What Makes You Think Covid Was A Hoax....

The fact ....yes, "fact,' .....that Covid was as much a hoax as "Russia, Russia, Russia," and that there was an "insurection" on Jan6, is proven by the OP, which documented that Democrat elected officials as well as their 'medical expert' allies ignored the mandates and closure demands.

Dr. Varmas, NY Covid Czar.....as per the item in the OP;

"We now know that while dictating the rules altering the lives of millions of New Yorkers, Dr. Varma was violating those very same dictates on distancing, lockdowns and presumably masks, all while secretly partying at underground dance clubs and sex parties.

Dr. Varma, the Covid Czar of New York, implemented draconian regulations that he felt either did little to protect humans from the virus, or that the risk of the virus from these actions was not as ominous as he publicly claimed.

For we peasants, the penalty for violating any of his rules could be the loss of our freedoms or livelihood."

‘COVID czar’ Dr. Jay Varma’s admissions reveal the hypocrisy of the pandemic

Today, Dr. Jay Varma finds himself bobbing alone on a raft on the River Styx.

"Who can forget six-foot signs in city parks telling us to “keep this far apart” in closed playgrounds?

Who can forget struggling to find childcare so our kids can sit home and fumble through zoom school?

Who can forget that restaurant they used to go to that isn’t there anymore?

Who can forget the mass firings of city workers who refused to get the vaccine or the unconstitutional private sector mandate?

Who can forget the senior prom they never had?

Who can forget watching a relative die from afar?

Who can forget having to order ‘Cuomo Chips’ with your beer?

Who can forget losing their job?

Few have let those memories slip, and now no one is going to forget the words of our hypocritical Covid Czar.

Certainly not the 9,000 city workers who were placed on unpaid leave, most of whom eventually took an untested and unproven vaccine against their free will.

Certainly not the hundreds of city workers who are still unemployed and involved in lawsuits to get their old jobs back.

Certainly not the 1,400 Northwell healthcare workers fired from their jobs.

Certainly not the owners and employees of the 5,000 businesses closed in Manhattan.

Certainly not the parents who see the learning loss in their children."

‘COVID czar’ Dr. Jay Varma’s admissions reveal the hypocrisy of the pandemic

Today, Dr. Jay Varma finds himself bobbing alone on a raft on the River Styx.

Inflicted on all of their "subjects" by the Democrats to make sure Trump didn't win the election.
.....and was nothing more than a well orchestated assault on Trump's miraculous economy?

1. Former NYC COVID-19 czar admits attending sex, dance ...
The Hill
https://thehill.com › policy › healthcare › 4891103-varm...
— Jay K. Varma, a former New York City health adviser, admitted on a secret recording that she attended sex and dance parties during pandemic.

2. California governor went to party, violated own virus rules
AP News
https://apnews.com › ...
Nov 13, 2020 — Newsom acknowledged Friday he attended a birthday party with a dozen friends on Nov. 6 at the posh French Laundry restaurant in wine country north of San ...

3. Pelosi's office acknowledges indoor hair appointment ...
https://www.cnn.com › politics › nancy-pelosi-hair-salon
Sep 2, 2020 — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got her hair styled Monday inside a San Francisco hair salon, her office said in a statement Tuesday, ...

4. There is an interesting graph at USAFacts.org (How many people get the flu?.)

......that shows a death rate under Trump's pandemic at about 700k, but a similar death rate under Obama at about 600k. When you realize that during Covid, every death....no matter the real cause, was attributed to Covid.
But under Obama's H1N1, schools weren't closes nor were 3.3 million businesses allegedly due to Covid, death rate may be about the same. But only for Trump was the economy closed.

Later we learned that the mandates, the masks, the social distancing were all fake requirements. We always knew who were in danger from the Covid flu, the rest was the Democrat hoax.

5. How many lies and hoaxes have the Democrats perpetrated?????

Covid and Jan 6 were two of the most successful.

The point of the OP remains to be answered by Democrat supporters.....

1. If elected Democrats and their allies in the medical profession felt more than comfortable ignoring the mandates, masks, and absurd orders to the rest of us......

2. ...and Democrats have been exposed as advancing scores of lies and hoaxes even before the "pandemic"....

3. ....and if we now know that every death that occurred was claimed to be from Covid, no mater the actual cause.....

4. ...and no such Draconian measires were saddled on Obama for his H1N1 fiasco......

5. Why do you continue to bow down to the Democrat party as saviors??????
.....and was nothing more than a well orchestated assault on Trump's miraculous economy?

1. Former NYC COVID-19 czar admits attending sex, dance ...
The Hill
https://thehill.com › policy › healthcare › 4891103-varm...
— Jay K. Varma, a former New York City health adviser, admitted on a secret recording that she attended sex and dance parties during pandemic.

2. California governor went to party, violated own virus rules
AP News
https://apnews.com › ...
Nov 13, 2020 — Newsom acknowledged Friday he attended a birthday party with a dozen friends on Nov. 6 at the posh French Laundry restaurant in wine country north of San ...

3. Pelosi's office acknowledges indoor hair appointment ...
https://www.cnn.com › politics › nancy-pelosi-hair-salon
Sep 2, 2020 — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got her hair styled Monday inside a San Francisco hair salon, her office said in a statement Tuesday, ...

4. There is an interesting graph at USAFacts.org (How many people get the flu?.)

......that shows a death rate under Trump's pandemic at about 700k, but a similar death rate under Obama at about 600k. When you realize that during Covid, every death....no matter the real cause, was attributed to Covid.
But under Obama's H1N1, schools weren't closes nor were 3.3 million businesses allegedly due to Covid, death rate may be about the same. But only for Trump was the economy closed.

Later we learned that the mandates, the masks, the social distancing were all fake requirements. We always knew who were in danger from the Covid flu, the rest was the Democrat hoax.

5. How many lies and hoaxes have the Democrats perpetrated?????

Covid and Jan 6 were two of the most successful.

In the fall of 2020, the normal flu was diagnosed at 3% of normal, because the other 97% were lied to and told they had "covid."

Cause of death

Covid.... and motorcycle accident

Covid... and 12 years of terminal cancer

Covid.... and gunshot to head
Wasn't it odd that 2020 was the first year in the history of time that influenza decided to take a year off.

The genetic sequence in the virus looked like it was engineered. It was also quite convenient that gates had a movie two months before it appeared on how govts should censor and control the narrative about a covid virus.
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Ah yes, here we go. Had to save this before it got scrubbed off the internet. And what do you know, it was about a pandemic caused by a coronavirus. This exercise took place in Oct 2019, about a month before covid was released from the lab. How very convenient.

Wasn't it odd that 2020 was the first year in the history of time that influenza decided to take a year off.
Considering the extreme measures we took to slow spread of COVID, it’s hardly surprising that we were more effective at massively reducing the spread a less infectious virus.
I was talking about covid. Flu was still spreading. It just wasn't being reported as the flu. You had the flu and covid.
But you were talking about flu.

Wasn't it odd that 2020 was the first year in the history of time that influenza decided to take a year off.

The tests know the difference between influenza and COVID. It wasn’t influenza.
1.The “cure” did not work
2.You would catch and transmit it with the shots even though Biden vigorously and repeatedly stated otherwise .
3. Getting shots did not control nor effect how severe it was when you got it nor when you transmitted it.
4. Distancing snd locking down did not change anything other than ratchet up fear snd thus compliance
5. Quick solutions were avoided
6. Prosecution was threatened snd medical services denied

It was a ruse with no solution designed to hamper Trump and put Americans up as lab rats for an experiment that usually takes 10 years to research and release to a willing and well informed public
Very little informing with Covid , in fact hiding and lying.

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