What if Israel Annexes the West Bank and Lets Palestinians Vote

How long have you been comatose?

East and West Germany don't have a border.

Though what this has to do with it?

They should have a ball pool subforum where people who act like children should be allowed to play unhindered . You are a prime candidate and a quintessential example of why it could be useful.

Research the content of the post you didn't understand and get back to someone who cares about what you think
You want your own Forum already?
Let’s see...
You’ve been incorrect about everything until this post and you expect us to suddenly take your word for anything.

I would offer you a tissue for your tears but I don’t offer tissues for crocodile tears.

Obviously you haven't been concentrating enough

And I got what I expected, a gang of people completely lost to pro Israeli propaganda.

So now you are the group spokesman ?

You need the tissues yourself to wipe away the mess made by the excitement you feel everytime Trump/Netanyahu and co ( or anybody else ) stick it to the Arabs

Comedy gold
How’s your Mullah doing?

Atheists don't have/need them. How's your neocon handler doing ?

So you believe this universe just created itself out of nothing?
Why not?
Cactus creates his own “facts” out of nothing.
Why should Israel care where their Arab neighbors want Israel’s borders to be?
Are you stupid or insane?

You decided to bring them into the debate , it blew up in your face and maybe set fire to that wonderful moustache, so you now decide to retract it in true black knight fashion

At least I have discovered who the subforum clown is ,which is always a bonus
Do you enjoy making an ass of yourself?
Every claim you have made thus far is incorrect.

He's a paid bot?
Why should Israel care where their Arab neighbors want Israel’s borders to be?
Are you stupid or insane?

You decided to bring them into the debate , it blew up in your face and maybe set fire to that wonderful moustache, so you now decide to retract it in true black knight fashion

At least I have discovered who the subforum clown is ,which is always a bonus
Do you enjoy making an ass of yourself?
Every claim you have made thus far is incorrect.

He's a paid bot?
And a shameless one at that.
And his ad hominems are quite bland.
Why should Israel care where their Arab neighbors want Israel’s borders to be?
Are you stupid or insane?

You decided to bring them into the debate , it blew up in your face and maybe set fire to that wonderful moustache, so you now decide to retract it in true black knight fashion

At least I have discovered who the subforum clown is ,which is always a bonus
Do you enjoy making an ass of yourself?
Every claim you have made thus far is incorrect.

He's a paid bot?
And a shameless one at that.
And his ad hominems are quite bland.

I do think, however, Gaza had the potential to become a sort of Monte Carlo of the Middle East. The location for instance; the sparkling Mediterranean.
Why should Israel care where their Arab neighbors want Israel’s borders to be?
Are you stupid or insane?

You decided to bring them into the debate , it blew up in your face and maybe set fire to that wonderful moustache, so you now decide to retract it in true black knight fashion

At least I have discovered who the subforum clown is ,which is always a bonus
Do you enjoy making an ass of yourself?
Every claim you have made thus far is incorrect.

He's a paid bot?
And a shameless one at that.
And his ad hominems are quite bland.

I do think, however, Gaza had the potential to become a sort of Monte Carlo of the Middle East. The location for instance; the sparkling Mediterranean.
Gaza along the Mediterranean is gorgeous.
You decided to bring them into the debate , it blew up in your face and maybe set fire to that wonderful moustache, so you now decide to retract it in true black knight fashion

At least I have discovered who the subforum clown is ,which is always a bonus
Do you enjoy making an ass of yourself?
Every claim you have made thus far is incorrect.

He's a paid bot?
And a shameless one at that.
And his ad hominems are quite bland.

I do think, however, Gaza had the potential to become a sort of Monte Carlo of the Middle East. The location for instance; the sparkling Mediterranean.
Gaza along the Mediterranean is gorgeous.

True. I'm often in Cyprus.

Israelis galore. We have a lovely young rabbi at the Chabad centre there.
No, neither Armistice Agreements nor UN resolutions can create international boundaries between States.

Try again.
Really ?

How is the border of North and South Korea being defined ?

East and West Germany ?

North and South Vietnam ?

East Timor ?

You are simply wrong. You are trying to argue that Armistice lines create international borders when they do not. Armistice lines are temporary demarcations for military purposes, nothing more. Permanent international boundaries are created through negotiations and treaties.

For example,

The land border between Indonesia and Timore-Leste was negotiated based on a 1904 treaty between colonial powers and a 1914 arbitration of that treaty, and then agreed upon and formalized by treaty.

The border between North and South Korea, while it exists in all practical forms, is not a de jure international border, because there is no agreement between North Korea and South Korea. It is disputed. South Korea did not even sign the Korea Armistice Agreement because it takes the position that Korea is a single nation and not divided. There is no peace treaty or border treaty between North Korea and South Korea. Its an on-going dispute.

Now, back to Jordan and Israel. The Armistice Agreement, as has been definitively shown, can not be used to prejudice the rights, claims and positions of the Parties to the Agreement. Further, the Armistice Agreement is no longer in force since there is now a Peace Treaty between Jordan and Israel which demarcates the international boundary between their States as the Jordan River. Arguing that the international border between Jordan and Israel is still the Green Line is beyond ridiculous.
Why don't you talk about something you know something about?

You asked how I felt. I told you. Sorry if that is upseting for you.

I'm tired of watching young Americans come home in boxes because the Zionists are living out their religious fantasies.

So you would much rather watch dumpsters fill up with dead aborted babies than bodies of adults killed in wars. Lots more fun for you, is it?
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Which is you, the amount of posts you've addressed to me already. :04:
That said, you seem more intent on insulting me(taken on the chin) than discussing the issues at hand. :meow:

Maybe you misinterpreted my politeness for respect :badgrin:

You cannot discuss the " issues at hand " with people who haven't the foggiest and I have only returned what you have dished out to me , also taken on the chin , the middle one in fact :71:

You cannot discuss the border between East and West Germany with people who didn't even know it was ever seperated etc etc

And you are the one who has displayed an unhealthy interest in who I am/might be etc etc get a grip woman!! :icon_lol:
Why should Israel care where their Arab neighbors want Israel’s borders to be?
Are you stupid or insane?

You decided to bring them into the debate , it blew up in your face and maybe set fire to that wonderful moustache, so you now decide to retract it in true black knight fashion

At least I have discovered who the subforum clown is ,which is always a bonus
Do you enjoy making an ass of yourself?
Every claim you have made thus far is incorrect.

Babble , burble , broohaha , balderdash, ballyhoo it's only talk
Why should Israel care where their Arab neighbors want Israel’s borders to be?
Are you stupid or insane?

You decided to bring them into the debate , it blew up in your face and maybe set fire to that wonderful moustache, so you now decide to retract it in true black knight fashion

At least I have discovered who the subforum clown is ,which is always a bonus
Do you enjoy making an ass of yourself?
Every claim you have made thus far is incorrect.

He's a paid bot?

My bot isn't for sale and even if it was you haven't the money to buy it :3:
Last edited:
Why should Israel care where their Arab neighbors want Israel’s borders to be?
Are you stupid or insane?

You decided to bring them into the debate , it blew up in your face and maybe set fire to that wonderful moustache, so you now decide to retract it in true black knight fashion

At least I have discovered who the subforum clown is ,which is always a bonus
Do you enjoy making an ass of yourself?
Every claim you have made thus far is incorrect.

Babble , burble , broohaha , balderdash, ballyhoo it's only talk
Carry on with your comedy.
No, neither Armistice Agreements nor UN resolutions can create international boundaries between States.

Try again.
Really ?

How is the border of North and South Korea being defined ?

East and West Germany ?

North and South Vietnam ?

East Timor ?

You are simply wrong. You are trying to argue that Armistice lines create international borders when they do not. Armistice lines are temporary demarcations for military purposes, nothing more. Permanent international boundaries are created through negotiations and treaties.

For example,

The land border between Indonesia and Timore-Leste was negotiated based on a 1904 treaty between colonial powers and a 1914 arbitration of that treaty, and then agreed upon and formalized by treaty.

The border between North and South Korea, while it exists in all practical forms, is not a de jure international border, because there is no agreement between North Korea and South Korea. It is disputed. South Korea did not even sign the Korea Armistice Agreement because it takes the position that Korea is a single nation and not divided. There is no peace treaty or border treaty between North Korea and South Korea. Its an on-going dispute.

Now, back to Jordan and Israel. The Armistice Agreement, as has been definitively shown, can not be used to prejudice the rights, claims and positions of the Parties to the Agreement. Further, the Armistice Agreement is no longer in force since there is now a Peace Treaty between Jordan and Israel which demarcates the international boundary between their States as the Jordan River. Arguing that the international border between Jordan and Israel is still the Green Line is beyond ridiculous.

Recall what I am saying. I said how is the border between North and South Korea being defined ? At present it is the armistice line isn't it ? If ever there was a peace treaty between the two that would be the line that would most likely be agreed as the border

North and South Vietnam. What served as the border for the years the country wasn't unified ?

Leste Timor. Who carried out the necessary negotiations and oversaw the referendum that assured self determination and an end to Indonesian/Portuguese involvement/occuaption , the UN and they used the old border as their reference point. Eitherway they played the crucial role in establishing East Timor as a UN state with the people enjoying authentic self determination.

I am not saying the border between Israel and Jordan is the green line , I am saying that myself and many others ,including many international law experts , class the green line as the border between Israel and Palestine
No, neither Armistice Agreements nor UN resolutions can create international boundaries between States.

Try again.
Really ?

How is the border of North and South Korea being defined ?

East and West Germany ?

North and South Vietnam ?

East Timor ?

You are simply wrong. You are trying to argue that Armistice lines create international borders when they do not. Armistice lines are temporary demarcations for military purposes, nothing more. Permanent international boundaries are created through negotiations and treaties.

For example,

The land border between Indonesia and Timore-Leste was negotiated based on a 1904 treaty between colonial powers and a 1914 arbitration of that treaty, and then agreed upon and formalized by treaty.

The border between North and South Korea, while it exists in all practical forms, is not a de jure international border, because there is no agreement between North Korea and South Korea. It is disputed. South Korea did not even sign the Korea Armistice Agreement because it takes the position that Korea is a single nation and not divided. There is no peace treaty or border treaty between North Korea and South Korea. Its an on-going dispute.

Now, back to Jordan and Israel. The Armistice Agreement, as has been definitively shown, can not be used to prejudice the rights, claims and positions of the Parties to the Agreement. Further, the Armistice Agreement is no longer in force since there is now a Peace Treaty between Jordan and Israel which demarcates the international boundary between their States as the Jordan River. Arguing that the international border between Jordan and Israel is still the Green Line is beyond ridiculous.

Recall what I am saying. I said how is the border between North and South Korea being defined ? At present it is the armistice line isn't it ? If ever there was a peace treaty between the two that would be the line that would most likely be agreed as the border

North and South Vietnam. What served as the border for the years the country wasn't unified ?

Leste Timor. Who carried out the necessary negotiations and oversaw the referendum that assured self determination and an end to Indonesian/Portuguese involvement/occuaption , the UN and they used the old border as their reference point. Eitherway they played the crucial role in establishing East Timor as a UN state with the people enjoying authentic self determination.

I am not saying the border between Israel and Jordan is the green line , I am saying that myself and many others ,including many international law experts , class the green line as the border between Israel and Palestine
I am not saying the border between Israel and Jordan is the green line , I am saying that myself and many others ,including many international law experts , class the green line as the border between Israel and Palestine

Yes, I am aware that they do so. They are absolutely wrong. You can not just impose borders on a sovereign nation at a say-so. International law does not work that way. It especially does not work that way when the Line in question is prohibited from being a border. International law is predicated on treaties and agreements between sovereigns and, more recently and still unsettled in international law, peoples represented by sovereigns. You can't just throw that out because ... Israel, shrug.

"International law experts" don't have the right to impose an arbitrary line within Israel beyond which Israelis "shall not pass!" It is an egregious breach of the principles of sovereignty and international law. And it is applied only to Israel.

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