What makes you lean ‘Left’? What makes nearly all big cities ‘Left’?

That’s sounds like a shy, kinda shameful, encrypted welcoming to socialism…Did I read that right?

Nope, not even close.

One's work should not be their identity, it should not be the most important thing in their life and it should not take up most of their time. Most of the world understands this and people in many countries would be offended if you asked them the first time you met them what they did for a living which is a standard question in America.

It has nothing to do with socialism.

I always shake my head at people that brag about working 70 hours a week. Once I got out of the Marine Corps I choose my degree and employer to maximize my income without the need to do such stupid shit as working 70 hours a week.

And it has worked out very well. Granted I am not worth in excess of 50 million like you claim to be, but that is ok. We have everything we could ever need and most things we could ever want.
Sorry fellas…one’s job and one’s performance at said job DOES generally define who and what they are.
Most selfish people can’t be nurses or teachers
Most pussies can’t be Lineman or heavy equipment operators

Those who bust their ass at work are generally overachievers across all facets of life. Conversely, lazy cruisers like you two are generally underachievers who need the wife to work a full time job if they want to get ahead.

I can always tell what kind of a person a man is by his work ethic.
By your definition the vast majority of married, working men are lazy because their wives are working. The majority of Wives want to work, not sit home trapped all day in the house.
By your definition the vast majority of married, working men are lazy because their wives are working. The majority of Wives want to work, not sit home trapped all day in the house.
hahaha…that’s some funny shit concocted by purple hair libs / feminazis …NO heterosexual married woman prefers to work over staying home and exhausting all effort in raising a family…NONE!!
While feminazis spent their days in stressful cubicles answering to The Man, my wife spent her days exercising on the beach with friends after dropping our girls off at school.
A growing number of women aren't having kids so there's nothing keeping them stuck at home.
Lib women in blue shitholes aren’t having kids because they are either rug munching feminazis or their husbands are lazy pukes who can’t advance themselves into a wage that covers overhead without the woman working.

hahaha….Silly Libs, always trying to reinvent shit and change the way America worked for centuries.

Harpy Eagle
Women who choose work over family will regret it.
I don't know about all that. Probably correct.

But something we have to keep in mind -- In Days of Old, when women 'stayed home' we weren't living in the 'burbs. We were living, either in small towns or villages or on some land. Maybe 5 acres, maybe 500 acres.

But not in the 'burbs.

The 'burbs is the most hideous, disgusting, horrible way to live that civilization has ever devised. It all started during WW2 with FDR's "Arsenal of Democracy". We needed War Production. And we needed it badly. We crushed the Axis powers with War Production, not with men. Conversely, the soviets fought a 'casualties' war that devoured men like a monster. Millions upon millions dead. 'nother thread for another time.

So people moved from the Farms, small Towns and Villages to the City for work. Not a lot of choice, most of the able-bodied Men were off fighting the war or working the heavy industry. Not all, of course. We still needed food.

when the war ended, the Men came home and there wasn't space in the Cities, so they built the 'burbs. I remember it all. My father was a WW2 Veteran and I remember moving a couple times from one 'project' to another. We finally ended up on a Farm 30 Miles outside of town.

Most people stayed in the 'burbs.

Women liked it for the most part. Men do not, as a rule. Young men need to be there for the jobs availability but other than that, it's just a place to get into trouble.

Women that do not live in the 'burbs but do live in the 'country' really are better off staying home and taking care of the house, the children and the family. It's hard work. It' really hard work. And the women that can't or won't do it -- They pay a price. Always.


Get out of the 'burbs and it's a different world.

end rant
hahaha…that’s some funny shit concocted by purple hair libs / feminazis …NO heterosexual married woman prefers to work over staying home and exhausting all effort in raising a family…NONE!!
While feminazis spent their days in stressful cubicles answering to The Man, my wife spent her days exercising on the beach with friends after dropping our girls off at school.

Lib women in blue shitholes aren’t having kids because they are either rug munching feminazis or their husbands are lazy pukes who can’t advance themselves into a wage that covers overhead without the woman working.

hahaha….Silly Libs, always trying to reinvent shit and change the way America worked for centuries.

Harpy Eagle
or no one will fk em.

Broke, think about this, why do most black athletes marry white women? think about that.
hahaha…that’s some funny shit concocted by purple hair libs / feminazis …NO heterosexual married woman prefers to work over staying home and exhausting all effort in raising a family…NONE!!
While feminazis spent their days in stressful cubicles answering to The Man, my wife spent her days exercising on the beach with friends after dropping our girls off at school.

Lib women in blue shitholes aren’t having kids because they are either rug munching feminazis or their husbands are lazy pukes who can’t advance themselves into a wage that covers overhead without the woman working.

hahaha….Silly Libs, always trying to reinvent shit and change the way America worked for centuries.

Harpy Eagle

As usual, you are wrong. But since you view women as inferior beings, it does not surprise me that you have no clue about them at all.
Women who choose work over family will regret it.

Some might, some will not.

The thing none of you cult members seem to understand is that women are not some single entity that all have the same thoughts and feelings and motivations
women are not some single entity that all have the same thoughts and feelings and motivations
That was established long ago in this thread… We get it, filthy Lib ‘women’ in blue shitholes do not think like or conduct themselves like core American women do.
That’s why you are importing Mexicans by the millions…to fill the void…right?

Curried Goats
That was established long ago in this thread… We get it, filthy Lib ‘women’ in blue shitholes do not think like or conduct themselves like core American women do.
That’s why you are importing Mexicans by the millions…to fill the void…right?

Curried Goats
There is a huge abundance of babies being born. There is no shortage. Perhaps someday but not right now.
That was established long ago in this thread… We get it, filthy Lib ‘women’ in blue shitholes do not think like or conduct themselves like core American women do.
That’s why you are importing Mexicans by the millions…to fill the void…right?

Curried Goats

Oh, so you think that each and every woman falls into one of two groups, that all the women in each of those groups thinks just like the others in her group

Yeah, that is much better! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :itsok:

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