What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

"Because IMHO, if Israel was truly "Apartheid" they wouldn't allow one single non-Jew to live within its borders"

Do you think that non-whites were not living within South Africa during Apartheid? Or was South African Apartheid not truly Apartheid in your opinion?

Non whites in SA were not even allowed to walk into many restaurants, not allowed to study in most schools. They were treated like Blacks were treated during the slavery in America.

All citizens of Israel have equal rights. What a terrible comparison
"Because IMHO, if Israel was truly "Apartheid" they wouldn't allow one single non-Jew to live within its borders"

Do you think that non-whites were not living within South Africa during Apartheid? Or was South African Apartheid not truly Apartheid in your opinion?

Non whites in SA were not even allowed to walk into many restaurants, not allowed to study in most schools. They were treated like Blacks were treated during the slavery in America.

All citizens of Israel have equal rights. What a terrible comparison

I don't suppose he even looked at that piece I posted about the Arab politician in the Knesset.
"Because IMHO, if Israel was truly "Apartheid" they wouldn't allow one single non-Jew to live within its borders"

Do you think that non-whites were not living within South Africa during Apartheid? Or was South African Apartheid not truly Apartheid in your opinion?

Non whites in SA were not even allowed to walk into many restaurants, not allowed to study in most schools. They were treated like Blacks were treated during the slavery in America.

All citizens of Israel have equal rights. What a terrible comparison

I don't suppose he even looked at that piece I posted about the Arab politician in the Knesset.

He will probably complain that Israel never had an Arab PM, therefore they are an Apartheid state LOL
My reply has everything to do with Israel being accused of being "Apartheid". So I suppose this is the extent of your answer?
[Palestinians live under] apartheid regimes in the occupied territories. Normal people all over the world think this.
"Because IMHO, if Israel was truly "Apartheid" they wouldn't allow one single non-Jew to live within its borders"

Do you think that non-whites were not living within South Africa during Apartheid? Or was South African Apartheid not truly Apartheid in your opinion?

I thought that non-whites lived in South Africa, but in a very segregated and separate area during Apartheid. Am I wrong?
I don't hate, I disseminate.

RoshanNair, welcome to the fray! You will soon learn who is even worthy of replying to. Hint, hint.

TY. I enjoy giving these idiots a bone to gnaw on.

The problem is they keep gnawing on the bones, after they've chewed all the meat. Till their teeth grind down. They don't even know it.

But the main purpose is to flamebait.

Nope, you still didn't get it.
I added it to the list, what more do you want?

You didn't comprehend what was written. Adding it to the list is insufficient.
My reply has everything to do with Israel being accused of being "Apartheid". So I suppose this is the extent of your answer?
[Palestinians live under] apartheid regimes in the occupied territories. Normal people all over the world think this.

Ah, thank you. I now know that you are another master like other pro-Palis at deflection and cherry picking. You refuse to answer my original question.

EPIC FAIL and for that I raise the:

Non whites in SA were not even allowed to walk into many restaurants, not allowed to study in most schools. They were treated like Blacks were treated during the slavery in America.

All citizens of Israel have equal rights. What a terrible comparison
The citizens of the Bantustans were not South African citizens.
Ah, thank you. I now know that you are another master like other pro-Palis at deflection and cherry picking. You refuse to answer my original question.
First you ignore what I say, (you don't even read the cite), then you insist I answer your interpretation of what I didn't say while still ignoring what I say. Must be an Israel apologist.
You didn't comprehend what was written. Adding it to the list is insufficient.
Surely you accused the Palestinians of being uncaring? I then added the fact of that accusation to the list.

What's not to comprehend? Are you not normal?
Non whites in SA were not even allowed to walk into many restaurants, not allowed to study in most schools. They were treated like Blacks were treated during the slavery in America.

All citizens of Israel have equal rights. What a terrible comparison
The citizens of the Bantustans were not South African citizens.
You obviously did not understand what I was saying
Surely you accused the Palestinians of being uncaring?
I did not, but thanks for trying chief!
Ah, I see. You have syntax disability. Fair enough. I shall make future allowances.

cnm: So, normal people think Palestinians...'

RoshanNair: -Don't give a shit about their problems.

Au contraire, my syntax is just fine, given that I was not the one constructing the sentence. Hence, it is incumbent upon you alone to arrange the worlds properly and comprehend.

Final hint: Remove the "think Palestinians" from the aforesaid statement.
Au contraire, my syntax is just fine, given that I was not the one constructing the sentence. Hence, it is incumbent upon you alone to arrange the worlds properly and comprehend.

Final hint: Remove the "think Palestinians" from the aforesaid statement.
I think your final hint gives the lie to your prior excuse. But it is of no moment, I shall make allowances in future.

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