What if Israel Annexes the West Bank and Lets Palestinians Vote

lol Clearly you agree with everything you've read or heard that is negative about Israel or Jews.

I know the Jew card is all a lot of you people have to rely on but it is amusing to see that reliance being played out

My view is that there are good and bad in all groups of people , you come across as one of those Jews that makes those bigoted stereotypes all the more believeable to some by ticking the boxes.

I have much to say that is negative about some members of other groups but I refuse to tar them all with the broad brush stroke of the bigot
lol Actually it was you who tried to play the "Jew card" by talking about the fact that an ICJ judge who ruled against Israel was Jewish.
More ignorant bullshit from you. The fourth Geneva Convention only applies to land taken from on signatory tot he Convention by another, and since Jordan's annexation of Judea and Samaria was recognized only by Pakistan and the UK, it was not legally part of Jordan, therefore when Jordan lost it to Israel in 1967 it did not qualify as occupied territory under the Geneva Conventions.

242 addresses only the nations that participated in the Six Day War so it has no application to the Palestinians; further, it calls for Israel to withdraw to safe and secure borders which was impossible without first making peace with the warring Arab nations. All of which means the term "occupied Palestinian territory" no more than a propaganda term with no basis in fact, law or logic.

At no point did Israel acquire any land through an aggressive war, and when it did capture land from enemies that attacked it, it offered to return it in exchange for peace. Your posts show nothing but a deep seated anti semitism you try to defend with lies.

I referred them to not only the 4th GC but the UN Charter in which under chaapter 7 it states

"starting or waging a war against the territorial integrity, political independence or sovereignty of a state, or in violation of international treaties or agreements"

The " violation of international treaties or agreements " clearly refers to the Armistice Agreements of 1949

UN 242 reiterates the inadmissibility of acquiring territory through warfare and calls for an Israeli "withdrawal from the territories in the recent conflict "

Keep trolling

Key point: against the territorial integrity, political independence or sovereignty of another state.

Which State is Israel violating?
Clearly he means his own state of mind.
Wow. You are still massively dodging the point.

Israel claims sovereignty over those territories. She claims that she is not acquiring territory - it already belongs to her.

Your job is to make an argument that the territories do not belong to her and you can’t use either the Green Line or UN solutions to do it because those are not authoritative in setting boundaries.

Of course they are authoriatative in setting boundaries. The amistice agreement/green line set bounderies beyond which military activity was prohibited. Israel violated it in violation of chapter 7 UN Charter. Even if we were/are to accept that they were provisional bounderies, the Israeli violation of them was illegal
Let’s see...
You’ve been incorrect about everything until this post and you expect us to suddenly take your word for anything.

I would offer you a tissue for your tears but I don’t offer tissues for crocodile tears.
Wow. You are still massively dodging the point.

Israel claims sovereignty over those territories. She claims that she is not acquiring territory - it already belongs to her.

Your job is to make an argument that the territories do not belong to her and you can’t use either the Green Line or UN solutions to do it because those are not authoritative in setting boundaries.

Of course they are authoriatative in setting boundaries. The amistice agreement/green line set bounderies beyond which military activity was prohibited. Israel violated it in violation of chapter 7 UN Charter. Even if we were/are to accept that they were provisional bounderies, the Israeli violation of them was illegal
Let’s see...
You’ve been incorrect about everything until this post and you expect us to suddenly take your word for anything.

I would offer you a tissue for your tears but I don’t offer tissues for crocodile tears.

He got one sentence right. Progress, I guess. I'm pretty sure Jordan broke the Armistice, I'd have to look it up though.
The negotiators for the Palestinain side should be those Palestinians elected into government via free and fair elections to be held in the OPTs free from Israeli and/or anyone elses interference, so as to form the dreaded Government of National Unity for the Palestinian side.


There is NO current duly elected representation for the Palis.. Polling on Abbas is ABYSMAL in all of the OPT..
Why don't you go organize an appropriate govt structure and get them to start campaigning...

Not stable, no mechanism to ASSURE peaceful continuity. And the plain fact IS -- they don't EVEN LIKE any type of top heavy "nation-hood"... There are OTHER WAYS of selecting spokepeople and diplomats that don't REQUIRE the Palis to violate their instincts about powerful central govts.. I'm sensitive to that because I hate powerful central govts..

So maybe we ought to stop pushing them into elections, take the leaders of the 5 or 6 biggest cities and their staffs and call it a day...

Oh and GAZA??? Fatah and the PA want NOTHING To do with them.. They're gonna have to make their own peace... Or their own graveyard....
I shouldn't let it bother you.

It doesn't but the awful thing is it clearly doesn't bother you
It doesn’t bother me either.
Now back to 2004, which is year N of Syria invading Lebanon and building thousands of underground terrorist structures under the watchful eye of the Jew hating UN, whose members employed there never uttered a peep.

How do you feel about Lebanese people being held hostage by Syria?
How do you feel about Israel telling Syria that the next attack on Israel will result in Syria becoming a parking lot.

You are so full of shit.

And to follow on from that:

  • The world, including the United Nations, Europe and other international human rights and "pro-Palestinian" organizations, have not moved to help the Palestinians of Syria in the past nine years -- so, why should this year be any different?

  • How has this terrible dismissal come to pass? Simple: Because these Palestinians' problems cannot be blamed on Israel. They are being killed and tortured in an Arab country, by their own brothers, and as far as the world is concerned, as long as there is no way to hold Israel responsible, it is fine for Arabs to commit atrocities against their Palestinian brothers.

  • The Arab countries have long proven that their sole interest in the Palestinians is to use them as puppets to serve the interests of Arab dictators and corrupt Arab regimes. The Palestinians in Syria have long known that, for them, no Arab country is a safe haven.


The London-based Action Group for Palestinians of Syria estimated the number of Palestinians who have died of torture in Syrian prisons at 614. Another 205 Palestinians died as a result of lack of proper medical treatment because of the Syrian army's siege on the Yarmouk refugee camp, the group said. Pictured: Yarmouk refugee camp, near Damascus, on May 22, 2018, days after Syrian government forces regained control over the camp. (Photo by Louai Beshara/AFP via Getty Images)

Palestinians in Syria: Another Year of Death and Misery
How do you feel about the USA making financial appropriations to Egypt?

I think we should stop paying Egypt and Jordan to play nice with the Zionists...

Here's what I would do. I would withdraw every troop from the Middle East, every subsidy to Israel and her neighbors who agree to play nice, and spend that money on alternative energy, proudly announcing, "None of what you do over there fighting over who The Imaginary Sky Pixie gave this strip of sand to is any of our concern."
You're counting Gaza (maybe) and that's a special case of them being under Hamas occupation.. Not Israeli occupation.. Israel GAVE the PA the Gaza -- free and clear.. Hamas STOLE it.. And now NO elections are needed or anticipated...

As for those Palis living in detention or squalor in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and elsewhere, their CLAIMS to returning and chances are about the same as the "Reconquista" movement from militant Hispanic groups looking to RETURNING to "their homelands" in Phoenix or Los Angeles...

YOu keep fantasizing there, buddy. The fact is, the "Right of Return" is going to happen at some point. The Zionist Entity can't maintain apartheid forever. Most of the world is offended by it, and you can only fool American Evangelicals for so long with "We need Israel so Jesus can come back."

HOWEVER -- ANY peace plan should be a NEIGHBORHOOD affair and should involve neighboring Arab countries to put those "detainees" close to their borders with the WB and provide infrastructure and connectivity to the West Bank and the region as a whole....

Again, it seems like any "Peace Plan" is designed to maintain the rights of the Zionist Invaders to keep their ill-gotten gains. And you wonder why the Arabs aren't too keen on going along with it.
Why not?

A two state solution, as originally envisioned, is in a zombie state of perpetual propping up by diplomats. It's support has drastically waned among both Palestinians and Israelis.

With a one state solution (Israel + West Bank) - assuming a scenario where ALL residents are offered the opportunity of citizenship up front, the plus side for Palestinians would be the potential of better representation, political stability, assumption of rights guaranteed by citizenship and funding for infrastructure, education, etc. that is in perpetual shortage with their Palestinian leadership.

Here's what happens if Israel annexes the West Bank and lets Palestinians vote
What's the difference between a Democrat and a Palestinian?
Not a GD thing.
How do you feel about the USA making financial appropriations to Egypt?

I think we should stop paying Egypt and Jordan to play nice with the Zionists...

Here's what I would do. I would withdraw every troop from the Middle East, every subsidy to Israel and her neighbors who agree to play nice, and spend that money on alternative energy, proudly announcing, "None of what you do over there fighting over who The Imaginary Sky Pixie gave this strip of sand to is any of our concern."

Why don't you talk about something you know something about?
No, neither Armistice Agreements nor UN resolutions can create international boundaries between States.

Try again.
Really ?

How is the border of North and South Korea being defined ?

East and West Germany ?

North and South Vietnam ?

East Timor ?
No, neither Armistice Agreements nor UN resolutions can create international boundaries between States.

Try again.
Really ?

How is the border of North and South Korea being defined ?

East and West Germany ?

North and South Vietnam ?

East Timor ?

How long have you been comatose?

East and West Germany don't have a border.

Though what this has to do with it?
However Israel never started started or waged war against any nation except in its own defense, so it has broken no treaties however much you want it to.

So now that it has been shown how the UN Charter was used to support and validate resolution 242 and it is there in black and white ,what do you do ? Completely ignore it and move to the next defensive line that Israeli actions are only ever in self defence ( even when they are clearly not )

lol Actually it was you who tried to play the "Jew card" by talking about the fact that an ICJ judge who ruled against Israel was Jewish.

Cutting you some slack, obviously you have he attention span of an ameoba.

Not cutting you some slack . You are lying

Mindless decided to play the Jew card ( as well as yourself ) prior to my mentioning the facts surrounding the US judge involved in the 2004 ICJ opinion

You know this , so it's fair to say you are just lying.
Let’s see...
You’ve been incorrect about everything until this post and you expect us to suddenly take your word for anything.

I would offer you a tissue for your tears but I don’t offer tissues for crocodile tears.

Obviously you haven't been concentrating enough

And I got what I expected, a gang of people completely lost to pro Israeli propaganda.

So now you are the group spokesman ?

You need the tissues yourself to wipe away the mess made by the excitement you feel everytime Trump/Netanyahu and co ( or anybody else ) stick it to the Arabs

Comedy gold

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