What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
So what do you think The Jewish/Zionist Groups were prior to and after 1948 ????? should be interesting,your answer
"Normal people" will go ahead and read fully the opposing parties views. You do not. So what does that make you?

A fucking lying ass cocksucking :ahole-1::asshole::bsflag::gives::offtopic::lame2::ahole-1::dig::trolls:

When they're on topic and succinct, or well enough written to be read for pleasure. Your reply filled none of those criteria.
You called me to the carpet for not reading the whole article you linked about what Nelson Mandela thought about the Israel's "Apartheid" and then after I do so, and comment on it, this is the best you can do in return?
No, I remarked you hadn't read my very short, one paragraph excerpt from Mandela's letter. Or if you had you didn't respond to it.
theliq, et al,

There are all kinds of events that take place during a civil war. And both sides, in nearly every civil war, claim atrocities by the other side. The losing party usually cries the loudest.

Just as the Palestinians are themselves scattered, Deek posits, so is the responsibility for their plight. Fundamentally, he said, the events of 1948 were driven by the same Arab refusal to recognize the Jewish state that plagues the region today

Author of Best Speech by an Israeli Diplomat Ever Calls Time on Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood INTERVIEW Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com
The Palestinian's were expelled and driven out of their own lands by illegal immigrant Terrorist Zionist Jews, prior to 1948 others were slaughtered.........your commentary is flawed and banal.......anyhow it's the Jews who Scream the Anti-Semitism line,when exposed, yet most of them are not even a Semitic peoples....only Shepardic Jews and Palestinians are..................Funny your prose actually , it is the Jews who don't recognise Palestine......but being a Rabid Zionist yourself,we all know it is all part of the Zionist Mantra..........you know the guilty Terrorists......you love so much....but despite the Zionist effort of trying to align them as one and the same.....Judeaism is not and never has been Zionism.

A low intensity conflict of an intermittent character had been ongoing for some number of years. But when the UN passed the Partition Plan (November 47), the Arab League began in earnest to support Arab Palestinians by helping to assemble an organized force of approximately 3000 irregular volunteer fighters (insurgents). The object: to oppose by force the implementation of the the Partition Plan; with the emphasis on preventing the successful establishment of the Jewish State. For a short period of time, fighting was intense during the UK (Mandatory draw-down and gradual withdrawal); attempting to coerce the UN and the Mandatory into corrupting the process set in motion.

While Jewish organizations cooperated with UNSCOP in its deliberations, the​
Palestinian leadership in the Arab Higher Committee decided not to participate, on the
grounds that the United Nations had refused to address the question of independence
and had failed to separate the issue of European Jewish refugees from the question of
Palestine. The natural rights of the Palestinian Arabs were self-evident and should be
recognized, it said, and should not continue to be subject to investigation. The Jewish
leadership maintained before UNSCOP that the issues of a Jewish State in Palestine
and unrestricted immigration were inextricably interwoven. The Arabs, represented by
the League of Arab States, sought the immediate creation of an independent Palestine
west of the Jordan River. SOURCE: Page 4 Question of Palestine

The Arab Palestinian and the Arab League attempted to subvert the Partition Plan, and when that failed, the Arab League planned an invasion of Palestine to coincide with the Israeli Declaration of Independence, using the pretext of protecting the Arab Palestinians from massacre as an excuse.

The first Arab-Israeli war, 1948-1949
On 14 May 1948, Britain relinquished its Mandate over Palestine and disengaged
its forces. On the same day, the Jewish Agency proclaimed the establishment of the
State of Israel on the territory allotted to it by the partition plan. Fierce hostilities
immediately broke out between the Arab and Jewish communities. The next day,
regular troops of the neighbouring Arab States entered the territory to assist the
Palestinian Arabs. SOURCE: Page 10 Question of Palestine

Both the Civil War (Jewish/Arab) and the War for Independence (Israel) are now more than six decade past. While it is great history, it is over. Both sides have to examine the conditions that exist today and find a way to end this conflict. As long as the Arab Palestinian demand that which they could not acquire by force or win by coercion, so long as the cultural imperatives of the Palestinian will be set back.

Most Respectfully,
This thread is about what normal people think of the Palestinians. What part of that don't you get besides all of it?

Idiot, normal people do not support the arabs who call themselves palestinians, only the lowlife groups i mentioned above. Are you still on breast milk or have you advanced to puree yet?
God, I hate it when some idiot makes me feel and post this way,

Ah. Lacking self determination? Sorry to read that.

Read some Nelson Mandela on apartheid in Palestine, he'll give you inspiration.
You called me to the carpet for not reading the whole article you linked about what Nelson Mandela
No I didn't. Any comment of mine would have been to a lack of response to the excerpt of Mandela's letter I quoted
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.

So what do you think The Jewish/Zionist Groups were prior to and after 1948 ????? should be interesting,your answer

The subject of this thread is "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?" Try to focus on that, Princess, and skip the deflections. Thank you.
theliq, et al,

There are all kinds of events that take place during a civil war. And both sides, in nearly every civil war, claim atrocities by the other side. The losing party usually cries the loudest.

Just as the Palestinians are themselves scattered, Deek posits, so is the responsibility for their plight. Fundamentally, he said, the events of 1948 were driven by the same Arab refusal to recognize the Jewish state that plagues the region today

Author of Best Speech by an Israeli Diplomat Ever Calls Time on Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood INTERVIEW Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com
The Palestinian's were expelled and driven out of their own lands by illegal immigrant Terrorist Zionist Jews, prior to 1948 others were slaughtered.........your commentary is flawed and banal.......anyhow it's the Jews who Scream the Anti-Semitism line,when exposed, yet most of them are not even a Semitic peoples....only Shepardic Jews and Palestinians are..................Funny your prose actually , it is the Jews who don't recognise Palestine......but being a Rabid Zionist yourself,we all know it is all part of the Zionist Mantra..........you know the guilty Terrorists......you love so much....but despite the Zionist effort of trying to align them as one and the same.....Judeaism is not and never has been Zionism.

A low intensity conflict of an intermittent character had been ongoing for some number of years. But when the UN passed the Partition Plan (November 47), the Arab League began in earnest to support Arab Palestinians by helping to assemble an organized force of approximately 3000 irregular volunteer fighters (insurgents). The object: to oppose by force the implementation of the the Partition Plan; with the emphasis on preventing the successful establishment of the Jewish State. For a short period of time, fighting was intense during the UK (Mandatory draw-down and gradual withdrawal); attempting to coerce the UN and the Mandatory into corrupting the process set in motion.

While Jewish organizations cooperated with UNSCOP in its deliberations, the​
Palestinian leadership in the Arab Higher Committee decided not to participate, on the
grounds that the United Nations had refused to address the question of independence
and had failed to separate the issue of European Jewish refugees from the question of
Palestine. The natural rights of the Palestinian Arabs were self-evident and should be
recognized, it said, and should not continue to be subject to investigation. The Jewish
leadership maintained before UNSCOP that the issues of a Jewish State in Palestine
and unrestricted immigration were inextricably interwoven. The Arabs, represented by
the League of Arab States, sought the immediate creation of an independent Palestine
west of the Jordan River. SOURCE: Page 4 Question of Palestine
The Arab Palestinian and the Arab League attempted to subvert the Partition Plan, and when that failed, the Arab League planned an invasion of Palestine to coincide with the Israeli Declaration of Independence, using the pretext of protecting the Arab Palestinians from massacre as an excuse.

The first Arab-Israeli war, 1948-1949
On 14 May 1948, Britain relinquished its Mandate over Palestine and disengaged
its forces. On the same day, the Jewish Agency proclaimed the establishment of the
State of Israel on the territory allotted to it by the partition plan. Fierce hostilities
immediately broke out between the Arab and Jewish communities. The next day,
regular troops of the neighbouring Arab States entered the territory to assist the
Palestinian Arabs. SOURCE: Page 10 Question of Palestine

Both the Civil War (Jewish/Arab) and the War for Independence (Israel) are now more than six decade past. While it is great history, it is over. Both sides have to examine the conditions that exist today and find a way to end this conflict. As long as the Arab Palestinian demand that which they could not acquire by force or win by coercion, so long as the cultural imperatives of the Palestinian will be set back.

Most Respectfully,
The above post,makes you even more irrelevant..........irrelevant completely
This thread is about what normal people think of the Palestinians. What part of that don't you get besides all of it?

Idiot, normal people do not support the arabs who call themselves palestinians, only the lowlife groups i mentioned above. Are you still on breast milk or have you advanced to puree yet?
You may call me trash..............but a 4 letter word starting with C and ending with T.........describes you to a T nuc.............yup that's it
You obviously didn't read my whole post.
I skimmed it. It was mostly irrelevant.

Apart from that the writing is going to have to be pretty good to get me to read much more than a paragraph or so. I'm not trawling miles long irrelevant screeds to try and extract some vague point.

So basically what you're saying is your a fucking asshole...
God, I hate it when some idiot makes me feel and post this way, but I am done with this one; no debating, just lies and propaganda and no hope at all. For this one.

And now, Teddy, you understand my often snarky, personal attack posting style. You can't reason with an ideologically, hate driven asshole and all that's left is to ridicule the jackass. The only diff between you and me now is that I don't let it get to me as you just did. I don't mind spitting on the assholes at all.
theliq, et al,

There are all kinds of events that take place during a civil war. And both sides, in nearly every civil war, claim atrocities by the other side. The losing party usually cries the loudest.

Just as the Palestinians are themselves scattered, Deek posits, so is the responsibility for their plight. Fundamentally, he said, the events of 1948 were driven by the same Arab refusal to recognize the Jewish state that plagues the region today

Author of Best Speech by an Israeli Diplomat Ever Calls Time on Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood INTERVIEW Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com
The Palestinian's were expelled and driven out of their own lands by illegal immigrant Terrorist Zionist Jews, prior to 1948 others were slaughtered.........your commentary is flawed and banal.......anyhow it's the Jews who Scream the Anti-Semitism line,when exposed, yet most of them are not even a Semitic peoples....only Shepardic Jews and Palestinians are..................Funny your prose actually , it is the Jews who don't recognise Palestine......but being a Rabid Zionist yourself,we all know it is all part of the Zionist Mantra..........you know the guilty Terrorists......you love so much....but despite the Zionist effort of trying to align them as one and the same.....Judeaism is not and never has been Zionism.

A low intensity conflict of an intermittent character had been ongoing for some number of years. But when the UN passed the Partition Plan (November 47), the Arab League began in earnest to support Arab Palestinians by helping to assemble an organized force of approximately 3000 irregular volunteer fighters (insurgents). The object: to oppose by force the implementation of the the Partition Plan; with the emphasis on preventing the successful establishment of the Jewish State. For a short period of time, fighting was intense during the UK (Mandatory draw-down and gradual withdrawal); attempting to coerce the UN and the Mandatory into corrupting the process set in motion.

While Jewish organizations cooperated with UNSCOP in its deliberations, the​
Palestinian leadership in the Arab Higher Committee decided not to participate, on the
grounds that the United Nations had refused to address the question of independence
and had failed to separate the issue of European Jewish refugees from the question of
Palestine. The natural rights of the Palestinian Arabs were self-evident and should be
recognized, it said, and should not continue to be subject to investigation. The Jewish
leadership maintained before UNSCOP that the issues of a Jewish State in Palestine
and unrestricted immigration were inextricably interwoven. The Arabs, represented by
the League of Arab States, sought the immediate creation of an independent Palestine
west of the Jordan River. SOURCE: Page 4 Question of Palestine
The Arab Palestinian and the Arab League attempted to subvert the Partition Plan, and when that failed, the Arab League planned an invasion of Palestine to coincide with the Israeli Declaration of Independence, using the pretext of protecting the Arab Palestinians from massacre as an excuse.

The first Arab-Israeli war, 1948-1949
On 14 May 1948, Britain relinquished its Mandate over Palestine and disengaged
its forces. On the same day, the Jewish Agency proclaimed the establishment of the
State of Israel on the territory allotted to it by the partition plan. Fierce hostilities
immediately broke out between the Arab and Jewish communities. The next day,
regular troops of the neighbouring Arab States entered the territory to assist the
Palestinian Arabs. SOURCE: Page 10 Question of Palestine

Both the Civil War (Jewish/Arab) and the War for Independence (Israel) are now more than six decade past. While it is great history, it is over. Both sides have to examine the conditions that exist today and find a way to end this conflict. As long as the Arab Palestinian demand that which they could not acquire by force or win by coercion, so long as the cultural imperatives of the Palestinian will be set back.

Most Respectfully,
The above post,makes you even more irrelevant..........irrelevant completely

Our village idiot thinks his opinion of Rocco is relevant.
This thread is about what normal people think of the Palestinians. What part of that don't you get besides all of it?

Idiot, normal people do not support the arabs who call themselves palestinians, only the lowlife groups i mentioned above. Are you still on breast milk or have you advanced to puree yet?
You may call me trash..............but a 4 letter word starting with C and ending with T.........describes you to a T nuc.............yup that's it

I can't say you are trash, liq, but you are the kind of pompous moron who is so dim he can't see it.
Just as the Palestinians are themselves scattered, Deek posits, so is the responsibility for their plight. Fundamentally, he said, the events of 1948 were driven by the same Arab refusal to recognize the Jewish state that plagues the region today

Author of Best Speech by an Israeli Diplomat Ever Calls Time on Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood INTERVIEW Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com

Why should people that lived in a place for many generations accept a state for people from another continent on their own land? I don't get it.

That's because you're just not honest enough to admit that Jews are indigenous to that land.
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The subject of this thread is "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?" Try to focus on that, Princess, and skip the deflections. Thank you.
And now we are looking to determine the definition of 'terrorist' which has been applied to Palestinians by Alex by comparing their behaviour with previous Zionist groups' behaviour. That seems a very normal course of action.
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European Jews went to Palestine and expelled the non-Jews. That is just a plain fact.

That's just plain camel crap. 1.5 MILLION of the Jewish Homeland's CITIZENS are non-Jews. Compare that with the number of Jews who are citizens of the entire Arab/Muslim World. In fact, compare that with the number of non-Muslims in the Arab/Muslim World. There are no greater viciously bigoted one-trick-ponies than Arab/Muslims. None.
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.

So what do you think The Jewish/Zionist Groups were prior to and after 1948 ????? should be interesting,your answer

The subject of this thread is "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?" Try to focus on that, Princess, and skip the deflections. Thank you.
Sorry to disappoint but the two are intertwined....so cut your deflections and concentrate on the actual facts...Oooops I forgot you only have a myopic Zionist(Terrorist) stance on the matter,I forgot,your ignorance and stupidity go before you.

Try to keep up to speed on the Thread ........
European Jews went to Palestine and expelled the non-Jews. That is just a plain fact.

That's just plain camel crap. 1.5 MILLION of the Jewish Homeland's CITIZENS are non-Jews. Compare that with the number of Jews who are citizens of the entire Arab/Muslim World. In fact, compare that with the number of non-Muslims in the Arab/Muslim World. There are no greater viciously bigoted one-trick-ponies than Arab/Muslims. None.
Yes we know,they are Israelis.......it is you who is the Zionist Bigot......Viciously Bigoted is what you are....for all to see.
The subject of this thread is "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?" Try to focus on that, Princess, and skip the deflections. Thank you.
And now we are looking to determine the definition of 'terrorist' which has been applied to Palestinians by Alex by comparing their behaviour with previous Zionist groups' behaviour. That seems a very normal course of action.

Camel crap. Theliq was ever so lamely attempting to derail the thread. I understand why one such as you would defend his effort.

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