What Does The GOP Have To Offer Me?

Buck up and be a man and accept the FACT that the example you gave was Clinton's doing. He pushed for nothing more then his "free trade" agreements. It was predicted what would happen if they were passed and now they have. Maybe, maybe the republicans would have done the same but I doubt they could have convinced the democrats to screw the working man like they did with Clinton's free trade agreements. No way you can be allowed to change history, Clinton was the worse president ever in my opinion. Nice guy persona while he stabs the working man squarely in the back. Of course Obama isn't far behind with his open borders BS taking even more jobs from the working man.
It was drafted by Newt and HW would have signed it had he not been a 1 term president.

This is one thing we hate about the Clintons. They triangulated with the GOP much too much. It wasn't just this NAFTA deal either. He deregulated a lot in order to get the GOP to give him something in return. He should have been tougher with them like Obama. Obama don't give them nothing except for this new bad trade deal.

I hope you are not going to suggest Republicans are anti free trade. PLEASE don't try to pull that one off.

Bottom line, CLINTON signed it and the democrats voted for it.

I admitted that the Republicans might have tried the same thing but it took a democrat president to stab the working man in the back. At least the Republicans are doing what they do, the democrats say one thing and do another.

Clinton signed the bill in 1993, circumstances since then prove Perot was right when he argued that the bill would suck jobs from the US into Mexico.

Experiments such as this ought to have a sunset clause, IMO.

That said, why haven't the opinions on the pending fair trade agreement been vetted by those seeking each parties nomination?

Do any of us know what the LT consequences of such a deal with have?

See: From the Trans-Pacific Partnership to a free trade agreement of the Asia-Pacific?

You want it explained to you? Really? How are the rank and file congressman going to explain it to you when they don't know themselves? Besides the democrat party thinks so little of people I am sure the think we are too stupid to understand. Too stupid to get id, too stupid to find a polling place, too stupid to not be on welfare..,..etc. The democrat left sure doesn't think much of Americans.

Wow, did your brainwash come with blue chip stamps?

The Democratic Party includes members of the power elite and the hoi polloi and every class in between; thus it is not of one mind, but an aggregate of disparate elements.

Anyone who watched the Democratic Forum last night saw a moderator asking mostly recondite questions which elicited insightful responses - no matter if one agreed with them or not - as opposed to the embarrassments put on by the RNC and responses by member of the aptly defined clown car.

haaaaaa, the left wing has one clown and she is a brain injuried soon to be a 70 year old.

I am glad to hear you enjoyed watching a DNC softball game.
It was drafted by Newt and HW would have signed it had he not been a 1 term president.

This is one thing we hate about the Clintons. They triangulated with the GOP much too much. It wasn't just this NAFTA deal either. He deregulated a lot in order to get the GOP to give him something in return. He should have been tougher with them like Obama. Obama don't give them nothing except for this new bad trade deal.

I hope you are not going to suggest Republicans are anti free trade. PLEASE don't try to pull that one off.

Bottom line, CLINTON signed it and the democrats voted for it.

I admitted that the Republicans might have tried the same thing but it took a democrat president to stab the working man in the back. At least the Republicans are doing what they do, the democrats say one thing and do another.

Clinton signed the bill in 1993, circumstances since then prove Perot was right when he argued that the bill would suck jobs from the US into Mexico.

Experiments such as this ought to have a sunset clause, IMO.

That said, why haven't the opinions on the pending fair trade agreement been vetted by those seeking each parties nomination?

Do any of us know what the LT consequences of such a deal with have?

See: From the Trans-Pacific Partnership to a free trade agreement of the Asia-Pacific?

You want it explained to you? Really? How are the rank and file congressman going to explain it to you when they don't know themselves? Besides the democrat party thinks so little of people I am sure the think we are too stupid to understand. Too stupid to get id, too stupid to find a polling place, too stupid to not be on welfare..,..etc. The democrat left sure doesn't think much of Americans.

Wow, did your brainwash come with blue chip stamps?

The Democratic Party includes members of the power elite and the hoi polloi and every class in between; thus it is not of one mind, but an aggregate of disparate elements.

Anyone who watched the Democratic Forum last night saw a moderator asking mostly recondite questions which elicited insightful responses - no matter if one agreed with them or not - as opposed to the embarrassments put on by the RNC and responses by member of the aptly defined clown car.

haaaaaa, the left wing has one clown and she is a brain injuried soon to be a 70 year old.

I am glad to hear you enjoyed watching a DNC softball game.

You found Maddow's Forum and questioning a softball game? That's a lie or you suffered brain damage when it was washed. But, just for fun, how do you characterize the Republican Debates?

or, as I characterize them:
Ridiculous & Embarrassing!
Bottom line, CLINTON signed it and the democrats voted for it.

I admitted that the Republicans might have tried the same thing but it took a democrat president to stab the working man in the back. At least the Republicans are doing what they do, the democrats say one thing and do another.

Clinton signed the bill in 1993, circumstances since then prove Perot was right when he argued that the bill would suck jobs from the US into Mexico.

Experiments such as this ought to have a sunset clause, IMO.

That said, why haven't the opinions on the pending fair trade agreement been vetted by those seeking each parties nomination?

Do any of us know what the LT consequences of such a deal with have?

See: From the Trans-Pacific Partnership to a free trade agreement of the Asia-Pacific?

You want it explained to you? Really? How are the rank and file congressman going to explain it to you when they don't know themselves? Besides the democrat party thinks so little of people I am sure the think we are too stupid to understand. Too stupid to get id, too stupid to find a polling place, too stupid to not be on welfare..,..etc. The democrat left sure doesn't think much of Americans.

Wow, did your brainwash come with blue chip stamps?

The Democratic Party includes members of the power elite and the hoi polloi and every class in between; thus it is not of one mind, but an aggregate of disparate elements.

Anyone who watched the Democratic Forum last night saw a moderator asking mostly recondite questions which elicited insightful responses - no matter if one agreed with them or not - as opposed to the embarrassments put on by the RNC and responses by member of the aptly defined clown car.

haaaaaa, the left wing has one clown and she is a brain injuried soon to be a 70 year old.

I am glad to hear you enjoyed watching a DNC softball game.

You found Maddow's Forum and questioning a softball game? That's a lie or you suffered brain damage when it was washed. But, just for fun, how do you characterize the Republican Debates?

or, as I characterize them:
Ridiculous & Embarrassing!

Don't know what you mean by Maddow's Forum, don't care.

I didn't watch the Republican debate, I am no longer a Republican

If you think what this country needs with China, Russia and ISIS in the world is a brain injured unaccomplished 70 year old grandma then I really wonder about why you hate the country so.
If you are looking for just enough government crumbs to remain poor stick with the Democratic party. If you are ready to get off your fat lard ass and earn your own way in this life instead of mooching off others then you may have the makings of a conservative.
The Conservative states get more Welfare than the Liberal states and that's a FACT jack.
It is the Conservatives who mooch off of the government. Especially business owners who cry and cry and bitch and moan and pay Congressmen to write special legislation giving them special tax cuts etc. etc. Tax cuts for business are a form of CORPORATE WELFARE.

The righties bitch like crazy about PEOPLE who get government assistance but they think BUSINESS < should > get government assistance and a lot of it. The vote against PEOPLE and for Business every time. Why the hell do people continue to vote in people who work for the opposition?
If you are looking for just enough government crumbs to remain poor stick with the Democratic party. If you are ready to get off your fat lard ass and earn your own way in this life instead of mooching off others then you may have the makings of a conservative.
The Conservative states get more Welfare than the Liberal states and that's a FACT jack.
It is the Conservatives who mooch off of the government. Especially business owners who cry and cry and bitch and moan and pay Congressmen to write special legislation giving them special tax cuts etc. etc. Tax cuts for business are a form of CORPORATE WELFARE.

The righties bitch like crazy about PEOPLE who get government assistance but they think BUSINESS < should > get government assistance and a lot of it. The vote against PEOPLE and for Business every time. Why the hell do people continue to vote in people who work for the opposition?

Mooch liberals in conservatives states get more welfare than conservatives OUCH! lol
If you are looking for just enough government crumbs to remain poor stick with the Democratic party. If you are ready to get off your fat lard ass and earn your own way in this life instead of mooching off others then you may have the makings of a conservative.
The Conservative states get more Welfare than the Liberal states and that's a FACT jack.
It is the Conservatives who mooch off of the government. Especially business owners who cry and cry and bitch and moan and pay Congressmen to write special legislation giving them special tax cuts etc. etc. Tax cuts for business are a form of CORPORATE WELFARE.

The righties bitch like crazy about PEOPLE who get government assistance but they think BUSINESS < should > get government assistance and a lot of it. The vote against PEOPLE and for Business every time. Why the hell do people continue to vote in people who work for the opposition?
Liberals can't get a lot in welfare in Liberal states because there are fewer Conservatives around to steal the money from.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

Nothing but tripe.

Why would you worry ? You've been fed that by the last two clowns in the WH.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

Nothing but tripe.

Why would you worry ? You've been fed that by the last two clowns in the WH.

Americans have long lived in a nation made up primarily of middle-class families, neither rich nor poor, but comfortable enough. This year, that changed. As of 2015, middle-income households have become the minority. Thanks to factory closings and other economic factors, the country now has 120.8 million adults living in middle-income households. That compares with the 121.3 million who are living in either upper- or lower-income households. The hollowing of the middle has proceeded steadily for the past four decades.

And middle-income Americans not only have shrunk as a share of the population but have fallen further behind financially, with their median income down 4 percent compared with the year 2000. So what exactly does it mean to be a middle-income family?

Bottom line: For a household with three people, being middle class means making between about $42,000 and $126,000. If your family of three makes less than $42,000, then you are in the lower class. If your family brings in more than $126,000, you are in the upper class.

Back in 1971, about 2 out of 3 Americans lived in middle-income households. Since then, the middle has been steadily shrinking. Today, just a shade under half of all households (about 49.9 percent) have middle incomes. Slightly more than half of Americans (about 50.1 percent) either live in a lower-class household (roughly 29 percent) or an upper-class household (about 21 percent).

Upper-class Americans have seen their incomes rise 47 percent, while lower-class families have gained only 28 percent. Americans without a college degree stand out as experiencing a substantial loss in economic status.

Since the recession ended almost all good jobs have gone to college graduates. Out of the 2.9 million good jobs created since the recovery, 2.8 million have been filled by workers with at least a bachelor's degree.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
They can't bring back jobs. The jobs don't exist any more. They have been automated. I've posted many links on this. Unemployment is as 4.7% and there are 5.8 million jobs available. Anyone with skills and motivation can get a job. If you don't have the skills, go back to school.
Republicans want high paying jobs that require no skills. They don't seem to understand those days are long gone.

Trump has said he will kill the families of Suicide Bombers. We call that policy "war crimes". Iran is not connected with Isis. Isis is Sunni. Iran is Shiite.

The GOP has said many times over the years, they want to end Social Security and Medicare. This could be the opportunity they are looking for.

We know what the GOP thinks of college.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
They can't bring back jobs. The jobs don't exist any more. They have been automated. I've posted many links on this. Unemployment is as 4.7% and there are 5.8 million jobs available. Anyone with skills and motivation can get a job. If you don't have the skills, go back to school.
Republicans want high paying jobs that require no skills. They don't seem to understand those days are long gone.

Trump has said he will kill the families of Suicide Bombers. We call that policy "war crimes". Iran is not connected with Isis. Isis is Sunni. Iran is Shiite.

The GOP has said many times over the years, they want to end Social Security and Medicare. This could be the opportunity they are looking for.

We know what the GOP thinks of college.

I like tomatoes. Cars are good. Beans suck. I need a screwdriver.

We know liberals hate science.
After the "Next 4" SC Judges are selected, I could care less what happens to the GOP.

I'd like to see the NEXT opposition to the DNC be the Libertarian or Constitution Party!
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

What will the GOP give you?

Well how do they compete with this?

I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?
They can't bring back jobs. The jobs don't exist any more. They have been automated. I've posted many links on this. Unemployment is as 4.7% and there are 5.8 million jobs available. Anyone with skills and motivation can get a job. If you don't have the skills, go back to school.
Republicans want high paying jobs that require no skills. They don't seem to understand those days are long gone.

Trump has said he will kill the families of Suicide Bombers. We call that policy "war crimes". Iran is not connected with Isis. Isis is Sunni. Iran is Shiite.

The GOP has said many times over the years, they want to end Social Security and Medicare. This could be the opportunity they are looking for.

We know what the GOP thinks of college.
That's a problem. The millions of blue collar uneducated Americans struggling aren't college material.

Your " go back to school" solution is what Republicans were telling them to do as their good paying union jobs were being shipped overseas.

You and the democrats are making a mistake telling blue collar workers they need to go back to school. This is why trumps winning their votes.

Yes we can bring those good jobs and unions back.
I'm selling my vote. Democrats promise affordable healthcare. Insurance went up 1000% on bush watch. The aca isn't perfect but what are Republicans going to do to lower healthcare costs? I don't want to hear about competition and regulations.

Are Republicans ready to bring jobs back home and pay more than $10 hr?

How the GOP going to make college more affordable?

How they gonna beat Isis? By going to war with Iran?

Are Republicans going to bankrupt social security?

Republicans don't seem pro worker. They always defend owners and call us lazy. Sup wit dat?

Nothing but tripe.

Why would you worry ? You've been fed that by the last two clowns in the WH.

Americans have long lived in a nation made up primarily of middle-class families, neither rich nor poor, but comfortable enough. This year, that changed. As of 2015, middle-income households have become the minority. Thanks to factory closings and other economic factors, the country now has 120.8 million adults living in middle-income households. That compares with the 121.3 million who are living in either upper- or lower-income households. The hollowing of the middle has proceeded steadily for the past four decades.

And middle-income Americans not only have shrunk as a share of the population but have fallen further behind financially, with their median income down 4 percent compared with the year 2000. So what exactly does it mean to be a middle-income family?

Bottom line: For a household with three people, being middle class means making between about $42,000 and $126,000. If your family of three makes less than $42,000, then you are in the lower class. If your family brings in more than $126,000, you are in the upper class.

Back in 1971, about 2 out of 3 Americans lived in middle-income households. Since then, the middle has been steadily shrinking. Today, just a shade under half of all households (about 49.9 percent) have middle incomes. Slightly more than half of Americans (about 50.1 percent) either live in a lower-class household (roughly 29 percent) or an upper-class household (about 21 percent).

Upper-class Americans have seen their incomes rise 47 percent, while lower-class families have gained only 28 percent. Americans without a college degree stand out as experiencing a substantial loss in economic status.

Since the recession ended almost all good jobs have gone to college graduates. Out of the 2.9 million good jobs created since the recovery, 2.8 million have been filled by workers with at least a bachelor's degree.

Excellent rebuttal to a fool. The attacks, and there is no better word to describe what a Gov. Walker (R -WI) has done to the working men and women, and other Republican Governors/St Legislators to labor. Their attacks on Unions, collective bargaining and taxes on workers are overlooked by too many; many who will suffer by voting by emotion and not common sense. Such persons abound on this message board; anytime a post includes the pejorative, "libtard" you've read the words of a fool.

The take aways by the Republican's are many, and justified by demeaning working men and women as wanting a free lunch; many who labor without benefits, or see their benefits reduced under the meme that benefits such as health insurance and retirement are undeserved / unearned and unnecessary, claiming that those who are personally responsible will and should put money aside for their health care and retirement,even as they refuse to consider raising the minimum wage.
Why do you need to be "offered" anything?
Because a fucking rigged system produces a shrinking middle class. The middle class is disappearing but the rich are doing great. It's mission accomplished for the GOP. Now blame unions dummy

Remember, in a lot of ways I agree with you. Poor people should stop having kids. Then you'll be sucking Arab Mexican Chinese and Indian cock begging them to immigrate here.

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