What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

<snip>Wide range of media? Fox News.... Yeah bring it on!!

Now, now. I take exception to this. You know for a fact that there is much more news media in the US than just FauxNews. Please do not lump everyone who supports Israel into this box. Because by doing so, you now are starting to show some severe ignorance on your part. . . . .
<snip>Wide range of media? Fox News.... Yeah bring it on!!

Now, now. I take exception to this. You know for a fact that there is much more news media in the US than just FauxNews. Please do not lump everyone who supports Israel into this box. Because by doing so, you now are starting to show some severe ignorance on your part. . . . .

Now, now Teddy, who is killing who in Palestine? In what country would anyone support the Israeli killers of hundreds of children in just 3-4 weeks like what happened this summer. Only in America, and disgusting promoters of child killing like you.
Yes, yes, as long as Americans don't share the same anti Semitic, terrorist loving views as inhumanity, then by all means, they don't know anything.

But those ignorant, illiterate, criminally inclined, partially insane nutjobs, neo Nazis, Islamists, and the like that agree with inhumanity the mosque frequent flyer, well they're very knowledgeable. :cuckoo: :9: :splat: :asshole:

Good job Roodboy...

The Zionist community will be proud of you... I think you managed to squeeze just about every Zionists insult into one post...

I'm impressed...

However, please provide a link that shows that I love terrorism.

Much obliged.

It's not such a stretch. If one hates Israel and America, which clearly you do with all your heart, one often loves terrorists.

Link please SAYSHIT.

Link to show that I love terrorists.

You already proved it for me. It's not such a stretch. If one hates Israel and America, which clearly you do with all your heart, one often loves terrorists.

Link Please SAYSHIT!

It was an OPINION about an IDIOT, Joanie, not a math equation.
<snip>Wide range of media? Fox News.... Yeah bring it on!!

Now, now. I take exception to this. You know for a fact that there is much more news media in the US than just FauxNews. Please do not lump everyone who supports Israel into this box. Because by doing so, you now are starting to show some severe ignorance on your part. . . . .

Now, now Teddy, who is killing who in Palestine? In what country would anyone support the Israeli killers of hundreds of children in just 3-4 weeks like what happened this summer. Only in America, and disgusting promoters of child killing like you.

Camel crap, but then that's all you ever seem to post. The Israeli/Arab conflict, as tragic as its casualties are, is a mere pimple compared to the carnage inflicted by Islamists all over the Arab/Muslim Mideast. Your self-imposed blindness to all but the Israeli/Arab conflict marks you as a disgusting enabler of that carnage.
It's not such a stretch. If one hates Israel and America, which clearly you do with all your heart, one often loves terrorists.

I think I will have to respectfully disagree with this broad brush. I used to call Humanity "inhumanity" as well but once we squared off in one thread I do not believe that he loves terrorism, nor any of the violence.
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<snip>Wide range of media? Fox News.... Yeah bring it on!!

Now, now. I take exception to this. You know for a fact that there is much more news media in the US than just FauxNews. Please do not lump everyone who supports Israel into this box. Because by doing so, you now are starting to show some severe ignorance on your part. . . . .

Inhumanity forgets that Democrats (not including this president and his minions) are as supportive of Israel than the republicans, if not more. Most Zionist Jews reside in the democrat party. Not your "average" Fox News listener.
It's not such a stretch. If one hates Israel and America, which clearly you do with all your heart, one often loves terrorists.

I think I will have to respectfully disagree with this broad brush. I used to cal Humanity "inhumanity" as well but once we squared off in one thread I do not believe that he loves terrorism, nor any of the violence.

Don't be duped, they justify terror and use anti septic words like freedom fighting, resistance, etc. It's all the same America hating anti Semitic bullshit and historical revisionism with these guys.
<snip>Wide range of media? Fox News.... Yeah bring it on!!

Now, now. I take exception to this. You know for a fact that there is much more news media in the US than just FauxNews. Please do not lump everyone who supports Israel into this box. Because by doing so, you now are starting to show some severe ignorance on your part. . . . .

Now, now Teddy, who is killing who in Palestine? In what country would anyone support the Israeli killers of hundreds of children in just 3-4 weeks like what happened this summer. Only in America, and disgusting promoters of child killing like you.

In what culture do they target little children and use their own little kids as suicide Bombers and human shields. Why the depraved Palestinian culture of course. They learned well from their Nazi patriarch, the Mufti, Arafat's uncle.

Amin Al Husseini Nazi Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
No, he was not (Mandela is dead, MORON) and he certainly wasn't an expert on the Mideast. You haters are the most ignorant peeps on the planet.
No, I think that's you. Only a very ignorant peep would think that the definition of being an expert on apartheid is being an expert on the ME.

And only the dimmest of peeps would think Mandela wasn't an expert on apartheid.

Well at least you now admit he's dead you ignorant slut. That's a start.
Having suffered under apartheid does not make one an expert on the subject and not knowing the Mideast hardly qualified Mandela as an expert on Israel.
I disagree.
Ah, some more 'no it isn't'.


But anyway, with which elements do you disagree?

That Mandela was an expert on apartheid?

That normal people listen to Mandela on apartheid?

That Mandela considered Israel to be operating apartheid regimes?
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The gunpoint enforced ignorance of Mideast Arab/Muslims is not just a well-established fact, they even admit it. To apologize for it by alluding to American insularity is a classic case of immoral relativism. Compared to Mideast Arab/Muslims, America's slowest learners are all Einsteins.

But Americans as a whole are not the best positioned to judge the outside world, or any part of it, objectively. They are, in general, famously ignorant of the world.

Once again you cover your eyes when the truth Is put in front of them: nearly half of all Mideast/Arab women are ILLITERATE as are nearly 1/4 of their men.
Given the FACT that Mideast Arab/Muslims are treated like mushrooms - kept in the dark and fed camel crap - even America's mentally challenged have access to more facts about them and their world than they do.
The gunpoint enforced ignorance of Mideast Arab/Muslims is not just a well-established fact, they even admit it. To apologize for it by alluding to American insularity is a classic case of immoral relativism. Compared to Mideast Arab/Muslims, America's slowest learners are all Einsteins.
But Americans as a whole are not the best positioned to judge the outside world, or any part of it, objectively. They are, in general, famously ignorant of the world.

Yeah well it's not surprising, another terrorist loving Pali supporter hates America. Notice the pattern.

Indeed! :cool-45:
<snip>Wide range of media? Fox News.... Yeah bring it on!!

Now, now. I take exception to this. You know for a fact that there is much more news media in the US than just FauxNews. Please do not lump everyone who supports Israel into this box. Because by doing so, you now are starting to show some severe ignorance on your part. . . . .

Now, now Teddy, who is killing who in Palestine? In what country would anyone support the Israeli killers of hundreds of children in just 3-4 weeks like what happened this summer. Only in America, and disgusting promoters of child killing like you.

Monti/Sarah, (and forgive me folks to even acknowledging he/she exists) you show again your total . . . . um, what? Lack of communication skills. Bingo! That is it. As your reply to my post does not at all have anything to do with what I posted.
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.
Apparently, when determining the views people take of a country, only the opinions of those of certain religions are considered to be valid views.

This came as something of a surprise to me but I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

In fact, America is the perfect country to judge Palestinians and Israelis. Both the Jews and Muslims are insignificantly small minorities here, leaving the majority Christians free of undo influence by or fear of either. Add to that the facts that Americans have access to a wide range of media and historical sources and are about the finest peeps the world has ever known.
Now compare all that with a poll which asks Muslims what they think of Jews.
I doubt one such as you can see the diff in poll creds.

Americans have ready access to far less unbiased information, historical or otherwise, than Europeans.
Anyway, to get to the point of the OP, normal people see Palestinians as living under apartheid regimes.
To get to the point, most people don't think of the Palestinians at all...

The Palestinians are a miserable, savage, treacherous, stupid, foolhardy lot, that can neither negotiate nor fight their way out of a wet paper bag...

They're a joke...

Well, that was said of the Jews by the Nazis. Wonder where you got it from you Nazi punk.
Eat shit and die, Muslim-Arab ass-kisser.

At the first sign of opposition to your ideas and opinions and position, you routinely fly off the handle and begin denigrating your opponents and initiate name-calling.

Your Tokyo Rose act on behalf of your beloved Hamas and other Militant Muslim scum is scaring nobody but the dogs in the back yard.

You're a one-trick pony... Israel is doomed... the Muslims are gonna outbreed them... the Israelis don't dare do anything about it... the world will come to Palestine's rescue.

Blah... blah... blah... endless phukking blah.

Yer startin' to bore the hell outta people, bumpkin, and you're not foolin' anybody.

As for your brickbats directed at me... I wear the insults of a Hamas ass-kisser like you as if they were the Congressional Medal of Honor.

So, thank you for the brickbats, and phukk you very much.

Anything else you want to toss my way, bitch, before your next dose of meds, or are we done yet?

Woo ... don't hold back, Bubba ... tell 'em how you really feel.

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