what do we know about Sub - Saharan AFRICA BEFORE colonization (END OF WWI)


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
what do we know about Sub - Saharan AFRICA BEFORE colonization (END OF WWI)

LINKS, ONLY mainstream Historiography , academical level debate !

Royal tomb in Benin has traces of human blood on its walls, hinting at human sacrifice, study finds

Royal tomb in Benin has traces of human blood on its walls, hinting at human sacrifice, study finds

Ghezo, who ruled from 1818 until 1858, famously led several military expeditions against the region's powerful Yoruba state, or Oyo Empire, and thereby ended the Dahomey kingdom's annual tribute of slaves.

He was considered a powerful ruler and reportedly showcased the deaths of his foes to secure his reign. According to historical accounts, the path to his hut was paved with the skulls and jawbones of defeated enemies, and one of his thrones stood on the skulls of four enemy leaders.

Dahomey, now called Benin after the nearby Bight (or Bay) of Benin, is a center of the original African Vodun or Vodou religion that was developed in the Caribbean region. Traditional Vodun often features sacrifices of animal blood.
"If you were using DNA, then you could tell that certain species were present — but what you couldn't determine is the type of tissues that were involved," he said. "But here you've got evidence of tissue proteins associated with human blood."


LOOK LIKE kingdom of Dahomey WAS THE PURE HELL ON THE earth ...

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