what Gates should be doing with his money

May 21, 2015
(and the billions that Buffet gave him and the billions more that he COULD call upon) is give (as yet) childless 3rd world women 5k each to get sterilzed. It's done with 2 injections to the tubes, no scars, takes 2 hours. 5k would get her OUT of the hellhole in which she's living. we need to reduce the worlds population. you get 10x as much effect in the 3rd world, as in the first world,and 1 man can impregnate 100 women, so sterilizing some of the men has no effect. finger print the women to prevent repeaters.
(and the billions that Buffet gave him and the billions more that he COULD call upon) is give (as yet) childless 3rd world women 5k each to get sterilzed. It's done with 2 injections to the tubes, no scars, takes 2 hours. 5k would get her OUT of the hellhole in which she's living. we need to reduce the worlds population. you get 10x as much effect in the 3rd world, as in the first world,and 1 man can impregnate 100 women, so sterilizing some of the men has no effect. finger print the women to prevent repeaters.
Woooooooooooooooooooooooo ... shit ........................... Geez .................... oh camel dung ..............

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