What makes you lean ‘Left’? What makes nearly all big cities ‘Left’?

why not? who are you to expect someone to do what you think?
I don't expect others to think like me nor should anyone else ask me to believe in a set of their customs or traditions. Those are up to each family. I posted nothing that should bother anyone.
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
What are the driving forces to the left?

I don't expect others to think like me nor should anyone else ask me to believe in a set of their customs or traditions. Those are up to each family. I posted nothing that should bother anyone.
No one did that. You volunteered
A job is simply means to a paycheck. No more no less. So the answer is I am not proud of my hard work. I have pride in one thing, my family. I really don't buy into the pride thing.

Amen brother! Preach it.

That's fine and works for you. But it surely doesn't need to be the way everyone sees things. Why do we need everyone being proud?
Teachings in lib households:
“Son, don’t ever work too hard, always do the minimum, don’t take pride in what you do, don’t ever be too ambitious.”

Teachings in conservative households:
“Son, work hard, always give your best, take great pride in everything you do, stay driven and ambitious.”

Hmmmm….I wonder why Lib kids are all fucked in the head suicidal gamers with purple hair and depression/anxiety disorders?
Teachings in lib households:
“Son, don’t ever work too hard, always do the minimum, don’t take pride in what you do, don’t ever be too ambitious.”

Teachings in conservative households:
“Son, work hard, always give your best, take great pride in everything you do, stay driven and ambitious.”

Hmmmm….I wonder why Lib kids are all fucked in the head suicidal gamers with purple hair and depression/anxiety disorders?

One can work hard and have ambition and still not have their job be their entire existence.

That you cannot grasp this is not a surprise at all to anyone.
One can work hard and have ambition and still not have their job be their entire existence.

That you cannot grasp this is not a surprise at all to anyone.
Follow the thread… initforme said “he wished he wouldn’t have worked so hard”….then he tweaked the goalpost and said “my work doesn’t define me”.
You agreed with him on both accounts.
Follow the thread… initforme said “he wished he wouldn’t have worked so hard”….then he tweaked the goalpost and said “my work doesn’t define me”.
You agreed
Yep I worked and missed some of my kids sporting events. Somehow I'm supposed to be proud of that. Tells you how awful my employer was. So yes I wish I wouldn't have been as loyal to the cretin as I was.
One can work hard and have ambition and still not have their job be their entire existence.

That you cannot grasp this is not a surprise at all to anyone.

One can do a good job without making it a part of what defines them.
Sorry fellas…one’s job and one’s performance at said job DOES generally define who and what they are.
Most selfish people can’t be nurses or teachers
Most pussies can’t be Lineman or heavy equipment operators

Those who bust their ass at work are generally overachievers across all facets of life. Conversely, lazy cruisers like you two are generally underachievers who need the wife to work a full time job if they want to get ahead.

I can always tell what kind of a person a man is by his work ethic.
Sorry fellas…one’s job and one’s performance at said job DOES generally define who and what they are.

This is pretty much an American thing. In most parts of the world it does not.

America is moving away from this, which is a good thing.

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