What if Israel Annexes the West Bank and Lets Palestinians Vote

He got one sentence right. Progress, I guess. I'm pretty sure Jordan broke the Armistice, I'd have to look it up though.

The Israeli violation of Chapter 7 UN Charter was what UNSC res 242 was based on. Fact

On Jordan

Jordan did violate it but only after Israel had in its attack on Egypt with the mutual defence pact kicking in

Not only that, Mosha Dayan admitted that around 80% of the " border skirmishes " ( interesting use of words considering your denial of this ) between Israel and Syria were initiated by the Israeli side due to incursion into the demilitarized zone. One of these led to the dog fight over Damascus just prior to the 67 Israeli attack on Egypt which started the 67 war
Let’s see...
You’ve been incorrect about everything until this post and you expect us to suddenly take your word for anything.

I would offer you a tissue for your tears but I don’t offer tissues for crocodile tears.

Obviously you haven't been concentrating enough

And I got what I expected, a gang of people completely lost to pro Israeli propaganda.

So now you are the group spokesman ?

You need the tissues yourself to wipe away the mess made by the excitement you feel everytime Trump/Netanyahu and co ( or anybody else ) stick it to the Arabs

Comedy gold
How’s your Mullah doing?
He got one sentence right. Progress, I guess. I'm pretty sure Jordan broke the Armistice, I'd have to look it up though.

The Israeli violation of Chapter 7 UN Charter was what UNSC res 242 was based on. Fact

On Jordan

Jordan did violate it but only after Israel had in its attack on Egypt with the mutual defence pact kicking in

Not only that, Mosha Dayan admitted that around 80% of the " border skirmishes " ( interesting use of words considering your denial of this ) between Israel and Syria were initiated by the Israeli side due to incursion into the demilitarized zone. One of these led to the dog fight over Damascus just prior to the 67 Israeli attack on Egypt which started the 67 war
Funny how Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt recognize Israel’s borders.
You must be an amazing attorney to know international borders better than them.

There is NO current duly elected representation for the Palis.. Polling on Abbas is ABYSMAL in all of the OPT..
Why don't you go organize an appropriate govt structure and get them to start campaigning...

Not stable, no mechanism to ASSURE peaceful continuity. And the plain fact IS -- they don't EVEN LIKE any type of top heavy "nation-hood"... There are OTHER WAYS of selecting spokepeople and diplomats that don't REQUIRE the Palis to violate their instincts about powerful central govts.. I'm sensitive to that because I hate powerful central govts..

So maybe we ought to stop pushing them into elections, take the leaders of the 5 or 6 biggest cities and their staffs and call it a day...

Oh and GAZA??? Fatah and the PA want NOTHING To do with them.. They're gonna have to make their own peace... Or their own graveyard....

You asked me a question you thought I would struggle to answer and found out that it was no problem because this poster attempts to apply the same standards across the board and is thus a whole lot more objective than the resident pro Israeli shreikers here.

The first few sentences you write only support what I say is the issue. Both Israel and it's backers seek to keep the Palestinians divided and at war with themselves so as to scupper the chance of a negotiated settlement on anything other than Israeli claim while thet continue to change the fats on the ground , illegally !!.

The situation in Gaza just underscores the divide and conquer technique in operation in its starkest form imo Look at how many people here have bought into the idea/acceptance of seeing it as a seperate entity to the rest of the OPTs when it is absolutely not . You can see the conditioning even in members who have , imo , a fairer approach to the conflict and support Palestinian rights.

What we see on these boards and what is pumped out by the MSM , is the constant gripe about how the Palestinians cannot form a national committee able to negotiate a deal , the Israeli cry about " we have no partner to negotiate with bla bla junk " without any comment about how that situation is manufactured and manipulated so as to create that very situation by those complaining in a complete misrepresentation of the reality

There is NO current duly elected representation for the Palis.. Polling on Abbas is ABYSMAL in all of the OPT..
Why don't you go organize an appropriate govt structure and get them to start campaigning...

Not stable, no mechanism to ASSURE peaceful continuity. And the plain fact IS -- they don't EVEN LIKE any type of top heavy "nation-hood"... There are OTHER WAYS of selecting spokepeople and diplomats that don't REQUIRE the Palis to violate their instincts about powerful central govts.. I'm sensitive to that because I hate powerful central govts..

So maybe we ought to stop pushing them into elections, take the leaders of the 5 or 6 biggest cities and their staffs and call it a day...

Oh and GAZA??? Fatah and the PA want NOTHING To do with them.. They're gonna have to make their own peace... Or their own graveyard....

You asked me a question you thought I would struggle to answer and found out that it was no problem because this poster attempts to apply the same standards across the board and is thus a whole lot more objective than the resident pro Israeli shreikers here.

The first few sentences you write only support what I say is the issue. Both Israel and it's backers seek to keep the Palestinians divided and at war with themselves so as to scupper the chance of a negotiated settlement on anything other than Israeli claim while thet continue to change the fats on the ground , illegally !!.

The situation in Gaza just underscores the divide and conquer technique in operation in its starkest form imo Look at how many people here have bought into the idea/acceptance of seeing it as a seperate entity to the rest of the OPTs when it is absolutely not . You can see the conditioning even in members who have , imo , a fairer approach to the conflict and support Palestinian rights.

What we see on these boards and what is pumped out by the MSM , is the constant gripe about how the Palestinians cannot form a national committee able to negotiate a deal , the Israeli cry about " we have no partner to negotiate with bla bla junk " without any comment about how that situation is manufactured and manipulated so as to create that very situation by those complaining in a complete misrepresentation of the reality
Do you enjoy making an ass out of yourself?
He got one sentence right. Progress, I guess. I'm pretty sure Jordan broke the Armistice, I'd have to look it up though.

The Israeli violation of Chapter 7 UN Charter was what UNSC res 242 was based on. Fact

On Jordan

Jordan did violate it but only after Israel had in its attack on Egypt with the mutual defence pact kicking in

Not only that, Mosha Dayan admitted that around 80% of the " border skirmishes " ( interesting use of words considering your denial of this ) between Israel and Syria were initiated by the Israeli side due to incursion into the demilitarized zone. One of these led to the dog fight over Damascus just prior to the 67 Israeli attack on Egypt which started the 67 war
Funny how Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt recognize Israel’s borders.
You must be an amazing attorney to know international borders better than them.

Funny how you seem blissfully aware of the contents of the 2001 Arab Peace Initiative and how they actually define where they feel the Israeli borders with Palestine are or should be.

That said they are all collaborators to the Israeli mistreatment of and HR violations of the Palestinians today.

Every comment you make only shows a painfully obvious lack of knowledge about the subject. Did you become interested in the subject in the wake of the 9/11 attacks by any chance ? :icon_rolleyes:
RE: What if Israel Annexes the West Bank and Lets Palestinians Vote
⁜→ JoeB131,

I'm sorry, I'm confused... I've been to the Middle East and Yemen. None of the theaters/campaigns I saw had anything to do with "Zionism."

As far as to pro-Israeli position is concerned, I am NOT a true Advocate for their cause. However, that does not mean that the Allied Powers of the early 20th Century were not right to make a change in Human Development by establishing the long overdue "Jewish National Home." Nor am I engaged in some manner of "Public Relations" on the part of the Israelis (and I would suspect → they would NOT want someone like me as a spokesperson). But I clearly understand that the Question of Palestine will never be solved with a solution that satisfies all the fractured parties concerned (both Jewish and Arab).

I'm tired of watching young Americans come home in boxes because the Zionists are living out their religious fantasies.

I am retired from the Army. When did we (respectfully) escort our casualties (KIA) to Dover from a theater of operations related to "Zionism?" Now (I don't know for sure) it is possible that some small number of covert special operators and (possibly) those of the clandestine services may have come home under the flag, but I don't think you would have seen them.

When did we (respectfully) escort our casualties (KIA) to Dover from a theater of operations related to "Zionism?"

Most Respectfully,
He got one sentence right. Progress, I guess. I'm pretty sure Jordan broke the Armistice, I'd have to look it up though.

The Israeli violation of Chapter 7 UN Charter was what UNSC res 242 was based on. Fact

On Jordan

Jordan did violate it but only after Israel had in its attack on Egypt with the mutual defence pact kicking in

Not only that, Mosha Dayan admitted that around 80% of the " border skirmishes " ( interesting use of words considering your denial of this ) between Israel and Syria were initiated by the Israeli side due to incursion into the demilitarized zone. One of these led to the dog fight over Damascus just prior to the 67 Israeli attack on Egypt which started the 67 war
Funny how Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt recognize Israel’s borders.
You must be an amazing attorney to know international borders better than them.

Funny how you seem blissfully aware of the contents of the 2001 Arab Peace Initiative and how they actually define where they feel the Israeli borders with Palestine are or should be.

That said they are all collaborators to the Israeli mistreatment of and HR violations of the Palestinians today.

Every comment you make only shows a painfully obvious lack of knowledge about the subject. Did you become interested in the subject in the wake of the 9/11 attacks by any chance ? :icon_rolleyes:
Why should Israel care where their Arab neighbors want Israel’s borders to be?
Are you stupid or insane?
How do you feel about the USA making financial appropriations to Egypt?

I think we should stop paying Egypt and Jordan to play nice with the Zionists...

Here's what I would do. I would withdraw every troop from the Middle East, every subsidy to Israel and her neighbors who agree to play nice, and spend that money on alternative energy, proudly announcing, "None of what you do over there fighting over who The Imaginary Sky Pixie gave this strip of sand to is any of our concern."

Why don't you talk about something you know something about?

Irony meters exploding all over the globe
How do you feel about the USA making financial appropriations to Egypt?

I think we should stop paying Egypt and Jordan to play nice with the Zionists...

Here's what I would do. I would withdraw every troop from the Middle East, every subsidy to Israel and her neighbors who agree to play nice, and spend that money on alternative energy, proudly announcing, "None of what you do over there fighting over who The Imaginary Sky Pixie gave this strip of sand to is any of our concern."

Why don't you talk about something you know something about?
Because JoeB knows nothing about everything.
How long have you been comatose?

East and West Germany don't have a border.

Though what this has to do with it?

They should have a ball pool subforum where people who act like children should be allowed to play unhindered . You are a prime candidate and a quintessential example of why it could be useful.

Research the content of the post you didn't understand and get back to someone who cares about what you think
How do you feel about the USA making financial appropriations to Egypt?

I think we should stop paying Egypt and Jordan to play nice with the Zionists...

Here's what I would do. I would withdraw every troop from the Middle East, every subsidy to Israel and her neighbors who agree to play nice, and spend that money on alternative energy, proudly announcing, "None of what you do over there fighting over who The Imaginary Sky Pixie gave this strip of sand to is any of our concern."

Why don't you talk about something you know something about?
Because JoeB knows nothing about everything.

Irony meters exploding all over the globe for a second time in quich succession...........irony is rendered immeasurable for the forseeable
Why should Israel care where their Arab neighbors want Israel’s borders to be?
Are you stupid or insane?

You decided to bring them into the debate , it blew up in your face and maybe set fire to that wonderful moustache, so you now decide to retract it in true black knight fashion

At least I have discovered who the subforum clown is ,which is always a bonus
Let’s see...
You’ve been incorrect about everything until this post and you expect us to suddenly take your word for anything.

I would offer you a tissue for your tears but I don’t offer tissues for crocodile tears.

Obviously you haven't been concentrating enough

And I got what I expected, a gang of people completely lost to pro Israeli propaganda.

So now you are the group spokesman ?

You need the tissues yourself to wipe away the mess made by the excitement you feel everytime Trump/Netanyahu and co ( or anybody else ) stick it to the Arabs

Comedy gold
How’s your Mullah doing?

Atheists don't have/need them. How's your neocon handler doing ?
Let’s see...
You’ve been incorrect about everything until this post and you expect us to suddenly take your word for anything.

I would offer you a tissue for your tears but I don’t offer tissues for crocodile tears.

Obviously you haven't been concentrating enough

And I got what I expected, a gang of people completely lost to pro Israeli propaganda.

So now you are the group spokesman ?

You need the tissues yourself to wipe away the mess made by the excitement you feel everytime Trump/Netanyahu and co ( or anybody else ) stick it to the Arabs

Comedy gold
How’s your Mullah doing?

Atheists don't have/need them. How's your neocon handler doing ?

So you believe this universe just created itself out of nothing?
How long have you been comatose?

East and West Germany don't have a border.

Though what this has to do with it?

They should have a ball pool subforum where people who act like children should be allowed to play unhindered . You are a prime candidate and a quintessential example of why it could be useful.

Research the content of the post you didn't understand and get back to someone who cares about what you think

Which is you, the amount of posts you've addressed to me already. :04:

That said, you seem more intent on insulting me(taken on the chin) than discussing the issues at hand. :meow:
Why should Israel care where their Arab neighbors want Israel’s borders to be?
Are you stupid or insane?

You decided to bring them into the debate , it blew up in your face and maybe set fire to that wonderful moustache, so you now decide to retract it in true black knight fashion

At least I have discovered who the subforum clown is ,which is always a bonus
Do you enjoy making an ass of yourself?
Every claim you have made thus far is incorrect.
Let’s see...
You’ve been incorrect about everything until this post and you expect us to suddenly take your word for anything.

I would offer you a tissue for your tears but I don’t offer tissues for crocodile tears.

Obviously you haven't been concentrating enough

And I got what I expected, a gang of people completely lost to pro Israeli propaganda.

So now you are the group spokesman ?

You need the tissues yourself to wipe away the mess made by the excitement you feel everytime Trump/Netanyahu and co ( or anybody else ) stick it to the Arabs

Comedy gold
How’s your Mullah doing?

Atheists don't have/need them. How's your neocon handler doing ?
It seems both parties are getting their neo-Con asses kicked by Trump.

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