What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

You gotta understand where "Bill Not In Reality" is coming from when he makes delusional statements like this: "That's right! Normal Jews, don't want to be a part of racist, Zionist bullshit."

So according to dipshit, "Normal Jews" (?), are against the existence of a Jewish state.

Sure sign of mental illness.
Are you saying you can't have a Jewish State, without racist, Zionist bullshit?
You gotta understand where "Bill Not In Reality" is coming from when he makes delusional statements like this: "That's right! Normal Jews, don't want to be a part of racist, Zionist bullshit."

So according to dipshit, "Normal Jews" (?), are against the existence of a Jewish state.

Sure sign of mental illness.
Are you saying you can't have a Jewish State, without racist, Zionist bullshit?

More like you can't have a Jewish State and a Palestinian State, side by side - at least, not anymore - that window of opportunity has closed.

Which means, of course, that the Losers - the Palestinians - will have to take the Sucker's Walk, and get the hell outta Dodge.

More like you can't have a Jewish State and a Palestinian State, side by side - at least, not anymore - that window of opportunity has closed.

Which means, of course, that the Losers - the Palestinians - will have to take the Sucker's Walk, and get the hell outta Dodge.
Oh, grow up!
Oh, grow up!
You tell 'em, Junior.

If I was unable to effectively counterpoint a statement that it is now too late for a two-state solution, I might be tempted to play grade-school recess-yard word games as well.

Disappointing, but entirely expected.
Hmm, a couple of holes here Bill. the first one is in this quote below, where the dude does not even live in Israel:

That's right! Normal Jews, don't want to be a part of racist, Zionist bullshit.

Why Israel is losing support from Jewish students in US

If citizens, supporters and lovers of Israel don’t want the country to be characterized by racist statements and immoral attacks, it is so important for them to say so.

So humbly, recognizing that as much as I love Israel I do not yet live here or experience the country day to day, I want to do my part and emphatically and publicly say that those who wish black people would “get out of their neighborhood,” people who set fire to African apartments or vigilante perpetrators of price tag attacks do not represent me, or what I hope and believe Israel and Judaism stand for
In addition to that...

Gallup poll shows low support among young Americans for Operation Protective Edge

Support amongst Americans is divided, while older Americans are much likelier to say Israel’s actions are justified.
Got any more smart-ass comments, junior?

And on your second quote, you left some thing out:

Reactions to Hamas were lopsided, with 70 percent calling the group’s actions unjustified and just 11 percent describing them as justified.

To finish, I am of the belief that younger people are more easily swayed by the 'group' propaganda and older folks tend to have grown up and think a bit more for themselves.
Normal Americans think that those Arabs who are now calling themselves "Palestinians" for political expendiency are a danger to the U.S. They've killed a couple of American diplomats, and also, one of America's potential great political figures in Robert Kennedy. Who can forget how they shouted for joy upon learning of the many American deaths on 9/11 -- America's darkest day?
Most Americans are pro Israel, and consider Palestinians a bunch of terrorists:

Americans' sympathies lean heavily toward the Israelis over the Palestinians, 64% vs. 12%. Americans' partiality for Israel has consistently exceeded 60% since 2010; however, today's 64% ties the highest Gallup has recorded in a quarter century, last seen in 1991 during the Gulf War. At that time, slightly fewer than today, 7%, sympathized more with the Palestinians.

The results are similar to what Gallup measured 12 years ago during another period of heightened Israeli-Palestinian violence, and they are consistent with Americans' generally more positive views of the Israelis than of the Palestinians.


Let us not forget:

Who cares what the Americans think,you talk Big but act Small......as we have seen in Vietnam,Afghanistan,Iraq and against ISIS......you just never finish the Job but leave death and chaos where ever you go.......Israel itself,have No respect for Americans at all.....and Thumb Their Noses at You when the need arises...........So some of you Americans need to "Wake Up America".steve
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That conspiracy bullshit as opposed half a billion Muslims dancing over the dead bodies of 3000 Americans on 9-11? :cuckoo:

Another lame attempt at diverting from the fact that Americans hate Palestinians more than they do Herpes.
Silly Comment Roudy,Really you can do better than this......1/10 I'm afraid......improvement needed. steve
You gotta understand where "Bill Not In Reality" is coming from when he makes delusional statements like this: "That's right! Normal Jews, don't want to be a part of racist, Zionist bullshit."

So according to dipshit, "Normal Jews" (?), are against the existence of a Jewish state.

Sure sign of mental illness.
Are you saying you can't have a Jewish State, without racist, Zionist bullshit?

I'm saying you don't even know the definition of Zionism, defender of racist ISLAMIST bullshit.
Most Americans are pro Israel, and consider Palestinians a bunch of terrorists:

Americans' sympathies lean heavily toward the Israelis over the Palestinians, 64% vs. 12%. Americans' partiality for Israel has consistently exceeded 60% since 2010; however, today's 64% ties the highest Gallup has recorded in a quarter century, last seen in 1991 during the Gulf War. At that time, slightly fewer than today, 7%, sympathized more with the Palestinians.

The results are similar to what Gallup measured 12 years ago during another period of heightened Israeli-Palestinian violence, and they are consistent with Americans' generally more positive views of the Israelis than of the Palestinians.


Let us not forget:

Who cares what the Americans think,you talk Big but act Small......as we have seen in Vietnam,Afghanistan,Iraq and against ISIS......you just never finish the Job but leave death and chaos where ever you go.......Israel itself,have No respect for Americans at all.....and Thumb Their Noses at You when the need arises...........So some of you Americans need to "Wake Up America".steve

So to conclude you don't care "what Americans think" and went on to lie about Israel not having respect for the U.S., then topped it off by anti semtic propoganda about Israel "thumbing their noses when the need arises". All unsubstantiated pure jew hating demonization and garbage.

Drunk anti semite strikes again!
Hmm, a couple of holes here Bill. the first one is in this quote below, where the dude does not even live in Israel:
That's not a hole. Just because he doesn't live in Israel, doesn't mean settler violence against Palestinian's and comments made towards African refugees didn't happen.

And on your second quote, you left some thing out:

Reactions to Hamas were lopsided, with 70 percent calling the group’s actions unjustified and just 11 percent describing them as justified.
That shows how well Israeli propaganda is working.

To finish, I am of the belief that younger people are more easily swayed by the 'group' propaganda and older folks tend to have grown up and think a bit more for themselves.
Or younger people are less susceptible to being politically polluted than their elders and tend to see things as they really are.
...Or younger people are less susceptible to being politically polluted than their elders and tend to see things as they really are.
Correct. Until they finish growing up, and figure-out that things are usually not as black-and-white simple as they once thought, during their young-and-naive salad days.
I'm saying you don't even know the definition of Zionism, defender of racist ISLAMIST bullshit.
Coming from someone who spends all his time playing make believe, how could you know anything about anything?

so what's your educational level and what do base your knowledge of the world and Middle East on? I bet you don't even have a passport. Ha ha ha.
...Or younger people are less susceptible to being politically polluted than their elders and tend to see things as they really are.
Correct. Until they finish growing up, and figure-out that things are usually not as black-and-white simple as they once thought, during their young-and-naive salad days.

Like I said I know many ex Democrats who stopped as soon as they realize that all the Dems want to do is suck your blood and your hard earned money by taxing the hell out of you. If things were left up to the Dems, no business would be left standing considering the taxes and regulations the fascists would impose on you. We'd all be working for the state now.
You gotta understand where "Bill Not In Reality" is coming from when he makes delusional statements like this: "That's right! Normal Jews, don't want to be a part of racist, Zionist bullshit."

So according to dipshit, "Normal Jews" (?), are against the existence of a Jewish state.

Sure sign of mental illness.
Are you saying you can't have a Jewish State, without racist, Zionist bullshit?

I'm saying you don't even know the definition of Zionism, defender of racist ISLAMIST bullshit.
Do you Goy

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