What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

If it were me, I'd close the thing. It has pretty much run its course. All we have now is one guy posting the same answer over and over and over again to make sure it is on each page; this same guy will belittle what your write and belittle you for not reading what he writes, over and over again until he gets the desired reaction. Which is what happened to me last night. I thought that was the classic definition of an internet troll.

p.s. it was only cheap beer for me . . . .
So to recap, normal people in America don't think very highly of Palestinians:

I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
if some one came and killed you off your land. would you still be a normal person? if you watched as they continued to conquer your lands before your eyes, would you be a normal person? you have very little insight or foresight.

Though it may be they told too many tedious hunting stories.

How about I make a book suggestion for you wankers:

Indestructible Jews Max I. Dimont 9780451075949 Amazon.com Books

Indestructible Jews
by Max I. Dimont

A compelling and readable account of the four thousand year history of a people that spans the globe and transcends the ages. From the ancient and simple faith of a small tribe to a global religion with adherents in every nation, the path of the Jews is traced through countless expulsions and migrations, the great tragedy of the Holocaust, and the joy of founding a homeland in Israel. Putting the struggle of a persecuted people into perspective, Max Dimont asks whether the tragic sufferings of the Jews have actually been the key to their survival, as other nations and races vanished into obscurity. Here is a book for Jews and non-Jews to enjoy, evoking a proud heritage while offering a hopeful vision of the future.
the foolish pride of your people has always been is down fall and achilles heel. grow up. your God keeps telling you too and yet you ignore him constantly. when will your stiff neck bow to his will? how noble and proud where your people on the cattle cars? how thick was your bond then when the rich jews abandonded your brothers in the slums? grow up I say again. you are exactly like all other corrupt men. admit it and bow along your fellow scumbag humans before the God of us all.

The point of the book is quite the opposite, it states that empires and people's have perished and the Jews are still standing. And now they have even re established their ancient state back where their ancestors lived. If that isn't a testament to their resilience and God's will I don't know what is.

Clip from the Sopranos verses a book about Jewish ability to persevere and survive throughout history. Ha ha ha.

The descendants of Ishmael are jealous.

the jews have always been conquered by the romans. then the most high corrupt of both these evil and misguided gangs conquers all the people of both gangs. it's happening right now and roudy is a leader among these misguided trolls
How about I make a book suggestion for you wankers:

Indestructible Jews Max I. Dimont 9780451075949 Amazon.com Books

Indestructible Jews
by Max I. Dimont

A compelling and readable account of the four thousand year history of a people that spans the globe and transcends the ages. From the ancient and simple faith of a small tribe to a global religion with adherents in every nation, the path of the Jews is traced through countless expulsions and migrations, the great tragedy of the Holocaust, and the joy of founding a homeland in Israel. Putting the struggle of a persecuted people into perspective, Max Dimont asks whether the tragic sufferings of the Jews have actually been the key to their survival, as other nations and races vanished into obscurity. Here is a book for Jews and non-Jews to enjoy, evoking a proud heritage while offering a hopeful vision of the future.
the foolish pride of your people has always been is down fall and achilles heel. grow up. your God keeps telling you too and yet you ignore him constantly. when will your stiff neck bow to his will? how noble and proud where your people on the cattle cars? how thick was your bond then when the rich jews abandonded your brothers in the slums? grow up I say again. you are exactly like all other corrupt men. admit it and bow along your fellow scumbag humans before the God of us all.

The point of the book is quite the opposite, it states that empires and people's have perished and the Jews are still standing. And now they have even re established their ancient state back where their ancestors lived. If that isn't a testament to their resilience and God's will I don't know what is.

Clip from the Sopranos verses a book about Jewish ability to persevere and survive throughout history. Ha ha ha.

The descendants of Ishmael are jealous.

the jews have always been conquered by the romans. then the most high corrupt of both these evil and misguided gangs conquers all the people of both gangs. it's happening right now and roudy is a leader among these misguided trolls

I'm gonna need someone to translate that crap. But...while I hire a professional psycho-speak translator, please tell us....how many times did Jews get conquered by Romans again? And who are the people that the Jews kept conquering after they got conquered? :cuckoo:
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
if some one came and killed you off your land. would you still be a normal person? if you watched as they continued to conquer your lands before your eyes, would you be a normal person? you have very little insight or foresight.

That's a nice excuse, but when you look at a bigger global picture, you will find that Palestinian intolerance and savagery is no different than the savagery and barbarism of their fellow jihadi brethren in other parts of the world that is having problems with Muslims. In other words, it's not about the land, it's about Islam and Muslim desire to Islamicize the world and take it back to the 7th century through the use of force and violence.
If it were me, I'd close the thing. It has pretty much run its course. All we have now is one guy posting the same answer over and over and over again to make sure it is on each page; this same guy will belittle what your write and belittle you for not reading what he writes, over and over again until he gets the desired reaction. Which is what happened to me last night. I thought that was the classic definition of an internet troll.

p.s. it was only cheap beer for me . . . .

He maintains that we (particularly me) are the trolls. So he goes over to his other forum and trolls there about the "trolls" here.

Well it's good you figured it out.
Kids, I'm not sure what went down last night...other than perhaps a lot of cheap whiskey, but lets get back on topic - this is the last warning. Further violations will result in infractions or thread closure.

OK, Mom, but I assure you there was nothing cheap about the whiskey I drank waaay too much of last night.

Let's go over to the free for all thread. Where we can insult to our hearts' content.

Abandon hope all ye who enter here. That sort of place. :cheers2:

where here there be dragons ;)

And demons. :dev3:
In y
Kids, I'm not sure what went down last night...other than perhaps a lot of cheap whiskey, but lets get back on topic - this is the last warning. Further violations will result in infractions or thread closure.

OK, Mom, but I assure you there was nothing cheap about the whiskey I drank waaay too much of last night.

Let's go over to the free for all thread. Where we can insult to our hearts' content.

Abandon hope all ye who enter here. That sort of place. :cheers2:

where here there be dragons ;)

And demons. :dev3:

In your case, wimps. :ack-1:
In y
Kids, I'm not sure what went down last night...other than perhaps a lot of cheap whiskey, but lets get back on topic - this is the last warning. Further violations will result in infractions or thread closure.

OK, Mom, but I assure you there was nothing cheap about the whiskey I drank waaay too much of last night.

Let's go over to the free for all thread. Where we can insult to our hearts' content.

Abandon hope all ye who enter here. That sort of place. :cheers2:

where here there be dragons ;)

And demons. :dev3:

In your case, wimps. :ack-1:


(Check my avatar.)
In y
OK, Mom, but I assure you there was nothing cheap about the whiskey I drank waaay too much of last night.

Let's go over to the free for all thread. Where we can insult to our hearts' content.

Abandon hope all ye who enter here. That sort of place. :cheers2:

where here there be dragons ;)

And demons. :dev3:

In your case, wimps. :ack-1:


(Check my avatar.)

Please don't "thank" me.
if some one came and killed you off your land. would you still be a normal person? if you watched as they continued to conquer your lands before your eyes, would you be a normal person? you have very little insight or foresight.

Do you mean, if you purchased some land and had hysterical primitives constantly trying to kill you for your ethnicity, would you be a normal person?

I imagine a certain siege mentality would set in after a while, but they seem to be handling the continuous onslaught well enough.
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
if some one came and killed you off your land. would you still be a normal person? if you watched as they continued to conquer your lands before your eyes, would you be a normal person? you have very little insight or foresight.

Interesting analogy, a group did beat me and take my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police; someone broke into my house when I was gone and took my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police. Yes I am normal and I stayed normal.
Ya think one of reasons Americans can't stand the Palestinians could be because their leader came on TV condemning the death of Osama Bin Laden, expressing his sorrow, and calling him a righteous man and holy Islamic Warrior?

Just sayin'....

European Jews went to Palestine and expelled the non-Jews. That is just a plain fact.

That's just plain camel crap. 1.5 MILLION of the Jewish Homeland's CITIZENS are non-Jews. Compare that with the number of Jews who are citizens of the entire Arab/Muslim World. In fact, compare that with the number of non-Muslims in the Arab/Muslim World. There are no greater viciously bigoted one-trick-ponies than Arab/Muslims. None.

Yes we know,they are Israelis....

So if you know, as you now claim, that European Jews did not, as Monte claimed, expel the non-Jews, why would you sit still for such an obvious LIE?
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! from 1900 approx. to 1948......Illegal Immigrant Jews did Murder and Exile Palestinians and others...so Your Point IS.....fffed if I know

My point is you are LYING.
Indigenous Jews were set upon by their "peaceful" Arab neighbors and SOME of the Arab populace was displaced when they attacked the one day old Jewish State in 1948. As already noted, the Arabs who stayed became CITIZENS of Israel and remain so to this day. Contrast that to the treatment of non-Muslims - particularly Jews - in the Arab/Muslim World and you get the whole picture (not that you seem interested).
Say the Jews are well aware of some of the Muslim states,they have always been the litmas test throughout history
Interesting analogy, a group did beat me and take my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police; someone broke into my house when I was gone and took my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police. Yes I am normal and I stayed normal.
What would you have done if there was no police to go to? If there was no law enforcement authority in your area, what would have you done then? Because that's what Palestinian-Arabs were facing in 1948. The official authority having jurisdiction in maintaining law and order, the British, left! And Zionists, like a bunch hooligans, as soon as they noticed there was no cops in the area, did what street gangs do.

It was for that very reason, that Arab armies decided to go in to keep the peace. They told the British, if you leave, we're going to go in and ensure the civil rights of non-Jews are respected.
Do you mean, if you purchased some land and had hysterical primitives constantly trying to kill you for your ethnicity, would you be a normal person?

I imagine a certain siege mentality would set in after a while, but they seem to be handling the continuous onslaught well enough.
There was no major incidents of violence between Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian-Jews until the Zionist migration.
Camel crap, but about that can be expected from one such as you. Spin all you like but at the end of the day Israel embraces diversity while the Arab/Muslim World still believes it's a dirty word. The Gaza Strip for instance, is not just 99.8% Muslim, it's 99.8% SUNNI Muslim. These people can't or won't even tolerate other types of Muslims in their midst. Their actions and attitudes are despicable and your defense is disgustingly self-serving.

Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Don't change the subject. Your "end of the day" bullshit innuendo's, do not prove your point. It's just empty rhetoric on your part, in order to leave the illusion you just said something of substance.
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
if some one came and killed you off your land. would you still be a normal person? if you watched as they continued to conquer your lands before your eyes, would you be a normal person? you have very little insight or foresight.

That's a nice excuse, but when you look at a bigger global picture, you will find that Palestinian intolerance and savagery is no different than the savagery and barbarism of their fellow jihadi brethren in other parts of the world that is having problems with Muslims. In other words, it's not about the land, it's about Islam and Muslim desire to Islamicize the world and take it back to the 7th century through the use of force and violence.
So by you analogy Roudy....the Zionists are normal.........no they are as barbaric as Pol Pot,Stalin,hitler,the Vandals,the Assassins,Persians,Americans,British and so on.You live by a false premise.....just admit it....throughout history often the victors are the worse,steve

Often you Guys have stated that you won the Palestian land and too bad for the Palestinians...so then,if the Palestians or someone else decided to do the same as the Jews did with violence etc.,to the Palestinians......you then agree it's fine,as you Guys do....in your own words!!!!!!!!!!..............trouble is you would nuke before that happened,with your illegal nuclear weapons...wouldn't your......with the emergence of the Ultra Right Wing Nuts taking over Israel........the focus now is on the internal and external uncontrollable machinations of this right-wing.
We all realize Israel has become unstable,uncontrollable and created an internal schism....steve.......in the end it will be Jew against Jew......as we are starting to see

Roudy,give me your personal vision,with these unfolding events in Israel,for the future of Israel..
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Interesting analogy, a group did beat me and take my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police; someone broke into my house when I was gone and took my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police. Yes I am normal and I stayed normal.
What would you have done if there was no police to go to? If there was no law enforcement authority in your area, what would have you done then? Because that's what Palestinian-Arabs were facing in 1948. The official authority having jurisdiction in maintaining law and order, the British, left! And Zionists, like a bunch hooligans, as soon as they noticed there was no cops in the area, did what street gangs do.

It was for that very reason, that Arab armies decided to go in to keep the peace. They told the British, if you leave, we're going to go in and ensure the civil rights of non-Jews are respected.

I would seek those who do have the authority. I would not turn into a savage.

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