What Is The Point Of Ferro Rods?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
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Ferro rods are used to start a fire using sparks caused by friction between the rod and a piece of metal.

If you watch enough survivalist or camping videos, they inevitably hype ferro rods.

Um...have these people never heard of a LIGHTER?

You gotcher Zippos, your Bics, and your butane torches. The kind of torches used by tweakers.

What in the living hell would you ever need a ferro rod for?

Someone should make a comedy video of a guy trying to start a fire with a ferro rod while he strokes and strokes and strokes. Then turn the camera a few degrees to a guy who already has a blazing fire going and is holding up a lighter for the camera.
They do have high tech lighters that do the job in all weather conditions but the problem with regular lighters is freezing in cold weather . Keeping matches dry in a container is what I use. A dry bag of dryer lint or other easily lit product is a must in wet weather. Fritos corn ships crumbled up will get a fire started in cold wet weather.
Never go bad, never run out of fuel, virtually unbreakable, lightweight and easy to carry. I wouldn't depend on one of those rods to light a cigarette but they come in handy in a pinch.
They do have high tech lighters that do the job in all weather conditions but the problem with regular lighters is freezing in cold weather . Keeping matches dry in a container is what I use. A dry bag of dryer lint or other easily lit product is a must in wet weather. Fritos corn ships crumbled up will get a fire started in cold wet weather.
I do have some oversized matches in a plastic container.

I've never heard of a Zippo lighter not working in cold weather. That would be bad for the brand. :)

I have several Zippos and several quarts of fluid. I also have various other kinds of lighters.

There are a lot of items I keep around in the event of a disaster or power outage.
Works after getting submerged, and doesn't break, or accidentally run out of fuel because it shifted in your pack, or pocket...
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