Zone1 What kind of LDS Mormon are you (Utah)?

John Edgar Slow Horses

Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2023
I have known Mormons all of my life. The religion is all American, and many like me find it very interesting without believing in it.

Robert W dropped the other day that he is Utah LDS but with a twist. He does not believe that Joseph Smith practiced polygamy. (Robert W, is this right? Correct me if I am wrong).

Modern Latter Day Saints are facing schisms in the future.

One, a monogamous Jospeh Smith church with no need for temple work or garment wearing. Michelle Brady Stone and Denver Snuffer are two charismatic leaders of this persuasion.

Two, the LDS Utah church as it is today, with a monogamous present and the polygamous past, temple work, etc. The current leadership as it is now with three high priests and 12 apostles are in charge, very heavily masculine dominant.

Three, an actively plural marriage mainstream LDS Church based in Salt Lake City. This is not the Fundamentalist LDS Church, which is a different organization altogether.

Let's dialogue.
Robert W dropped the other day that he is Utah LDS but with a twist. He does not believe that Joseph Smith practiced polygamy. (Robert W, is this right? Correct me if I am wrong).
You may wish to research the biography of Joseph Smith's plural lives. Heads up: Some of these are highly reliable; some not. Smith is thought to have had forty wives, but this number varies as well. Those who are interested should do their own research, and as always, I highly recommend primary sources.
I have known Mormons all of my life. The religion is all American, and many like me find it very interesting without believing in it.

Robert W dropped the other day that he is Utah LDS but with a twist. He does not believe that Joseph Smith practiced polygamy. (Robert W, is this right? Correct me if I am wrong).

Modern Latter Day Saints are facing schisms in the future.

One, a monogamous Jospeh Smith church with no need for temple work or garment wearing. Michelle Brady Stone and Denver Snuffer are two charismatic leaders of this persuasion.

Two, the LDS Utah church as it is today, with a monogamous present and the polygamous past, temple work, etc. The current leadership as it is now with three high priests and 12 apostles are in charge, very heavily masculine dominant.

Three, an actively plural marriage mainstream LDS Church based in Salt Lake City. This is not the Fundamentalist LDS Church, which is a different organization altogether.

Let's dialogue.
I had always heard that polygamy was introduced by Brigham Young AFTER Joseph Smith’s death and that there was controversy over it at the time. But when Utah’s statehood hinged on the matter, God changed his mind.
Much multiple marriage was going on in Nauvoo before JS's death, pinqy, early as 1841.

I find the 'murder conspiracy' by Brigham Young, Willard Richards, and John Taylor to scrag Smith very interesting.
I had always heard that polygamy was introduced by Brigham Young AFTER Joseph Smith’s death and that there was controversy over it at the time. But when Utah’s statehood hinged on the matter, God changed his mind.
I believe Young was one of the Apostles that defended Smiths polygamy. Believe it was called "spiritual wifery" or something lolz
There is an apologist site on youtube called, "Saints Unscripted" which does a decent job of going over the many controversial topics of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Here is the Link: Saints Unscripted

Here is one such video of the many on the site which covers polygamy.

From my personal perspective as a member, I believe that God instituted this practice in Old Testament times as we see with Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, and Solomon. I believe that this practice was to be restored for a time in the dispensation of the fulness of times. In this dispensation God would restore or make a restitution of the ancient practices that he instituted during the days of other dispensations. I believe this was prophesied of in the Bible during the days of Jesus' apostles:

Acts 3:20-21
20 And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you:
21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.

Ephesians 1:10
10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:

We believe that through Joseph Smith, God opened the dispensation of the fulness of times and sent Jesus who was before preached unto us.

Here is another video:

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I have known Mormons all of my life. The religion is all American, and many like me find it very interesting without believing in it.

I /We also find you most interesting but unbelievable .

Do you remember your hundreds of posts supporting use of the Killer Vaccine against the engineered so called Covid Virus .
And how you imagined that the UAF was winning the war when it captured empty and abandoned villages .

Such an interesting Horsey Horse .
Brian Hales says Smith had more than one wife. I think in a conference he said it was nine. › sites › defaultBrian C. Hales and Laura Harris Hales - Religious Studies Center

118 Brian C. Hales and Laura Harris Hales In 1840, Joseph Smith began teaching the practice of polygamy, or plu-rality of wives, to select members of

Michelle B. Stone is a monogamous Joseph Smith fan with a site that is great to listen to. Understand she is a conspiracy theorist (it began with some unfortunate leadership changes in the church during covid that infuriated her and thousands of members). I don't believe her premises, but she offers a lot f information.

No. It would still have the Golden Plates, angelic messengers, prophets and seers and messengers, modern day revelation, etc. What role the temples would take is unseen.
Pretty sure that catholics have all that stuff too except for the golden plates. They have (had?) stone tablets instead.

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