What Makes You Think Covid Was A Hoax....

.....and was nothing more than a well orchestated assault on Trump's miraculous economy?

1. Former NYC COVID-19 czar admits attending sex, dance ...
The Hill
https://thehill.com › policy › healthcare › 4891103-varm...
— Jay K. Varma, a former New York City health adviser, admitted on a secret recording that she attended sex and dance parties during pandemic.

2. California governor went to party, violated own virus rules
AP News
https://apnews.com › ...
Nov 13, 2020 — Newsom acknowledged Friday he attended a birthday party with a dozen friends on Nov. 6 at the posh French Laundry restaurant in wine country north of San ...

3. Pelosi's office acknowledges indoor hair appointment ...
https://www.cnn.com › politics › nancy-pelosi-hair-salon
Sep 2, 2020 — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got her hair styled Monday inside a San Francisco hair salon, her office said in a statement Tuesday, ...

4. There is an interesting graph at USAFacts.org (How many people get the flu?.)

......that shows a death rate under Trump's pandemic at about 700k, but a similar death rate under Obama at about 600k. When you realize that during Covid, every death....no matter the real cause, was attributed to Covid.
But under Obama's H1N1, schools weren't closes nor were 3.3 million businesses allegedly due to Covid, death rate may be about the same. But only for Trump was the economy closed.

Later we learned that the mandates, the masks, the social distancing were all fake requirements. We always knew who were in danger from the Covid flu, the rest was the Democrat hoax.

5. How many lies and hoaxes have the Democrats perpetrated?????

Covid and Jan 6 were two of the most successful.

Let me start by stating I am an Ardent Conservative and did volunteer work for the Trump campaign in the 2016 election, so my stance that COVID was NOT a hoax is not politically motivated. Now as for the OP - I work in a major NY Hospital - and have for quite some time. I did not deal directly with Covid patients but trust me when I say we were swamped at the height of the pandemic. At one point the morgue was full and we had to use refrigerator trucks to store bodies in ... ditto for other regional hospitals. Yes - the Demonrats capitalized on COVID and the deaths of thousands they are an evil machine what would you expect ?
It's simple medical logic. People have always been told to avoid the flu, to socially distance, wash their hands, wear a mask etc.

But nobody took the flu seriously enough to do any of that, so the flu spread every year. After COVID, all the anti-flu measures became the new normal, and the less communicable flu took a steep dive.

Sure, but if they were taking measures to prevent the flu, then they were also taking measures to prevent getting Covid. Why, then, if people caught Covid, did nobody also catch the flu?

I understand a lot of people got vaccinated, but during that whole time, everyone managed to get Covid but somehow managed to avoid the flu?
Maybe this will help you understand.

Imagine working in a clinical environment and/or being an essential first responder when COVID-19 was at its peak. Everyone else is quarantined, yet you are there, every day, treating patients, hoping and praying your N95s and thin bunny suits hold out so you don't catch it yourself. Some are not so lucky.

Do you really believe afluenza disappeared during this time? No. Of course you don't. It was still around. But I doubt you, as a essential, clinical worker gave any fucks whatsoever.

There was a bigger pandemic fish to fry. :dunno:

Maybe this will help you understand.

Imagine working in a clinical environment and/or being an essential first responder when COVID-19 was at its peak. Everyone else is quarantined, yet you are there, every day, treating patients, hoping and praying your N95s and thin bunny suits hold out so you don't catch it yourself. Some are not so lucky.

Do you really believe afluenza disappeared during this time? No. Of course you don't. It was still around. But I doubt you, as a essential, clinical worker gave any fucks whatsoever.

There was a bigger pandemic fish to fry. :dunno:

How does this relate to flu deaths seemingly disappearing once COVID hit?
Let me start by stating I am an Ardent Conservative and did volunteer work for the Trump campaign in the 2016 election, so my stance that COVID was NOT a hoax is not politically motivated. Now as for the OP - I work in a major NY Hospital - and have for quite some time. I did not deal directly with Covid patients but trust me when I say we were swamped at the height of the pandemic. At one point the morgue was full and we had to use refrigerator trucks to store bodies in ... ditto for other regional hospitals. Yes - the Demonrats capitalized on COVID and the deaths of thousands they are an evil machine what would you expect ?
So all of these were due to the flu????

CORONER: 40% Of Colorado County’s COVID Deaths Were Actually Gunshot Wounds


CORONER: 40% Of Colorado Countyâs COVID Deaths Were Actually Gunshot Wounds

Breaking News and Information with a strong bias for telling the truth. Censored news and analysis that you won't find anywhere else.

“Pa. removes more than 200 deaths from official coronavirus count as questions mount about reporting process, data accuracy” Pa. removes more than 200 deaths from official coronavirus count as questions mount about reporting process, data accuracy

"Governor Lamont of Connecticut LIED about a baby's death.
[Candace Owens] "has investigated and called out those who have falsely claimed that COVID-19 has claimed the life of children. More specifically, that it claimed the life of a 17-year-old boy in California and an infant in Connecticut.
The infant involved seems to have passed away from a “terrible accident at home,” where it was accidentally suffocated by a caretaker."

Candace Owens: I just caught the CT governor lying about an infant dying from the coronavirus

Owens: Lamont flat out lied regarding the infant death. The child did test positive for the virus but that was not the cause of death.

“Man who died after falling from ladder ruled a coronavirus death by doctors: Report

A Croatian construction worker, who fell off a ladder to his death, has reportedly been ruled a coronavirus death by doctors."

Man who died after falling from ladder ruled a coronavirus death by doctors: Report

“Coroner: State included a murder-suicide in Grand’s COVID deaths

News News | December 15, 2020 The Grand County coroner is disputing the number of COVID-19 deaths the state is reporting for the county. Coroner: State included a murder-suicide in Grand’s COVID deaths

“Florida COVID-19 fatalities data included man who died in motorcycle accident

Laura Dyrda (Twitter) - Monday, July 20th, 2020 Print | Email

A man who died in a motorcycle accident was counted among the COVID-19 related deaths in the state, leading to questions about whether the state's reported coronavirus death rates are accurate, according to Fox 35 Orlando.” Florida COVID-19 fatalities data included man who died in motorcycle accident
Yep. You're still a fucking disgrace. You live in a fantasy world of political obsession. Pretends to be Ivy League, cut-n-pastes the dumbest shit that any regular person would correctly identify as magaturd propaganda 24/7. It's grossly lazy. :rolleyes:

You're still dumb and repellent, like Ropey. Why the need to follow up with it? Ego? :dunno:
Re-post sans the juvenile vulgarity.

Write like an adult, no matter how deeply I've injured you.
Trump's display of leadership during COVID was the worse from a president since Jimmy Carter.
From time to time I believe you to be cogent, then you write this.

Try not to be a fool. The President didn't close the 3.3 million businesses to destroy the economy,

People also ask

Why did small businesses close during COVID?

Across the full sample, 43% of businesses had temporarily closed, and nearly all of these closures were due to COVID-19. Respondents that had temporarily closed largely pointed to reductions in demand and employee health concerns as the reasons for closure, with disruptions in the supply chain being less of a factor. Google.

The President did this:

"It takes on average over 10 years to develop a standard vaccine."

Seems that it depends on who is President....

NYTimes claimed that’d be 2036 before there would be a vaccine:

“What’s Going On in This Graph? | Estimated Time for Covid-19 Vaccine

How long will it take to produce a Covid-19 vaccine? These three graphs provide some answers. Published May 7, 2020



What’s Going On in This Graph? | Estimated Time for Covid-19 Vaccine (Published 2020)

How long will it take to produce a Covid-19 vaccine? These three graphs provide some answers.




COVID vaccine arrived this week, and we should credit ...
President Donald Trump finally delivers the shot in the arm we really needed
Meanwhile, most of the other companies with vaccines in phase 3 trials were developed under Trump's Warp Speed program, including the Moderna vaccine that is expected to get FDA approval shortly. President Donald Trump finally delivers the shot in the arm we really needed

“FT Credits Trump's 'Warp Speed' for COVID Vaccines

The Financial Times says President Donald Trump's Operation Warp Speed is responsible for the coronavirus vaccines becoming available so soon.

In an article posted Thursday, the Times noted the "vaccine push is now hailed as the bright spot in the Trump administration's COVID-19 response, as products from Pfizer and BioNTech, Moderna, and AstraZeneca and Oxford University move closer to approval."

The key achievement of Operation Warp Speed had been speeding up investment in manufacturing, Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Columbia University School of Public Health, told the Times.” FT Credits Trump's 'Warp Speed' for COVID Vaccines

“…the vaccine.
was that spring 2020?

It was.

Definitely be careful, and if you feel symptoms, behave in a healthy manner, stay warm, eat good food, try to exercise, and have a good sleep. There really isn't anything more the medical profession can do. Now, you are better off staying at home. The medical profession behind the covid vax is no longer your wonderful down the street local doctor, it is Bill Gates and Soros.

Given all the "big name" viruses being diagnosed around America in the past few months, there probably is another attempt ongoing, but in reality Covid failed... Covid itself didn't kill any more than the normal flu season, and the numbers from Japan and Sweden etc. proved it.

West Nile or Bird Flu = get over the name, just do what you can at home to stay healthy and warm.
I should be OK, or not, whatever the Man Upstairs decides. :dunno:

I shouldn't be alive now. Coulda died like a dozen times already. Cats ain't like me.
Let me start by stating I am an Ardent Conservative and did volunteer work for the Trump campaign in the 2016 election, so my stance that COVID was NOT a hoax is not politically motivated. Now as for the OP - I work in a major NY Hospital - and have for quite some time. I did not deal directly with Covid patients but trust me when I say we were swamped at the height of the pandemic. At one point the morgue was full and we had to use refrigerator trucks to store bodies in ... ditto for other regional hospitals. Yes - the Demonrats capitalized on COVID and the deaths of thousands they are an evil machine what would you expect ?
I think that's a lie.
I should be OK, or not, whatever the Man Upstairs decides. :dunno:

I shouldn't be alive now. Coulda died like a dozen times already. Cats ain't like me.

The actual covid 19 which was here in Spring 2020 did attack the respiratory system, especially the elderly. It was engineered to do so. But it really did not kill any more than a normal flu season, which kills 30-40k in America, mainly the elderly.
The actual covid 19 which was here in Spring 2020 did attack the respiratory system, especially the elderly. It was engineered to do so. But it really did not kill any more than a normal flu season, which kills 30-40k in America, mainly the elderly.
It was in Spring of 2020, and it was respiratory-related.
A middle right inner node of my lung was like..couldn't expand for about 5 mos.
A uh..unintentional bicycle sprint expanded the node and blasted the brown stuff out..after 5 mos.
The thing a few weeks ago was more like flu. Not something I should be getting.
It was in Spring of 2020, and it was respiratory-related.
A middle right inner node of my lung was like..couldn't expand for about 5 mos.
A uh..unintentional bicycle sprint expanded the node and blasted the brown stuff out..after 5 mos.
The thing a few weeks ago was more like flu. Not something I should be getting.

Keep doing the bicycle sprints!!!

Your body's immune system is turbo charged when you work out.
This guy was still doing 100 laps a day in an olympic swimming pool at age 92

Fitness legend, Jack LaLanne passed away at age 96 - nj.com

Mark Wahlberg to Immortalize Jack LaLanne, SoCal's Original Fitness God ...'s Original Fitness God ...

Is that Frank Zane or Jack LaLane? I'm leaning towards the latter.
100 laps a day Olympic? That does explain something to me..
Google really is throttling things they don't like:

Back to topic..
Oh yeah:
100 laps in an Olympic pool per day?

Last edited:
Is that Frank Zane or Jack LaLane? I'm leaning towards the latter.
100 laps a day Olympic? That does explain something to me..
Google really is throttling things they don't like:

Back to topic..
Oh yeah:
100 laps in an Olympic pool per day?

Dick Cheney is toxic to independents and moderate Dems, completely toxic....

Will you vote for a candidate "honored" to be endorsed by Cheney?

Trump is going to get those who answer FUCK NO!!!! and it is not a small number of voters....

That is Lalanne. Great exercise role model til his end at age 96.

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