Zone1 What is free speech ?

This article argues that the siren calls come from extremists who want to make some noise.
I can agree with a lot of that.
But my own definition is better.
Someone wanting to whistleblow on a matter of public concern. Not someone who just wants to vent their prejudice.
Lies are not protected.
IE lying about spomeons sexuality to attack sexual minorities
lying about race or religion to attack racial minorities
lying about anything basically
ie - Vance fucks furniture. his wife looks hot. She should get his attention.

Lies arent campaign promises that you dont carry out.
IE Trumps wall. He obviously wanted it but couldnt get it done. Happens all the time like Obamas healthcare.

Lies are labelling a pic in London as a pic of Sheffield
Or reporting a riot when you are sat on your arse 1000 miles away.

The current political scene is based on lies and too many people make a good living out of just lying.

That isnt free speech. That is just the law of the jungle.
If lies weren’t protected, Biden would be in prison.

Free speech isn’t subject to government interference except for speech which threatens physical violence or immediate danger to the people of our nation or of the nation, itself.
Cut the sissiness. "Lying" is the most overused word today. Some guy tells you brown mustard and better than yellow, and a sissy man says he is telling a lie.
You are really confused.
He expressed an opinion not a fact. The best mustard is a matter of opinion. Nobody is being punished for that.
^proof^ of your lack of understanding on the matter...
no, when applied properly it gives the innocently accused another layer of protection from being treated as a bad europe the focus is on denying rights to the accused, in America the emphasis is on protecting the rights of the accused, that is what makes "rights" in/unalienable.
Speak to Rudy.
And yet you just proved my point in this post of yours with this statement, which is evidence of prejudice, distortion, and lies base on your biased subjectivity.

" I quickly realised that the american right was not bothered about truth. Mainly because it had abandoned truth under trump. "

You basic and continual position an point is that you Leftist Communists can tell no lies (only "truth") and all we on the Right that oppose you ever say are "lies".

Classic doublespeak there "Tommy Tain't Truth".
No its just calling out lies. Rogan lied. Probably because he is lazy. Nobody is stopping his lying but lets not pretend he is an honest man.
However if he was over here it would be more serious because of the incitement issue. His obvious lying would get him into trouble. And rightly so.
You are really confused.
He expressed an opinion not a fact. The best mustard is a matter of opinion. Nobody is being punished for that.
The point remains: staying an opinion is not a lie. Which was the point being made.

Why are you staging

People can disagree. That doesn’t make either part a liar necessarily. But you libtards tend to misuse the word lie. An awful lot.
The point remains: staying an opinion is not a lie. Which was the point being made.

Why are you staging

People can disagree. That doesn’t make either part a liar necessarily. But you libtards tend to misuse the word lie. An awful lot.
The examples I have fiven you are not opinions. Rogan lied about arrests. The fake film of a "muslim riot" in London was a far tight riot in Cardiff. That was just a lie as well.
You can make these points by using facts not lies.
Opinions are not necessarily factual. That is not controversial.
The examples I have fiven you are not opinions. Rogan lied about arrests. The fake film of a "muslim riot" in London was a far tight riot in Cardiff. That was just a lie as well.
You can make these points by using facts not lies.
Opinions are not necessarily factual. That is not controversial.
I’m just gratified that somebody got even a regard like you to acknowledge that just because you may not agree with what someone else says, that doesn’t make it a lie.

Predictions are not lies. Although many may be predicated on lies.

Assertions of opinions may not be lies.

Generally, questions cannot be lies.

But here’s one you libs usually can’t quite wrap your heads around:

Not every incorrect assertion of a factual nature is necessarily a “lie” either.

Libs really abuse that poor word.

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