What is Deep Seek? AI??

What is Deep Seek AI ?? Your responses.??From China.?

A cheap to operate version of ChatGPT that will explain why it is answering the way it is instead of just throwing a response out there. It apparently is also a lot less glitchy to use in terms of your needing to be hyperspecifc to get the correct information.
I hear it was made for a fraction of the cost, compared to other AI computer systems.!? Using bargan basement chips.!?!?
The big reason people are so giddy on "AI" is because of marketing right now. Companies are investing a crapload of money in it right now. Not impressive.
The big reason people are so giddy on "AI" is because of marketing right now. Companies are investing a crapload of money in it right now. Not impressive.
It has made Amazon a freaking bundle.
No kidding, there is a documentary on Netflix, one of the members of the team quit out of disgust as to what Amazon is doing with it.
I wish I could remember the name of it.
The future of AI is going to be extremely detrimental to already collapsing social skills caused by social media.
Chat AI "buddies" and as weird as it is, Sex chat AI is popular in some countries.
Not a good path right now
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