What leader, what government, what country is getting right?

I'm not pissed off and you're still a wormy, mealy-mouthed, Fabian fifth columnist hack.

Thank you.

Try hormone pills or cut back on your recreational drug use.

Your emotional make up has me convinced you are a liberal going through menopause. You cannot fool me.
The only one fooling anyone her is you fooling yourself, tovarich.

I mean really...Do you think you're the first mouth-breathing goober to have come up with this stupid line of "thought" (for lack of a better term)?

Hardly...This is just another variation of the old "Amurrica, love it or leave it" bromide that gets trotted out every few weeks on forums just like this one.

But then again, closeted Bolshevist kooks like you never were big on originality to begin with.
I am hearing many who feel Obama is creating a socialist state, taking our rights away, basically creating a tyrannical government.

To those individuals I ask what real world leader, leading a real world government in a real country is better than a Obama led government in the USA.

I am guessing you will have several countries based on the total dissatifaction with Obama.

I think you may have missed this point. Americans left Europe more than 200 years ago to escape that form of government. Now we are trying to become just like them and America doesn't want a Socialist Democracy....we want a Republic!!!

Show me an example of a real world Republic that is working bettert than the USA right now.

No theoretical BS. Real world.
Chile, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Denmark,
Need more ?
so socialism = monarchism?

You truly are an idiot.

I should have known you were too stupid bother with when you used an apostrophe to pluralize 'country'.

Show me where I sad socialism equals monarchism.

You are fast becoming the stupidest motherfucker on these boards. Jackass.

JB appears to habitually decide what other posters mean... and apparently lacks the comprehension skills required for to do that accurately.

However, whether he is the stupidiest mofo on the board is still an open question.... there are a few other contenders that I wouldn't dismiss.

Agreed...especially since he immediately jumped on the wrong band wagon. All one has to do is look at what was said by Mudd. The very last words in his OP were...
... a tyrannical government.
That is in fact what we were escaping from when we left Europe 200+ years ago. But in JB's haste to neg rep someone he chose to assume he understood my post instead of looking at the facts. Like I said before...I may have made a poor choice of words but I assumed JB was smarter than a 5th grader...guess I was wrong.
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I am hearing many who feel Obama is creating a socialist state, taking our rights away, basically creating a tyrannical government.

To those individuals I ask what real world leader, leading a real world government in a real country is better than a Obama led government in the USA.

I am guessing you will have several countries based on the total dissatifaction with Obama.
You are asking a lot. I doubt anyone on this forum can really compare world leaders.

If you believe the Harris polls conducted primarily in Europe, Obama gets 77% of the votes for most respected leader. The Dalai Lama of Tibet comes in second, followed by Hillary Clinton and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

I would say the leadership in little Luxembourg has to be pretty good. They have no national debt, the highest per capita income in the world and a positive trade balance.
Name them. You can even take a breath.

Can't speak for him, but can I speak for future nations yet not formed?

The Republic of Texas.
The Republic of Montana.
The Republic of South Carolina.
The Republic of Arizona.

Of Obama and Pelosi keep on track, we'll have a few great examples within the next 10 years.

If the citizens of those states despise the US so much....I welcome them to leave

They all take from the US more than they pay in taxes anyway

They tried and were defeated by violence.

No state consumes anywhere near as much in tax money as the liberal utopias of California, New York, Illinois, Michigan and Southern Florida. Not even close. In fact, if not for the other 45 states, those liberal haven states would be in total chaos.

And last....but far from least.....I assumed you as a liberal would admire those who take from taxes more than they put in. Thats what 95% of lefists do, right? Thats what welfare recipients do. Thats what the 50% of the population that doesn't pay income taxes do, right? So you should admire them, although I just pointed out that those states are dwarfed in tax dollar consumption per capita compared to Cali, NY, Illinois, Michigan and S. Florida. Hell, throw Jersey in there also, since that state is nearly bankrupt from entitlements.
I think you may have missed this point. Americans left Europe more than 200 years ago to escape that form of government. Now we are trying to become just like them and America doesn't want a Socialist Democracy....we want a Republic!!!

Show me an example of a real world Republic that is working bettert than the USA right now.

No theoretical BS. Real world.
Chile, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Denmark,
Need more ?

I agree... somehow.

Chile debt is only 9% of GDP, Denmark 32%, New Zealand 29%...

I would add Australia, with 18%.
Ame®icano;2243571 said:
Show me an example of a real world Republic that is working bettert than the USA right now.

No theoretical BS. Real world.
Chile, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Denmark,
Need more ?

I agree... somehow.

Chile debt is only 9% of GDP, Denmark 32%, New Zealand 29%...

I would add Australia, with 18%.

Ame®icano;2243571 said:
Chile, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Denmark,
Need more ?

I agree... somehow.

Chile debt is only 9% of GDP, Denmark 32%, New Zealand 29%...

I would add Australia, with 18%.


Rightwinger, I can't help but notice you list New Jersey as your home state. How have the liberal policies worked there? I see the new right wing governor is slashing pension payments because the unionized entitlements have almost bankrupted the state. The liberal sentencing and parole practices there have surely helped the crime rate drop :)redface:), and the last I checked there was a letter from New Jersey teachers union praying for God to make the governor go the way of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcet.

Shouldn't we apply the same policies of New Jersey and California to our whole nation?
If Obama is a socialist, then what industries and businesses has he nationalized? Surely you can list a few.

There is nothing particularly socialist about high taxes, government regulation, or lost of personal freedom.
GM, Chrysler (partially), Fannie & Freddie and student loans.

What would you say is too much?
Now that GM has paid back the loans, is the government going to let go of it?
What leader, what government, what country is getting right?




You have to admit, Obama is doing a good job of cleaning up 8 years of Republican fuck-ups.

Health care - check

Economy - check

Wall Street Regulation - check

Still working:









Don't worry, Obama will drag this nation, with the Republicans kicking and screaming every step of the way, to "greatness", whether they want it or not.

Since you put it that way....I have to agree with you

I am unaware of any leader in the world who is doing a better job than our very own President Obama

I'm sure our wingnuts will be able to spout a few names

The funny thing is that he claims to be a republican.

What a fucking liar.
GM, Chrysler (partially), Fannie & Freddie and student loans.

What would you say is too much?
The government does not own any part of GM or Chrysler. The government loaned GM 8.1 billion. GM announced this week the payback of the loan. The government loaned Fiat, the company that bought Chrylser 4.7 billion. Fiat said they will begin payback in 2011. The government does not own part of either company.

Fannie Mae was established as a government agency in 1938. In 1968, Fannie Mae became a government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) chartered by Congress. The only change since Obama took office is that the fed has pumped money into it to shore up the mortgage market. It was certainly not nationalized by Obama. The story is much the same with Freddie Mac. Both corporations are investor owned and listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

When you refer to student loans, I suppose you are referring to Sallie Mae which is an investor owned corporation listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Sallie Mae received government loans however the government does not own Sallie Mae.
I am hearing many who feel Obama is creating a socialist state, taking our rights away, basically creating a tyrannical government.

To those individuals I ask what real world leader, leading a real world government in a real country is better than a Obama led government in the USA.

I am guessing you will have several countries based on the total dissatifaction with Obama.

Why would those be the only options?

The Constitution is the blueprint for our government, and it has worked extremely well for two centuries. That the rest of the world sucks far worse and is even farther removed from our founding principles of individual liberty and self-governance doesn't mean we have to accept generational theft and ever expanding government here.

I have a better question. What nation or political system has historically provided more liberty and opportunity to succeed than the United States?

The issue isn't what other nations are doing. The issue is what we are doing by drifting further and further from the limited government prescribed in the Constitution.
Yes...Obama HAS TAKEN GOVERNMENT FROM THE PEOPLE...and that alone is reason enough to vote his ass out!!!! Not to mention un-American

You people always want to start a war when you lose an election?

I could care less who's in the WH....but when the government begins to dismantle what took 200 years to build it's a little upsetting.

are you simple?

The US that was created 200 years ago was thrown out by Lincoln and exists in name and lipservice only

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