What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

That's just plain camel crap. 1.5 MILLION of the Jewish Homeland's CITIZENS are non-Jews. Compare that with the number of Jews who are citizens of the entire Arab/Muslim World. In fact, compare that with the number of non-Muslims in the Arab/Muslim World. There are no greater viciously bigoted one-trick-ponies than Arab/Muslims. None.

Yes we know,they are Israelis....

So if you know, as you now claim, that European Jews did not, as Monte claimed, expel the non-Jews, why would you sit still for such an obvious LIE?
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! from 1900 approx. to 1948......Illegal Immigrant Jews did Murder and Exile Palestinians and others...so Your Point IS.....fffed if I know

My point is you are LYING.
Indigenous Jews were set upon by their "peaceful" Arab neighbors and SOME of the Arab populace was displaced when they attacked the one day old Jewish State in 1948. As already noted, the Arabs who stayed became CITIZENS of Israel and remain so to this day. Contrast that to the treatment of non-Muslims - particularly Jews - in the Arab/Muslim World and you get the whole picture (not that you seem interested).
Say the Jews are well aware of some of the Muslim states,they have always been the litmas test throughout history

The question isn't whether or not Israel is "well aware of some of the Muslim states" - what ever that silliness means - but rather whether YOU are aware of the oppression, debauchery and carnage caused by the prevailing Arab/Islamic culture in those Muslim states. Well, are you? Imagine if you can the anguish of the parents of these children:

Yazidi families struggle to find and free enslaved daughters Al Jazeera America
Interesting analogy, a group did beat me and take my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police; someone broke into my house when I was gone and took my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police. Yes I am normal and I stayed normal.
What would you have done if there was no police to go to? If there was no law enforcement authority in your area, what would have you done then? Because that's what Palestinian-Arabs were facing in 1948. The official authority having jurisdiction in maintaining law and order, the British, left! And Zionists, like a bunch hooligans, as soon as they noticed there was no cops in the area, did what street gangs do.

It was for that very reason, that Arab armies decided to go in to keep the peace. They told the British, if you leave, we're going to go in and ensure the civil rights of non-Jews are respected.

Wow! That camel crap is still dripping off the wall. Nice work, :asshole:.
Do you mean, if you purchased some land and had hysterical primitives constantly trying to kill you for your ethnicity, would you be a normal person?

I imagine a certain siege mentality would set in after a while, but they seem to be handling the continuous onslaught well enough.
There was no major incidents of violence between Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian-Jews until the Zionist migration.

You terrorist lovers never get it right. At the behest of the Nazi Mufti, Muslim animals massacred and committed ethnic cleansing on the ancient Jews of Hebron. It is because of that event that Jews decided to arm themselves and create militias to protect themselves from Muslim savages. A civil war then ensued, and the Jews came out on top.

Interesting analogy, a group did beat me and take my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police; someone broke into my house when I was gone and took my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police. Yes I am normal and I stayed normal.
What would you have done if there was no police to go to? If there was no law enforcement authority in your area, what would have you done then? Because that's what Palestinian-Arabs were facing in 1948. The official authority having jurisdiction in maintaining law and order, the British, left! And Zionists, like a bunch hooligans, as soon as they noticed there was no cops in the area, did what street gangs do.

It was for that very reason, that Arab armies decided to go in to keep the peace. They told the British, if you leave, we're going to go in and ensure the civil rights of non-Jews are respected.

Wow! That camel crap is still dripping off the wall. Nice work, :asshole:.
I do not know what he is looking for ...:dunno: I am normal and my answer won't chnage.
Do you mean, if you purchased some land and had hysterical primitives constantly trying to kill you for your ethnicity, would you be a normal person?

I imagine a certain siege mentality would set in after a while, but they seem to be handling the continuous onslaught well enough.
There was no major incidents of violence between Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian-Jews until the Zionist migration.

Yeah ... the indigenous non-Muslims were dhimma ...abused but tolerated as long as they paid a special tax and were powerless with no rights but to the air they breathed. You eagerly dismiss the vicious nature of those "peaceful" Arab/Muslims while defending their "right" to oppress and attack those who don't share their Islamism (and we both know why).
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I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
if some one came and killed you off your land. would you still be a normal person? if you watched as they continued to conquer your lands before your eyes, would you be a normal person? you have very little insight or foresight.

That's a nice excuse, but when you look at a bigger global picture, you will find that Palestinian intolerance and savagery is no different than the savagery and barbarism of their fellow jihadi brethren in other parts of the world that is having problems with Muslims. In other words, it's not about the land, it's about Islam and Muslim desire to Islamicize the world and take it back to the 7th century through the use of force and violence.

So by you analogy Roudy....the Zionists are normal.........no they are as barbaric as Pol Pot,Stalin,hitler,the Vandals,the Assassins,Persians,Americans,British and so on.You live by a false premise.....just admit it....throughout history often the victors are the worse,steve...

Damn, you are stupid. Remarkably stupid (and I'm being as diplomatic as possible).
So to recap, normal people in America don't think very highly of Palestinians:

American views mean nothing frankly,Roudy..steve.... because no one believes much of what they say anymore,you have just used up all of any credibility you ever had during the Iraq war
So to recap, normal people in America don't think very highly of Palestinians:

American views mean nothing frankly,Roudy..steve.... because no one believes much of what they say anymore,you have just used up all of any credibility you ever had during the Iraq war

You're whistling past the graveyard, Princess. ONLY American opinion matters.
When the camel crap hits the fan, everyone calls America.
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
if some one came and killed you off your land. would you still be a normal person? if you watched as they continued to conquer your lands before your eyes, would you be a normal person? you have very little insight or foresight.

That's a nice excuse, but when you look at a bigger global picture, you will find that Palestinian intolerance and savagery is no different than the savagery and barbarism of their fellow jihadi brethren in other parts of the world that is having problems with Muslims. In other words, it's not about the land, it's about Islam and Muslim desire to Islamicize the world and take it back to the 7th century through the use of force and violence.
So by you analogy Roudy....the Zionists are normal.........no they are as barbaric as Pol Pot,Stalin,hitler,the Vandals,the Assassins,Persians,Americans,British and so on.You live by a false premise.....just admit it....throughout history often the victors are the worse,steve

Often you Guys have stated that you won the Palestian land and too bad for the Palestinians...so then,if the Palestians or someone else decided to do the same as the Jews did with violence etc.,to the Palestinians......you then agree it's fine,as you Guys do....in your own words!!!!!!!!!!..............trouble is you would nuke before that happened,with your illegal nuclear weapons...wouldn't your......with the emergence of the Ultra Right Wing Nuts taking over Israel........the focus now is on the internal and external uncontrollable machinations of this right-wing.
We all realize Israel has become unstable,uncontrollable and created an internal schism....steve.......in the end it will be Jew against Jew......as we are starting to see

Roudy,give me your personal vision,with these unfolding events in Israel,for the future of Israel..

You need to stop repeating what those voices in your head keep telling you. Israel is on the front lines of Islam's war against freedom and democracy, and is doing a great job keeping the savages at bay. Had Israel not been a Jewish state there would be no discussion of Palestine or Palestinian people. The Arabs have been defeated but they just can't face it. It's a matter of time for Israel to annex the West Bank, and allow the Jews to pray on the temple mount.
So to recap, normal people in America don't think very highly of Palestinians:

American views mean nothing frankly,Roudy..steve.... because no one believes much of what they say anymore,you have just used up all of any credibility you ever had during the Iraq war
American views mean nothing, eh? Okay whatever you say. So when will you be moving to Islamabad? I'm sure your "views" will be in line with those guys over there. Ha ha ha.
theliq, et al,

OK, I can buy that US credibility suffered as a result of the leadership and political foul-up in Iraq.

So to recap, normal people in America don't think very highly of Palestinians:

American views mean nothing frankly,Roudy..steve.... because no one believes much of what they say anymore,you have just used up all of any credibility you ever had during the Iraq war

But each case, political military, must be judged on its own merits. The US may be wrong from time to time. No people, no culture, and no nation is perfect --- 100% of the time. That doesn't change the ground truth. And if we are comparing track records, then the past history and behaviors of the Arab Palestinian speaks for itself. And if we look at the regional nations, compared to the Arab Palestinian, not a one of them is less successful (with the exception of Syria) then the Palestinians. What has befallen the State of Palestine and Syria are largely failures of their own making.

Most Respectfully,
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I'd say based on US polls majority of Americans think otherwise.
But Americans are what, 5% of population? Hardly enough to determine normal. Apart from which many of them have an abnormal regard for apartheid systems, having historically operated their own.
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Anyway, in evidence of why normal people think Israel intends to steal Palestinians' natural gas...

IDF's Gaza assault is to control Palestinian gas, avert Israeli energy crisis


Israel's defence minister has confirmed that military plans to 'uproot Hamas' are about dominating Gaza's gas reserves
All of which means normal people think Palestinians are the focus of Israeli efforts to keep them as Untermensch.

So normal people think Palestinians

live under apartheid regimes,
have their opinions suppressed,
live under military rule in occupied territories,
have their land and property appropriated by Israel,
are cast as uncaring,
have their misfortunes laughed at by Israel,
still hold the keys and deeds to property other people are living in,
will have their off shore gas stolen by Israel,
are the focus of Israeli efforts to keep them as Untermensch.
All of which means normal people think Palestinians are the focus of Israeli efforts to keep them as Untermensch.

So normal people think Palestinians

live under apartheid regimes,
have their opinions suppressed,
live under military rule in occupied territories,
have their land and property appropriated by Israel,
are cast as uncaring,
have their misfortunes laughed at by Israel,
still hold the keys and deeds to property other people are living in,
will have their off shore gas stolen by Israel,
are the focus of Israeli efforts to keep them as Untermensch.
Add this to your list, Francis.
All of which means normal people think Palestinians are the focus of Israeli efforts to keep them as Untermensch.

So normal people think Palestinians

live under apartheid regimes,
have their opinions suppressed,
live under military rule in occupied territories,
have their land and property appropriated by Israel,
are cast as uncaring,
have their misfortunes laughed at by Israel,
still hold the keys and deeds to property other people are living in,
will have their off shore gas stolen by Israel,
are the focus of Israeli efforts to keep them as Untermensch.
Add this to your list, Francis.
:lmao: :clap2:
I do not know what he is looking for ...:dunno: I am normal and my answer won't chnage.
I asked you a direct question. I was looking for an answer to that question. It was pretty straight forward and clear, how could you possibly not know?

What would you do if there was no police to go to? When they broke into your house, there was no answer when you called 911, what would you do at that point?

And yes, your answer would definitely change, if there was no police to come to your rescue.

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