What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.
Apparently, when determining the views people take of a country, only the opinions of those of certain religions are considered to be valid views.

This came as something of a surprise to me but I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

In fact, America is the perfect country to judge Palestinians and Israelis. Both the Jews and Muslims are insignificantly small minorities here, leaving the majority Christians free of undo influence by or fear of either. Add to that the facts that Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources and are about the finest peeps the world has ever known.
Now compare all that with a poll which asks Muslims what they think of Jews.
I doubt one such as you can see the diff in poll creds.


America is so NOT the perfect country to judge shit! They have proven that time and time again!
I wouldn't trust America to judge a baking competition!
Wide range of media? Fox News.... Yeah bring it on!!
"Historical sources" WTF? Have you been drinking?

It's not surprising that one such as you would prefer the "wonders" of the Arab/Muslim culture you so eagerly promote here to the freedoms, opportunities and justice America represents.
That you believe Fox News is America's only media outlet is typical of those ignorant enough to be blinded by their own "brilliance" and Fox News is miles ahead of anything in the Arab/Muslim World for truth and facts. It's not even close.
You really know nothing of America and apparently even less about the Arab/Muslim World. Do you know anything about anything?
Last edited:
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.
Apparently, when determining the views people take of a country, only the opinions of those of certain religions are considered to be valid views.

This came as something of a surprise to me but I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

In fact, America is the perfect country to judge Palestinians and Israelis. Both the Jews and Muslims are insignificantly small minorities here, leaving the majority Christians free of undo influence by or fear of either. Add to that the facts that Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources and are about the finest peeps the world has ever known.
Now compare all that with a poll which asks Muslims what they think of Jews.
I doubt one such as you can see the diff in poll creds.


America is so NOT the perfect country to judge shit! They have proven that time and time again!

I wouldn't trust America to judge a baking competition!

Wide range of media? Fox News.... Yeah bring it on!!

"Historical sources" WTF? Have you been drinking? :booze:

Seems like somebody can't stand the fact that America stands shoulder to shoulder with Israel.

Now repeat after me, convert: God...Bless...America!


To be honest Roodboy...

I give a shit...

America does not know it's arse from it's elbow....
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.
Apparently, when determining the views people take of a country, only the opinions of those of certain religions are considered to be valid views.

This came as something of a surprise to me but I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

In fact, America is the perfect country to judge Palestinians and Israelis. Both the Jews and Muslims are insignificantly small minorities here, leaving the majority Christians free of undo influence by or fear of either. Add to that the facts that Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources and are about the finest peeps the world has ever known.
Now compare all that with a poll which asks Muslims what they think of Jews.
I doubt one such as you can see the diff in poll creds.


America is so NOT the perfect country to judge shit! They have proven that time and time again!

I wouldn't trust America to judge a baking competition!

Wide range of media? Fox News.... Yeah bring it on!!

"Historical sources" WTF? Have you been drinking? :booze:

Seems like somebody can't stand the fact that America stands shoulder to shoulder with Israel.

Now repeat after me, convert: God...Bless...America!


To be honest Roodboy...

I give a shit...

America does not know it's arse from it's elbow....

Your disdain for the world's greatest nation is common amongst idiots and yours has been duly noted.
So you reject American opinion but have complete "faith" in a poll which asks Muslims how they feel about Israel? How convenient for you, Ilsa. Illiteracy is epidemic in the Arab/Muslim Mideast where ignorance is culturally mandated and eagerly embraced, where the media is state/mosque run, and where Islamist goons are the law of the land. And you expect any knowledgeable poster to take your drivel seriously? Successive UN sponsored but Mideast Arab authored State of the Arab/Muslim World reports all said about the same thing: 350 million people live under the oppressive, modernity-rejecting, enforced-ignorance, misogynistic yoke of Islamic culture. You have surrendered your thoughtful poster card and are furthermore relegated to the MORON pile. Thanks for playing.


SAYSHIT has landed himself in the "drivel" abuse fraternity!

And you my friend are NOT a "knowledgeable poster"

Well, it was going to happen one day SAYSHIT...

You don't have much to say anyway, so just follow like the sheep that you are!

For your information, I choose to ignore "polls"... You know why? Because EVERY poll has an 'angle'... Pro Israel, Pro Palestine... They are about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

American's are entitled to their 'opinion'... Doesn't make them right now does it!
Apparently, when determining the views people take of a country, only the opinions of those of certain religions are considered to be valid views.

This came as something of a surprise to me but I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

In fact, America is the perfect country to judge Palestinians and Israelis. Both the Jews and Muslims are insignificantly small minorities here, leaving the majority Christians free of undo influence by or fear of either. Add to that the facts that Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources and are about the finest peeps the world has ever known.
Now compare all that with a poll which asks Muslims what they think of Jews.
I doubt one such as you can see the diff in poll creds.


America is so NOT the perfect country to judge shit! They have proven that time and time again!

I wouldn't trust America to judge a baking competition!

Wide range of media? Fox News.... Yeah bring it on!!

"Historical sources" WTF? Have you been drinking? :booze:

Seems like somebody can't stand the fact that America stands shoulder to shoulder with Israel.

Now repeat after me, convert: God...Bless...America!


To be honest Roodboy...

I give a shit...

America does not know it's arse from it's elbow....

Your disdain for the world's greatest nation is common amongst idiots and yours has been duly noted.


You know nothing....

If you did then you would NOT be a 'wannabe' American!

"Worlds Greatest Nation"?


There is no disdain in my words, a simple scepticism that the American public REALLY know what is going on...
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.
Apparently, when determining the views people take of a country, only the opinions of those of certain religions are considered to be valid views.

This came as something of a surprise to me but I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

In fact, America is the perfect country to judge Palestinians and Israelis. Both the Jews and Muslims are insignificantly small minorities here, leaving the majority Christians free of undo influence by or fear of either. Add to that the facts that Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources and are about the finest peeps the world has ever known.
Now compare all that with a poll which asks Muslims what they think of Jews.
I doubt one such as you can see the diff in poll creds.


America is so NOT the perfect country to judge shit! They have proven that time and time again!
I wouldn't trust America to judge a baking competition!
Wide range of media? Fox News.... Yeah bring it on!!
"Historical sources" WTF? Have you been drinking?

It's not surprising that one such as you would prefer the "wonders" of the Arab/Muslim culture you so eagerly promote here to the freedoms, opportunities and justice America represents.
That you believe Fox News is America's only media outlet is typical of those ignorant enough to be blinded by their own "brilliance" and Fox News is miles ahead of anything the Arab/Muslim World for truth and facts. It's not even close.
You really know nothing of America and apparently even less about the Arab/Muslim World. Do you know anything about anything?

Oh good lord...

You are beginning to sound like an advert for America!

Give it up man!

No, of course Fox is not the ONLY media outlet, but with approximately 97,186,000 American households thats a SHIT load of people being brainwashed!

OH NO...

You watch Fox New don't you SAYSHIT!

Oh boy, it's all coming together now!

So you reject American opinion but have complete "faith" in a poll which asks Muslims how they feel about Israel? How convenient for you, Ilsa. Illiteracy is epidemic in the Arab/Muslim Mideast where ignorance is culturally mandated and eagerly embraced, where the media is state/mosque run, and where Islamist goons are the law of the land. And you expect any knowledgeable poster to take your drivel seriously? Successive UN sponsored but Mideast Arab authored State of the Arab/Muslim World reports all said about the same thing: 350 million people live under the oppressive, modernity-rejecting, enforced-ignorance, misogynistic yoke of Islamic culture. You have surrendered your thoughtful poster card and are furthermore relegated to the MORON pile. Thanks for playing.

And you my friend are NOT a "knowledgeable poster"...
You don't have much to say anyway, so just follow like the sheep that you are!
For your information, I choose to ignore "polls"... You know why? Because EVERY poll has an 'angle'... Pro Israel, Pro Palestine... They are about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
American's are entitled to their 'opinion'... Doesn't make them right now does it!

It makes sense to ignore the findings of any poll which asks Mideast Arab/Muslims how they feel about Israel and sensible to ask the BBC WTF they thought they were proving. Gallup and Pew polls have some value in taking the public's pulse but as one who "wouldn't trust America to judge a baking competition" and thinks Fox News is America's only news source, your opinion is steeped in your monumental ignorance and is of no value.
Again ... thanks for playing. You're dismissed.
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.
Apparently, when determining the views people take of a country, only the opinions of those of certain religions are considered to be valid views.

This came as something of a surprise to me but I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

In fact, America is the perfect country to judge Palestinians and Israelis. Both the Jews and Muslims are insignificantly small minorities here, leaving the majority Christians free of undo influence by or fear of either. Add to that the facts that Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources and are about the finest peeps the world has ever known.
Now compare all that with a poll which asks Muslims what they think of Jews.
I doubt one such as you can see the diff in poll creds.


America is so NOT the perfect country to judge shit! They have proven that time and time again!
I wouldn't trust America to judge a baking competition!
Wide range of media? Fox News.... Yeah bring it on!!
"Historical sources" WTF? Have you been drinking?

It's not surprising that one such as you would prefer the "wonders" of the Arab/Muslim culture you so eagerly promote here to the freedoms, opportunities and justice America represents.
That you believe Fox News is America's only media outlet is typical of those ignorant enough to be blinded by their own "brilliance" and Fox News is miles ahead of anything the Arab/Muslim World for truth and facts. It's not even close.
You really know nothing of America and apparently even less about the Arab/Muslim World. Do you know anything about anything?

Oh good lord...

You are beginning to sound like an advert for America!

Give it up man!

No, of course Fox is not the ONLY media outlet, but with approximately 97,186,000 American households thats a SHIT load of people being brainwashed!

OH NO...

You watch Fox New don't you SAYSHIT!

Oh boy, it's all coming together now!


It may never come together for you, Pitiful One, but allow me to illuminate. There are virtually endless sources of info in America, from Network TV to local low-power garage radio. The Internet provides the complete spectrum from raging CT loons to angry political extremists. Americans who are interested can access enough variety to figure things out for themselves. Now compare that to life under your rock (or that of the vast majority of world inhabitants) and even you might get the picture ... naaaah.
Yes, yes, as long as Americans don't share the same anti Semitic, terrorist loving views as inhumanity, then by all means, they don't know anything.

But those ignorant, illiterate, criminally inclined, partially insane nutjobs, neo Nazis, Islamists, and the like that agree with inhumanity the mosque frequent flyer, well they're very knowledgeable. :cuckoo: :9: :splat: :asshole:
So you reject American opinion but have complete "faith" in a poll which asks Muslims how they feel about Israel? How convenient for you, Ilsa. Illiteracy is epidemic in the Arab/Muslim Mideast where ignorance is culturally mandated and eagerly embraced, where the media is state/mosque run, and where Islamist goons are the law of the land. And you expect any knowledgeable poster to take your drivel seriously? Successive UN sponsored but Mideast Arab authored State of the Arab/Muslim World reports all said about the same thing: 350 million people live under the oppressive, modernity-rejecting, enforced-ignorance, misogynistic yoke of Islamic culture. You have surrendered your thoughtful poster card and are furthermore relegated to the MORON pile. Thanks for playing.

And you my friend are NOT a "knowledgeable poster"...
You don't have much to say anyway, so just follow like the sheep that you are!
For your information, I choose to ignore "polls"... You know why? Because EVERY poll has an 'angle'... Pro Israel, Pro Palestine... They are about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
American's are entitled to their 'opinion'... Doesn't make them right now does it!

It makes sense to ignore the findings of any poll which asks Mideast Arab/Muslims how they feel about Israel and sensible to ask the BBC WTF they thought they were proving. Gallup and Pew polls have some value in taking the public's pulse but as one who "wouldn't trust America to judge a baking competition" and thinks Fox News is America's only news source, your opinion is steeped in your monumental ignorance and is of no value.
Again ... thanks for playing. You're dismissed.

Oh SAYHIT.... It get's really boring unless you can be bothered to read my posts...

You wittering on in your own sweet little world is one thing. Trying to have a grown up conversation simply eludes you!

I made it quite clear in my post that I did NOT think that Fox News was the ONLY media source...

As an Israel supporter you should also really have a think about why you have so much faith in a country that sells arms to Israel oh and Qatar and provides arms to, well, just about anyone who will take them... Oh, and guess what, America will even train them how to use them... Don't make me start naming the names of all of those 'amazing'(?) people who have gone through the American training corp!

Think about it!
Yes, yes, as long as Americans don't share the same anti Semitic, terrorist loving views as inhumanity, then by all means, they don't know anything.

But those ignorant, illiterate, criminally inclined, partially insane nutjobs, neo Nazis, Islamists, and the like that agree with inhumanity the mosque frequent flyer, well they're very knowledgeable. :cuckoo: :9: :splat: :asshole:

Good job Roodboy...

The Zionist community will be proud of you... I think you managed to squeeze just about every Zionists insult into one post...

I'm impressed...

However, please provide a link that shows that I love terrorism.

Much obliged.
In fact, America is the perfect country to judge Palestinians and Israelis. Both the Jews and Muslims are insignificantly small minorities here, leaving the majority Christians free of undo influence by or fear of either. Add to that the facts that Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources and are about the finest peeps the world has ever known.
Now compare all that with a poll which asks Muslims what they think of Jews.
I doubt one such as you can see the diff in poll creds.


America is so NOT the perfect country to judge shit! They have proven that time and time again!

I wouldn't trust America to judge a baking competition!

Wide range of media? Fox News.... Yeah bring it on!!

"Historical sources" WTF? Have you been drinking? :booze:

Seems like somebody can't stand the fact that America stands shoulder to shoulder with Israel.

Now repeat after me, convert: God...Bless...America!


To be honest Roodboy...

I give a shit...

America does not know it's arse from it's elbow....

Your disdain for the world's greatest nation is common amongst idiots and yours has been duly noted.


You know nothing....

If you did then you would NOT be a 'wannabe' American!

"Worlds Greatest Nation"?


There is no disdain in my words, a simple scepticism that the American public REALLY know what is going on...

You don't post simple skepticism but rather palpable disdain for both America and Americans. I think you need to move somewhere you'll feel more comfortable wearing that chador, Joanie. I hear Iran is beautiful this time of year and Saudi Arabia is considering allowing women to drive a during few hours of the day (but not while wearing make-up).
Last edited:
Yes, yes, as long as Americans don't share the same anti Semitic, terrorist loving views as inhumanity, then by all means, they don't know anything.

But those ignorant, illiterate, criminally inclined, partially insane nutjobs, neo Nazis, Islamists, and the like that agree with inhumanity the mosque frequent flyer, well they're very knowledgeable. :cuckoo: :9: :splat: :asshole:

Good job Roodboy...

The Zionist community will be proud of you... I think you managed to squeeze just about every Zionists insult into one post...

I'm impressed...

However, please provide a link that shows that I love terrorism.

Much obliged.

Zionist insults? ha ha ha. Get a grip on yourself, all Pali supporters are ignorant, lying, anti semitic, terrorist lovers. You have proven that in all your posts.
So you reject American opinion but have complete "faith" in a poll which asks Muslims how they feel about Israel? How convenient for you, Ilsa. Illiteracy is epidemic in the Arab/Muslim Mideast where ignorance is culturally mandated and eagerly embraced, where the media is state/mosque run, and where Islamist goons are the law of the land. And you expect any knowledgeable poster to take your drivel seriously? Successive UN sponsored but Mideast Arab authored State of the Arab/Muslim World reports all said about the same thing: 350 million people live under the oppressive, modernity-rejecting, enforced-ignorance, misogynistic yoke of Islamic culture. You have surrendered your thoughtful poster card and are furthermore relegated to the MORON pile. Thanks for playing.

And you my friend are NOT a "knowledgeable poster"...
You don't have much to say anyway, so just follow like the sheep that you are!
For your information, I choose to ignore "polls"... You know why? Because EVERY poll has an 'angle'... Pro Israel, Pro Palestine... They are about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
American's are entitled to their 'opinion'... Doesn't make them right now does it!

It makes sense to ignore the findings of any poll which asks Mideast Arab/Muslims how they feel about Israel and sensible to ask the BBC WTF they thought they were proving. Gallup and Pew polls have some value in taking the public's pulse but as one who "wouldn't trust America to judge a baking competition" and thinks Fox News is America's only news source, your opinion is steeped in your monumental ignorance and is of no value.
Again ... thanks for playing. You're dismissed.

Oh SAYHIT.... It get's really boring unless you can be bothered to read my posts...
I made it quite clear in my post that I did NOT think that Fox News was the ONLY media source...

Evidently you don't even know what you are posting.
You responded to my claim that "Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources" by sneering about Fox News. My point was we have many sources ... your response was America has Fox news. Frankly it is you who fails to read your own silliness. Increasingly I wonder why anyone would.
Yes, yes, as long as Americans don't share the same anti Semitic, terrorist loving views as inhumanity, then by all means, they don't know anything.

But those ignorant, illiterate, criminally inclined, partially insane nutjobs, neo Nazis, Islamists, and the like that agree with inhumanity the mosque frequent flyer, well they're very knowledgeable. :cuckoo: :9: :splat: :asshole:

Good job Roodboy...

The Zionist community will be proud of you... I think you managed to squeeze just about every Zionists insult into one post...

I'm impressed...

However, please provide a link that shows that I love terrorism.

Much obliged.

It's not such a stretch. If one hates Israel and America, which clearly you do with all your heart, one often loves terrorists.
Last edited:
So you reject American opinion but have complete "faith" in a poll which asks Muslims how they feel about Israel? How convenient for you, Ilsa. Illiteracy is epidemic in the Arab/Muslim Mideast where ignorance is culturally mandated and eagerly embraced, where the media is state/mosque run, and where Islamist goons are the law of the land. And you expect any knowledgeable poster to take your drivel seriously? Successive UN sponsored but Mideast Arab authored State of the Arab/Muslim World reports all said about the same thing: 350 million people live under the oppressive, modernity-rejecting, enforced-ignorance, misogynistic yoke of Islamic culture. You have surrendered your thoughtful poster card and are furthermore relegated to the MORON pile. Thanks for playing.

And you my friend are NOT a "knowledgeable poster"...
You don't have much to say anyway, so just follow like the sheep that you are!
For your information, I choose to ignore "polls"... You know why? Because EVERY poll has an 'angle'... Pro Israel, Pro Palestine... They are about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
American's are entitled to their 'opinion'... Doesn't make them right now does it!

It makes sense to ignore the findings of any poll which asks Mideast Arab/Muslims how they feel about Israel and sensible to ask the BBC WTF they thought they were proving. Gallup and Pew polls have some value in taking the public's pulse but as one who "wouldn't trust America to judge a baking competition" and thinks Fox News is America's only news source, your opinion is steeped in your monumental ignorance and is of no value.
Again ... thanks for playing. You're dismissed.

Oh SAYHIT.... It get's really boring unless you can be bothered to read my posts...
I made it quite clear in my post that I did NOT think that Fox News was the ONLY media source...

Evidently you don't even know what you are posting.
You responded to my claim that "Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources" by sneering about Fox News. My point was we have many sources ... your response was America has Fox news. Frankly it is you who fails to read your own silliness. Increasingly I wonder why anyone would.

Well, who can compete with the freedom of press and free speech that permeates high educated well informed Muslim / Islamic news sources that inhumanity gets it's information from? :lmao:
Yes, yes, as long as Americans don't share the same anti Semitic, terrorist loving views as inhumanity, then by all means, they don't know anything.

But those ignorant, illiterate, criminally inclined, partially insane nutjobs, neo Nazis, Islamists, and the like that agree with inhumanity the mosque frequent flyer, well they're very knowledgeable. :cuckoo: :9: :splat: :asshole:

Good job Roodboy...

The Zionist community will be proud of you... I think you managed to squeeze just about every Zionists insult into one post...

I'm impressed...

However, please provide a link that shows that I love terrorism.

Much obliged.

Zionist insults? ha ha ha. Get a grip on yourself, all Pali supporters are ignorant, lying, anti semitic, terrorist lovers. You have proven that in all your posts.

Link Roodboy...

Show me one link where I have said I love terrorists...

Yes, yes, as long as Americans don't share the same anti Semitic, terrorist loving views as inhumanity, then by all means, they don't know anything.

But those ignorant, illiterate, criminally inclined, partially insane nutjobs, neo Nazis, Islamists, and the like that agree with inhumanity the mosque frequent flyer, well they're very knowledgeable. :cuckoo: :9: :splat: :asshole:

Good job Roodboy...

The Zionist community will be proud of you... I think you managed to squeeze just about every Zionists insult into one post...

I'm impressed...

However, please provide a link that shows that I love terrorism.

Much obliged.

It's not just a stretch. If one hates Israel and America, which clearly you do with all your heart, one often loves terrorists.

Link please SAYSHIT.

Link to show that I love terrorists.
Yes, yes, as long as Americans don't share the same anti Semitic, terrorist loving views as inhumanity, then by all means, they don't know anything.

But those ignorant, illiterate, criminally inclined, partially insane nutjobs, neo Nazis, Islamists, and the like that agree with inhumanity the mosque frequent flyer, well they're very knowledgeable. :cuckoo: :9: :splat: :asshole:

Good job Roodboy...

The Zionist community will be proud of you... I think you managed to squeeze just about every Zionists insult into one post...

I'm impressed...

However, please provide a link that shows that I love terrorism.

Much obliged.

Zionist insults? ha ha ha. Get a grip on yourself, all Pali supporters are ignorant, lying, anti semitic, terrorist lovers. You have proven that in all your posts.

Link Roodboy...

Show me one link where I have said I love terrorists...


Here's your link, terrorist ass kissing America hater: :321:
Yes, yes, as long as Americans don't share the same anti Semitic, terrorist loving views as inhumanity, then by all means, they don't know anything.

But those ignorant, illiterate, criminally inclined, partially insane nutjobs, neo Nazis, Islamists, and the like that agree with inhumanity the mosque frequent flyer, well they're very knowledgeable. :cuckoo: :9: :splat: :asshole:

Good job Roodboy...

The Zionist community will be proud of you... I think you managed to squeeze just about every Zionists insult into one post...

I'm impressed...

However, please provide a link that shows that I love terrorism.

Much obliged.

It's not such a stretch. If one hates Israel and America, which clearly you do with all your heart, one often loves terrorists.

Link please SAYSHIT.

Link to show that I love terrorists.

You already proved it for me. It's not such a stretch. If one hates Israel and America, which clearly you do with all your heart, one often loves terrorists.

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