What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

Why they were stopped? Okay, let's guess for violating speed limits. Is that good enough reason?

What sounds like a repressive state. That some police officer decided to confiscate money from a family with children on their treep without proper evidence and using some doubtful pretext. And this family had to spend extra time and extra money to prove that they were law-abiding citizens and got their unduly confiscated money back. I suppose that 'presumed innocence' (is that right in English?) is a vital part of democratic state.
He's living in Lalaland. He thinks that whenever the highway patrol stops someone it's because they committed a traffic infraction, which in reality isn't necessarily the case. When law enforcement, wants to stop someone, they stop them. They find, fabricate, and conjure up, a reason to stop you. Anton lives in a fantasy world. I searched on Youtube, and found other cases like my cousin's, here is one in Utah:

This is the reality Americans have to deal with, every day. Anton lives in the Twilight Zone, not here. He's in another dimension.
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Well then you were simply too ignorant to apreciate the stark difference let alone be able to explain it.

Russia has effectively destroyed any independent journalism. State TV, an extension of Kremlin propaganda machinery is just about all that is left.

Russia has effectively banned the right to protest.

Russia has specific laws that would be unconstitutional in United States and a direct violation of 1st Amendment that guarantees the freedom of speech.

Russian Discredetation of Army Law for example - a law so vague that anyone publicly contradicting Russian Deparment of Defense (some irony there) re. the war can be sent to jail for 15 years.

Russia also has no real independent court system to protect people's rights, if Kremlin wants someone convicted, they get convicted, it's as simple as that.

Finally, Russia has banned from participation, jailed or killed off any real opposition. There are no elections in Russia, there are elections of Putin.

If you don't understand these HUGE differences between America and Russia then you obviously don't understand a basic difference between a totalitarian state and an open democracy.
Just repeating the official bollocks, in the UK Journalists have been arrested at airports under the anti terrorism laws, we have banned Media thats inconvenient and yet Russia still allows the BBC and Sky to broadcast their bullshit from Russia, and you just can't face the fact Putin gets elected because most Russians know he saved the Country from the basket case it was in the 90s when Russian Oligarchs and their western partners in Crime filth like Bill Browder were looting the Country.
Just repeating the official bollocks, in the UK Journalists have been arrested at airports under the anti terrorism laws, we have banned Media thats inconvenient and yet Russia still allows the BBC and Sky to broadcast their bullshit from Russia, and you just can't face the fact Putin gets elected because most Russians know he saved the Country from the basket case it was in the 90s when Russian Oligarchs and their western partners in Crime filth like Bill Browder were looting the Country.
After the collapse (or more accurately, the self-inflicted, criminal dissolution) of the USSR, the big-money capitalist jackals went to work, buying all state assets for pennies on the dollar. They defunded important government social programs, and sold everything of value (The Russian people's commonwealth), to private firms. Russia was financially and socially raped in the 1990s until Putin saved Russia by implementing a few common sense policies (a little socialism - a more mixed economy). Milton Friedman's, laissez faire capitalist shock-therapy didn't work in Russia.It doesn't work anywhere.
Here is one in Utah:

Video clearly states that this person was within his rights to decline co-operation. Police did not have reasonable suspicion to conduct a search of the vehicle and it was volatarily agreed to.

So people traveling with large ammounts of cash, could have it confiscated and get investigated.

Thats it? Thats your story about freedom of speech, media and political supression in United States?
The car dealership placed a frame around the license plate that was supposedly obstructing the view of the license. Ridiculous. They will stop you for whatever reason.

The reason was obstructed license plate. That is not "whatever reason".

Can you epxlain why the family was asked to step out of the vehicle, usually you would get a ticket and be on your way.
Video clearly states that this person was within his rights to decline co-operation. Police did not have reasonable suspicion to conduct a search of the vehicle and it was volatarily agreed to.

So people traveling with large ammounts of cash, could have it confiscated and get investigated.

Thats it? Thats your story about freedom of speech, media and political supression in United States?
Amazing how disingenuous you are. You can deny consent, and all that will happen, is they'll bring the K9 Unit, and have the dog signal that there's something in the car, and they will search your car, despite your lack of consent. To justify them taking this man's hard-earned money, his life-savings, is disgusting. You're repulsive Anton. An absolute piece of shit.
Amazing how disingenuous you are. You can deny consent, and all that will happen, is they'll bring the K9 Unit, and have the dog signal that there's something in the car, and they will search your car, despite your lack of consent. To justify them taking this man's hard-earned money, his life-savings, is disgusting. You're repulsive Anton. An absolute piece of shit.

Trained K9 dog smelling something is grounds for reasonable suspicion. They are trained to smell drugs. So again your thesis just doesn't add up.

Still, what does it have to do with freedom of speech, media, protest, and political opposition in United States?
In thinking about why Israel is destroying Gaza and killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, it caused me, in comparison, to wonder why Putin began bombing Ukraine. I honestly could not remember why this all began.

I'm sure we all agree that retaliating for having been attacked and having your citizens abducted and killed is more than reason enough to go after the perpetrators, even if we do not necessarily agree with how they are going about carrying this out. But what I'm struck with at the moment is how Putin was NOT defending Russia, or retaliating for an attack against the country and its people. This wholesale slaughter of innocent people seems to be based on ideology?
Not even close to a valid analogy, Hezbollah attacked Israel and killed thousands of innocent people. Then Israel hit back. The Muslims started the shit and the jews are finishing it.

Ukraine was part of Russia for decades, Putin wanted to reconstitute the soviet union by annexing Ukraine back into Russia. Ukraine is fighting back.

Neither is any of our fricken business.
To justify them taking this man's hard-earned money, his life-savings, is disgusting. You're repulsive Anton. An absolute piece of shit.

Dummy, it is done by a state law designed against drug traffiking. If voters in that state don't like it then they can vote in candidates that publicly oppose those laws and will change them once in office.

In fact in 2019 here in New York there were some changes to laws regulating civil asset forfeture laws to better safeguard people's property.

Thats how democracy works.
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The reason was obstructed license plate. That is not "whatever reason".

Can you epxlain why the family was asked to step out of the vehicle, usually you would get a ticket and be on your way.
When the police are on a fishing expedition, they'll tell people to get out of the car, for whatever reason. The police often won't have articulable reasonable suspicion or "probable cause", they may just have a "hunch" and are fishing for something. You're extremely naive.
The reason was obstructed license plate. That is not "whatever reason".

Can you epxlain why the family was asked to step out of the vehicle, usually you would get a ticket and be on your way.
That is an endless circle with little meaning. Maybe the cop wanted to do a drag test, that doesn't matter at all.

Being stopped for a license plate and ending up with your money being confiscated is beyond ridiculous. The very possibility of money confiscation being based on mere suspicion falls right in the terms of oppression for me. No matter how you try to whitewash it.
After the collapse (or more accurately, the self-inflicted, criminal dissolution) of the USSR, the big-money capitalist jackals went to work, buying all state assets for pennies on the dollar. They defunded important government social programs, and sold everything of value (The Russian people's commonwealth), to private firms. Russia was financially and socially raped in the 1990s until Putin saved Russia by implementing a few common sense policies (a little socialism - a more mixed economy). Milton Friedman's, laissez faire capitalist shock-therapy didn't work in Russia.It doesn't work anywhere.
Spot on, thats why they hate Putin, they had no problem with that alcohol soaked Clown Yeltsin.
Trained K9 dog smelling something is grounds for reasonable suspicion. They are trained to smell drugs. So again your thesis just doesn't add up.

Still, what does it have to do with freedom of speech, media, protest, and political opposition in United States?
They will often make the dog signal if the dog senses nothing. Again, you're very naive. The way law enforcement routinely violates people's civil rights in this country is relevant to the fact that we don't live in a "liberal democracy", that respects the rule of law. The law serves the powers that be, often to the detriment of the American public. You can live in your fantasy world, and think we're living in a democracy, but we're not. We live in a plutocratic oligarchy, ruled by big money, vested interests, not to speak of the foreign interests that also undermine our sovereignty, as in the case of Israel and its AIPAC.
And people that know their rights know that police needs reasonable suspicion, not "whatever".
And again, you live in Lalaland. When the cop tells you to get out of the car and you don't, you're going to be charged with obstructing his investigation or some other trumped-up charge. You have your head so far up your ass, that you think you can deny a police officer's command to get out of the car, in a traffic stop. You're really gone, out of your fucking mind.
They will often make the dog signal if the dog senses nothing. Again, you're very naive. The way law enforcement routinely violates people's civil rights in this country is relevant to the fact that we don't live in a "liberal democracy"

Sometimes the police does get out of line and for that we have endependent courts, freedom of speech, media and open political process to make changes and hold police accountable.

Some cops somewhere not following the law in America supposedly makes us like a repressive Russian state? Nuts.

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