What Does The GOP Have To Offer Me?

I'm selling my vote.

Then the GOP doesn't have a damn thing for you. If you want 'free stuff' in exchange for your vote then stick with the vote-buying Liberals.

The GOP wants people who actually value their vote, who understand what sacrifices others had to make to ensure you got the tight to vote and have been able to keep it. We want people who are willing to fight for their vote and do not think so little of it and who are so selfish that they would simply be willing to throw it away ... or sell it.

(Of course, that is all the vision that ONCE WAS within the GOP, before the spineless, self-serving career-politician, Washington Establishment RINOs like Boehner and McConnell took over. Most of the politicians in Washington now would sell their souls - and yours - just to stay in power.)
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

The once and no more GOP offers empty promises. That's all. They pander to the single issue voters on the wedge issues - gays, god, guns taxes and abortion - and continue the charade that they are a big tent party of compassionate conservatives.

It's not what this new iteration of Republicans say, it's what they do and how they act which is anathema to those who believe in justice and equal opportunity for all of us under the laws.
With a GOP majority you can expect a loss of SS, Medicare, unemployment insurance, disability insurance and health insurance.. While they give corporations tax breaks, subsidies and a free pass at passing more regulations to stifle small business creation...
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
The problem is that you're an idiot. Politicians run the government, the government doesn't run the economy, nor should it. History proves that government intrusion typically makes things worse. The fact that you want politicians to give you things proves you are part of the problem, not the solution.

Health insurance has been going up with regulations, state mandates and intrusion, lack of competition since the state calls the shots, sky high malpractice insurance, a focus on testing for that reason and now even more government. The opposite solution to lowering costs.

The rich got richer, more people under employed and more people dependents of the state in the last 7 years and you think the problem is the GOP?
Yes I do think the problem is/was the GOP. Yes. The answer is a resounding YES. I'm not going to tell you all the reasons again and again. Just read HW Bush's book. It's all in their how the GOP from 2000-2008 caused our economic woes.

For example, the Ford worker who's job went to Mexico. He's still under employed working at Walmart. Lost his home. Obama didn't cause that. And yes Bill Clinton signed Nafta but you guys created it. And GW Bush sent 700,000 jobs a month overseas. And for years you were hiring illegals to fuck with the American worker.

Of course it's not the GOP's fault. Nothing ever is.

Buck up and be a man and accept the FACT that the example you gave was Clinton's doing. He pushed for nothing more then his "free trade" agreements. It was predicted what would happen if they were passed and now they have. Maybe, maybe the republicans would have done the same but I doubt they could have convinced the democrats to screw the working man like they did with Clinton's free trade agreements. No way you can be allowed to change history, Clinton was the worse president ever in my opinion. Nice guy persona while he stabs the working man squarely in the back. Of course Obama isn't far behind with his open borders BS taking even more jobs from the working man.
It was drafted by Newt and HW would have signed it had he not been a 1 term president.

This is one thing we hate about the Clintons. They triangulated with the GOP much too much. It wasn't just this NAFTA deal either. He deregulated a lot in order to get the GOP to give him something in return. He should have been tougher with them like Obama. Obama don't give them nothing except for this new bad trade deal.

I hope you are not going to suggest Republicans are anti free trade. PLEASE don't try to pull that one off.
With a GOP majority you can expect a loss of SS, Medicare, unemployment insurance, disability insurance and health insurance.. While they give corporations tax breaks, subsidies and a free pass at passing more regulations to stifle small business creation...
And it won't trickle down. Under Bush Trump went from $1 billion to $8 billion. Has any of that trickled down? Corporations are sitting on mountains of cash. Any of that creating jobs or raising wages?
Someone yet again asking what the government can do for them it seems now people want government to do everything for them but blow their nose and wipe their ass.
I just want it to protect me from the evil corporations who want us all to make minimum wage.

There is no such thing as a "free market." The "middle class" is the creation of government intervention in the marketplace, and won't exist without it - See more at: Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

Its not their fault. Corporations have no souls. Their only focus is on profits. That's what they do.

I blame us. I blame YOU for giving them too much power.
With a GOP majority you can expect a loss of SS, Medicare, unemployment insurance, disability insurance and health insurance.. While they give corporations tax breaks, subsidies and a free pass at passing more regulations to stifle small business creation...
And it won't trickle down. Under Bush Trump went from $1 billion to $8 billion. Has any of that trickled down? Corporations are sitting on mountains of cash. Any of that creating jobs or raising wages?
The last month the corporate elite reported a significant hiring surge.......8 years later....getting their asses saved by the US taxpayer...
The OP is a lib partisan whore...not selling his vote, just doing tricks on the corner.
When are you guys going to admit Fiorino and Ben Carson have no chance and Rubio is your nominee? Too soon? What's Rubio going to do to make America better for America?

The GOP only care about international corporations and big donors.
Someone yet again asking what the government can do for them it seems now people want government to do everything for them but blow their nose and wipe their ass.
I just want it to protect me from the evil corporations who want us all to make minimum wage.

There is no such thing as a "free market." The "middle class" is the creation of government intervention in the marketplace, and won't exist without it - See more at: Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

Its not their fault. Corporations have no souls. Their only focus is on profits. That's what they do.

I blame us. I blame YOU for giving them too much power.
LOL. This retard says corporations have no soul then claims they are evil. He's too stupid to flip hamburgers for a living and he has demands?
Someone yet again asking what the government can do for them it seems now people want government to do everything for them but blow their nose and wipe their ass.
I just want it to protect me from the evil corporations who want us all to make minimum wage.

There is no such thing as a "free market." The "middle class" is the creation of government intervention in the marketplace, and won't exist without it - See more at: Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

Its not their fault. Corporations have no souls. Their only focus is on profits. That's what they do.

I blame us. I blame YOU for giving them too much power.
A beautiful display of far left talking points well done.
Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch.

Exaggeration. Health spending went up somewhere between 300 and 400 percent.

But health spending did go up substantially on Bush's watch.


The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs?

Nothing, just like they have always done.
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Someone yet again asking what the government can do for them it seems now people want government to do everything for them but blow their nose and wipe their ass.

Oh, some people want more than that. Lobbyists and donations to elected and even appointed officials ask for more than a tissue, they want the whole box and more.

The power elite and special interests want more than a living wage, opportunity and affordable health care, they want power, control of the Congress and the perks that come with the White House - Oh, and they want a biddable Supreme Court, for without that to override checks and balances they might not get everything they wish to have.
The GOP, in it's present state, is a joke.

I want lower taxes. No tax if I don't want forced healthcare. No threat of gun confiscation. That's about it.

I don't want much from the government.
Someone yet again asking what the government can do for them it seems now people want government to do everything for them but blow their nose and wipe their ass.
I just want it to protect me from the evil corporations who want us all to make minimum wage.

There is no such thing as a "free market." The "middle class" is the creation of government intervention in the marketplace, and won't exist without it - See more at: Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

Its not their fault. Corporations have no souls. Their only focus is on profits. That's what they do.

I blame us. I blame YOU for giving them too much power.
LOL. This retard says corporations have no soul then claims they are evil. He's too stupid to flip hamburgers for a living and he has demands?
If I owned a corporation, it too would have no soul. I would expect the government in the country I'm operating in to regulate me because as a corporation, I simply do not care about anything other than profits.

And I would lobby the government to do my bidding. If I donate a million to a politician, that politician hopefully will do what I want and not what is right for We The People.
Someone yet again asking what the government can do for them it seems now people want government to do everything for them but blow their nose and wipe their ass.
I just want it to protect me from the evil corporations who want us all to make minimum wage.

There is no such thing as a "free market." The "middle class" is the creation of government intervention in the marketplace, and won't exist without it - See more at: Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

Its not their fault. Corporations have no souls. Their only focus is on profits. That's what they do.

I blame us. I blame YOU for giving them too much power.
LOL. This retard says corporations have no soul then claims they are evil. He's too stupid to flip hamburgers for a living and he has demands?
If I owned a corporation, it too would have no soul. I would expect the government in the country I'm operating in to regulate me because as a corporation, I simply do not care about anything other than profits.

And I would lobby the government to do my bidding. If I donate a million to a politician, that politician hopefully will do what I want and not what is right for We The People.
That's called crony capitalism, very far removed from free market capitalism. But many corporations (most?) do care about their employees. You can't see what you don't want to.

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