What leader, what government, what country is getting right?

My point is an Obama led US governemnty is not perfect but is the best governemnt in the world.

He has made changes that many do not like. He is dealing with big probelms that would be there no matter who was President.

You may not agree with Obama but he has "taken our governemnt from us". He has not turned us into a "socialist state".

I am actually surprised at the very weak replys to my question from the anti-Obama bunch.

I believe us in the anti-LEFT crowd (not just anti-obama) would agree there is no better country in the world right now to live in.

Our problem is not with the current standing of the nation, but the direction it's going in. It's kind of ironic. It's very similar to the hoax global warming argument. Not whats wrong now, but what will be wrong in the future. Thats the problem with the leftist regime in power right now. But as long as America continues it's awakening and votes these lefties out, and puts in BETTER candidates regardless of party, we'll recover.

I disagree with what you say about the direction but I respect what you say and how you said it.
That is what our system is about. The way you propose changing the system is how the founding fathers intended it to be changed.

What concerns me is the group that is overstating what is going on in our country and indicating we are a socialist nation that cannot be brought back without drastic action.
They are forming militias or supporting forming militias outside the constitution.
They want to break up the USA as one blogger discussed in this thread.

I see some of the fire is coming from people just wantitng to make money off the the Obama opposition, Limbaugh, Beck, Palin.

They don't want constuctive opposition to Obama they want circus type overstated opposition so they can make more money.
Name them. You can even take a breath.

Can't speak for him, but can I speak for future nations yet not formed?

The Republic of Texas.
The Republic of Montana.
The Republic of South Carolina.
The Republic of Arizona.

Of Obama and Pelosi keep on track, we'll have a few great examples within the next 10 years.

I am a real world, bottom line person. I want proven results.
You can project success with changes but until they are proven it is just a theory.

I would be for breaking Texas off as a seperate Republic and see how it does.

But give me a real world example of why you think that would work. I am not sure it would.
No you're not...You're detached from reality and live in a Fabian socialist fantasy land.

The real world example worked in America for over 150 years. A time frame where people left Europe because it sucked.

Now, we have wormy, mealy-mouthed fifth columnists like you moving us in the direction of the impending train wreck that is the EU, cynically prattling on and on about how at least we don't suck that badly...yet.

Of course when those disastrous proven results are pointed out, drips like you claim that this time you're getting authoritarian central planning right, even though it is you who cannot show where it has ever worked before.

Insane screwballs to the very bitter end. :cuckoo:
I can name about 100 without taking a breath.

Americans reject Obama's Neo-National Socialists governance and frankly, I don't give a single solitary fuck about any other government anywhere on the planet.

Obama and the Dems are rewriting the Constitution and we're going to have to work for the next 30 years to undo the damage Dems have done.

Name them. You can even take a breath.

Can't speak for him, but can I speak for future nations yet not formed?

The Republic of Texas.
The Republic of Montana.
The Republic of South Carolina.
The Republic of Arizona.

Of Obama and Pelosi keep on track, we'll have a few great examples within the next 10 years.

If the citizens of those states despise the US so much....I welcome them to leave

They all take from the US more than they pay in taxes anyway
Name them. You can even take a breath.

Can't speak for him, but can I speak for future nations yet not formed?

The Republic of Texas.
The Republic of Montana.
The Republic of South Carolina.
The Republic of Arizona.

Of Obama and Pelosi keep on track, we'll have a few great examples within the next 10 years.

If the citizens of those states despise the US so much....I welcome them to leave

They all take from the US more than they pay in taxes anyway

Of course those who WANT to be like everybody else would measure contribution by the amount of taxes paid. (You do realize that should make the wealthiest Americans your greatest heroes don't you?)

Those who want what America is intended to be take a somewhat broader view.
weren't you also the idiot who tried to say America's not a democracy?

Some say we are a democracy.
Others say we are a representative republic.

And those who know what they're talking about say we're both by definition.

[quote[But when a bill has over 55% of the people opposed to it pre-vote, and the representatives pass it anyway.........well, then we are no longer either of the above.[/quote]


So if 55% of Americans were against desegregation acts or the criminalization of child pornography...
First, there is no one leading a "world goverment" because one doesn't exist. America is not just a country, it is an idea. It is the exact opposite of a socialist state or dictatorship. Regardless of intention, the more power our federal government gets the more we lose our liberties. The more we become like other countries that we are not. Liberty is one of the most important blocks of America's foundation.
I think you may have missed this point. Americans left Europe more than 200 years ago to escape that form of government. Now we are trying to become just like them and America doesn't want a Socialist Democracy....we want a Republic!!!

The American War for Independence was rebellion against a socialist nation? Or America today has a king?
America today has a king.

Do tell me his name, show me a picture of his crown, tell me where hi might be found, and inform our president and congress.

You're just saying the same bullshit we heard for 8 years about Bush.
What leader, what government, what country is getting right?




You have to admit, Obama is doing a good job of cleaning up 8 years of Republican fuck-ups.

Health care - check

Economy - check

Wall Street Regulation - check

Still working:









Don't worry, Obama will drag this nation, with the Republicans kicking and screaming every step of the way, to "greatness", whether they want it or not.
Last edited by a moderator:
Can't speak for him, but can I speak for future nations yet not formed?

The Republic of Texas.
The Republic of Montana.
The Republic of South Carolina.
The Republic of Arizona.

Of Obama and Pelosi keep on track, we'll have a few great examples within the next 10 years.

If the citizens of those states despise the US so much....I welcome them to leave

They all take from the US more than they pay in taxes anyway

Of course those who WANT to be like everybody else would measure contribution by the amount of taxes paid. (You do realize that should make the wealthiest Americans your greatest heroes don't you?)

Those who want what America is intended to be take a somewhat broader view.

I've already welcomed their departure......If they think they can do a better job....
Let them
If the citizens of those states despise the US so much....I welcome them to leave

They all take from the US more than they pay in taxes anyway

Of course those who WANT to be like everybody else would measure contribution by the amount of taxes paid. (You do realize that should make the wealthiest Americans your greatest heroes don't you?)

Those who want what America is intended to be take a somewhat broader view.

I've already welcomed their departure......If they think they can do a better job....
Let them

I value them more than you do. They are Americans and therefore should be allowed to exercise their constitutinally protected right to govern themselves.

I prefer to reform the minority who would tear America apart rather than allow the people to govern themselves.
Can't speak for him, but can I speak for future nations yet not formed?

The Republic of Texas.
The Republic of Montana.
The Republic of South Carolina.
The Republic of Arizona.

Of Obama and Pelosi keep on track, we'll have a few great examples within the next 10 years.

I am a real world, bottom line person. I want proven results.
You can project success with changes but until they are proven it is just a theory.

I would be for breaking Texas off as a seperate Republic and see how it does.

But give me a real world example of why you think that would work. I am not sure it would.
No you're not...You're detached from reality and live in a Fabian socialist fantasy land.

The real world example worked in America for over 150 years. A time frame where people left Europe because it sucked.

Now, we have wormy, mealy-mouthed fifth columnists like you moving us in the direction of the impending train wreck that is the EU, cynically prattling on and on about how at least we don't suck that badly...yet.

Of course when those disastrous proven results are pointed out, drips like you claim that this time you're getting authoritarian central planning right, even though it is you who cannot show where it has ever worked before.

Insane screwballs to the very bitter end. :cuckoo:

You are just pissed off because you cannot name a current country that has a better government than a Obama led US Government.

You appear to be a very angry person. You are overly emotional like a woman in menopause or some wacko far left liberal.

Get your emotions under control. You will be able to think better.
I'm not pissed off and you're still a wormy, mealy-mouthed, Fabian fifth columnist hack.

Thank you.
Yes...the British Empire was socialist in nature...

so socialism = monarchism?

You truly are an idiot.

I should have known you were too stupid bother with when you used an apostrophe to pluralize 'country'.

Show me where I sad socialism equals monarchism.

You are fast becoming the stupidest motherfucker on these boards. Jackass.

JB appears to habitually decide what other posters mean... and apparently lacks the comprehension skills required for to do that accurately.

However, whether he is the stupidiest mofo on the board is still an open question.... there are a few other contenders that I wouldn't dismiss.
What leader, what government, what country is getting right?




You have to admit, Obama is doing a good job of cleaning up 8 years of Republican fuck-ups.

Health care - check

Economy - check

Wall Street Regulation - check

Still working:









Don't worry, Obama will drag this nation, with the Republicans kicking and screaming every step of the way, to "greatness", whether they want it or not.

Since you put it that way....I have to agree with you

I am unaware of any leader in the world who is doing a better job than our very own President Obama

I'm sure our wingnuts will be able to spout a few names
You may not agree with Obama but he has "taken our governemnt from us".
Yes...Obama HAS TAKEN GOVERNMENT FROM THE PEOPLE...and that alone is reason enough to vote his ass out!!!! Not to mention un-American

You people always want to start a war when you lose an election?

I could care less who's in the WH....but when the government begins to dismantle what took 200 years to build it's a little upsetting.
Yes...Obama HAS TAKEN GOVERNMENT FROM THE PEOPLE...and that alone is reason enough to vote his ass out!!!! Not to mention un-American

You people always want to start a war when you lose an election?

I could care less who's in the WH....but when the government begins to dismantle what took 200 years to build it's a little upsetting.

You care very much who is in the White House....you spout it every day
First, there is no one leading a "world goverment" because one doesn't exist. America is not just a country, it is an idea. It is the exact opposite of a socialist state or dictatorship. Regardless of intention, the more power our federal government gets the more we lose our liberties. The more we become like other countries that we are not. Liberty is one of the most important blocks of America's foundation.

There is a plethora of different types of governemnt through out the world.

Some governements have a minimal affect on the lives of the people they govern. There are many countries that have a much smaller central government than the US even when the conservatives are in control of our governement.

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