What do people think about the claim that China stole MH370, the plane that vanished?


Senior Member
Jul 8, 2011
Remember when a Chinese ship picked up pings at the right frequency, but the ship was carrying transponders on board set to that exact frequency?

Sorry, I can't find a news article about this, but I remember it and there's a comment:
Unlike earlier 'pings' -- which were apparently in motion and transmitting at the wrong frequency for aviation --- these two pings detected were at the correct frequency of 37,5 kihz. However, they were picked up (twice) in a region where the ocean floor approaches the beacon's maximum range of 5 kilometers. Since the Haixun01 -- against all practical sense -- was carrying working transponders on board, set to 37.5 khz -- the logical conclusion is that it picked up its own beacons, accidentally activated by its own crew.
From Rogue Norwegian exploration ship refuses to give up in MH370 search

"Accidentally activated", or deliberately activated to renew hope and global interest in the story as the time limit for expected battery life had almost run out?

Evidence for: the Thai military announced it had detected MH370, but no one ever asked it for its data, or which direction it saw MH370 going. Why didn't they want to know this information? Why did China, with 153 of its citizens on board, not ask?

Evidence against: the complicated satellite frequency analysis that most people can't understand, due to it being based on Doppler frequency differences that remain after the plane's equipment has already tried to account for the movement of the plane, relative to the satellite in geosynchronous orbit 36000+ km away. An analysis found that the recorded values had a high correlation with a southern route, and bad correlation with possible northern routes.
Correct me if I am wrong. Some of the wreckage plane parts have washed ashore. It crashed.
Dude has 110 posts in 10 years! What up with that? Whose sock are you? :lol:
It never flew over China did it? Why/ how could they steal it?
How do you know that? Did China release all their radar data?
Correct me if I am wrong. Some of the wreckage plane parts have washed ashore. It crashed.
Well, this is the conspiracy theory forum.

Another thing that might be "evidence for" the theory, but not sure: the reports that, well,

This is from 2018; if it was standard for phones that aren't connected to a network to still ring, wouldn't they report that in the article? Edit: ok, it does say that.
But a ringing tone does not always mean that the device is active.

Wireless analysts say that the ringing tone is a psychological trick used intentionally to keep callers on the line while the network tries to connect their call.

We weren't able to rule out a northern route; all we really have is the satellite data, like 10 pings in total or something, and the debris years later. Mainstream articles speculated about it: "If the plane’s final destination was near Kyrgyzstan, ..." Why Didn’t the Missing Airliner’s Passengers Phone for Help? (I also remember an article about a private investigator who was hired, who found that there were zero phone calls from anyone after boarding. There was one lady, Australian I think, whose husband always called her after he boarded, but not this time.)

Chinese relatives didn't believe the wreckage was conclusive. Chinese Families Harbor Doubts Despite MH370 'Confirmation'
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But, https://www.techwalla.com/articles/how-to-tell-when-the-mobile-phone-youre-calling-is-off

"Phone Rings Once Then Disconnects"

Why would the behavior relatives observed, of multiple rings, continue, and then suddenly stop after four days, unless it reflected a genuine change in whether networks could connect with the phone?

And why is the best explanation anyone can give that "well maybe it took longer to determine it was off network", instead of a telephone company confirming that the phones could not be connected to?

Imagine, "we cannot confirm or deny that these phones were, in fact, still on and connected to a network during this time." "It is a matter of national security, so I cannot say more."

Consider that the well-known leaker of government documents, Edward Snowden, said he released those top secret documents, at great risk to himself (but it did get him 4.6 million Twitter followers, and he joked about this outcome), because the CIA director lied to Congress and the US public. If China did steal MH370, many people in China know about it. But unless their government lies, they may not feel the need to step forward, just as Snowden did not do anything before the CIA director lied.
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