What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

Yes, yes, as long as Americans don't share the same anti Semitic, terrorist loving views as inhumanity, then by all means, they don't know anything.

But those ignorant, illiterate, criminally inclined, partially insane nutjobs, neo Nazis, Islamists, and the like that agree with inhumanity the mosque frequent flyer, well they're very knowledgeable. :cuckoo: :9: :splat: :asshole:

Good job Roodboy...

The Zionist community will be proud of you... I think you managed to squeeze just about every Zionists insult into one post...

I'm impressed...

However, please provide a link that shows that I love terrorism.

Much obliged.

It's not such a stretch. If one hates Israel and America, which clearly you do with all your heart, one often loves terrorists.

Link please SAYSHIT.

Link to show that I love terrorists.

You already proved it for me. It's not such a stretch. If one hates Israel and America, which clearly you do with all your heart, one often loves terrorists.

Link Please SAYSHIT!
Add to that the facts that Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources and are about the finest peeps the world has ever known.
I'm sorry but the US is famous for its insularity. You must know the saying 'War is God's way of teaching Americans geography'.*

It's true.

* Ambrose Bierce.
Yes, yes, as long as Americans don't share the same anti Semitic, terrorist loving views as inhumanity, then by all means, they don't know anything.

But those ignorant, illiterate, criminally inclined, partially insane nutjobs, neo Nazis, Islamists, and the like that agree with inhumanity the mosque frequent flyer, well they're very knowledgeable. :cuckoo: :9: :splat: :asshole:

Good job Roodboy...

The Zionist community will be proud of you... I think you managed to squeeze just about every Zionists insult into one post...

I'm impressed...

However, please provide a link that shows that I love terrorism.

Much obliged.

Zionist insults? ha ha ha. Get a grip on yourself, all Pali supporters are ignorant, lying, anti semitic, terrorist lovers. You have proven that in all your posts.

Link Roodboy...

Show me one link where I have said I love terrorists...


Here's your link, terrorist ass kissing America hater: :321:

No link then Roodboy...

Then you commit libel...

Anyway, to get to the point of the OP, normal people see Palestinians as living under apartheid regimes.
So you reject American opinion but have complete "faith" in a poll which asks Muslims how they feel about Israel? How convenient for you, Ilsa. Illiteracy is epidemic in the Arab/Muslim Mideast where ignorance is culturally mandated and eagerly embraced, where the media is state/mosque run, and where Islamist goons are the law of the land. And you expect any knowledgeable poster to take your drivel seriously? Successive UN sponsored but Mideast Arab authored State of the Arab/Muslim World reports all said about the same thing: 350 million people live under the oppressive, modernity-rejecting, enforced-ignorance, misogynistic yoke of Islamic culture. You have surrendered your thoughtful poster card and are furthermore relegated to the MORON pile. Thanks for playing.

And you my friend are NOT a "knowledgeable poster"...
You don't have much to say anyway, so just follow like the sheep that you are!
For your information, I choose to ignore "polls"... You know why? Because EVERY poll has an 'angle'... Pro Israel, Pro Palestine... They are about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
American's are entitled to their 'opinion'... Doesn't make them right now does it!

It makes sense to ignore the findings of any poll which asks Mideast Arab/Muslims how they feel about Israel and sensible to ask the BBC WTF they thought they were proving. Gallup and Pew polls have some value in taking the public's pulse but as one who "wouldn't trust America to judge a baking competition" and thinks Fox News is America's only news source, your opinion is steeped in your monumental ignorance and is of no value.
Again ... thanks for playing. You're dismissed.

Oh SAYHIT.... It get's really boring unless you can be bothered to read my posts...
I made it quite clear in my post that I did NOT think that Fox News was the ONLY media source...

Evidently you don't even know what you are posting.
You responded to my claim that "Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources" by sneering about Fox News. My point was we have many sources ... your response was America has Fox news. Frankly it is you who fails to read your own silliness. Increasingly I wonder why anyone would.

There needs to be a tumbleweed emoticon... :anj_stfu:

Yes, yes, as long as Americans don't share the same anti Semitic, terrorist loving views as inhumanity, then by all means, they don't know anything.

But those ignorant, illiterate, criminally inclined, partially insane nutjobs, neo Nazis, Islamists, and the like that agree with inhumanity the mosque frequent flyer, well they're very knowledgeable. :cuckoo: :9: :splat: :asshole:

Good job Roodboy...

The Zionist community will be proud of you... I think you managed to squeeze just about every Zionists insult into one post...

I'm impressed...

However, please provide a link that shows that I love terrorism.

Much obliged.

Zionist insults? ha ha ha. Get a grip on yourself, all Pali supporters are ignorant, lying, anti semitic, terrorist lovers. You have proven that in all your posts.

Link Roodboy...

Show me one link where I have said I love terrorists...


Here's your link, terrorist ass kissing America hater: :321:

No link then Roodboy...

Then you commit libel...


And your claims about why Americans support Israel, terrorist ass licker? Libel my ass.
Link? Ha ha ha.
Mandela is an expert on apartheid, normal people take his word for it when he says he sees it. But then the US and Israel supported apartheid SA, surprise, surprise, which meant they opposed Mandela's quest for equality.

Mandela's Memo to Thomas Friedman About Israel & Palestine


As to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, there is an additional factor. The so-called “Palestinian autonomous areas” are Bantustans. These are restricted entities within the power structure of the Israeli Apartheid system.
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Add to that the facts that Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources and are about the finest peeps the world has ever known.
I'm sorry but the US is famous for its insularity. You must know the saying 'War is God's way of teaching Americans geography'.*

It's true.

The gunpoint enforced ignorance of Mideast Arab/Muslims is not just a well-established fact, they even admit it. To apologize for it by alluding to American insularity is a classic case of immoral relativism. Compared to Mideast Arab/Muslims, America's slowest learners are all Einsteins.
Yes, yes, as long as Americans don't share the same anti Semitic, terrorist loving views as inhumanity, then by all means, they don't know anything.

But those ignorant, illiterate, criminally inclined, partially insane nutjobs, neo Nazis, Islamists, and the like that agree with inhumanity the mosque frequent flyer, well they're very knowledgeable. :cuckoo: :9: :splat: :asshole:

Good job Roodboy...

The Zionist community will be proud of you... I think you managed to squeeze just about every Zionists insult into one post...

I'm impressed...

However, please provide a link that shows that I love terrorism.

Much obliged.

Zionist insults? ha ha ha. Get a grip on yourself, all Pali supporters are ignorant, lying, anti semitic, terrorist lovers. You have proven that in all your posts.

Link Roodboy...

Show me one link where I have said I love terrorists...


Here's your link, terrorist ass kissing America hater: :321:

No link then Roodboy...

Then you commit libel...


A refusal to accede to your demand is not proof of libel. Damn you America-haters are THE DIMMEST peeps on the planet.
No, he was not (Mandela is dead, MORON) and he certainly wasn't an expert on the Mideast. You haters are the most ignorant peeps on the planet.
No, I think that's you. Only a very ignorant peep would think that the definition of being an expert on apartheid is being an expert on the ME.

And only the dimmest of peeps would think Mandela wasn't an expert on apartheid.
The gunpoint enforced ignorance of Mideast Arab/Muslims is not just a well-established fact, they even admit it. To apologize for it by alluding to American insularity is a classic case of immoral relativism. Compared to Mideast Arab/Muslims, America's slowest learners are all Einsteins.
But Americans as a whole are not the best positioned to judge the outside world, or any part of it, objectively. They are, in general, famously ignorant of the world.
I'll take what Martin Luther King Jr. said about Israel after the 1967 war: "Israel has a right to exist, must exist, and is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world."

Anyway, to get to the point of the OP, normal people see Palestinians as living under apartheid regimes.
To get to the point, most people don't think of the Palestinians at all...

The Palestinians are a miserable, savage, treacherous, stupid, foolhardy lot, that can neither negotiate nor fight their way out of a wet paper bag...

They're a joke...
The gunpoint enforced ignorance of Mideast Arab/Muslims is not just a well-established fact, they even admit it. To apologize for it by alluding to American insularity is a classic case of immoral relativism. Compared to Mideast Arab/Muslims, America's slowest learners are all Einsteins.
But Americans as a whole are not the best positioned to judge the outside world, or any part of it, objectively. They are, in general, famously ignorant of the world.

Yeah well it's not surprising, another terrorist loving Pali supporter hates America. Notice the pattern.
The gunpoint enforced ignorance of Mideast Arab/Muslims is not just a well-established fact, they even admit it. To apologize for it by alluding to American insularity is a classic case of immoral relativism. Compared to Mideast Arab/Muslims, America's slowest learners are all Einsteins.
But Americans as a whole are not the best positioned to judge the outside world, or any part of it, objectively. They are, in general, famously ignorant of the world.

But when you're the biggest, baddest asshole on the block, none of that happy horseshit matters very much.

For example, we ignore such as you, for no better reason than because it amuses us to do so.

... another terrorist loving Pali supporter hates America. Notice the pattern.
Hell, most folks with two brain cells to rub together had that one figured out, eons ago.

But it's always good to say the words, once in a while.

Just so the more naive and gullible and muddle-headed have a decent chance at drawing the correct conclusions, before they start cheering for The Enemy.
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.
Apparently, when determining the views people take of a country, only the opinions of those of certain religions are considered to be valid views.

This came as something of a surprise to me but I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

In fact, America is the perfect country to judge Palestinians and Israelis. Both the Jews and Muslims are insignificantly small minorities here, leaving the majority Christians free of undo influence by or fear of either. Add to that the facts that Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources and are about the finest peeps the world has ever known.
Now compare all that with a poll which asks Muslims what they think of Jews.
I doubt one such as you can see the diff in poll creds.

Americans have ready access to far less unbiased information, historical or otherwise, than Europeans.
Anyway, to get to the point of the OP, normal people see Palestinians as living under apartheid regimes.
To get to the point, most people don't think of the Palestinians at all...

The Palestinians are a miserable, savage, treacherous, stupid, foolhardy lot, that can neither negotiate nor fight their way out of a wet paper bag...

They're a joke...

Well, that was said of the Jews by the Nazis. Wonder where you got it from you Nazi punk.
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.
Apparently, when determining the views people take of a country, only the opinions of those of certain religions are considered to be valid views.

This came as something of a surprise to me but I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

In fact, America is the perfect country to judge Palestinians and Israelis. Both the Jews and Muslims are insignificantly small minorities here, leaving the majority Christians free of undo influence by or fear of either. Add to that the facts that Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources and are about the finest peeps the world has ever known.
Now compare all that with a poll which asks Muslims what they think of Jews.
I doubt one such as you can see the diff in poll creds.

Americans have ready access to far less unbiased information, historical or otherwise, than Europeans.
Anyway, to get to the point of the OP, normal people see Palestinians as living under apartheid regimes.
To get to the point, most people don't think of the Palestinians at all...

The Palestinians are a miserable, savage, treacherous, stupid, foolhardy lot, that can neither negotiate nor fight their way out of a wet paper bag...

They're a joke...

Well, that was said of the Jews by the Nazis. Wonder where you got it from you Nazi punk.
Eat shit and die, Muslim-Arab ass-kisser.

At the first sign of opposition to your ideas and opinions and position, you routinely fly off the handle and begin denigrating your opponents and initiate name-calling.

Your Tokyo Rose act on behalf of your beloved Hamas and other Militant Muslim scum is scaring nobody but the dogs in the back yard.

You're a one-trick pony... Israel is doomed... the Muslims are gonna outbreed them... the Israelis don't dare do anything about it... the world will come to Palestine's rescue.

Blah... blah... blah... endless phukking blah.

Yer startin' to bore the hell outta people, bumpkin, and you're not foolin' anybody.

As for your brickbats directed at me... I wear the insults of a Hamas ass-kisser like you as if they were the Congressional Medal of Honor.

So, thank you for the brickbats, and phukk you very much.

Anything else you want to toss my way, bitch, before your next dose of meds, or are we done yet?
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Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.


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