What Does The GOP Have To Offer Me?

But health spending did go up substantially on Bush's watch.

obama comes in in '08, it shoots through the roof and Bush is what we should be focused on?
Bush ahd a 2% increase while Oblama has a 1.75%
Hello? Did you even look at the graph?
But health spending did go up substantially on Bush's watch.

obama comes in in '08, it shoots through the roof and Bush is what we should be focused on?
A. It knew there was finally a party in power that was going to reign them in.
B. What did Obama do when he "came in" to make them raise prices? They were already raising prices idiots!
C. Then the Lobbyists wrote the ACA and it was basically a gift to the insurance companies. We wanted single payer. Instead the ACA said everyone in America had to buy healthcare from private corporations. And this didn't lower costs. We should regulate them more. Or do it ourselves. Yes, socialized medicine.

Even my conservative British Republican friends think England's healthcare is Dandy.
The Democrats promised to lower our health care costs. They have failed.

There are free market solutions to our health care spending problem, but the GOP has done NOTHING because it is too hard to make the retards go along with what it will take. They have been dumbed down for so long, they would not understand the solutions that are required.

It is easier to just do nothing and play some theater for the rubes to keep them angry at the Left.

In this way, the GOP has sold the country down the river to single payer healthcare.
The once and no more GOP offers empty promises. That's all. .

'Vote for me and you'll get free gas...a new kitchen....'it' won't cost a dime, it will pay for itself, it will lower the cost of health care, it will not cost you your job or insurance, people won't lose their insurance, if you like you plan / doctor you can keep them....'

...pot, meet kettle.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
The problem is that you're an idiot. Politicians run the government, the government doesn't run the economy, nor should it. History proves that government intrusion typically makes things worse. The fact that you want politicians to give you things proves you are part of the problem, not the solution.

Health insurance has been going up with regulations, state mandates and intrusion, lack of competition since the state calls the shots, sky high malpractice insurance, a focus on testing for that reason and now even more government. The opposite solution to lowering costs.

The rich got richer, more people under employed and more people dependents of the state in the last 7 years and you think the problem is the GOP?
Yes I do think the problem is/was the GOP. Yes. The answer is a resounding YES. I'm not going to tell you all the reasons again and again. Just read HW Bush's book. It's all in their how the GOP from 2000-2008 caused our economic woes.

For example, the Ford worker who's job went to Mexico. He's still under employed working at Walmart. Lost his home. Obama didn't cause that. And yes Bill Clinton signed Nafta but you guys created it. And GW Bush sent 700,000 jobs a month overseas. And for years you were hiring illegals to fuck with the American worker.

Of course it's not the GOP's fault. Nothing ever is.

Buck up and be a man and accept the FACT that the example you gave was Clinton's doing. He pushed for nothing more then his "free trade" agreements. It was predicted what would happen if they were passed and now they have. Maybe, maybe the republicans would have done the same but I doubt they could have convinced the democrats to screw the working man like they did with Clinton's free trade agreements. No way you can be allowed to change history, Clinton was the worse president ever in my opinion. Nice guy persona while he stabs the working man squarely in the back. Of course Obama isn't far behind with his open borders BS taking even more jobs from the working man.
It was drafted by Newt and HW would have signed it had he not been a 1 term president.

This is one thing we hate about the Clintons. They triangulated with the GOP much too much. It wasn't just this NAFTA deal either. He deregulated a lot in order to get the GOP to give him something in return. He should have been tougher with them like Obama. Obama don't give them nothing except for this new bad trade deal.

I hope you are not going to suggest Republicans are anti free trade. PLEASE don't try to pull that one off.

Bottom line, CLINTON signed it and the democrats voted for it.

I admitted that the Republicans might have tried the same thing but it took a democrat president to stab the working man in the back. At least the Republicans are doing what they do, the democrats say one thing and do another.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
The problem is that you're an idiot. Politicians run the government, the government doesn't run the economy, nor should it. History proves that government intrusion typically makes things worse. The fact that you want politicians to give you things proves you are part of the problem, not the solution.

Health insurance has been going up with regulations, state mandates and intrusion, lack of competition since the state calls the shots, sky high malpractice insurance, a focus on testing for that reason and now even more government. The opposite solution to lowering costs.

The rich got richer, more people under employed and more people dependents of the state in the last 7 years and you think the problem is the GOP?
Yes I do think the problem is/was the GOP. Yes. The answer is a resounding YES. I'm not going to tell you all the reasons again and again. Just read HW Bush's book. It's all in their how the GOP from 2000-2008 caused our economic woes.

For example, the Ford worker who's job went to Mexico. He's still under employed working at Walmart. Lost his home. Obama didn't cause that. And yes Bill Clinton signed Nafta but you guys created it. And GW Bush sent 700,000 jobs a month overseas. And for years you were hiring illegals to fuck with the American worker.

Of course it's not the GOP's fault. Nothing ever is.

Buck up and be a man and accept the FACT that the example you gave was Clinton's doing. He pushed for nothing more then his "free trade" agreements. It was predicted what would happen if they were passed and now they have. Maybe, maybe the republicans would have done the same but I doubt they could have convinced the democrats to screw the working man like they did with Clinton's free trade agreements. No way you can be allowed to change history, Clinton was the worse president ever in my opinion. Nice guy persona while he stabs the working man squarely in the back. Of course Obama isn't far behind with his open borders BS taking even more jobs from the working man.
It was drafted by Newt and HW would have signed it had he not been a 1 term president.

This is one thing we hate about the Clintons. They triangulated with the GOP much too much. It wasn't just this NAFTA deal either. He deregulated a lot in order to get the GOP to give him something in return. He should have been tougher with them like Obama. Obama don't give them nothing except for this new bad trade deal.

I hope you are not going to suggest Republicans are anti free trade. PLEASE don't try to pull that one off.

Bottom line, CLINTON signed it and the democrats voted for it.

I admitted that the Republicans might have tried the same thing but it took a democrat president to stab the working man in the back. At least the Republicans are doing what they do, the democrats say one thing and do another.

Clinton signed the bill in 1993, circumstances since then prove Perot was right when he argued that the bill would suck jobs from the US into Mexico.

Experiments such as this ought to have a sunset clause, IMO.

That said, why haven't the opinions on the pending fair trade agreement been vetted by those seeking each parties nomination?

Do any of us know what the LT consequences of such a deal with have?

See: From the Trans-Pacific Partnership to a free trade agreement of the Asia-Pacific?
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
I think republicans are there for people who aspire to more than the same job at a higher rate and for universities to set their own tuition. We should declare bankruptcy on Social Security, but I don't think any party is willing to take that on the nose politically.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
I think republicans are there for people who aspire to more than the same job at a higher rate and for universities to set their own tuition. We should declare bankruptcy on Social Security, but I don't think any party is willing to take that on the nose politically.

I disagree, there is no evidence that you think (at least on the issues upon which you commented).
The once and no more GOP offers empty promises. That's all. .

'Vote for me and you'll get free gas...a new kitchen....'it' won't cost a dime, it will pay for itself, it will lower the cost of health care, it will not cost you your job or insurance, people won't lose their insurance, if you like you plan / doctor you can keep them....'

...pot, meet kettle.

Ignorance meets bigotry!
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
I think republicans are there for people who aspire to more than the same job at a higher rate and for universities to set their own tuition. We should declare bankruptcy on Social Security, but I don't think any party is willing to take that on the nose politically.

I disagree, there is no evidence that you think (at least on the issues upon which you commented).
Shut your ass or say what you think. Or do you?
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
I think republicans are there for people who aspire to more than the same job at a higher rate and for universities to set their own tuition. We should declare bankruptcy on Social Security, but I don't think any party is willing to take that on the nose politically.

I disagree, there is no evidence that you think (at least on the issues upon which you commented).
Shut your ass or say what you think. Or do you?

Temper temper, and leave my ass out of it (lol). I think, therefore, I am! Are you an am? Or an am not? I suppose an echo exists, but is it matter, dark matter or no matter?

I think suggesting a declaration of bankruptcy on SS is thoughtless as is your assessment of this new iteration of Republicans (the anti RINO set) who seem focused on howling at at the moon and expecting the moon to change into blue cheese.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
I think republicans are there for people who aspire to more than the same job at a higher rate and for universities to set their own tuition. We should declare bankruptcy on Social Security, but I don't think any party is willing to take that on the nose politically.

I disagree, there is no evidence that you think (at least on the issues upon which you commented).
Shut your ass or say what you think. Or do you?

Temper temper, and leave my ass out of it (lol). I think, therefore, I am! Are you an am? Or an am not? I suppose an echo exists, but is it matter, dark matter or no matter?

I think suggesting a declaration of bankruptcy on SS is thoughtless as is your assessment of this new iteration of Republicans (the anti RINO set) who seem focused on howling at at the moon and expecting the moon to change into blue cheese.

Generally I'm pragmatic, unless I'm in the mood to mock someone like you.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
I think republicans are there for people who aspire to more than the same job at a higher rate and for universities to set their own tuition. We should declare bankruptcy on Social Security, but I don't think any party is willing to take that on the nose politically.

I disagree, there is no evidence that you think (at least on the issues upon which you commented).
Shut your ass or say what you think. Or do you?

Temper temper, and leave my ass out of it (lol). I think, therefore, I am! Are you an am? Or an am not? I suppose an echo exists, but is it matter, dark matter or no matter?

I think suggesting a declaration of bankruptcy on SS is thoughtless as is your assessment of this new iteration of Republicans (the anti RINO set) who seem focused on howling at at the moon and expecting the moon to change into blue cheese.

Generally I'm pragmatic, unless I'm in the mood to mock someone like you.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
I think republicans are there for people who aspire to more than the same job at a higher rate and for universities to set their own tuition. We should declare bankruptcy on Social Security, but I don't think any party is willing to take that on the nose politically.

I disagree, there is no evidence that you think (at least on the issues upon which you commented).
Shut your ass or say what you think. Or do you?

Temper temper, and leave my ass out of it (lol). I think, therefore, I am! Are you an am? Or an am not? I suppose an echo exists, but is it matter, dark matter or no matter?

I think suggesting a declaration of bankruptcy on SS is thoughtless as is your assessment of this new iteration of Republicans (the anti RINO set) who seem focused on howling at at the moon and expecting the moon to change into blue cheese.

Generally I'm pragmatic, unless I'm in the mood to mock someone like you.
I think chasing Social Security is political and not pragmatic. After the baby boom (no offense) thins out of politics on either end of the ballot, this will also be politically popular. Working people nowadays don't have their hopes set on government retirement in the way that they were 40+ years ago.

I'll let the crabbiness slide on account of mistaken identity. I'm not even a Republican.
Democrats promise a lot, the problem is they are hardly ever successful living up to their promises or being held accountable for failures by their lemmings.

Cons think Bush was a great president and want to take us back to the wonderful years of 2007 and 2008 again.

saying it over and over doesn't make it true.

They may not all think he was a great president, but they sure do support the same policies he did which got us into this mess to begin with.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
I think republicans are there for people who aspire to more than the same job at a higher rate and for universities to set their own tuition. We should declare bankruptcy on Social Security, but I don't think any party is willing to take that on the nose politically.

I disagree, there is no evidence that you think (at least on the issues upon which you commented).
Shut your ass or say what you think. Or do you?

Temper temper, and leave my ass out of it (lol). I think, therefore, I am! Are you an am? Or an am not? I suppose an echo exists, but is it matter, dark matter or no matter?

I think suggesting a declaration of bankruptcy on SS is thoughtless as is your assessment of this new iteration of Republicans (the anti RINO set) who seem focused on howling at at the moon and expecting the moon to change into blue cheese.

Generally I'm pragmatic, unless I'm in the mood to mock someone like you.
Isn't it strange that republicans want anyone not working or not making enough to be responsible for themselves and they claim their right wing policies have had nothing to do with the state of our middle class and poor but then on another thread blame Obama for them being on welfare or not making enough. It happened on his watch! They say.

They truly are so intellectually dishonest. Why explain it 10 times if 9 didn't work?

Rich people vote GOP because the GOP are going to give them tax breaks. So why should I vote for them? Before they told us if they gave the rich tax breaks it would trickle down. It didn't. So then, what reasons should I vote GOP? What's in it for me? Of course I want hand outs. Everyone who votes wants something.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

Why does anyone have to offer you anything?
I think republicans are there for people who aspire to more than the same job at a higher rate and for universities to set their own tuition. We should declare bankruptcy on Social Security, but I don't think any party is willing to take that on the nose politically.

I disagree, there is no evidence that you think (at least on the issues upon which you commented).
Shut your ass or say what you think. Or do you?

Temper temper, and leave my ass out of it (lol). I think, therefore, I am! Are you an am? Or an am not? I suppose an echo exists, but is it matter, dark matter or no matter?

I think suggesting a declaration of bankruptcy on SS is thoughtless as is your assessment of this new iteration of Republicans (the anti RINO set) who seem focused on howling at at the moon and expecting the moon to change into blue cheese.

Generally I'm pragmatic, unless I'm in the mood to mock someone like you.
I think republicans are there for people who aspire to more than the same job at a higher rate and for universities to set their own tuition. We should declare bankruptcy on Social Security, but I don't think any party is willing to take that on the nose politically.

I disagree, there is no evidence that you think (at least on the issues upon which you commented).
Shut your ass or say what you think. Or do you?

Temper temper, and leave my ass out of it (lol). I think, therefore, I am! Are you an am? Or an am not? I suppose an echo exists, but is it matter, dark matter or no matter?

I think suggesting a declaration of bankruptcy on SS is thoughtless as is your assessment of this new iteration of Republicans (the anti RINO set) who seem focused on howling at at the moon and expecting the moon to change into blue cheese.

Generally I'm pragmatic, unless I'm in the mood to mock someone like you.
I think chasing Social Security is political and not pragmatic. After the baby boom (no offense) thins out of politics on either end of the ballot, this will also be politically popular. Working people nowadays don't have their hopes set on government retirement in the way that they were 40+ years ago.

I'll let the crabbiness slide on account of mistaken identity. I'm not even a Republican.
Today the young workers aren't being promised a pension at retirement nor are they saving. It's a fact you can look it up. They are in debt, not saving. So they are going to need social security a lot more than the people 40 years ago. Or they'll never retire. Good luck finding a company that will hire you at age 68. And good luck paying for insurance if the retirement age is 70. You're screwed.

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