What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

You obviously didn't read my whole post.
I skimmed it. It was mostly irrelevant.

Apart from that the writing is going to have to be pretty good to get me to read much more than a paragraph or so. I'm not trawling miles long irrelevant screeds to try and extract some vague point.
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Israeli Apartheid and South African Apartheid are not exactly the same thing

Who says they have to be identical to both qualify as apartheid? Democracies are not identical in different nations yet are still democracies.
I mean if you wanted it strictly identical the occupied territories would have to shift to the southern end of Africa.
So normal people think Palestinians live under apartheid regimes, have their opinions suppressed,
live under military rule in occupied territories, have their land and property appropriated by Israel, are cast as uncaring, have their misfortunes laughed at by Israel, still hold the keys and deeds to property other people are living in. That was remiss of me.

What the unsuccessful bottom of Western society and uneducated, violent, propagandized mid eastern arab muslims and non-arab muslims believe is of no interest to me, or any other rational adult, for that matter.

Interesting how dogshit like you never complains about the horrendous conditions arab muslims endure in their own countries, or how they treat minorities in majority muslim countries....wonder why that is.... :cuckoo:
After the way they treated the Kuwaitis after Iraq invaded Kuwait I don't trust them, they sided with Saddam after Kuwait gave them free housing, education, medical care and jobs for decades. If they treated the Kuwaitis like dogs after that I have no use for them. They are too desperate and cannot be trusted.

They were expelled from kuwait, and of course the garbage on this board railing against Israel said nothing when that happened, nor did they complain when assad bombed the crap out of them in Latakia last year, killing hundreds of pals. Also of note is how this filth discusses apartheid, but never mentions how jews are not even allowed into many arab muslim countries, saudi arabia has separate roads for non-muslims, and iran is oppressing and ethnically cleansing huge numbers of minorities - no, this scum only mentions Israel.
You obviously didn't read my whole post.
I skimmed it. It was mostly irrelevant.

Apart from that the writing is going to have to be pretty good to get me to read much more than a paragraph or so. I'm not trawling miles long irrelevant screeds to try and extract some vague point.

So you're unintelligent, AND lazy. Not surprised.
So normal people think Palestinians live under apartheid regimes, have their opinions suppressed,
live under military rule in occupied territories, have their land and property appropriated by Israel, are cast as uncaring, have their misfortunes laughed at by Israel, still hold the keys and deeds to property other people are living in. That was remiss of me.

What the unsuccessful bottom of Western society and uneducated, violent, propagandized mid eastern arab muslims and non-arab muslims believe is of no interest to me, or any other rational adult, for that matter.

Interesting how dogshit like you never complains about the horrendous conditions arab muslims endure in their own countries, or how they treat minorities in majority muslim countries....wonder why that is.... :cuckoo:

I recall the Apartheid supporters saying the same thing, i.e. that those against Apartheid never complained about the horrendous conditions blacks in neighboring countries had to endure at the hands of fellow blacks. They never quite understood that the mistreatment of blacks by blacks, was no worse or better than mistreatment of blacks by whites. I wonder why the supporters of Israel are sounding more and more like the supporters of Apartheid.
Most Americans are pro Israel, and consider Palestinians a bunch of terrorists:

Americans' sympathies lean heavily toward the Israelis over the Palestinians, 64% vs. 12%. Americans' partiality for Israel has consistently exceeded 60% since 2010; however, today's 64% ties the highest Gallup has recorded in a quarter century, last seen in 1991 during the Gulf War. At that time, slightly fewer than today, 7%, sympathized more with the Palestinians.

The results are similar to what Gallup measured 12 years ago during another period of heightened Israeli-Palestinian violence, and they are consistent with Americans' generally more positive views of the Israelis than of the Palestinians.


Let us not forget:

you truly are delusional. everybody knows 98.6 percent of your statistics are made up right on the spot.Not too mention that israel was founded on terrorism from it's very inception every time and has always paid for it's sins done in the name of God. What a cowardly nation that kills for land and then blames it on God. The blood of all the women and children your evil terrorist ancestors slaughtered in the name of your evil and corrupt God shall be avenged upon you by your own God as it always has. live by the sword and die by it. when will you knuckleheads learn?

Hassan the heywan, get a grip on yourself, this is not a mosque, it's a message board.

When you remove your head from your Mohammad I mean anus and come up for air, you will realize that it is Islam that has bred terrorists, barbarian invaders, and savage animals for centuries. Starting of course with it's terrorist mass murdering illiterate caravan robbing "prophet".

So yes, you live by the sword, you will die by the sword. And where are Muslims now? While the West is landing drones on comets, Muslims are trying to kill, oppress, and terrorise like medieval savages.

True story dude. :cool:

and when your breed entered it's so called holy land in 40s or at first. how did they enter? sliding like vipers on the blood of women and children. you are reaping what you have sown in the name of God. both these backward and childish religions shall perish and the only true religion, the one of peace and humility, shall reign forever more. Good by Jews and muslims, you wanted it all for yourselves so you get nothing. you lose. good day sirs
How am I racist, asshole? I have Muslim friends and employees.
hey what happened to those last brave 300 terrorist you love so much? they fought to their bitter end and you glorify them for it. Good. so shall it be with your sill warriors fighting to your bitter ends.

Yeah, how's it going, Hassan? Who's winning? Israel 65 years standing strong, Palestine neva was and will be.

The Latin Kingdom lasted over 100 years. Eventually demographics win. Better make the best deal now and reconcile like the Bores did, or end up like the white Rhodesians.


Though it may be they told too many tedious hunting stories.

How about I make a book suggestion for you wankers:

Indestructible Jews Max I. Dimont 9780451075949 Amazon.com Books

Indestructible Jews
by Max I. Dimont

A compelling and readable account of the four thousand year history of a people that spans the globe and transcends the ages. From the ancient and simple faith of a small tribe to a global religion with adherents in every nation, the path of the Jews is traced through countless expulsions and migrations, the great tragedy of the Holocaust, and the joy of founding a homeland in Israel. Putting the struggle of a persecuted people into perspective, Max Dimont asks whether the tragic sufferings of the Jews have actually been the key to their survival, as other nations and races vanished into obscurity. Here is a book for Jews and non-Jews to enjoy, evoking a proud heritage while offering a hopeful vision of the future.
the foolish pride of your people has always been is down fall and achilles heel. grow up. your God keeps telling you too and yet you ignore him constantly. when will your stiff neck bow to his will? how noble and proud where your people on the cattle cars? how thick was your bond then when the rich jews abandonded your brothers in the slums? grow up I say again. you are exactly like all other corrupt men. admit it and bow along your fellow scumbag humans before the God of us all.
Chill. Roshannair's not that bad, a little misguided is all. Don't be so intolerant. Even though she might be trolling and her syntax may be a bit weak she's quite within her rights to note what normal people think of Palestinians. You could take note of her example.

For instance you could say something like 'Normal people think Palestinians still hold the keys and deeds to property other people are living in'.

How could I not have included that before?

So normal people think Palestinians

live under apartheid regimes,
have their opinions suppressed,
live under military rule in occupied territories,
have their land and property appropriated by Israel,
are cast as uncaring,
have their misfortunes laughed at by Israel,
still hold the keys and deeds to property other people are living in.

That was remiss of me.

I'm a "he". Don't be "misguided" by my princess in the avatar. :p

Oh, and once again, how can my syntax be faulted when you're the one forming the sentences?
hey what happened to those last brave 300 terrorist you love so much? they fought to their bitter end and you glorify them for it. Good. so shall it be with your sill warriors fighting to your bitter ends.

Yeah, how's it going, Hassan? Who's winning? Israel 65 years standing strong, Palestine neva was and will be.

The Latin Kingdom lasted over 100 years. Eventually demographics win. Better make the best deal now and reconcile like the Bores did, or end up like the white Rhodesians.


Though it may be they told too many tedious hunting stories.

How about I make a book suggestion for you wankers:

Indestructible Jews Max I. Dimont 9780451075949 Amazon.com Books

Indestructible Jews
by Max I. Dimont

A compelling and readable account of the four thousand year history of a people that spans the globe and transcends the ages. From the ancient and simple faith of a small tribe to a global religion with adherents in every nation, the path of the Jews is traced through countless expulsions and migrations, the great tragedy of the Holocaust, and the joy of founding a homeland in Israel. Putting the struggle of a persecuted people into perspective, Max Dimont asks whether the tragic sufferings of the Jews have actually been the key to their survival, as other nations and races vanished into obscurity. Here is a book for Jews and non-Jews to enjoy, evoking a proud heritage while offering a hopeful vision of the future.
the foolish pride of your people has always been is down fall and achilles heel. grow up. your God keeps telling you too and yet you ignore him constantly. when will your stiff neck bow to his will? how noble and proud where your people on the cattle cars? how thick was your bond then when the rich jews abandonded your brothers in the slums? grow up I say again. you are exactly like all other corrupt men. admit it and bow along your fellow scumbag humans before the God of us all.

The point of the book is quite the opposite, it states that empires and people's have perished and the Jews are still standing. And now they have even re established their ancient state back where their ancestors lived. If that isn't a testament to their resilience and God's will I don't know what is.
Yeah, how's it going, Hassan? Who's winning? Israel 65 years standing strong, Palestine neva was and will be.

The Latin Kingdom lasted over 100 years. Eventually demographics win. Better make the best deal now and reconcile like the Bores did, or end up like the white Rhodesians.


Though it may be they told too many tedious hunting stories.

How about I make a book suggestion for you wankers:

Indestructible Jews Max I. Dimont 9780451075949 Amazon.com Books

Indestructible Jews
by Max I. Dimont

A compelling and readable account of the four thousand year history of a people that spans the globe and transcends the ages. From the ancient and simple faith of a small tribe to a global religion with adherents in every nation, the path of the Jews is traced through countless expulsions and migrations, the great tragedy of the Holocaust, and the joy of founding a homeland in Israel. Putting the struggle of a persecuted people into perspective, Max Dimont asks whether the tragic sufferings of the Jews have actually been the key to their survival, as other nations and races vanished into obscurity. Here is a book for Jews and non-Jews to enjoy, evoking a proud heritage while offering a hopeful vision of the future.
the foolish pride of your people has always been is down fall and achilles heel. grow up. your God keeps telling you too and yet you ignore him constantly. when will your stiff neck bow to his will? how noble and proud where your people on the cattle cars? how thick was your bond then when the rich jews abandonded your brothers in the slums? grow up I say again. you are exactly like all other corrupt men. admit it and bow along your fellow scumbag humans before the God of us all.

The point of the book is quite the opposite, it states that empires and people's have perished and the Jews are still standing. And now they have even re established their ancient state back where their ancestors lived. If that isn't a testament to their resilience and God's will I don't know what is.

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That's a funny clip Monte.

I hope it ended with a compromise though.

Interesting reference to the "holding out".
As I am sure you know, The Zealots were those who felt they should not compromise with the Romans. Many Jews knew they were onto a loser and wanted to negotiate terms.

So what happened?
The Zealots murdered all the moderates!

The Romans of course then attacked and saw no reason to give quarter as the Zealots had been utter cocks. So killed all of them. THAT was the point that Rome destroyed The Temple (built by Herod) and outlawed Jews staying in Israel and Judea. Rome looked at the history and took the older name of Palestinia and renamed the land back to that.

Wiped Israel (and Judea) off the map.

Zionists and Zealots have a lot in common. And seem determined to repeat history.
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.

Did you believe the non-whites in South Africa were terrorists when they violently resisted Apartheid?
What the unsuccessful bottom of Western society and uneducated, violent, propagandized mid eastern arab muslims and non-arab muslims believe is of no interest to me, or any other rational adult, for that matter.
This thread is about what normal people think of the Palestinians. What part of that don't you get besides all of it?
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
Mandela was named as a terrorist as well. Quite an interesting coincidence don't you think?
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
Mandela was named as a terrorist as well. Quite an interesting coincidence don't you think?

What does Mandela have to do with this thread?

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