What is racist, and what is not?

The demographics show that a greater percentage of black people in particular watch and engage with television than white audiences. According to a 2013 report from Nielsen, African Americans are more “aggressive consumers” of media. For example: “Blacks watch more television (37%), make more shopping trips (eight), purchase more ethnic beauty and grooming products (nine times more),” which translates to the two largest forces in television creation: numbers and advertisers.

So lets make commercials for people who aren't watching TV because some whites caught a case of racist butthurt.
You're truly pathetic. I told you, earlier, that A&A was seen later in syndication. But the show was originally shown over just a couple of years. 70 years ago.

Then you get bent because I said I'd prefer TV reflect our society more accurately. You try to make it sound racist, when it would simply be more fair and interesting.

For instance, it would be great to see more asians. They have a lot to offer, imo. As do other groups. But right now the casting is far out of balance.

Tell you what, it's obvious we'll never agree about anything. And it's painful to waste time on useless exchanges, like these. So, let's just let it go. Please, never respond to my posts in the future. I'll do the same for you. It would just result in another waste of time.

Have a good day.

That would truly be the most inviting offer that I've had today, but a little less entertaining.

So, in one last ditch effort to make sense of what you're attempting to say, what makes you think I'm "bent" over what YOU want to see on television?

You made it quite clear that you are "bent" over what's being broadcast on television currently, and as I told you before, I thought it was "humorous", but I never implied that it was "racist", so you need to stop projecting and go back and read your own words.

Speaking for myself, since I recall quite well what it was like when there was very little if any diversity in television, or the movies, I don't waste my time getting upset over the racial makeup of who is reporting the news or playing a character on a series, however, as I told you, equal exposure by race as YOU would like to see in the entertainment industry would actually work in favor of minorities, and overall, you would see even less of a presence of White actors, directors, and support personnel, as the following most recent diversity report will show you.

As far as Amos and Andy, one last time......S L O W L Y just for you:

What is truly pathetic is that you do not posses the mental acuity to understand, that the point about Amos and Andy, was simply that when the show was seen on a syndicated basis from 1960 through 1966, it actually ran for a LONGER period of time than it did when it was originally broadcast, and during that time,
television did not even remotely represent the general population by race.

Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend?

That being said, enjoy your day and life in general as well.
That would truly be the most inviting offer that I've had today, but a little less entertaining.

So, in one last ditch effort to make sense of what you're attempting to say, what makes you think I'm "bent" over what YOU want to see on television?

You made it quite clear that you are "bent" over what's being broadcast on television currently, and as I told you before, I thought it was "humorous", but I never implied that it was "racist", so you need to stop projecting and go back and read your own words.

Speaking for myself, since I recall quite well what it was like when there was very little if any diversity in television, or the movies, I don't waste my time getting upset over the racial makeup of who is reporting the news or playing a character on a series, however, as I told you, equal exposure by race as YOU would like to see in the entertainment industry would actually work in favor of minorities, and overall, you would see even less of a presence of White actors, directors, and support personnel, as the following most recent diversity report will show you.

As far as Amos and Andy, one last time......S L O W L Y just for you:

What is truly pathetic is that you do not posses the mental acuity to understand, that the point about Amos and Andy, was simply that when the show was seen on a syndicated basis from 1960 through 1966, it actually ran for a LONGER period of time than it did when it was originally broadcast, and during that time,
television was still not anywhere near representative of the general population.

Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend?

That being said, enjoy your day and life in general as well.
That report is going to be devastating to poor Lisa.
4. The Bottom Line.
New evidence from 2018 and 2019 supports findings from earlier reports in this series suggesting that America’s increasingly
diverse audiences prefer diverse film content:

• In 2018, films with casts that were from 21
percent to 30 percent minority enjoyed the
highest median global box office receipts,
while films with casts that were from 41
percent to 50 percent minority enjoyed this
distinction in 2019. By contrast, films with
the least diverse casts — in both years —
were the poorest performers

Future is going to be arriving way too fast for white racists in America. If she thinks minorities are over represented now...
That report is going to be devastating to poor Lisa.

Future is going to be arriving way too fast for white racists in America. If she thinks minorities are over represented now...

And the most interesting fact in all of this is that it is not minorities who are making the decisions as to what the general population sees on television and in motion pictures.

In most cases they only "present" the content that they are hired to present and they only "create" a very small fraction of it.

As far as the daily local news goes, I typically watch the NBC local news for Los Angeles, California, and have since the 1980's.

I have watched their news teams evolve from being ALL White, to just now getting to a point of having 12.5% Black reporters.

I've also watched other news networks in major metropolitan areas in California from time to time and have not seen anywhere near the "alarming invasion" of Blacks that is supposed to be happening all over America.

This is the current NBCLA news reporting staff. They have a couple of Blacks reporting the weather and the traffic, and another two report local events, and NONE in an anchor position.

And there are no ALL Black or even HALF Black news reporting teams that I've ever seen.

That report is going to be devastating to poor Lisa.

Future is going to be arriving way too fast for white racists in America. If she thinks minorities are over represented now...
The overuse of calling people “racist” for pointing out the imbalance in advertising is ridiculous, and your attempt to smack, silence, strong arm whites into remaining silent rather than point it out is ridiculous.

Sorry, but in a population that is currently 65% white, manufacturers should not be eliminating whites and showing blacks exclusively, as has happened with the examples I gave. Why would a company that sells to ALL Americans choose to have multiple posters displaying their product, and each and every one is of a black? They are only 13% of the population!

If it were the reverse, and blacks were the majority and whites just 13%, it would make sense. Just like I see advertising around Christmas devoted almost entirely to Christians make sense - they’re the majority! If I walked into a department store in December, and poster after poster was showing Jews celebrating Hanukkah, and nary a Christmas poster in sight, I’d think something weird was going on.

And to take it further, if Christians complained that the brands were all or almost all showing Jewish families, with certain brands have several posters and every single one was of Jews, and that Christians were the majority, I‘d agree with the Christians. They would be right. And if Jews started yelling “antisemite“ to Christians who rightfully pointed out the crazy imbalance, I’d be appalled at the Jews. Why would Jews, a slim minority in this country, feel entitled to having advertising feature them exclusively while neglecting the majority religion?
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And the most interesting fact in all of this is that it is not minorities who are making the decisions as to what the general population sees on television and in motion pictures.

In most cases they only "present" the content that they are hired to present and they only "create" a very small fraction of it.
It's all financially driven. That's going to come to a head eventually as well. We're starting to see the beginning of it in sports leagues with empowered players making moves to put themselves in positions of power. It's a long long way down the road though.
The overuse of calling people “racist” for pointing out the imbalance in advertising is ridiculous, and your attempt to smack, silence, strong arm whites into remaining silent rather than point it out is ridiculous.

Sorry, but in a population that is currently 65% white, manufacturers should not be eliminating whites and showing blacks exclusively, as has happened with the examples I gave. Why would companies that sell to ALL Americans choose to have multiple posters displaying their product, and each and every one is of a black? They are only 13% of the population!
Black and white people have different hair Lisa. You might be seeing an add for a company who's financial objective is to capture that market. Your mistake is in thinking that quotas are designed to give minorities an equal share of representation. They are not. They are in place because racists needed to be forced to not be racist. There is however, no ceiling on how many black people are allowed to be shown just a floor on how many you can omit.
It's all financially driven. That's going to come to a head eventually as well. We're starting to see the beginning of it in sports leagues with empowered players making moves to put themselves in positions of power. It's a long long way down the road though.
You are correct. It is ALL financially driven. and prominent sports figures around Los Angeles have a very large following, from predominantly Hispanic fans.

But the real power players in all of this are the tech firms that have purchased the rights to naming local sport venues after their specific brands, which provides instant recognition and revenue opportunities by having their brand associated with a well known sports franchise.

I was involved with a number of marketing projects with The Staples Center before I retired, and it had been a very popular sports and entertainment venue for years.

It is now renamed The Crypto.com Arena.

Black and white people have different hair Lisa. You might be seeing an add for a company who's financial objective is to capture that market. Your mistake is in thinking that quotas are designed to give minorities an equal share of representation. They are not. They are in place because racists needed to be forced to not be racist. There is however, no ceiling on how many black people are allowed to be shown just a floor on how many you can omit.
Nope. The hair company was being “woke” by excluding whites and focusing solely on blacks.

And who is talking about quotas giving blacks equal share of representation? I am talking about an overrepresentation, such as seen with the hair company, with Turbo Tax, with House Hunters show, etc., etc., where ONLY blacks can be shown.

I had a job in marketing, 20 years ago, and even then, we were making a big effort to show diversity. That meant in any group photo, we had to include blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and of course whites. If there was ever to be a photo of a SINGLE customer, we could never have the customer white.

If we had a brochure that had five photos, we could have one of them white. Now, though, companies are having ALL five photos of blacks, and not a single one of whites.

Please do not pretend you don’t see the issue with this. I as a Jew would understand the criticism if I walked into a store in December and saw companies were showing posters of ONLY Jews celebrating Hanukkah, and not a single as showing a Christian family celebrating Christmas. Christians are the majority and should not be so overtly excluded.
Yeah, that's exactly what Rufo is doing to your dumb ass. Controlling you because you can't think for yourself. Racial bias is what has been taught for years. You seem fine with continuing to teach that all the great Americans were white and how the superior white civilization overcame the vicious savage Indians. Or how the white man in all his benevolent glory woke up one day and decided that they must free blacks from slavery.

So stop whining about racism son. Europeans invented race and racism. And what you're seeing is the response to the 246 years of American white racism. What you call CRT is the truth being taught to future generations so they don't grow up believing the idiocy you do. "What ye sows, ye shall also reap." God did not make whites immune to his laws. So the truth will be taught to our children and no one gives a damn what you think about it.
It's clear you don't know jack shit about me or what I believe.
All I hear from you is racism & excuses for your continued racism.
Your victim mentality is so firmly entrenched in racial grievances that you are blind to the obvious racism inherent in your beliefs & you have absolutely no benefit to society.
You are dividing force & destructive to your own race. It is people like you who hold back true progress for the blacks in this country.
I don't give a damn what you or your fellow racists think, just keep it away from me, my family, out of the schools, away from children & we won't have a problem.
It's a free country so you can stay on your poverty plantation & keep yourself a slave if that's your choice.
Fuck CRT & FBLM- you can shove it right in your ass & keep it crammed way up there with the crap where it belongs
It's clear you don't know jack shit about me or what I believe.
All I hear from you is racism & excuses for your continued racism.
Your victim mentality is so firmly entrenched in racial grievances that you are blind to the obvious racism inherent in your beliefs & you have absolutely no benefit to society.
You are dividing force & destructive to your own race. It is people like you who hold back true progress for the blacks in this country.
I don't give a damn what you or your fellow racists think, just keep it away from me, my family, out of the schools, away from children & we won't have a problem.
It's a free country so you can stay on your poverty plantation & keep yourself a slave if that's your choice.
Fuck CRT & FBLM- you can shove it right in your ass & keep it crammed way up there with the crap where it belongs
Yup. It is a GREAT time to be black in America! On another thread, it’s been reported that the Dems in Virginia just dumped their minority leader - a Jew - and elected a Black ex-con druggie to replace her. Dems are on a quest to fill top roles with blacks, regardless of whether they are the most qualified, and in this instance at least, regardless of their criminal records, because black skin trumps everything else.

And yet we still have black racists moaning about historical racism and how they deserve reparations. They are being awarded with spots in universities they otherwise wouldn’t get, and with top roles for which they are far from the best qualified, ousting whites. Isn‘t that ENOUGH favoritism? Now they want whites to pitch in and give them money, too?
Nope. The hair company was being “woke” by excluding whites and focusing solely on blacks.

And who is talking about quotas giving blacks equal share of representation? I am talking about an overrepresentation, such as seen with the hair company, with Turbo Tax, with House Hunters show, etc., etc., where ONLY blacks can be shown.

I had a job in marketing, 20 years ago, and even then, we were making a big effort to show diversity. That meant in any group photo, we had to include blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and of course whites. If there was ever to be a photo of a SINGLE customer, we could never have the customer white.

If we had a brochure that had five photos, we could have one of them white. Now, though, companies are having ALL five photos of blacks, and not a single one of whites.

Please do not pretend you don’t see the issue with this. I as a Jew would understand the criticism if I walked into a store in December and saw companies were showing posters of ONLY Jews celebrating Hanukkah, and not a single as showing a Christian family celebrating Christmas. Christians are the majority and should not be so overtly excluded.
So you as a cuck are afraid of pissing of the Christians? Maybe don't walk around like such a fearful clown.

All people are "racists."

That is, they make instant judgments based on another person's ethnicity.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson some years back admitted that he was racist.

He said that he would be concerned if he was walking on a street at night and turned around to see a young gentleman of his ethnicity behind him.

All of us would also be "concerned."

So I guess that everyone is a "racist."

All people are "racists."

That is, they make instant judgments based on another person's ethnicity.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson some years back admitted that he was racist.

He said that he would be concerned if he was walking on a street at night and turned around to see a young gentleman of his ethnicity behind him.

All of us would also be "concerned."

So I guess that everyone is a "racist."
Jackson understood statistics.
The overuse of calling people “racist” for pointing out the imbalance in advertising is ridiculous, and your attempt to smack, silence, strong arm whites into remaining silent rather than point it out is ridiculous.

Sorry, but in a population that is currently 65% white, manufacturers should not be eliminating whites and showing blacks exclusively, as has happened with the examples I gave. Why would a company that sells to ALL Americans choose to have multiple posters displaying their product, and each and every one is of a black? They are only 13% of the population!

If it were the reverse, and blacks were the majority and whites just 13%, it would make sense. Just like I see advertising around Christmas devoted almost entirely to Christians make sense - they’re the majority! If I walked into a department store in December, and poster after poster was showing Jews celebrating Hanukkah, and nary a Christmas poster in sight, I’d think something weird was going on.

And to take it further, if Christians complained that the brands were all or almost all showing Jewish families, with certain brands have several posters and every single one was of Jews, and that Christians were the majority, I‘d agree with the Christians. They would be right. And if Jews started yelling “antisemite“ to Christians who rightfully pointed out the crazy imbalance, I’d be appalled at the Jews. Why would Jews, a slim minority in this country, feel entitled to having advertising feature them exclusively while neglecting the majority religion?
The overuse, is the overuse of racist opinions in this forum.

You run your mouth about what blacks are being given but present no statistics.

Because you can't. All you can do is whine about here where other racists will whine about it with you. There are no black racists here and you represent the evidence of continuing racism today.
You right-wingers are prime examples of these statements:

“Americans have reached a point where ignorance, especially of anything related to public policy, is an actual virtue. To reject the advice of experts is to assert autonomy, a way for Americans to insulate their increasingly fragile egos from ever being told they’re wrong about anything. It is a new Declaration of Independence: no longer do we hold these truths to be self-evident, we hold all truths to be self-evident, even the ones that aren’t true.”

“Americans now believe that having equal rights in a political system also means that each person’s opinion about anything must be accepted as equal to anyone else’s.”
It's clear you don't know jack shit about me or what I believe.
All I hear from you is racism & excuses for your continued racism.
Your victim mentality is so firmly entrenched in racial grievances that you are blind to the obvious racism inherent in your beliefs & you have absolutely no benefit to society.
You are dividing force & destructive to your own race. It is people like you who hold back true progress for the blacks in this country.
I don't give a damn what you or your fellow racists think, just keep it away from me, my family, out of the schools, away from children & we won't have a problem.
It's a free country so you can stay on your poverty plantation & keep yourself a slave if that's your choice.
Fuck CRT & FBLM- you can shove it right in your ass & keep it crammed way up there with the crap where it belongs
No, you hear the truth and documented fact. There is nothing racist about what I believe because all whites are not the problem. You right-wing whites are. Those like you conflate yourselves as representative of all whites even when other whites here totally reject your bullshit. You and others with your zero-sum mentality are the dividers. I don't know what makes you think people of color are all happy with the situation in America. What we have been taught is what divides us. It's a white supremacist lie that scrubs like you call American history. Hell, the shit we've been taught isn't even half the story.

CRT is a legal theory taught in law schools. It was taught for nearly 40 years until trump used it to race bait you dumb asses in the hopes he could get enough whites made enough to vote for him. As a theory, CRT is absolutely correct, and if that causes you butthurt too fucking bad. And if teachers are teaching racial sensitivity, diversity, and the truth of our history, none of that is CRT.

History was recorded by whites. Whites created the legal system here and made it so that documentation was required. Whites created the free press in this country to create the record and hold public officials to account. You right-wingers brag about how whites created these things and today we are using what you created to force America to be the democracy you bitches brag about having. True democracy has only been given to whites, the rest of us have had limited democracy at best. That's what the record shows and until the record shows different we will fight.

You are a modern-day white serf serving your right-wing feudal lords punk. They tell you not to like something and like Pavlov's dogs you start slobbering. The truth will be taught. You don't like it? Move to a country where the truth is suppressed.
No, you hear the truth and documented fact. There is nothing racist about what I believe because all whites are not the problem. You right-wing whites are. Those like you conflate yourselves as representative of all whites even when other whites here totally reject your bullshit. You and others with your zero-sum mentality are the dividers. I don't know what makes you think people of color are all happy with the situation in America. What we have been taught is what divides us. It's a white supremacist lie that scrubs like you call American history. Hell, the shit we've been taught isn't even half the story.

CRT is a legal theory taught in law schools. It was taught for nearly 40 years until trump used it to race bait you dumb asses in the hopes he could get enough whites made enough to vote for him. As a theory, CRT is absolutely correct, and if that causes you butthurt too fucking bad. And if teachers are teaching racial sensitivity, diversity, and the truth of our history, none of that is CRT.

History was recorded by whites. Whites created the legal system here and made it so that documentation was required. Whites created the free press in this country to create the record and hold public officials to account. You right-wingers brag about how whites created these things and today we are using what you created to force America to be the democracy you bitches brag about having. True democracy has only been given to whites, the rest of us have had limited democracy at best. That's what the record shows and until the record shows different we will fight.

You are a modern-day white serf serving your right-wing feudal lords punk. They tell you not to like something and like Pavlov's dogs you start slobbering. The truth will be taught. You don't like it? Move to a country where the truth is suppressed.
Blah blah blah. Deflection & semantics about what is real CRT while ignoring that at the core it is all about a racist grievance attitude towards whites. It's the very essence of racist thought.
You sure go to long lengths to display your ignorance as you continue your race baiting.
You see everything through a color prism so keep claiming whatever let's you sleep at night, it's a free country.
Frankly, I don't have the time or patience to argue more with the biggest race hustler on the board.
You bore me dude

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Blah blah blah. Deflection & semantics about what is real CRT while ignoring that at the core it is all about a racist grievance attitude towards whites. It's the very essence of racist thought.
You sure go to long lengths to display your ignorance as you continue your race hustle.
You see everything through a color prism so keep claiming whatever let's you sleep at night, it's a free country.
Frankly, I don't have the time or patience to argue more with the biggest race hustler on the board.
You bore me dude

View attachment 654342
The only people hustling race are white right wingers. I know what CRT is. I have the book. I've read the book. And Booker T. Washington made that silly comment during Jim Crow. It is one of the dumbest comments ever made. Whites who are members of the racist subculture love using his words to counter arguments made by blacks today regarding continuing white racism. To reflect our modern reality, I have modified Washington’s comments.

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti-white racism. … Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs … There is a certain class of white race- “problem solvers” who don’t want America to get well.”

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