What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

In the last part of what I said, I said that "you" would be hating on Putin and Russia if this happened in Russia. I wasn't referring to you personally but in general. The Putin-haters would be crapping on Russia, if the Russian police were doing this, but if it happens here in the USA, the Putin-haters, say nothing. America is a "liberal democracy", despite all of the evidence to the contrary.
I didn't get this personally, so no worries. I don't live in Russia and have little sympathy for that country and their political system. But I also has little sympathy for 'your' warmongers who rushed to support a democratic Ukraine (only verbally, of course) that has never existed and are ready to destroy it in the process.
Well at least you admit being a nutbag, which by the way is not hinged on me in any way.
Again, you need to improve your English Anton. Read it again, and if you still believe I was admitting to being a nutbag, enroll ASAP in an English course at your local community college, because you're not doing well with English.
You seem a bit slow in understanding. Above I wrote about a parallel reality you guys live (that Russian in Russia, and you Russian in America). There is not any point to try to change your minds, because you will always resort to state sponsored narratives.

And my point is I can concisely explan all the ways in which Russian government controlls the nerratives - the laws, the media, the political opposition etc.

You can't do the same when it comes to America - all you have are some vague refference to rich people controling something, not clear what, or how.
Again, you need to improve your English Anton. Read it again, and if you still believe I was admitting to being a nutbag, enroll ASAP in an English course at your local community college, because you're not doing well with English.
My English is fine, your conditioning of you being a nutbag on me being something is nonsense, which is your specialty.

Btw. can you coherently explain why your relatives were pulled over and ordered out of the car?
And my point is I can concisely explan all the ways in which Russian government controlls the nerratives - the laws, the media, the political opposition etc.

You can't do the same when it comes to America - all you have are some vague refference to rich people controling something, not clear what, or how.
When the explanation is given to you, how the government controls the media here, you conveniently dismiss it as a "nutbag conspiracy theory", but of course, what you're saying about Russia, isn't bullshit, it's perfectly accurate information, 100% factual.

When the explanation is given to you, how the government controls the media here, you dismiss it as a "nutbag" conspiracy theory, but of course, what you're saying about Russia, isn't bullshit, it's perfectly accurate information, 100% factual.

Which part about Russia that I've explained that you refute as a conspiracy theory? :cuckoo:
What does that mean? He told the story about his relatives and how the police virtually stole their money. Address that, if you think he lied, or stop posting this nonsense.
I did address it.

Las Vegas from Arizona, the highway patrol stopped her husband and ordered them out of the car.

A traffic stop without any reasonable suspicion is illegal, story is missing key explanation why the car was pulled over and why they were ordered out of the car.

They ended up confiscating, (i.e. seizing/asset forfeiture), all of her hard-earned money, even though they knew, they weren't drug dealers, just a family going on vacation to Las Vegas. They took her money and she had to spend thousands of dollars in attorney fees, to get her money back. She had to go to court.

Again the story doesn't add up. How would they possibly "know" without an investigation?

So she went to court, argued her case and got her money back....what about that sounds like a repressive state?
Which part about Russia that I've explained that you refute as a conspiracy theory? :cuckoo:
I don't do interviews, you tell me. What are you saying about Russia? Let's see how truthful it is. ESay has done a good job already of debunking much of your crap.
I did address it.

Las Vegas from Arizona, the highway patrol stopped her husband and ordered them out of the car.

A traffic stop without any reasonable suspicion is illegal, story is missing key explanation why the car was pulled over and why they were ordered out of the car.

They ended up confiscating, (i.e. seizing/asset forfeiture), all of her hard-earned money, even though they knew, they weren't drug dealers, just a family going on vacation to Las Vegas. They took her money and she had to spend thousands of dollars in attorney fees, to get her money back. She had to go to court.

Again the story doesn't add up. How would they possibly "know" without an investigation?

So she went to court, argued her case and got her money back....what about that sounds like a repressive state?
You're clueless. You live in Lalaland.
You're clueless. You live in Lalaland.
Exactly, you can't really explain the glaring holes in your story.

Which is typical for nubag stories, but to someone who doesn't live in United States and doesn't understand our law and process it may sound true.
Exactly, you can't explain the glaring unexplained incoherency of your story. Which is typical for nubag stories.
The only one who is suffering from "incoherence" and ignorance is you. I could enlighten you on how reality works, but you're not worth my time and effort. If ESay asks me to answer your silly objections, I will. I'll do it for him, not for you. You can go fuck yourself, how about that?
The only one who is suffering from "incoherence" and ignorance is you. I could enlighten you on how reality works, but you're not worth my time and effort. If ESay asks me to answer your silly objections, I will. I'll do it for him, not for you. You can go fuck yourself, how about that?
You hearing this nutbag ESay ?

He needs a special request from you to explain his incoherent story. :laugh:
How about just READING dumbass?
Post # and link. I'm not going to scour or rummage through your posts looking for what you said on the subject. This thread has 33 pages, so provide the link, or again, go fuck yourself. How about that punk?
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You hearing this nutbag ESay ?

He needs a special request from you to explain his incoherent story. :laugh:
I don't need it, that's just what I want for my time and effort. He's worth it, you're not. He's friendly and respectful towards me, you're not. He doesn't have to agree with me, for me to value and respect him and his opinions. When a person begins flinging insults, they're worth nothing to me. You're hiding there anonymously behind your computer, like a coward, insulting people, personally attacking everyone who doesn't agree with you. If I insult someone on this forum, it's always because they started with the insults, not me. You're a piece of shit.
And my point is I can concisely explan all the ways in which Russian government controlls the nerratives - the laws, the media, the political opposition etc.

You can't do the same when it comes to America - all you have are some vague refference to rich people controling something, not clear what, or how.
I don't want to indulge in all that. It will be a long, boring and futile discussion that will be ended nowhere out of pure tiredness.

I already told you that you can believe in anything you want. Actually, you have to believe in that, you have no other choice.
I did address it.

Las Vegas from Arizona, the highway patrol stopped her husband and ordered them out of the car.

A traffic stop without any reasonable suspicion is illegal, story is missing key explanation why the car was pulled over and why they were ordered out of the car.

They ended up confiscating, (i.e. seizing/asset forfeiture), all of her hard-earned money, even though they knew, they weren't drug dealers, just a family going on vacation to Las Vegas. They took her money and she had to spend thousands of dollars in attorney fees, to get her money back. She had to go to court.

Again the story doesn't add up. How would they possibly "know" without an investigation?

So she went to court, argued her case and got her money back....what about that sounds like a repressive state?
Why they were stopped? Okay, let's guess for violating speed limits. Is that good enough reason?

What sounds like a repressive state. That some police officer decided to confiscate money from a family with children on their treep without proper evidence and using some doubtful pretext. And this family had to spend extra time and extra money to prove that they were law-abiding citizens and got their unduly confiscated money back. I suppose that 'presumed innocence' (is that right in English?) is a vital part of democratic state.

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