What is coming.

I worked in a steel mill for 35 years and the reason they`re in business today is that they always kept up with the new technology and production methods. Hundreds of jobs disappeared but they went by way of attrition and the USWA never opposed upgrades. We shipped our high tech alloys to dozens of countries where they didn`t upgrade. Other countries have cheaper labor but a lot more employees producing the same number of tons.
After WW 2, the United States ruled the roost. A dozen years later in the late 1950's, parts of the world retooled. The United States was slow to that. The steel and automobile unions would threaten strike and strike if needed. The steel industry went first. It took 2 gas crises in the 1970's to slay the auto industry. Pittsburgh tended to do somewhat better than Detroit after deindustrialization. The rust belt has a lot of casualties. The electronic industry went next. Many who were employed got good pensions and a good buyout from corporations that moved overseas. We peaked around 1970 or so. We went from a creditor nation to a debtor one and lost control of the fiat currency.
"Inflation is still high"

"All the jobs went to immigrants"

"The economy is in terrible shape"

"Your facts and figures are just lies"

And they're dead serious. It's what they're told by voices they choose to trust, and by their Dear Leader, so it can only be The Truth. This is a cult.
"Inflation is still high"

Prices are still high, yes…..and people are still struggling.
"All the jobs went to immigrants"

This has been reported on many news outlets.
"The economy is in terrible shape"
When people can’t afford groceries after an 20% increase and we are in $35t in debt, yes….there are big problems.

"Your facts and figures are just lies"

That, or you’re just ignorant.
And they're dead serious. It's what they're told by voices they choose to trust, and by their Dear Leader, so it can only be The Truth. This is a cult.
Oh wow….the irony.
Prices are still high, yes…..and people are still struggling.

This has been reported on many news outlets.

When people can’t afford groceries after an 20% increase and we are in $35t in debt, yes….there are big problems.

That, or you’re just ignorant.

Oh wow….the irony.
You are fully ignorant. You are in a cult.

You are the Dunning-Kruger Effect in human form.

While inflation was 14%, corporate profits were up 74%. Laugh away, sucker. They`re laughing at us.
And when Kamala raises corporate taxes on top of it, corporations will pass those costs to us.

Just imagine how hard they will all be laughing at us.

This was all true during the reign of your Dear Leader, it was during a time of corporations raking in profits like never before because Trump cut all their taxes by 20%. You didn't get shit.

And then Covid hit and things changed. Now they are getting back to normal like before Covid existed.

I don't think all the woke educated people voting against Donald Trump is going to work in this coming election. There is nothing lined up against Trump that even resembles responsible, competent leadership. There is no coherent plan to rescue the populaton from the staggering inflation that is killing the economy. In fact killing the economy appears to be the plan. The candidate offered against Trump is a counterfeit slave masquerading as a black American. She was slid in as a place holder because the original corrupt stooge was so mentally deranged that political suicide was the shaky foundation of the platform and the appalling state of America was reflected as a farce that has made the US the butt of jokes across the globe.

I can't see any other outcome but a landslide for Trump. What is being offered against Trump is like a pratical joke. The vacuous ramblings of the candidate give no comfort to anyone. A lot of people will automatically go and vote against Trump because they are influenced by leftist media but it will not be enough. It's when Trump wins that the real evil will show its hand. The deep state will try to hamstring him at every turn and the thugs will hit the streets to loot and burn.

Two assassinaton attempts have failed.

I see this coming.
So inflation has shrink to pre-COVID levels, but prices are still 20% higher, and people are struggling to buy groceries, fill the gas tank, pay the rent. Kamala Harris is the ridiculous airhead who can’t even fake an answer to basic questions which she knows will be asked.

How many times is she going to say “I was a middle class kid where people cared about their lawns” when asked how she is going to bring down prices? What an idiot.

The end.
IIRC when she proposed plan for price controls all you RWNJ freaked out.
I don't think all the woke educated people voting against Donald Trump is going to work in this coming election. There is nothing lined up against Trump that even resembles responsible, competent leadership. There is no coherent plan to rescue the populaton from the staggering inflation that is killing the economy. In fact killing the economy appears to be the plan. The candidate offered against Trump is a counterfeit slave masquerading as a black American. She was slid in as a place holder because the original corrupt stooge was so mentally deranged that political suicide was the shaky foundation of the platform and the appalling state of America was reflected as a farce that has made the US the butt of jokes across the globe.

I can't see any other outcome but a landslide for Trump. What is being offered against Trump is like a pratical joke. The vacuous ramblings of the candidate give no comfort to anyone. A lot of people will automatically go and vote against Trump because they are influenced by leftist media but it will not be enough. It's when Trump wins that the real evil will show its hand. The deep state will try to hamstring him at every turn and the thugs will hit the streets to loot and burn.

Two assassinaton attempts have failed.

I see this coming.
You aren't the only one.
I don't think all the woke educated people voting against Donald Trump is going to work in this coming election. There is nothing lined up against Trump that even resembles responsible, competent leadership. There is no coherent plan to rescue the populaton from the staggering inflation that is killing the economy. In fact killing the economy appears to be the plan. The candidate offered against Trump is a counterfeit slave masquerading as a black American. She was slid in as a place holder because the original corrupt stooge was so mentally deranged that political suicide was the shaky foundation of the platform and the appalling state of America was reflected as a farce that has made the US the butt of jokes across the globe.

I can't see any other outcome but a landslide for Trump. What is being offered against Trump is like a pratical joke. The vacuous ramblings of the candidate give no comfort to anyone. A lot of people will automatically go and vote against Trump because they are influenced by leftist media but it will not be enough. It's when Trump wins that the real evil will show its hand. The deep state will try to hamstring him at every turn and the thugs will hit the streets to loot and burn.

Two assassinaton attempts have failed.

I see this coming.
WHY do so many of you bask in anything negative?
Do you never want too our are country is doing well, in any area?
The fact is american workers of today work harder, are incredibly more productive, tougher, than at any time in our history.
Yes the economy will crash again, just as it's done repetitively

And yes those in positions of power will foist blame on whoever they can again

rinse, wash, repeat......


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