly from what he wrote I do not believe he had enough of an understanding of all the elements of what has and is happening in Israel/Palestine to make such comments. I will not go back into a whole history lesson for you, the info is out there.

So, I will ask again, did what I saw and experienced in Israel in 2011 actually qualify as full on Apartheid?
They're a bunch of inbred animals who lift their ass to the sky five times a day as part of supplication to the divine, in the hopes that their compensation in the afterlife will be an eternity playing house with 72 six-year old girls in a one-bedroom apartment.Israel should continue appropriating all of their land. Mazel tov!

Oh great another one filled with propaganda.

Instead of these weaksauce one-liners, try and refute whats been written.

Are you talking about Palestinians or Jews?

Well...let's "refute then":

Animals - well, yup - they're all animals as are you and I. True dat.

Genetic composition of Jewish populations diversity and inbreeding. - PubMed - NCBI

Some truth there as well but it depends on what populations you are talking about - Muslims in general, Jews in general...or Palestinians and Arabs, particular Jewish sects or what :dunno: Smaller populations that have been geograpically or culturally isolated will be more inbred as well as those with traditions of close family intermarriage.

Lifting their ass to the sky five times a day...well...that's certainly a rather bigoted way to describe a religious observance but yes,

Muslims are required to pray 5 times a day that includes standing, kneeling, sitting and being prostrate though not necessarily lifting the ass to the sky, more like lying down but whatever. www.howmuslimspray.com - How Muslims Pray and What They Say

and no,
Jews are required to pray only 3 times a day and position seems to be free choice. The Three Daily Prayers - Prayer

All prayer is a form of supplication to the Divine. Basically, you don't want to piss off the Abrahamic deity.

Then we get to "in the hopes that their compensation in the afterlife will be an eternity playing house with 72 six-year old girls in a one-bedroom apartment" - what a disgustingly bigoted thing to say about either religion.

The American Muslim TAM
Muslims belief in life after death Paradise
The Afterlife in Judaism - Jewish Views
They're a bunch of inbred animals who lift their ass to the sky five times a day as part of supplication to the divine, in the hopes that their compensation in the afterlife will be an eternity playing house with 72 six-year old girls in a one-bedroom apartment.Israel should continue appropriating all of their land. Mazel tov!

Oh great another one filled with propaganda.

Instead of these weaksauce one-liners, try and refute whats been written.

Your post is ignorant, and not worth refuting. You hate Muslims, we get that.

And you're an Islamo-terrorist loving Jew hater. We get that.
Most Americans are pro Israel, and consider Palestinians a bunch of terrorists:

Americans' sympathies lean heavily toward the Israelis over the Palestinians, 64% vs. 12%. Americans' partiality for Israel has consistently exceeded 60% since 2010; however, today's 64% ties the highest Gallup has recorded in a quarter century, last seen in 1991 during the Gulf War. At that time, slightly fewer than today, 7%, sympathized more with the Palestinians.

The results are similar to what Gallup measured 12 years ago during another period of heightened Israeli-Palestinian violence, and they are consistent with Americans' generally more positive views of the Israelis than of the Palestinians.


Let us not forget:

you truly are delusional. everybody knows 98.6 percent of your statistics are made up right on the spot.Not too mention that israel was founded on terrorism from it's very inception every time and has always paid for it's sins done in the name of God. What a cowardly nation that kills for land and then blames it on God. The blood of all the women and children your evil terrorist ancestors slaughtered in the name of your evil and corrupt God shall be avenged upon you by your own God as it always has. live by the sword and die by it. when will you knuckleheads learn?
They're a bunch of inbred animals who lift their ass to the sky five times a day as part of supplication to the divine, in the hopes that their compensation in the afterlife will be an eternity playing house with 72 six-year old girls in a one-bedroom apartment.Israel should continue appropriating all of their land. Mazel tov!

Oh great another one filled with propaganda.

Instead of these weaksauce one-liners, try and refute whats been written.

Your post is ignorant, and not worth refuting. You hate Muslims, we get that.

My opinion of Muslims is irrelevant to your refutation. Fail.
They're a bunch of inbred animals who lift their ass to the sky five times a day as part of supplication to the divine, in the hopes that their compensation in the afterlife will be an eternity playing house with 72 six-year old girls in a one-bedroom apartment.Israel should continue appropriating all of their land. Mazel tov!

Oh great another one filled with propaganda.

Instead of these weaksauce one-liners, try and refute whats been written.

Are you talking about Palestinians or Jews?

Well...let's "refute then":

Animals - well, yup - they're all animals as are you and I. True dat.

Genetic composition of Jewish populations diversity and inbreeding. - PubMed - NCBI

Some truth there as well but it depends on what populations you are talking about - Muslims in general, Jews in general...or Palestinians and Arabs, particular Jewish sects or what :dunno: Smaller populations that have been geograpically or culturally isolated will be more inbred as well as those with traditions of close family intermarriage.

Lifting their ass to the sky five times a day...well...that's certainly a rather bigoted way to describe a religious observance but yes,

Muslims are required to pray 5 times a day that includes standing, kneeling, sitting and being prostrate though not necessarily lifting the ass to the sky, more like lying down but whatever. www.howmuslimspray.com - How Muslims Pray and What They Say

and no,
Jews are required to pray only 3 times a day and position seems to be free choice. The Three Daily Prayers - Prayer

All prayer is a form of supplication to the Divine. Basically, you don't want to piss off the Abrahamic deity.

Then we get to "in the hopes that their compensation in the afterlife will be an eternity playing house with 72 six-year old girls in a one-bedroom apartment" - what a disgustingly bigoted thing to say about either religion.

The American Muslim TAM
Muslims belief in life after death Paradise
The Afterlife in Judaism - Jewish Views

I'm unapologetic for flippancy, live with it. :)
They're a bunch of inbred animals who lift their ass to the sky five times a day as part of supplication to the divine, in the hopes that their compensation in the afterlife will be an eternity playing house with 72 six-year old girls in a one-bedroom apartment.Israel should continue appropriating all of their land. Mazel tov!

Oh great another one filled with propaganda.

Instead of these weaksauce one-liners, try and refute whats been written.

Are you talking about Palestinians or Jews?

Well...let's "refute then":

Animals - well, yup - they're all animals as are you and I. True dat.

Genetic composition of Jewish populations diversity and inbreeding. - PubMed - NCBI

Some truth there as well but it depends on what populations you are talking about - Muslims in general, Jews in general...or Palestinians and Arabs, particular Jewish sects or what :dunno: Smaller populations that have been geograpically or culturally isolated will be more inbred as well as those with traditions of close family intermarriage.

Lifting their ass to the sky five times a day...well...that's certainly a rather bigoted way to describe a religious observance but yes,

Muslims are required to pray 5 times a day that includes standing, kneeling, sitting and being prostrate though not necessarily lifting the ass to the sky, more like lying down but whatever. www.howmuslimspray.com - How Muslims Pray and What They Say

and no,
Jews are required to pray only 3 times a day and position seems to be free choice. The Three Daily Prayers - Prayer

All prayer is a form of supplication to the Divine. Basically, you don't want to piss off the Abrahamic deity.

Then we get to "in the hopes that their compensation in the afterlife will be an eternity playing house with 72 six-year old girls in a one-bedroom apartment" - what a disgustingly bigoted thing to say about either religion.

The American Muslim TAM
Muslims belief in life after death Paradise
The Afterlife in Judaism - Jewish Views

I'm unapologetic for flippancy, live with it. :)


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