What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

Sometimes the police does get out of line and for that we have endependent courts, freedom of speech, media and open political process to make changes and hold police accountable.

And in the meantime, you have to spend thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney fees, fighting your case. You might have to deal with injuries that bankrupt you with medical bills. You get wrongfully arrested spend a week in county jail and lose your job. Your car was impounded when you were wrongfully arrested, so now you have to pay towing fees, impound fees, and possibly storage fees to retrieve your vehicle, which can cost as much as $1000 or more. But Anton pretends all of these consequential elements of bad policing, are trivial inconveniences. People are ruined, and often not compensated for what they suffer.

As far as our American media, take a look at this:

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This testimony changed American public opinion for the Gulf War. It was discovered later, that everything she said was a lie. She is the daughter of a Kuwaiti diplomat. A FAT LIE.
Dummy, it is done by a state law designed against drug traffiking. If voters in that state don't like it then they can vote in candidates that publicly oppose those laws and will change them once in office
Hmm, I'll bet that the law-abiding citizens are the main victims of this war on drugs. Harsh measures here and there, but your streets are full of addicts and dealers. I wonder why. Can you vote this out?

1. Snyder’s Claim: Russia's war is colonial, with Putin denying that Ukraine is a real state or that Ukrainians are a real people.

Snyder attempts to frame Putin’s perspective as purely colonial, but this ignores the geopolitical and historical context. Putin has made clear that Ukraine’s current government, installed after the 2014 coup, does not represent the interests of all Ukrainians, particularly those in the east and Crimea, many of whom are ethnically Russian and opposed the coup. The conflict stems from Russia’s concerns over NATO's expansion and Ukraine’s increasing alignment with Western military powers, not from a denial of Ukrainian identity. Putin himself has stated that Ukrainians and Russians share historical ties, but he has never advocated for Ukraine’s eradication as a state.

2. Snyder’s Claim: Russian colonialism is evident through their attempts to decapitate Ukrainian society and subordinate it to a larger Russian empire.

Russia’s actions in Ukraine are not driven by colonial ambitions but by legitimate security concerns. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, NATO has expanded aggressively toward Russia’s borders, despite promises to the contrary. Putin’s intervention is a response to Western attempts to pull Ukraine into NATO. The notion that Russia seeks to dominate Ukraine as a colony is misleading, as Moscow has repeatedly called for Ukraine to remain neutral and to avoid aligning with hostile Western military alliances.

3. Snyder’s Claim: Ukraine has a long history of being colonized by Russia, dating back to the 17th century.

While there have been historical conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, framing Russia's relationship with Ukraine as purely colonial oversimplifies the complex historical ties between the two countries. Ukraine has been part of various empires throughout its history, including the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The relationship between Ukraine and Russia is also deeply intertwined through centuries of shared culture, language, and Orthodox Christianity. Additionally, many Ukrainians fought on the side of the Red Army during World War II against Nazi occupation, reinforcing the historical bonds between Ukraine and Russia.

4. Snyder’s Claim: Russia does not recognize Ukraine’s sovereignty and views it as a vassal state.

Russia has not denied Ukraine’s sovereignty in principle but has serious concerns about Ukraine’s post-2014 government and its close ties to NATO. Putin has consistently stated that Ukraine should be independent but neutral, meaning it should not join NATO or become a base for Western military forces. The claim that Russia treats Ukraine as a vassal state is a misrepresentation of the reality that Russia sees Ukraine as a buffer state between itself and NATO, a vital part of Russia’s national security strategy.

5. Snyder’s Claim: The only way for peace is for Ukraine to win the war against Russia.

This notion is dangerous and ignores the need for diplomacy. Suggesting that peace can only come through Ukraine’s military victory over Russia overlooks the massive human cost and the risk of further escalation, potentially drawing in NATO and leading to WW3r. A peaceful resolution would involve addressing Russia’s legitimate security concerns, particularly regarding NATO expansion and the protection of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, rather than pushing for a military solution.

6. Snyder’s Claim: Ukraine’s nationalist history, including collaboration with Nazi Germany, was a minor movement that has no significant influence today.

While Snyder downplays Ukrainian nationalism, particularly the legacy of figures like Stepan Bandera, the reality is that far-right nationalist groups played a prominent role in the 2014 Maidan protests and continue to exert influence in Ukraine. Militant groups like the Azov Battalion, which have been linked to neo-Nazi ideologies, have been integrated into Ukraine’s National Guard and received Western military aid. The resurgence of such nationalist sentiments is not a fringe issue but a significant factor in the current conflict, particularly in the way it affects the ethnic Russian population in Ukraine.

7. Snyder’s Claim: American military aid to Ukraine is not colonial because Ukraine is fighting for its existence.

The provision of billions in U.S. military aid to Ukraine fits within a broader pattern of U.S. imperialism and interventionism. As noted in the works of authors like Dan Kovalik and William Blum, the U.S. has a long history of supporting proxy wars and regime changes that align with its strategic interests. The U.S. is not supporting Ukraine purely out of concern for its sovereignty but because Ukraine is seen as a pawn in the broader geopolitical struggle against Russia. This is evidenced by the way the U.S. and NATO ignored Russian security concerns for years, pushing Ukraine towards conflict rather than diplomacy.

8. Snyder’s Claim: Russia is committing acts of genocide by relocating Ukrainian civilians and executing local leaders in occupied areas.

The situation on the ground is far more complex than Snyder portrays. While there have been reports of abuses by Russian forces, there have also been numerous documented cases of Ukrainian forces, including nationalist militias, committing atrocities in the Donbas region. Furthermore, Russia’s actions in Ukraine are primarily motivated by military and strategic objectives, not by an intent to commit genocide. The use of terms like "genocide" is highly charged and often misused in conflicts like these, where both sides have committed violations. Snyder's narrative downplays Ukrainian aggression and repression of Russo-Ukrainians in the Donbas, where thousands have died since 2014.

Snyder's framing of the conflict in Ukraine as a colonial war driven by Russia's desire to subjugate Ukraine is a misrepresentation. The true drivers of the conflict are NATO's expansionist policies, Ukraine’s post-2014 alignment with the West, and the protection of ethnic Russians in Ukraine.
look , maga/commie/ RT no one is gonna read your RT 🇷🇺 copy- post here. YOU ARE A WAR CRIMINAL , YOU KNOW IT , RIGHT ?

I don't want to indulge in all that. It will be a long, boring and futile discussion that will be ended nowhere out of pure tiredness.

I already told you that you can believe in anything you want. Actually, you have to believe in that, you have no other choice.

Maybe your tiredness is from the mental strain it takes to maintain a false, poorly thought out thesis.
Hmm, I'll bet that the law-abiding citizens are the main victims of this war on drugs. Harsh measures here and there, but your streets are full of addicts and dealers. I wonder why. Can you vote this out?
That’s just another load of bullshit from a foreigner who has never been to US.

Yes of there are drug use problems in the country but I live here and frequent many many many streets, addicts or drug dealers are a very rare sight.

Maybe it is on a specific street in a specific city but it’s not generally true and not representative of United States.
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No, what prevents is futility and having too little desire to prove obvious things.

Obvious is that you can’t acknowledge basic difference between an open democracy and totalitarian state.

I’m telling you about freedom of speech, media, protest and representatives responsible to the people

And what do you useful idiots reply with? Confiscation of big cash transport and drug dealers?

Thats supposed to establish some sort of equivalence? :cuckoo:
Love it when Russian propaganda peddlers bring in the expertise of convicted child porn aficionados who make a living as token foreign “experts” for Kremlin TV.
You're just peddling American propaganda vs Ritter, who was never convicted of "child porn". He's a target of a government campaign to demonize and destroy him. But I understand that your position is unable to sustain itself with actual evidence and rational arguments, so all you have is ad hominem, personal attacks, and character assassination. That's all you have available in defense of your worldview. Arguments stand or fall on their own merits, not on the character of the person arguing them. Examine the evidence and the principles upon which that argument rests then make your conclusions.
That’s just another load of bullshit from a foreigner who has never been to US.

Yes of there are drug use problems in the country but I live here and frequent many many many streets, addicts or drug dealers are a very rare sight.

Maybe it is on a specific street in a specific city but it’s not generally true and not representative of United States.
48.5 million (16.7%) Americans (aged 12 and older) battled a substance use disorder in the past year.1

About 9.2 million young adults age 18 to 25 battled a substance use disorder in the past year, which equates to 27.1% of this population.1
About 6.1 million young adults had a drug use disorder in the past year, or about 18% of this population.1

There is far more information and statistics about that on those sites.
Obvious is that you can’t acknowledge basic difference between an open democracy and totalitarian state.

I’m telling you about freedom of speech, media, protest and representatives responsible to the people

And what do you useful idiots reply with? Confiscation of big cash transport and drug dealers?

Thats supposed to establish some sort of equivalence? :cuckoo:
That's not all I mentioned, but of course, I expect you to pretend otherwise. You're Anton, you can't help yourself. You're a slimy piece of shit, and it doesn't matter how much evidence is presented to you, you'll always come up with some half-baked, disingenuous reason as to why such evidence is invalid. That's why interacting with you is a waste of time and energy.
You're just peddling American propaganda vs Ritter, who was never convicted of "child porn". He's a target of a government campaign to demonize and destroy him. But I understand that your position is unable to sustain itself with actual evidence and rational arguments, so all you have is ad hominem, personal attacks, and character assassination. That's all you have available in defense of your worldview. Arguments stand or fall on their own merits, not on the character of the person arguing them. Examine the evidence and the principles upon which that argument rests then make your conclusions.

He was convicted by a jury of peers. Whatever bullshit you are posting here they didn’t buy at trial in a court of law.

He spent three years in jail and when he got out and became unemployable in US he suddenly developed very warm views of Russian state and started repeating all their blatant bullshit.

Ritter is so far up Kremlin’s ass he couldn’t even call this war a war, instead calling it Russian state approved euphemism “special operation”.
48.5 million (16.7%) Americans (aged 12 and older) battled a substance use disorder in the past year.1

About 9.2 million young adults age 18 to 25 battled a substance use disorder in the past year, which equates to 27.1% of this population.1
About 6.1 million young adults had a drug use disorder in the past year, or about 18% of this population.1

There is far more information and statistics about that on those sites.

That includes legal substances like alchohol and nicotine.

Either way, what the hell does that have to do with open democracy vs totalitarian state?
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Obvious is that you can’t acknowledge basic difference between an open democracy and totalitarian state.

I’m telling you about freedom of speech, media, protest and representatives responsible to the people

And what do you useful idiots reply with? Confiscation of big cash transport and drug dealers?

Thats supposed to establish some sort of equivalence? :cuckoo:
It is not about equivalence. Actually who here is obsessed with Russia it is you.

Your media is controlled by big corporations, in the last 30 years three family clans are running for the office, lifelong bureaucrats are in charge of your two main parties. The very electoral system of your new country casts some doubts about its fairness (when a handful of swing states decide the result of elections, when droves of people remains underrepresented). Gerrymandering, is that thing already in the past?

No one states that Russia and the US are the same, or that the US a totalitarian state. But it is also fair it is not an open democracy. Or more correctly, it is a plutocracy wrapped in a form of open democracy.
That includes legal substances like alchohol and nicotine.

Either way, what the hell does that have to do with open democracy vs totalitarian state?
Take a look more thoroughly. There is statistics there only about drug misuse.

I can't say for sure, but I have a feeling that in a totalitarian state of Russia, the cop who virtually stole the money from a family in a car using a drag dealers pretext, would have lost his job, in the best case for him.

It is nonsense that people can't have cash (not too big sums, really) with them without being oppressed for that.
He was convicted by a jury of peers. Whatever bullshit you are posting here they didn’t buy at trial in a court of law.

He spent three years in jail and when he got out and became unemployable in US he suddenly developed very warm views of Russian state and started repeating all their blatant bullshit.
He's had close ties with Russia since the 1980s, so you're ignorant of his connections with Russia. He's been a military and geopolitical analyst for decades. He led the American weapons inspection team in Iraq for several years. He's a qualified geopolitical analyst worth listening to, despite his pursuit of chat-sex sessions with teenage females. I'd like to see what you have in your closet, asshole. You fucking hypocrite.

"Ritter was the subject of two law enforcement sting operations in 2001.[44] He was charged in June 2001 with trying to set up a meeting with an undercover police officer posing as a 16-year-old girl.[45][46] He was charged with a misdemeanor crime of "attempted endangerment of the welfare of a child". The charge was dismissed and the record was sealed after he completed six months of pre-trial probation.[46][7] Ritter was arrested again in November 2009[47] over communications with a police decoy he met on an Internet chat site. Police said that he exposed himself, via a web camera, after the officer repeatedly identified himself as a 15-year-old girl.[5]

The next month, Ritter waived his right to a preliminary hearing and was released on $25,000 unsecured bail. Charges included "unlawful contact with a minor, criminal use of a communications facility, corruption of minors, indecent exposure, possessing instruments of crime, criminal attempt and criminal solicitation".[2] Ritter rejected a plea bargain and was found guilty of all but the criminal attempt count in county court in Rochester, New York on April 14, 2011.[5][48] In October 2011, he was sentenced to one and a half to five and a half years in prison.[3] He was sent to Laurel Highlands state prison in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, in March 2012 and paroled in September 2014.[4][49][7]"

Adults who are attracted to teenagers are identified by modern Western Psychiatrists as " Ephebophiles", suffering from "Ephebophilia", not pedophilia. Your attempt to make Ritter look like a pedophile is misleading. Bullshit. And by the way, you could give a rats ass, about all of the little children being torn to pieces by Israeli ordinance in Gaza and the West Bank, but somehow you're concerned for 15 and 16-year-old teenage females, having chat-sex with Scot Ritter? In New Jersey and Michigan, the legal age of sexual consent is 16. So to paint him as a pedophile, watching "child porn" is a distortion of what happened.

Anyways, he's a good analyst, regardless.
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