What happened to the moderates?

Let us make America great again! Fight ISIS! Build better infrastructure! Put Humans and our flag on Mars by 2030!

Lets be no 1 again!

Damn straight. This is what America needs to do.

-Reform education in order to be the best once again
-Stop other countries from screwing us over and stop outsourcing
-Go to the moon and onto mars
-Start mining

Be the best instead of scream about how we're.
OP-Dems are the moderates. In the world political spectrum, they are pragmatic centrists....
Speaking of dupes, any actual argument? Like bs editing like your lying heroes?
I have no idea what that means.

But I do absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that you are a moderate, pragmatic centrist.

Too funny.

The Dems are closer to being moderate pragmatic centrists than the Republicans.

Doesn't make the Dems perfect by a long ways IMO but given the choice between the two the Dems are way closer to being moderates that the batshitcrazies on the right.
OP-Dems are the moderates. In the world political spectrum, they are pragmatic centrists....
Speaking of dupes, any actual argument? Like bs editing like your lying heroes?
I have no idea what that means.

But I do absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that you are a moderate, pragmatic centrist.

Too funny.
Solutions are pragmatic, ACA setting up transparent competition and keeping insurers was the GOP plan and moderate. You're off the wall RW. Pubtroll. The only kind.
Why are there so many control freaks in society?

I think you need to be a bit more thoughtful about who you're calling a "control freak".

For example, here is a map of the states that have the largest prison populations:


If liberals are "control freaks", they don't incarcerate those who are supposedly "out of control". With some exceptions, the overwhelming majority of the states with the highest incarceration levels are "red" states. And, it is worth pointing out, that most of these states are not large states in terms of population. Louisiana, which has the highest population and close on it's heels are other red states of Oklahoma, Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia are ranked 25th, 28th, 23rd, 32nd, and 9th in population overall. Basically meaning that since all states pretty much have the same laws; these states seem to be more "control freakish" than their more populous neighbors.

OP-Dems are the moderates. In the world political spectrum, they are pragmatic centrists....
Speaking of dupes, any actual argument? Like bs editing like your lying heroes?
I have no idea what that means.

But I do absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that you are a moderate, pragmatic centrist.

Too funny.

The Dems are closer to being moderate pragmatic centrists than the Republicans.

Doesn't make the Dems perfect by a long ways IMO but given the choice between the two the Dems are way closer to being moderates that the batshitcrazies on the right.

You mean the same Dems that elected Obie 'The Great Divider' to two terms?........(and the few remaining moderates on the board continue to discuss the lack of moderates......too funny......).
OP-Dems are the moderates. In the world political spectrum, they are pragmatic centrists....
Speaking of dupes, any actual argument? Like bs editing like your lying heroes?
I have no idea what that means.

But I do absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that you are a moderate, pragmatic centrist.

Too funny.

The Dems are closer to being moderate pragmatic centrists than the Republicans.

Doesn't make the Dems perfect by a long ways IMO but given the choice between the two the Dems are way closer to being moderates that the batshitcrazies on the right.

You mean the same Dems that elected Obie 'The Great Divider' to two terms?........(and the few remaining moderates on the board continue to discuss the lack of moderates......too funny......).

The "great divide" is all in your head and it is primarily between reality and what you believe.
OP-Dems are the moderates. In the world political spectrum, they are pragmatic centrists, while the New bsGOP has fallen off their flat Earth. An intelligent health system is not communist dictatorship lol.

I always enjoy a good laugh.

OP-Dems are the moderates. In the world political spectrum, they are pragmatic centrists, while the New bsGOP has fallen off their flat Earth. An intelligent health system is not communist dictatorship lol.

I always enjoy a good laugh.

Quite the hyena....got ANYTHING, Pub chump? So ACA IS communist dictatorship, as many GOPers think?
OP-Dems are the moderates. In the world political spectrum, they are pragmatic centrists, while the New bsGOP has fallen off their flat Earth. An intelligent health system is not communist dictatorship lol.

I always enjoy a good laugh.

Quite the hyena....got ANYTHING, Pub chump? So ACA IS communist dictatorship, as many GOPers think?

Did I say that ?

The democrats are certainly not moderates.
OP-Dems are the moderates. In the world political spectrum, they are pragmatic centrists, while the New bsGOP has fallen off their flat Earth. An intelligent health system is not communist dictatorship lol.

I always enjoy a good laugh.

Quite the hyena....got ANYTHING, Pub chump? So ACA IS communist dictatorship, as many GOPers think?

Did I say that ?

The democrats are certainly not moderates.
So how are they immoderate, der de der?You do know that they and the rest of the world think you're ignorant nutjobs, right?
To the left I see crazy control freak utopian socialists. To the right I see crazy control freak theocrats. What happened to the moderates? When will we take back our society from the crazies?

As soon as we roundfile all you self-proclaimed "moderates".

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