What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.

Did you believe the non-whites in South Africa were terrorists when they violently resisted Apartheid?
This is I/P
What does Mandela have to do with this thread?
He wrote that Israel is implementing apartheid policies in the occupied territories, which normal people accept as expert opinion.

Normal people think he was also named as a terrorist effectively because of his opposition to apartheid policies.

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You obviously didn't read my whole post.
I skimmed it. It was mostly irrelevant.

Apart from that the writing is going to have to be pretty good to get me to read much more than a paragraph or so. I'm not trawling miles long irrelevant screeds to try and extract some vague point.

So basically what you're saying is your a fucking asshole.

You called me to the carpet for not reading the whole article you linked about what Nelson Mandela thought about the Israel's "Apartheid" and then after I do so, and comment on it, this is the best you can do in return?

You skim through my post, you blow through RoccoR's post, you must just not give a fuck about an opposing opinion and already have your fucking fucked up mind made up, is that it? Appears so.

God, I hate it when some idiot makes me feel and post this way, but I am done with this one; no debating, just lies and propaganda and no hope at all. For this one.
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He wrote that Israel is implementing apartheid policies in the occupied territories, which normal people accept as expert opinion.

Normal people think he was also named as a terrorist effectively because of his opposition to apartheid policies.


"Normal people" will go ahead and read fully the opposing parties views. You do not. So what does that make you?

A fucking lying ass cocksucking :ahole-1::asshole::bsflag::gives::offtopic::lame2::ahole-1::dig::trolls:
Just as the Palestinians are themselves scattered, Deek posits, so is the responsibility for their plight. Fundamentally, he said, the events of 1948 were driven by the same Arab refusal to recognize the Jewish state that plagues the region today

Author of Best Speech by an Israeli Diplomat Ever Calls Time on Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood INTERVIEW Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com

Why should people that lived in a place for many generations accept a state for people from another continent on their own land? I don't get it.
The Latin Kingdom lasted over 100 years. Eventually demographics win. Better make the best deal now and reconcile like the Bores did, or end up like the white Rhodesians.


Though it may be they told too many tedious hunting stories.

How about I make a book suggestion for you wankers:

Indestructible Jews Max I. Dimont 9780451075949 Amazon.com Books

Indestructible Jews
by Max I. Dimont

A compelling and readable account of the four thousand year history of a people that spans the globe and transcends the ages. From the ancient and simple faith of a small tribe to a global religion with adherents in every nation, the path of the Jews is traced through countless expulsions and migrations, the great tragedy of the Holocaust, and the joy of founding a homeland in Israel. Putting the struggle of a persecuted people into perspective, Max Dimont asks whether the tragic sufferings of the Jews have actually been the key to their survival, as other nations and races vanished into obscurity. Here is a book for Jews and non-Jews to enjoy, evoking a proud heritage while offering a hopeful vision of the future.
the foolish pride of your people has always been is down fall and achilles heel. grow up. your God keeps telling you too and yet you ignore him constantly. when will your stiff neck bow to his will? how noble and proud where your people on the cattle cars? how thick was your bond then when the rich jews abandonded your brothers in the slums? grow up I say again. you are exactly like all other corrupt men. admit it and bow along your fellow scumbag humans before the God of us all.

The point of the book is quite the opposite, it states that empires and people's have perished and the Jews are still standing. And now they have even re established their ancient state back where their ancestors lived. If that isn't a testament to their resilience and God's will I don't know what is.

Clip from the Sopranos verses a book about Jewish ability to persevere and survive throughout history. Ha ha ha.

The descendants of Ishmael are jealous.
Just as the Palestinians are themselves scattered, Deek posits, so is the responsibility for their plight. Fundamentally, he said, the events of 1948 were driven by the same Arab refusal to recognize the Jewish state that plagues the region today

Author of Best Speech by an Israeli Diplomat Ever Calls Time on Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood INTERVIEW Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com

Why should people that lived in a place for many generations accept a state for people from another continent on their own land? I don't get it.

So which continent did the majority of Israelis today which are Sephardic Jews come from? Read Arab Islamic history, they are savages and invaders. Every single country that is now "Muslim" the Arab imperialists took it by force and slaughtered its people. The 20th century Arab invaders of Israel are now trying to do the same.
montelatici, et al,

It is all about something --- "being a part of something bigger than selfish-determination (ourselves)," --- a connection that the Palestinians just cannot make. It is all about them.

Why should people that lived in a place for many generations accept a state for people from another continent on their own land? I don't get it.

It is philosophical in nature and well beyond the scope of this discussion. It is about bravery, courage and sacrifice --- the saving of a people and a nation ---- in the realm of are the dream builders. It is the exact opposite of blindly following jihad, generation after generation, and letting the Palestinians go to waste.

Most Respectfully,
Just as the Palestinians are themselves scattered, Deek posits, so is the responsibility for their plight. Fundamentally, he said, the events of 1948 were driven by the same Arab refusal to recognize the Jewish state that plagues the region today

Author of Best Speech by an Israeli Diplomat Ever Calls Time on Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood INTERVIEW Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com
The Palestinian's were expelled and driven out of their own lands by illegal immigrant Terrorist Zionist Jews, prior to 1948 others were slaughtered.........your commentary is flawed and banal.......anyhow it's the Jews who Scream the Anti-Semitism line,when exposed, yet most of them are not even a Semitic peoples....only Shepardic Jews and Palestinians are..................Funny your prose actually , it is the Jews who don't recognise Palestine......but being a Rabid Zionist yourself,we all know it is all part of the Zionist Mantra..........you know the guilty Terrorists......you love so much....but despite the Zionist effort of trying to align them as one and the same.....Judeaism is not and never has been Zionism.
montelatici, et al,

It is all about something --- "being a part of something bigger than selfish-determination (ourselves)," --- a connection that the Palestinians just cannot make. It is all about them.

Why should people that lived in a place for many generations accept a state for people from another continent on their own land? I don't get it.

It is philosophical in nature and well beyond the scope of this discussion. It is about bravery, courage and sacrifice --- the saving of a people and a nation ---- in the realm of are the dream builders. It is the exact opposite of blindly following jihad, generation after generation, and letting the Palestinians go to waste.

Most Respectfully,
So you really mean Jewish Terrorism,SLAUGHTER,MURDER,LAND GRABS,DEFILEMENT,EXPLOITATION, etc., is OK........you really are a Silly Man Rocco......as I said a Stupid Man...steve...Some Fcuking Dream
Just as the Palestinians are themselves scattered, Deek posits, so is the responsibility for their plight. Fundamentally, he said, the events of 1948 were driven by the same Arab refusal to recognize the Jewish state that plagues the region today

Author of Best Speech by an Israeli Diplomat Ever Calls Time on Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood INTERVIEW Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com

Why should people that lived in a place for many generations accept a state for people from another continent on their own land? I don't get it.

So which continent did the majority of Israelis today which are Sephardic Jews come from? Read Arab Islamic history, they are savages and invaders. Every single country that is now "Muslim" the Arab imperialists took it by force and slaughtered its people. The 20th century Arab invaders of Israel are now trying to do the same.
Really Roudy your same old monologue is bloody Boring ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsteve
Just as the Palestinians are themselves scattered, Deek posits, so is the responsibility for their plight. Fundamentally, he said, the events of 1948 were driven by the same Arab refusal to recognize the Jewish state that plagues the region today

Author of Best Speech by an Israeli Diplomat Ever Calls Time on Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood INTERVIEW Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com

Why should people that lived in a place for many generations accept a state for people from another continent on their own land? I don't get it.
Neither does anyone else Monte..steve
He wrote that Israel is implementing apartheid policies in the occupied territories, which normal people accept as expert opinion.

Normal people think he was also named as a terrorist effectively because of his opposition to apartheid policies.


"Normal people" will go ahead and read fully the opposing parties views. You do not. So what does that make you?

A fucking lying ass cocksucking :ahole-1::asshole::bsflag::gives::offtopic::lame2::ahole-1::dig::trolls:
Go Liq Ball,teddy
You called me to the carpet for not reading the whole article you linked about what Nelson Mandela thought about the Israel's "Apartheid" and then after I do so, and comment on it, this is the best you can do in return?
No I didn't. I remarked you hadn't read my very short excerpt from his column.
"Normal people" will go ahead and read fully the opposing parties views. You do not. So what does that make you?

A fucking lying ass cocksucking :ahole-1::asshole::bsflag::gives::offtopic::lame2::ahole-1::dig::trolls:
You hurt bro? I'm not going to read screeds of off topic maunderings. Keep it short and succinct and on topic.

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