What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

You gotta understand where "Bill Not In Reality" is coming from when he makes delusional statements like this: "That's right! Normal Jews, don't want to be a part of racist, Zionist bullshit."

So according to dipshit, "Normal Jews" (?), are against the existence of a Jewish state.

Sure sign of mental illness.
Are you saying you can't have a Jewish State, without racist, Zionist bullshit?

I'm saying you don't even know the definition of Zionism, defender of racist ISLAMIST bullshit.
Do you Goy

What's 10,000 over 18,000,000 nazi boy? These guys are a cult and hardly representative of worldwide Jewry. And in fact laughed at by all Jews. In short, they're nuts, just like you.

Sometimes you Pee Freely and other times like this, you Shit Freely out of your mouth. Maybe you should just change your name to "I Shit Freely". It's just more accurate. Take my advice.
so what's your educational level
High enough that I can only watch shows that are intellectually challenging, push the envelope of academia and test the limits of my grey matter, like Vanderpump Rules.

and what do base your knowledge of the world and Middle East on?

I bet you don't even have a passport. Ha ha ha.
If I said "yes", what do I win?
so what's your educational level
High enough that I can only watch shows that are intellectually challenging, push the envelope of academia and test the limits of my grey matter, like Vanderpump Rules.

and what do base your knowledge of the world and Middle East on?

I bet you don't even have a passport. Ha ha ha.
If I said "yes", what do I win?

Proving once again, the degree of required insanity and ignorance that goes into your average Pali IslamoNazi supporter.
Don't you think people in Israel have important domestic issues to deal with every day? Earning a living (maybe two or three) paying the bills, feeding their children, like the rest of us "normal" people, other than sitting around obsessing about the Palestinians?
I'm sure there is. They got a serious un-employment problem in that country. Partly to blame on their foreign policy and the economic sanctions it is generating. If they would just treat the Pals fairly, their standard of living would increase.

Nothing to do with the worlds economy and the way the planet can no longer sustain the numbers. Is the Palestinians even greater unemployment due to their foreign policies and their economic sanctions it is generating. If the pald Treated the Israeli's fairly would their standard of living increase ?
Don't you think people in Israel have important domestic issues to deal with every day? Earning a living (maybe two or three) paying the bills, feeding their children, like the rest of us "normal" people, other than sitting around obsessing about the Palestinians?
I'm sure there is. They got a serious un-employment problem in that country. Partly to blame on their foreign policy and the economic sanctions it is generating. If they would just treat the Pals fairly, their standard of living would increase.

Do you know what you are talking about? Because I don't.

ANTI SEMITIC NAZI JEW HATRED is what dildo is talking about
Do you know what you are talking about? Because I don't.
Israel is the most militarized country on the planet. That comes at a cost.

…[Ben-David] doesn’t ask himself why Israel has such a faulty education system…Massive and decade-long cuts in Israel’s education system have been the direct result of unsustainable security costs…Deep discrimination within Israel’s education system has channeled resources to the illegal colonies, drying up the center. Israel’s national education system is geared towards preparing the pupils for the army, a highly militaristic system, in which Arabic, if learnt at all, is mainly seen as a tool to enter into service in a military intelligence unit. In fact, there are entire schools which are sponsored by weapons manufacturing companies.

Ben David has previously shown shocking numbers of educated Israelis who leave Israel, seeking employment elsewhere. Of course, many of those who leave do so because they hope to give their children better education somewhere else, but what about those who wish to raise their children in a less militarized environment?
In addition to that, more and more country's are getting sick of Israeli tyranny.

Investment committees for European banks are considering recommending their institutions bar loans to Israeli companies that have economic links with the Palestinian occupied territories. Check that wording, “economic links” — this ensnares many more businesses than those directly operating within the territories.
It won't be long before Israel is treated in the same vein South Africa was.

That falls on N. Korea who have more armed forces per capita, then Iran, China, Pakistan etc.

Can you produce a non partisan link to your claim, or is it just that one of your fantasy claims.

What and be reduced to a hate fuelled world capital of rape, murder, violence and poverty. You do realise that the only people affected by the BDS movement are the Palestinians and very soon they will be dying because of your stupidity.
I still don't know what you are talking about.

Laying all the blame on the Jews just as his NAZI hero's did back in the 1930's, until the collapse of the worlds economy and then he will blame everyone for not protecting the worlds economy.
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.


Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.


Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Not when it a biased ANTISEMITIC poll conducted to demonise Israel, and don't say it isn't after the poll questions were produced from the pollsters own website.
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.


Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.


Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Not when it a biased ANTISEMITIC poll conducted to demonise Israel, and don't say it isn't after the poll questions were produced from the pollsters own website.

Phoney, I love your capitalisation of these 'hate' words you use...

Is it to try and help you remember them for the future?

Poor Phoney
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.


Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.

My bad Challenger... Sorry!

Moving on...
Normal Americans think that those Arabs who are now calling themselves "Palestinians" for political expendiency are a danger to the U.S. They've killed a couple of American diplomats, and also, one of America's potential great political figures in Robert Kennedy. Who can forget how they shouted for joy upon learning of the many American deaths on 9/11 -- America's darkest day?

You mean the Christian with Jordanian citizenship who shot Robert Kennedy?
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.


Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.

That's funny, according to mentally challenged Challenger, a majority of Americans that are strong supporters of Israel are crazy right wing brainwashed people.

Americans see Palestinians as a small part of a greater worldwide problem that modern civilization is having with Muslims.

True story dude. :clap2:
Normal Americans think that those Arabs who are now calling themselves "Palestinians" for political expendiency are a danger to the U.S. They've killed a couple of American diplomats, and also, one of America's potential great political figures in Robert Kennedy. Who can forget how they shouted for joy upon learning of the many American deaths on 9/11 -- America's darkest day?

You mean the Christian with Jordanian citizenship who shot Robert Kennedy?

And why did you purposely omit the fact that he was a Palestinian?


WASHINGTON – After 33 years of secrecy, the U.S. State Department has finally declassifieda document admitting it knew the late Yasser Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, plotted and supervised the murders of two U.S. diplomats in Sudan in 1973, a cover-up first exposed by WND in January 2001.

The document, released earlier this year, with no fanfare, makes it clear the Khartoum operation “was planned and carried out with the full knowledge and personal approval” of Arafat, a frequent visitor to the White House throughout the 1990s who died in 2004.

In the attack March 1, 1973, eight members of the Black September terrorist organization, part of Arafat’s Fatah faction of the PLO, stormed the Saudi embassy in Khartoum on Arafat’s orders, taking U.S. Ambassador Cleo Noel, diplomat Charge d’Affaires George Curtis Moore and others hostage, and one day later, killing Noel, Moore and Belgian diplomat Guy Eid.
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.


Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Not when it a biased ANTISEMITIC poll conducted to demonise Israel, and don't say it isn't after the poll questions were produced from the pollsters own website.

Phoney, I love your capitalisation of these 'hate' words you use...

Is it to try and help you remember them for the future?

Poor Phoney

No it is to hit home hard to you just how decent people view islam and its followers today, very soon we will see another Gates of Vienna as the Europeans drive the muslims back into the sea. There is no group the muslims have not targeted for violence and terrorism in the last 30 years, and a lot of people starting to fight back.
You mean the Christian with Jordanian citizenship who shot Robert Kennedy?

So, you are admitting, here, that the term "Palestinian" is just a bunch of crap made up some time after the mid sixties. Good.

I really didn't expect you to admit that Jordan is the name of the Palestinian state, either.
February 23, 1970Halhoul, West BankPalestinian Liberation Organization terrorists open fire on a busload of pilgrims killing Barbara Ertle of Michigan and wounding two other Americans.
March 28-29, 1970Beirut, LebanonThe Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) fired seven rockets at the U.S. Embassy, the American Insurance Company, Bank of America and the John F. Kennedy library.
September 14, 1970Amman, JordanThe PFLP hijacked a TWA flight from Zurich, Switzerland and forced it to land in Amman. Four American citizens were injured.
March 11, 1978Tel Aviv, IsraelGail Rubin, niece of U.S. Senator Abraham Ribicoff, was among 38 people shot to death by PLO terrorists on an Israeli beach.
June 2, 1978Jerusalem, IsraelRichard Fishman, a medical student from Maryland, was among six killed in a PLObus bombing in Jerusalem. Chava Sprecher, another American citizen from Seattle, Washington, was injured.
May 4, 1979Tiberias, IsraelHaim Mark and his wife, Haya, of New Haven, Connecticut were injured in a PLObombing attack in northern Israel.

August 19, 1982Paris, FranceTwo American citizens, Anne Van Zanten and Grace Cutler, were killed when thePLO bombed a Jewish restaurant in Paris.

July 1, 1983Hebron, West BankAharon Gross, 19, an American-Israeli from New York, was stabbed to death byPLO terrorists in the Hebron marketplace.

December 19, 1983Jerusalem, IsraelSerena Sussman, a 60-year-old tourist from Anderson, South Carolina, died from injuries from the PLO bombing of a bus in Jerusalem 13 days earlier.

September 20, 1984Aukar, LebanonIslamic Jihad detonate a van full of explosives 30 feet in front of the U.S. Embassy annex severely damaging the building, killing two U.S. servicemen and seven Lebanese employees, as well as 5 to 15 non-employees. Twenty Americans were injured, including U.S. Ambassador Reginald Bartholomew and visiting British Ambassador David Miers. An estimated 40 to 50 Lebanese were hurt. The attack came in response to the U.S. veto September 6 of a U.N. Security Council resolution.

October 7, 1985Between Alexandria, Egypt and Haifa, IsraelA four-member PFLP squad took over the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro, as it was sailing from Alexandria, Egypt, to Israel. The squad murdered a disabled U.S. citizen, Leon Klinghoffer, by throwing him in the ocean. The rest of the passengers were held hostage for two days and later released after the terrorists turned themselves in to Egyptian authorities in return for safe passage. But U.S. Navy fighters intercepted the Egyptian aircraft flying the terrorists to Tunis and forced it to land at the NATO airbase in Italy, where the terrorists were arrested. Two of the terrorists were tried in Italy and sentenced to prison. The Italian authorities however let the two others escape on diplomatic passports. Abu Abbas, who masterminded the hijacking, was later convicted to life imprisonment in absentia.
December 27, 1985Rome, ItalyFour terrorists from Abu Nidal's organization attacked El Al offices at the Leonardo di Vinci Airport in Rome. Thirteen people, including five Americans, were killed and 74 wounded, among them two Americans. The terrorists had come from Damascus and were supported by the Syrian regime.
March 30, 1986Athens, GreeceA bomb exploded on a TWA flight from Rome as it approached Athens airport. The attack killed four U.S. citizens who were sucked through a hole made by the blast, although the plane safely landed. The bombing was attributed to the Fatah Special Operations Group's intelligence and security apparatus, headed by Abdullah Abd al-Hamid Labib, alias Colonel Hawari.
September 5, 1986Karachi, PakistanAbu Nidal members hijacked a Pan Am flight leaving Karachi, Pakistan bound for Frankfurt, Germany and New York with 379 passengers, including 89 Americans. The terrorists forced the plane to land in Larnaca, Cyprus, where they demanded the release of two Palestinians and a Briton jailed for the murder of three Israelis there in 1985. The terrorists killed 22 of the passengers, including two American citizens and wounded many others. They were caught and indicted by a Washington grand jury in 1991.

July 6, 1989Between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, IsraelA member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad seized control of the steering wheel of a crowded bus enroute from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and drove the bus off a cliff in the area of Kiryat Ye'arim. 16 civilians were killed, including two Canadians and one American.

December 1, 1993Jerusalem, IsraelYitzhak Weinstock, 19, whose family came from Los Angeles, CA, was killed in a drive-by shooting. Hamas took responsibility for the attack
October 9, 1994Ramallah, West BankNachshon Wachsman, 19, whose family came from New York, was kidnapped and then murdered by Hamas.
October 9, 1994Jerusalem, IsraelShooting attack on cafe-goers in Jerusalem. U.S. citizens Scot Doberstein and Eric Goldberg were injured.

August 21, 1995Jerusalem, IsraelA bus bombing in Jerusalem by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) killed four, including American Joan Davenny of New Haven, CT, and wounded more than 100. U.S. citizens injured: Chanoch Bleier, Judith Shulewitz, Bernard Batta.
September 9, 1995Ma'ale Michmash, IsraelAmerican killed: Unborn child of Mrs. Mara Frey of Chicago. Mara Frey was injured.

February 23, 1997New York, USAA Palestinian gunman opened fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State building in New York, killing a Danish national and wounding visitors from the United States, Argentina, Switzerland and France before turning the gun on himself. A handwritten note carried by the gunman claimed this was a punishment attack against the "enemies of Palestine."
July 30, 1997Jerusalem, IsraelTwo bombs detonated in Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda market, killing 15 persons, including a U.S. citizen and wounding 168 others, among them two U.S. citizens. The Izz-el-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing, claimed responsibility for the attack. U.S. citizens killed: Mrs. Leah Stern of Passaic, NJ. U.S. citizens injured: Dov Dalin.
September 4, 1997Jerusalem, IsraelBombing on Ben-Yehuda Street, Jerusalem. U.S. citizens killed: Yael Botwin, 14, of Los Angeles and Jerusalem. U.S. citizens injured: Diana Campuzano of New York, Abraham Mendelson of Los Angeles, CA, Greg Salzman of New Jersey, Stuart E. Hersh of Kiryat Arba, Israel, Michael Alzer, Abraham Elias, David Keinan, Daniel Miller of Boca Raton, FL, Noam Rozenman of Jerusalem, Jenny (Yocheved) Rubin of Los Angeles, CA. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

September 29, 2000Jerusalem, IsraelAttack on motorists. U.S. citizens injured: Avi Herman of Teaneck, NJ, Naomi Herman of Teaneck, NJ.
September 29, 2000Jerusalem, IsraelAttack on taxi passengers. U.S. citizens injured: Tuvia Grossman of Chicago, Todd Pollack of Norfolk, VA, Andrew Feibusch of New York.
October 4, 2000Bethlehem, West BankU.S. citizens injured: An unidentified American tourist.
October 5, 2000Jerusalem, IsraelAttack on a motorist. U.S. citizens injured: Rabbi Chaim Brovender of Brooklyn.
October 8, 2000Nablus, West BankThe bullet-ridden body of Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, a U.S. citizen from Brooklyn living in the Jewish settlement of Elon Moreh, was found at the entrance to the West Bank town of Nablus. Lieberman had headed there after hearing that Palestinians had desecrated the religious site, Joseph's Tomb. No organization claimed responsibility for the murder.

And the list goes on and on and on

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