What Kind Of Sauce Do You Like On Your Spaghetti?

Here's the thing. I just made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner last night. I never used to have any sauce because I hate Ragu red sauce with a passion.

Then I discovered that there's such a thing as meat sauce and I go to town on it. I was just curious if there were other kinds of sauces out there that I never heard of so I thought that I would take a forum poll to see if any others sounded good to me.
Yup, bolonese is my go to.
Lol are you actually serious? 😂
Sarcasm Warning.jpg

I make a killer meat sauce .just like grandmas

Meatballs, sausage, and chicken

It's an all day affair with canned tomatos and preparing the meats to get shoved into pot
2 days with fresh tomato..
I only make a shitload at a time freeze some and give a lil away ...

I'm not allowed to share the recipe a while ago here on usmb I've shared some of the prep for the meat ...I'll be outcast in the afterlife once the guinea side of the family gets a hold of me

I haven't made it since last winter ..hopefully i get a nice ice storm keep us locked up for two days ...


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