What makes you lean ‘Left’? What makes nearly all big cities ‘Left’?

What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
Success. From your retarded point of view, you seem to have won! :113: You're a rockstar.

And yet, I'd still love to kick the absolute crap out of certain magaturds. :dunno: But you seem to believe I'm all about peace, no?

Why do you think that is?
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What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
The realization that you can’t put everyone in the same box, like in smaller, more insular communities.

You wish you would have worked like a liberal stoner does? You don’t take pride in your hard work like all good real Americans before you did?
A job is simply means to a paycheck. No more no less. So the answer is I am not proud of my hard work. I have pride in one thing, my family. I really don't buy into the pride thing.
I was. Worked for 40 some years and served my sentence in the god forsaken rat race. Collecting social security since 65. I'm 95. 30 years. I'm not voting in November because of the choices. But I was very productive for the people I worked for. However I must say I wish I would have worked less hard and hurt their bottom line more. But hey all our prayers can't be answered.
so you don't take pride in your efforts huh? Shouldn't matter your owner, matters your pride, I'm not surprised you have none and that you say it out loud. And for 30 years played the game and bitching about it.
A job is simply means to a paycheck. No more no less. So the answer is I am not proud of my hard work. I have pride in one thing, my family. I really don't buy into the pride thing.
so your pride for your family is you would have rather made them suffer because you turned into an idiot? wow, dude. The job earned you money you used to care for your family, offered probabilities for each member and put food on the table and got you to 95. And your look back at it all is fk everyone that supported you outside your family. wow again.
so your pride for your family is you would have rather made them suffer because you turned into an idiot? wow, dude. The job earned you money you used to care for your family, offered probabilities for each member and put food on the table and got you to 95. And your look back at it all is fk everyone that supported you outside your family. wow again.
So I should look back at 40 years of work with pride? That's how you measure your life? By how hard you worked? Ummm no thanks. My career had zero in defining me as a person. It was a means to support my family. That's it. I don't understand the obsession with proud of working hard.
So I should look back at 40 years of work with pride? That's how you measure your life? By how hard you worked? Ummm no thanks. My career had zero in defining me as a person. It was a means to support my family. That's it. I don't understand the obsession with proud of working hard.
It’s actually quite sad that an old timer like yourself doesn’t realize that REAL America was built and pillared by ambitious/determined hard working folks trying to advance themselves.
Had America been compromised of people with your ideals could we have become the exceptional nation we did?
So I should look back at 40 years of work with pride? That's how you measure your life? By how hard you worked? Ummm no thanks. My career had zero in defining me as a person. It was a means to support my family. That's it. I don't understand the obsession with proud of working hard.

Amen brother! Preach it.
It’s actually quite sad that an old timer like yourself doesn’t realize that REAL America was built and pillared by ambitious/determined hard working folks trying to advance themselves.
Had America been compromised of people with your ideals could we have become the exceptional nation we did?
I worked for 40 years in this godforsaken rat race. What more would you like? Do I have to sit outside waving my flag or what?
A job is simply means to a paycheck. No more no less. So the answer is I am not proud of my hard work. I have pride in one thing, my family. I really don't buy into the pride thing.
You are 95 and yet you speak like one of todays latte sipping, pajama pant wearing, suicidal purple hair gamer incels on depression meds.
It’s actually quite sad that an old timer like yourself doesn’t realize that REAL America was built and pillared by ambitious/determined hard working folks trying to advance themselves.

For those of us whom our job does not define who we are, we advance ourselves to make more money to provide for our families even better. A job is a tool, nothing else.
You are 95 and yet you speak like one of todays latte sipping, pajama pant wearing, suicidal purple hair gamer incels on depression meds.

You claim to be wroth more than 50 million dollars yet you still work, taking time away from your family and friends.

That is what is SAD
You are 95 and yet you speak like one of todays latte sipping, pajama pant wearing, suicidal purple hair gamer incels on depression meds.
Well I'm not one of those. I worked. Put my kids thru college because there were no other choices for them. Paid for my house. I just refuse to sit and be proud of all the sporting events I missed because my lousy employer had me across the nation. I did my job to the best I could. Not everyone has to look upon their lives as you do. That's what makes the nation great. I never had an inkling of missing anything about work upon retirement.
So I should look back at 40 years of work with pride? That's how you measure your life? By how hard you worked? Ummm no thanks. My career had zero in defining me as a person. It was a means to support my family. That's it. I don't understand the obsession with proud of working hard.
certainly. I am proud that I worked at the same place for 47 years, I created a great kid, introduced hard work and integrity for her to follow, she had four kids, one is in the Army, two are in college and one is ready to go to High School. Hard work and pride is the quality I believe I provided as the guidance to success. Not sure why I would look back and go, shit I wish I hadn't done that. rearview mirror gazing isn't my thing. I see success every time I look at my kids. With the money I created, has allowed me to help my kids and grandkids. it is my current purpose in life.

I also have many accomplishments I am very proud of.
certainly. I am proud that I worked at the same place for 47 years, I created a great kid, introduced hard work and integrity for her to follow, she had four kids, one is in the Army, two are in college and one is ready to go to High School. Hard work and pride is the quality I believe I provided as the guidance to success. Not sure why I would look back and go, shit I wish I hadn't done that. rearview mirror gazing isn't my thing. I see success every time I look at my kids. With the money I created, has allowed me to help my kids and grandkids. it is my current purpose in life.

I also have many accomplishments I am very proud of.
That's fine and works for you. But it surely doesn't need to be the way everyone sees things. Why do we need everyone being proud?
We are learning more each year.Most has to do with Public Education.
It is virtually run by leftist Teachers Union.Not that most teachers are
leftists but their Union heirarchy are.Like Oligarchs who run major
corporations and banks.Meaning it's a Top Down move.
More so each year.Now at fever pitch.
When you have most news being made and reported by a Mainstream Media virtually dominated by livid radicals with a mission { To control a narrartive } then this is
what one should expect.leftist talk and leftist thinking.A never ending stream of
Leftist conscience run amuck.
More Republican teachers in red states, more Democratic teachers in blue states. You are what you learn.
Democrats support public transportation, education, public services, social programs….that is why Cities support Democrats

Republicans support lower taxes.
That is why rural areas support Republicans
Democrats support society and that is more obvious in Cities where working together is better dissociation.

Democrats are actually America First, the American Society First... It knows that if we invest in society that we win more than the individual an average.

The MAGA is ME First... It is about me as an individual succeeding.. Even though statistically they are wrong, they think they can buck the average and be the winners over the average (this why Blue states are richer than Red ones).

All things being equal a country would be looking centre left cause that is what is best for society as a whole. That is the one with less poverty, happier more content people. This is a were proper conservatives and liberals talk, this is about the good of society Vs self determination.

GOP have one one popular vote for President in 30 years... Ther is a reason, US is too far to the right and is only been kept there by fear mongering and wedge issues... Even the GOP knows that theit hand is getting weaker and weaker..

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