What is coming.

  • Initial jobless claims for the week ending Sept. 21 totaled 218,000, a decrease of 4,000 from the previous period and slightly better than the 223,000 Dow Jones estimate. Continuing claims, which run a week behind, rose to 1.834 million, a touch below the FactSet forecast.
  • Orders for long-lasting “durable goods” orders for items such as aircraft, appliances and computers, were little changed for August, better than the estimate for a 3% decline.
  • Gross domestic product rose at a 3% annualized rate in the second quarter, according to the last of three readings from the Commerce Department. That was in line with market expectations.

If that is the economy getting killed can we have more killing please.
Dock workers about to strike on the east coast. Pilots for UPS and FEDEX about to strike. John Deere moving jobs from Iowa to Mexico. Automakers having to shift away from EVs because no one is buying them. Are you even paying attention?
"Inflation is still high"

"All the jobs went to immigrants"

"The economy is in terrible shape"

"Your facts and figures are just lies"

And they're dead serious. It's what they're told by voices they choose to trust, and by their Dear Leader, so it can only be The Truth. This is a cult.
Why are all of the job figures adjusted about a month after any gains are reported? The Biden crew has never released accurate data during their entire term.
And when Trump raises tariffs by 200%, corporations will pass those costs to us.
The simple solution is to just buy American. That way you aren't building the Chinese military while enjoying those cheaper prices. I try not to buy anything made in China and haven't for years. My so-called Japanese car was built in Kentucky from the ground up.
Giving me shit. LOL Your vapid twit's answer to the horrible inflation she's overseen is "I grew up a middle class kid" WTF?
What horrible inflation? The fed is comfortable lowering interest rates, just in case you hadn't heard.
I don't think all the woke educated people voting against Donald Trump is going to work in this coming election. There is nothing lined up against Trump that even resembles responsible, competent leadership. There is no coherent plan to rescue the populaton from the staggering inflation that is killing the economy. In fact killing the economy appears to be the plan. The candidate offered against Trump is a counterfeit slave masquerading as a black American. She was slid in as a place holder because the original corrupt stooge was so mentally deranged that political suicide was the shaky foundation of the platform and the appalling state of America was reflected as a farce that has made the US the butt of jokes across the globe.

I can't see any other outcome but a landslide for Trump. What is being offered against Trump is like a pratical joke. The vacuous ramblings of the candidate give no comfort to anyone. A lot of people will automatically go and vote against Trump because they are influenced by leftist media but it will not be enough. It's when Trump wins that the real evil will show its hand. The deep state will try to hamstring him at every turn and the thugs will hit the streets to loot and burn.

Two assassinaton attempts have failed.

I see this coming.

mr t 3.81.gif

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