What is coming.

Workers aren't working for the good of the nation.
Of course not. The nation exists for the good of the workers, not the other way around.

Mass retirements means lower production.

Retired peoples tend to have more free time and a higher demand for consumer goods.

This = more inflation, not less.
Of course not. The nation exists for the good of the workers, not the other way around.

Mass retirements means lower production.

Retired peoples tend to have more free time and a higher demand for consumer goods.

This = more inflation, not less.
Well do you want them working past 55? That's old
So inflation has shrink to pre-COVID levels, but prices are still 20% higher, and people are struggling to buy groceries, fill the gas tank, pay the rent. Kamala Harris is the ridiculous airhead who can’t even fake an answer to basic questions which she knows will be asked.
You Trump cultists never mention wages have increased faster than inflation because that destroys your bogus narrative.

Since February 2020, the Consumer Price Index has climbed a cumulative 20.8%, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Over that same period, average hourly earnings rose 22.3%

How many times is she going to say “I was a middle class kid where people cared about their lawns” when asked how she is going to bring down prices? What an idiot.

The end.
How come when Trump is asked how he is going lower grocery prices, he talks about nuclear weapons and other completely unrelated shit to cover up he has no fucking clue how to lower grocery prices?

The end.
It really is embarrassing how stupid both sides are. Thread after thread after thread of the same old tired nonsense.

'Biden saved the economy, put Americans back to work!' Yeah, they're working, and they're working, and they're working...
Personal debt, high cost of living and raising two active boys led Kallish to find another gig. He's among 36 percent of Americans who rely on second jobs or side hustles to make ends meet, according to a survey released last month.

Roughly one-third of respondents also believe they'll always need second gigs to keep themselves financially afloat. Kallish foresees a few more years in his current schedule but hopes to cut back his hours at the hotel once becoming a full-time USPS mail carrier.

Ted Rossman, senior industry analyst at Bankrate, which conducted the survey in June, said the current share of Americans with side hustles is slightly down from last year's all-time high of 39 percent, but still a sizable jump from 2017, when 19 percent of U.S. adults reported one or more jobs.

"So that's a big part of the story—the fact that roughly twice as many people are side-hustling now as were back in 2017, Rossman told Newsweek. "I attribute a lot of that to inflation, high interest rates and people just needing extra money to make ends meet."

Credit card debt and delinquencies are both up.

Credit card debt is on the rise.

Americans now owe a record $1.14 trillion on their credit cards, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported Tuesday.

The average balance per consumer stands at $6,329, up 4.8% year over year, according to a separate quarterly credit industry insights report from TransUnion.

Credit card delinquency rates are also higher across the board, the New York Fed and TransUnion found. Over the last year, roughly 9.1% of credit card balances transitioned into delinquency, the New York Fed reported.

Borrowers with revolving debt “are maxing out their credit cards,” said Michele Raneri, vice president and head of U.S. research and consulting at TransUnion, “that’s usually a pretty good indicator that people are stretched.”
“But since early 2021, credit card balances have rocketed upward by 48%, fueled by a post-pandemic boom in services spending as well as high inflation and high interest rates,” he said.

If you're seeing anything OTHER than a sputtering economy, then you're simply delusional.

But also, if you think Trump's high tariff plan is going to save the US economy, then I think you're equally delusional. The Dems are right, those costs are just going to get passed onto the consumers.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s threat to slap countries that shun the U.S. dollar with 100% tariffs is a “lose-lose” situation for both America and China, according to GROW Investment Group partner and chief economist Hao Hong.

In July, economist Stephen Roach told CNBC’s “Squawk Box Asia” that those China tariffs would “most assuredly” boost inflation for the U.S.

“A tariff is a tax on a foreign country,” Trump asserted at an Aug. 19 rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., for example. “That’s the way it is, whether you like it or not. A lot of people like to say it’s a tax on us. No, no, no. It’s a tax on a foreign country.”

In truth, there’s no detectable disagreement among economists. In two polls conducted by the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago, panels of economists unanimously agreed that American households would pay the price for Trump’s tariffs.
Because she won't be President and she won't implement her shitty economic plans.
And Trump turned that failure around.
tRump turned it around all right. The crash was starting even before covid hit. He was throwing money into the markets to prop them up and begging for the fed turn interest rates negative, if you'll remember.
This was all true during the reign of your Dear Leader, it was during a time of corporations raking in profits like never before because Trump cut all their taxes by 20%. You didn't get shit.

And then Covid hit and things changed. Now they are getting back to normal like before Covid existed.

I guess you are too stupid to realize that companies do not pay taxes, you do! Any taxes just require them to increase prices to the consumer to cover the tax such that you are paying the taxes due to increased prices.

Yeah, groceries are 20% higher than during COVID, gas is double what it was during COVID, and the cost of homes, rent, and automobiles have skyrocketed. When are we going to get back to pre-COVID?

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