What is coming.

I don't think all the woke educated people voting against Donald Trump is going to work in this coming election. There is nothing lined up against Trump that even resembles responsible, competent leadership. There is no coherent plan to rescue the populaton from the staggering inflation that is killing the economy. In fact killing the economy appears to be the plan. The candidate offered against Trump is a counterfeit slave masquerading as a black American. She was slid in as a place holder because the original corrupt stooge was so mentally deranged that political suicide was the shaky foundation of the platform and the appalling state of America was reflected as a farce that has made the US the butt of jokes across the globe.

blah blah blah.gif

I can't see any other outcome but a landslide for Trump. What is being offered against Trump is like a pratical joke. The vacuous ramblings of the candidate give no comfort to anyone. A lot of people will automatically go and vote against Trump because they are influenced by leftist media but it will not be enough. It's when Trump wins that the real evil will show its hand. The deep state will try to hamstring him at every turn and the thugs will hit the streets to loot and burn.

Two assassinaton attempts have failed.


I see this coming.

You mean bring manufacturing back to the US?

donny had 4 years to bring back his cheap sweatshop made crap here to be manufactured.

uh-huh. so there is that. that of which you get a fail.

You mean cap domestic corporate taxes at 15%?

the outsourced factories & corp headquaters that will still stay overseas?

You mean tax the hell out of foreign competition? Making the US less global will make the US stronger not weaker.

donny can start with his own brand.
I don't see Trump as an effective leader and so I figure the liberals will do fine regardless of the presidential election results. The Democrats have been shameless in their attacks ever since Trump was elected.
Man...I bet you hate that political correctness prevents you from calling VP Harris what you really want to call her. .

Its rather funny to watch you get cowed into submission.


Your blob was moronic enough to say that people are eating cats and dogs and hasn’t stopped repeating the lie since...and you think the opponent is a joke?

Shes half indian, half something else. Thats not the issue. She's just dumber than a dirt clod.
I don't think all the woke educated people voting against Donald Trump is going to work in this coming election. There is nothing lined up against Trump that even resembles responsible, competent leadership. There is no coherent plan to rescue the populaton from the staggering inflation that is killing the economy. In fact killing the economy appears to be the plan. The candidate offered against Trump is a counterfeit slave masquerading as a black American. She was slid in as a place holder because the original corrupt stooge was so mentally deranged that political suicide was the shaky foundation of the platform and the appalling state of America was reflected as a farce that has made the US the butt of jokes across the globe.

I can't see any other outcome but a landslide for Trump. What is being offered against Trump is like a pratical joke. The vacuous ramblings of the candidate give no comfort to anyone. A lot of people will automatically go and vote against Trump because they are influenced by leftist media but it will not be enough. It's when Trump wins that the real evil will show its hand. The deep state will try to hamstring him at every turn and the thugs will hit the streets to loot and burn.

Two assassinaton attempts have failed.

I see this coming.
Methinks you are counting chickens.
Many corporations, including those who have had their own steel making foundry as part of the manufacturing process, have simply shipped their technology to China, along with their own experts, to teach the Chinese the steel making process in an effort to get the same exacting standards found in the U.S. and have it done for nearly free.

China has taken this influx of knowledge and will surely use it against us someday. Trump talks tough on China but he never stopped corporations already there from manufacturing. If he really cared, he would have actually done something that neither party can now control. You can't put the genie back in now.

Eventually war will end this relationship and China will nationalize all these factories.
They would have gotten the technology, anyway. The spying just gave them a shortcut. As children in the 60s we were always told to be scared. What better way is there to keep the blank checks flowing to the War Dept. ? I stopped being scared in the 70s. What`s the point? The Chinese know that an attack on us is suicide for them. China has 3 aircraft carriers but we`re the league leaders with 11. They have good reason to fear us.
Shrinking inflation?

It's like the price of a TV being doubled in a nearby store. A week later the price goes up another dollar. Democrats be like, look, the TV is now cheaper this week than it was last weak.


While inflation was 14%, corporate profits were up 74%. Laugh away, sucker. They`re laughing at us.
I don't think all the woke educated people voting against Donald Trump is going to work in this coming election. There is nothing lined up against Trump that even resembles responsible, competent leadership. There is no coherent plan to rescue the populaton from the staggering inflation that is killing the economy. In fact killing the economy appears to be the plan. The candidate offered against Trump is a counterfeit slave masquerading as a black American. She was slid in as a place holder because the original corrupt stooge was so mentally deranged that political suicide was the shaky foundation of the platform and the appalling state of America was reflected as a farce that has made the US the butt of jokes across the globe.

I can't see any other outcome but a landslide for Trump. What is being offered against Trump is like a pratical joke. The vacuous ramblings of the candidate give no comfort to anyone. A lot of people will automatically go and vote against Trump because they are influenced by leftist media but it will not be enough. It's when Trump wins that the real evil will show its hand. The deep state will try to hamstring him at every turn and the thugs will hit the streets to loot and burn.

Two assassinaton attempts have failed.

I see this coming.
I'm always shocked by the new depths todays left takes us, but never surprised.
So inflation has shrink to pre-COVID levels, but prices are still 20% higher, and people are struggling to buy groceries, fill the gas tank, pay the rent. Kamala Harris is the ridiculous airhead who can’t even fake an answer to basic questions which she knows will be asked.

How many times is she going to say “I was a middle class kid where people cared about their lawns” when asked how she is going to bring down prices? What an idiot.

The end.
Lol at just 20 percent higher. Sure, if u count Chinese junk and clothing.

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