What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

European Jews went to Palestine and expelled the non-Jews. That is just a plain fact.

That's just plain camel crap. 1.5 MILLION of the Jewish Homeland's CITIZENS are non-Jews. Compare that with the number of Jews who are citizens of the entire Arab/Muslim World. In fact, compare that with the number of non-Muslims in the Arab/Muslim World. There are no greater viciously bigoted one-trick-ponies than Arab/Muslims. None.

it is you who is the Zionist Bigot......Viciously Bigoted is what you are....for all to see.

Of course, nothing you've said proves me the bigot but everything you say proves you're the village idiot. Carry on, Princess.
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I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.

So what do you think The Jewish/Zionist Groups were prior to and after 1948 ????? should be interesting,your answer

The subject of this thread is "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?" Try to focus on that, Princess, and skip the deflections. Thank you.
Sorry to disappoint but the two are intertwined....so cut your deflections and concentrate on the actual facts...Oooops I forgot you only have a myopic Zionist(Terrorist) stance on the matter,I forgot,your ignorance and stupidity go before you.

Try to keep up to speed on the Thread ........

European Jews went to Palestine and expelled the non-Jews. That is just a plain fact.

That's just plain camel crap. 1.5 MILLION of the Jewish Homeland's CITIZENS are non-Jews. Compare that with the number of Jews who are citizens of the entire Arab/Muslim World. In fact, compare that with the number of non-Muslims in the Arab/Muslim World. There are no greater viciously bigoted one-trick-ponies than Arab/Muslims. None.

Yes we know,they are Israelis.......it is you who is the Zionist Bigot......Viciously Bigoted is what you are....for all to see.

Of course, nothing you've said proves me the bigot but clearly proves you're the village idiot. Carry on, Princess.
But It does.....in your case "None(Sayit) is more blind than those who choose not to see"
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.

So what do you think The Jewish/Zionist Groups were prior to and after 1948 ????? should be interesting,your answer

The subject of this thread is "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?" Try to focus on that, Princess, and skip the deflections. Thank you.
Sorry to disappoint but the two are intertwined....so cut your deflections and concentrate on the actual facts...Oooops I forgot you only have a myopic Zionist(Terrorist) stance on the matter,I forgot,your ignorance and stupidity go before you.

Try to keep up to speed on the Thread ........

Gee that's really amusing...............Zionist Myopist Terrorist,but you should not ridicule yourself in such a way.......it borders MADNESS
European Jews went to Palestine and expelled the non-Jews. That is just a plain fact.

That's just plain camel crap. 1.5 MILLION of the Jewish Homeland's CITIZENS are non-Jews. Compare that with the number of Jews who are citizens of the entire Arab/Muslim World. In fact, compare that with the number of non-Muslims in the Arab/Muslim World. There are no greater viciously bigoted one-trick-ponies than Arab/Muslims. None.

Yes we know,they are Israelis....

So if you know, as you now claim, that European Jews did not, as Monte claimed, expel the non-Jews, why would you sit still for such an obvious LIE?
Just as the Palestinians are themselves scattered, Deek posits, so is the responsibility for their plight. Fundamentally, he said, the events of 1948 were driven by the same Arab refusal to recognize the Jewish state that plagues the region today

Author of Best Speech by an Israeli Diplomat Ever Calls Time on Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood INTERVIEW Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com

Why should people that lived in a place for many generations accept a state for people from another continent on their own land? I don't get it.

So which continent did the majority of Israelis today which are Sephardic Jews come from? Read Arab Islamic history, they are savages and invaders. Every single country that is now "Muslim" the Arab imperialists took it by force and slaughtered its people. The 20th century Arab invaders of Israel are now trying to do the same.
Really Roudy your same old monologue is bloody Boring ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsteve

Here we go, you're all boozed up on that $5 whiskey and now your barfing all over the forum. Go sober up and come back when you have something intelligent to say.
Gee that's really amusing...............Zionist Myopist Terrorist,but you should not ridicule yourself in such a way.......it borders MADNESS

"Zionist Myopist Terrorist..."
Stop! Please Stop! You killing me! :lmao:
No one doubts your monumental stupidity. You don't have to reinforce it with every post.
Anyway, my list of what normal people think of Palestinians has got to this: that Palestinians

live under apartheid regimes,
have their opinions suppressed,
live under military rule in occupied territories,
have their land and property appropriated by Israel,
are cast as uncaring,
have their misfortunes laughed at by Israel,
still hold the keys and deeds to property other people are living in.

Any more?
That's because you're just not bright enough to realize Jews are indigenous to that land.

As are Christians. And Muslims. And Atheists no doubt.

And fully 20% of Israel's CITIZENS reflect that diversity. Now pop on over to the Arab/Muslim World where you will find the ongoing ethnic cleansing of all non-Muslims. Of course, that's not a problem according to "people" like you. Interestingly the only country in the Mideast where the Christian population is growing is - drum roll, please - ISRAEL.
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Just as the Palestinians are themselves scattered, Deek posits, so is the responsibility for their plight. Fundamentally, he said, the events of 1948 were driven by the same Arab refusal to recognize the Jewish state that plagues the region today

Author of Best Speech by an Israeli Diplomat Ever Calls Time on Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood INTERVIEW Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com

Why should people that lived in a place for many generations accept a state for people from another continent on their own land? I don't get it.

So which continent did the majority of Israelis today which are Sephardic Jews come from? Read Arab Islamic history, they are savages and invaders. Every single country that is now "Muslim" the Arab imperialists took it by force and slaughtered its people. The 20th century Arab invaders of Israel are now trying to do the same.
Really Roudy your same old monologue is bloody Boring ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsteve

Here we go, you're all boozed up on that $5 whiskey and now your barfing all over the forum. Go sober up and come back when you have something intelligent to say.

He'll have to do more than just sober up to post something intelligent.
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I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.

So what do you think The Jewish/Zionist Groups were prior to and after 1948 ????? should be interesting,your answer

The subject of this thread is "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?" Try to focus on that, Princess, and skip the deflections. Thank you.
Sorry to disappoint...
Try to keep up to speed on the Thread ........

You never fail to disappoint, Bubba. It's disappointing to think anyone should have to go through life as monumentally stupid as you. Really disappointing.
BTW, in order to keep up with you an average person would need a radical lobotomy ... perhaps two.
European Jews went to Palestine and expelled the non-Jews. That is just a plain fact.

That's just plain camel crap. 1.5 MILLION of the Jewish Homeland's CITIZENS are non-Jews. Compare that with the number of Jews who are citizens of the entire Arab/Muslim World. In fact, compare that with the number of non-Muslims in the Arab/Muslim World. There are no greater viciously bigoted one-trick-ponies than Arab/Muslims. None.

Yes we know,they are Israelis....

So if you know, as you now claim, that European Jews did not, as Monte claimed, expel the non-Jews, why would you sit still for such an obvious LIE?
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! from 1900 approx. to 1948......Illegal Immigrant Jews did Murder and Exile Palestinians and others...so Your Point IS.....fffed if I know
Just as the Palestinians are themselves scattered, Deek posits, so is the responsibility for their plight. Fundamentally, he said, the events of 1948 were driven by the same Arab refusal to recognize the Jewish state that plagues the region today

Author of Best Speech by an Israeli Diplomat Ever Calls Time on Palestinian Narrative of Victimhood INTERVIEW Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com

Why should people that lived in a place for many generations accept a state for people from another continent on their own land? I don't get it.

So which continent did the majority of Israelis today which are Sephardic Jews come from? Read Arab Islamic history, they are savages and invaders. Every single country that is now "Muslim" the Arab imperialists took it by force and slaughtered its people. The 20th century Arab invaders of Israel are now trying to do the same.
Really Roudy your same old monologue is bloody Boring ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsteve

Here we go, you're all boozed up on that $5 whiskey and now your barfing all over the forum. Go sober up and come back when you have something intelligent to say.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I am amused by your wit Roudy.......but do you realize your wit,thought not.....never mind,steve
The subject of this thread is "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?" Try to focus on that, Princess, and skip the deflections. Thank you.
And now we are looking to determine the definition of 'terrorist' which has been applied to Palestinians by Alex by comparing their behaviour with previous Zionist groups' behaviour. That seems a very normal course of action.

Camel crap. Theliq was ever so lamely attempting to derail the thread. I understand why one such as you would defend his effort.
Thanks cnm,a more cultured mind,but saying that......you realise that you are delving into a pit of shit,with sayit,but I do feel sorry at times,when sheit draws for breath on the odd occasion.....you will notice these Zionists never give a direct answer to a question......how can they......they carry the Guiltiness as their badge of Zionist Horrors
The subject of this thread is "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?" Try to focus on that, Princess, and skip the deflections. Thank you.
And now we are looking to determine the definition of 'terrorist' which has been applied to Palestinians by Alex by comparing their behaviour with previous Zionist groups' behaviour. That seems a very normal course of action.

Camel crap. Theliq was ever so lamely attempting to derail the thread. I understand why one such as you would defend his effort.
Derail......I know that is not true,I just wanted to draw you into the open........but still you lurk in corners,your mind unable to admit the truth of Despotic Zionist Life.......you have been defeated by me before...I am the Magnificent..........you are the unt,hiding behind others shoulders....steve,gee I am really enjoying this tay-ta-tate
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Camel crap. Theliq was ever so lamely attempting to derail the thread. I understand why one such as you would defend his effort.
Then explain how Zionist terrorism is different to the Palestinian terrorism averred by Alex, Otherwise, if you are a normal person, we can say that normal people use double standards when judging Palestinian 'terrorism'.
And fully 20% of Israel's CITIZENS reflect that diversity.
A token diversity Israel prostitutes to the world in order to give the wrong impression of what Israel actually is.............a racist, apartheid, fascist state, that considers any culture that compromises, or reduces, the Jewishness of the state, as an enemy of the state.

The Transfer of Israeli Arabs
Once again the treatment of Israel’s Palestinian citizens has exposed the country’s lack of meaningful democracy

Israeli Politicians – from the right and the left – share a common view, often expressed or implied, that Palestinian citizens can never truly belong to a Jewish state. Instead, they are described variously as a “fifth column”, “Trojan horse” and “demographic time bomb”.

And mis-treatment is not limited to just Arab-Israeli's...

Brutal Treatment of Christian Clergy by Israeli Security Forces

A Statement from the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, concerning the Israeli police measures on Holy Saturday- May 2013

We understand the necessity and the importance of the presence of security forces to ensure order and stability, and for organizing the celebration of the Holy Fire at the Church of the Resurrection. Yet, it is not acceptable that under pretext of security and order, our clergy and people are indiscriminately and brutally beaten, and prevented from entering their churches, monasteries and convents.
If Israel respected other cultures, then why is anyone who doesn't acknowledge Israel as the "Jewish State", treated as a terrorist?
You called me to the carpet for not reading the whole article you linked about what Nelson Mandela thought about the Israel's "Apartheid" and then after I do so, and comment on it, this is the best you can do in return?
No I didn't. I remarked you hadn't read my very short excerpt from his column.
If that is what you meant you were very mistaken. Any post I'm going to respond to I read fully and more than once.
European Jews went to Palestine and expelled the non-Jews. That is just a plain fact.

That's just plain camel crap. 1.5 MILLION of the Jewish Homeland's CITIZENS are non-Jews. Compare that with the number of Jews who are citizens of the entire Arab/Muslim World. In fact, compare that with the number of non-Muslims in the Arab/Muslim World. There are no greater viciously bigoted one-trick-ponies than Arab/Muslims. None.

Yes we know,they are Israelis....

So if you know, as you now claim, that European Jews did not, as Monte claimed, expel the non-Jews, why would you sit still for such an obvious LIE?
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! from 1900 approx. to 1948......Illegal Immigrant Jews did Murder and Exile Palestinians and others...so Your Point IS.....fffed if I know

My point is you are LYING.
Indigenous Jews were set upon by their "peaceful" Arab neighbors and SOME of the Arab populace was displaced when they attacked the one day old Jewish State in 1948. As already noted, the Arabs who stayed became CITIZENS of Israel and remain so to this day. Contrast that to the treatment of non-Muslims - particularly Jews - in the Arab/Muslim World and you get the whole picture (not that you seem interested).

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