What Makes You Think Covid Was A Hoax....

I have always known that covid was a hoax. The question was always, why? Because it was an assault on Trump’s economy is as good a reason as any.

It was also an exercise in the extent of societal manipulation. How much control would people accept? How bad would it have to get before the public said no?

I was shocked. It's limitless.

The covid hoax could not have been done to America of 1950, 1920, 1890, 1850 or 1776. No. We had to be turned into spineless jellyfish first.

The main clue, the biggest indication that covid was a hoax, is the punishment and prosecution of non believers. Only a government in fear does that.
You'll need to explain how they got the other six billion people to play along.
My only suspicion on that is, when Covid came, suddenly all of the flu deaths just disappeared and the Covid death rate went through the roof…as if the normal flu took a vacation or something.

The rest of that I can chalk up to “do as I say not as i do”.
It's simple medical logic. People have always been told to avoid the flu, to socially distance, wash their hands, wear a mask etc.

But nobody took the flu seriously enough to do any of that, so the flu spread every year. After COVID, all the anti-flu measures became the new normal, and the less communicable flu took a steep dive.
Not me, several that I talked with in the healthcare industry, nurses, doctors, surgical nurses reported that influenza testing was not even being done. It was severely skewed toward covid testing.
That’s crazy. Why weren’t they doing influenza testing?

(why are surgical nurses testing anything?)
You'll need to explain how they got the other six billion people to play along.
The same way they got you to play along. You heard some kind of report, you believed it. You heard it where? Mass media. My daughter in law was terrified. My son got the clot shot to make her happy and ended up with myocarditis.

Why this was identified as a hoax is the ridiculous measures the experts played with. Only going in one direction in grocery store aisles. Silly masks. Not being outside ' ALONE. When a man in No California was arrested for paddleboarding at dawn ALONE. It had become ridiculous. Speaking of grocery stores, how about those insane lines with monitors keeping people six feet apart. My local store opened at 5am so people over 65 could shop "safely" before the store opened at 8. Each day brought another silly rule that was "the" rule to keep you alive. It was a game. "What silly thing can you make the public do next?" I expected Stand on one foot and tap the top of your head, any moment.

The hospital ships docked in New York and Los Angeles and never saw a single patient. Factories changed assembly lines to make ventilators because of the shortage. Those ventilators were eventually sold overseas.

The only rule that was successful was when people very sick with communicable diseases were sent to rehabilitation hospitals, assisted living centers and homes for the elderly. Now the body count went up. Democrats finally had a winner. Did the sick have covid? What difference does it make, they were sick, they had a communicable virus, they were used to kill hundreds of elderly. A number of families are now suing Andrew Cuomo for sending sick people into hospitals and homes for the vulnerable elderly.

The only remarkable aspect of the entire covid debacle is that more people didn't realize it was phony.
Here is the thinking behind the OP.

The Democrats couldn't beat Trump on policy, just look at the mess they have created since the election.

The flu was serious, but didn't require being treated any more harshly than Obama's H1N1 virus.

But Trump would have wom on his successful economy.......so they fabricated a reason to close it down......shut over 3 million businesses with the Covid lies.

And for context, how do you believe anything the Democrats say after the 50 exposed lies and hoaxes I have listed?

What intelligent person gives them any credence.

But, what intelligent person votes Democrat anyway?

^This was made when they were actually doing it. During "lockdown" time.
So one of my nieces died from a hoax? Well then heck im going to tell her mom to sue.
No one said folks didn't die of the usual causes such as flu, pneumonia, etc.

In order to advance the scheme, the powers arranged against Trump simply ordered their minions, supporters, to claim deaths due to heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia, were due to the Wuhan.

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.
“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”
Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

You'll need to explain how they got the other six billion people to play along.
See if this helps you figure it out

Is the US Giving Sovereignty Over to the WHO? - Family Talk

https://www.drjamesdobson.org › articles › is-the-us-gi...

This is urgent! The World Health Organization (WHO), with assistance from the Biden Administration, is set to vote on a provision that could give this ...

Did you know that WHO is communist run and communist controlled?????
Tedros.......a communist educated dunce in the pay of Communist China.


Tedros Adhanom - Wikipedia
Most people get it backwards. Covid 19 was made so govt/big pharma could push their experimental mRNA injections on to the public. Create fear and the masses were crawling all over each other to get injected.
No one said folks didn't die of the usual causes such as flu, pneumonia, etc.

In order to advance the scheme, the powers arranged against Trump simply ordered their minions, supporters, to claim deaths due to heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia, were due to the Wuhan.

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.
“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”
Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

So then it was a proven lethal variant of the flu. She died for no reason. That's nice. Greatness meter taken down.
The same way they got you to play along. You heard some kind of report, you believed it. You heard it where? Mass media. My daughter in law was terrified. My son got the clot shot to make her happy and ended up with myocarditis.

Why this was identified as a hoax is the ridiculous measures the experts played with. Only going in one direction in grocery store aisles. Silly masks. Not being outside ' ALONE. When a man in No California was arrested for paddleboarding at dawn ALONE. It had become ridiculous. Speaking of grocery stores, how about those insane lines with monitors keeping people six feet apart. My local store opened at 5am so people over 65 could shop "safely" before the store opened at 8. Each day brought another silly rule that was "the" rule to keep you alive. It was a game. "What silly thing can you make the public do next?" I expected Stand on one foot and tap the top of your head, any moment.

The hospital ships docked in New York and Los Angeles and never saw a single patient. Factories changed assembly lines to make ventilators because of the shortage. Those ventilators were eventually sold overseas.

The only rule that was successful was when people very sick with communicable diseases were sent to rehabilitation hospitals, assisted living centers and homes for the elderly. Now the body count went up. Democrats finally had a winner. Did the sick have covid? What difference does it make, they were sick, they had a communicable virus, they were used to kill hundreds of elderly. A number of families are now suing Andrew Cuomo for sending sick people into hospitals and homes for the vulnerable elderly.

The only remarkable aspect of the entire covid debacle is that more people didn't realize it was phony.
Then explain why starting in 2021, the COVID deaths in the RED states surpassed the deaths in the blue states.
See if this helps you figure it out

Is the US Giving Sovereignty Over to the WHO? - Family Talk

https://www.drjamesdobson.org › articles › is-the-us-gi...

This is urgent! The World Health Organization (WHO), with assistance from the Biden Administration, is set to vote on a provision that could give this ...

Did you know that WHO is communist run and communist controlled?????
Tedros.......a communist educated dunce in the pay of Communist China.


Tedros Adhanom - Wikipedia
That doesn't answer, how did they get the other 6 billion people to play along with the "hoax"?
Most people get it backwards. Covid 19 was made so govt/big pharma could push their experimental mRNA injections on to the public. Create fear and the masses were crawling all over each other to get injected.
Except the OP says that COVID was a hoax.

Big Pharma can't sell drugs to save people from a disease that isn't even killing people.
Except the OP says that COVID was a hoax.

Big Pharma can't sell drugs to save people from a disease that isn't even killing people.
They can't sell a "vaccination" that doesn't work on the "disease" when it doesn't work, or can they? :aargh:

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