What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

Nice private house, a few premium cars in the garage, foreign vacation trips, regular gourmet restraunt outtings?

You know...stuff money buys. I keep getting an impression like I'm talking to someone born yesterday
Okay, that is impressive. And that is good if you really have all that. Though, I have an impression you don't fare that well as you are trying to make look.
Okay, that is impressive. And that is good if you really have all that. Though, I have an impression you don't fare that well as you are trying to make look.

Well thats because your impressions are whatever you feel like beliving.

What I've described is how American upper middle class lives, which would probably be considered fairly rich in most countries.

This statistic shows the contrast very well: 78% of Americans live in their house compared to only 30% of Russians, most of whom live in apartments.

Here is another one - There are 9 cars for every 10 Americans, only 3.6 for 10 Russians.

Here is another one - American life expectancy is 77 years and only 72 for Russians.
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Nice private house, a few premium cars in the garage, foreign vacation trips, regular gourmet restraunt outtings, comfortable retirement savings?

You know...stuff money buys. I keep getting an impression like I'm talking to someone born yesterday
Answer my question Anton. It's simple, the capitalists don't need you anymore, they have artificial intelligence, and advanced industrial robotics, including smart humanoid robots with a high degree of manual dexterity, their hands are as "dexterous" as yours and mine. They can practically do everything you and I can do. The capitalists don't need human labor anymore, so what are you going to do, to generate an income? Even as a capitalist, if that's what you are, and not a brainwashed working-class person, how will you generate a profit, without wages? No wages = No paying customers. How will you make money?

Retired? How will your pension fund continue without capitalists and human labor generating incomes?

Don't run away from the question, it's simple. Everything you own now, you will keep with democratic socialism. Modern, 21st century, high-tech council-communism, isn't going to take your home, nice car, nor deprive you of your regular gourmet restaurant outings. The food will be even more "gourmet" in modern communism, because the chef will be an intelligent robot, hence no hairs, boogers, human sweat, or saliva in your gourmet food. Society will have smart-robots, guided by AGI - Artificial General Intelligence, working 24/7 for you and me. You will have smart robots in your home, working for you. The government will provide you with a few personal robots, to help you around the house. Your standard of living will be even higher than it is today.

Answer the simple question, Anton. Stop running. How will you generate an income, when the capitalists don't need human labor anymore?
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Well thats because your impressions are whatever you feel like beliving.

What I've described is how American upper middle class lives, which would probably be considered fairly rich in most countries.

This statistic shows the contrast very well: 78% of Americans live in their house compared to only 30% of Russians, most of whom live in apartments.

Here is another one - There are 9 cars for every 10 Americans, only 3.6 for 10 Russians.

Here is another one - American life expectancy is 77 years and only 72 for Russians.
Not exactly what I like believing, but rather 'a former girlfriend theory'. You can talk much about how bad she was and how you are better without her, but your constant mentioning of her in conversations, asking about her and the like mean you regret about something. Yeah, it is you and Russia.
Well thats because your impressions are whatever you feel like beliving.

What I've described is how American upper middle class lives, which would probably be considered fairly rich in most countries.

This statistic shows the contrast very well: 78% of Americans live in their house compared to only 30% of Russians, most of whom live in apartments.

Here is another one - There are 9 cars for every 10 Americans, only 3.6 for 10 Russians.

Here is another one - American life expectancy is 77 years and only 72 for Russians.
What stats are these? Source. 78% of Americans are "homeowners"? It's more like 60%-65%. In America, hardly anyone actually owns their living space. Paying a mortgage, to the actual owner of the home (i.e. the bank), is not true ownership. If you continue paying the bank or whoever actually owns it, you have the right to use the property (usage rights are all you have, nothing else). You also have to pay property taxes, to your local and state governments. So do you really "own" your home under capitalism? Do you have a human right to living space (i.e. home) under capitalism? No you don't. Don't pay your property taxes this year, and don't maintain your pool for a year. You'll find out who actually owns "your home".

Homeownership in Cuba is almost 100%. Many homes have front and backyards, with fruit trees. Lift the American economic embargo, and the situation would be even better for Cubans. They have a human right to housing, we don't have that in our capitalist American society. Here in America if you have a life-emergency and lose your job, you're under a bridge. You die.

The fact we have more cars here doesn't imply our standard of living is higher than that of someone living in a country where most people don't own vehicles. I live in NYC, I own a vehicle, but I don't need it. For many years, I didn't have a car, because the public transit system here is excellent, and yet much worse than in other modern countries, in Western Europe and even in Asia. The reason so many people have cars here is because the fossil-fuel industry lobbies politicians to spend public resources laying highways, rather than developing a robust, extensive public transit system. More gas-guzzling cars = more profits for EXXON. The air is toxic, have you seen that dark plume over Los Angeles? Cars.

Life expectancy in many countries with mixed economies and even 100% socialist nations like Cuba are higher than our life expectancy here. They have healthier populations. In Costa Rica, the life expectancy is higher, and that's a Central American country, considered borderline 3rd world, but they provide healthcare to all of their citizens. Healthcare is a human right in Costa Rica and Cuba, and people get regular check-ups, so if they have a serious condition, it's identified early, and treated before the condition becomes lethal. Here in America, people don't go to the doctor, until they experience a medical catastrophe. Why? Too expensive. Healthcare here, will bankrupt you.

Notice comrades, how Anton runs from the question. To see more interactions like these with brainwashed capitalist apologists, visit the links in the PDF or watch my videos.
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Not exactly what I like believing, but rather 'a former girlfriend theory'. You can talk much about how bad she was and how you are better without her, but your constant mentioning of her in conversations, asking about her and the like mean you regret about something. Yeah, it is you and Russia.

Whats wrong with regret?

I was born in Russia, spent my childhood there and want Russians to live like people in developed democracies live.

Yes, I deeply regret the repressive, bloody, corrupt path it has gone down with Putin wasting his country's potential and promise. Instead of joining developed world their path is that of repressive, regressive, isolated militarized authorian state that more and more resembles North Korea.

I regret being ashamed of Russia and what it brings to the world.
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Whats wrong with regret?

I was born in Russia, spent my childhood there and want Russians to live like people in developed democracies live.

Yes, I deeply regret the shameful, repressive, corrupt path it has gone down with Putin wasting his country's potential and promise. Instead of joining developed world their path is that of repressive, regressive, isolated militarized authorian state that more and more resembles North Korea.
Regret that you may have made a wrong choice.

It is strangely enough that you chose to leave a 'democratic Russia'. How come?
Whats wrong with regret?

I was born in Russia, spent my childhood there and want Russians to live like people in developed democracies live.

Yes, I deeply regret the shameful, repressive, corrupt path it has gone down with Putin wasting his country's potential and promise. Instead of joining developed world their path is that of repressive, regressive, isolated militarized authorian state that more and more resembles North Korea.

Putin saved Russia economically and otherwise, from people like you, who were raping it in the 1990s. Russia now, with China and BRICS is going to flourish, and what we need now in Russia is more investment by the government into infrastructure development. That's not Milton Friedman, laissez-faire, "free-market" capitalism, that's an economy that may still have markets but invests more in its citizen's welfare. What Russia needs isn't more capitalism, but more socialism.

Russia isn't "isolated", it's the US and Israel (The Judeo-Zionist American empire), and their vassals in Western Europe who are going to be estranged, and ostracised from the real economy in Asia. Russia's future is bright, America's, if it doesn't change, is doomed. A pile of manure. It's laughable that you claim Russia is a militarist nation when the US has 700+ military installations around the world and has a "defense budget" of $850 billion. You're quite confused Anton. The future is BRICS and the Global South, not the Zionist American empire. The Judeo-American empire is falling apart, rotting from within.
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Cool story.
What currency are they going to use?
The ruble? DURR
More "Durr" Todd fuzzy-logic.
  1. Local Currencies: BRICS countries have been increasingly using their own national currencies (such as the Chinese yuan, Russian ruble, and Indian rupee) in bilateral trade agreements. This trend reduces reliance on the U.S. dollar in favor of direct currency swaps or agreements between the countries involved.
  2. BRICS Digital Currency: A BRICS digital currency, a common currency for the bloc that could facilitate trade among member states.
  3. Chinese Yuan: China's push to internationalize the yuan, especially with initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), means that the yuan is increasingly being used in trade and financial agreements. Some BRICS members may lean toward using the yuan as a de facto regional currency for international transactions.
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Regret that you may have made a wrong choice.

It is strangely enough that you chose to leave a 'democratic Russia'. How come?

...?? It was never democratic, never held a competetive election, never had true political opposition.

Thats why Russians never voted in any change in power in their entire history.
Russi will never flourish, as long as it stays a kleptocracy.
You're describing America. The ultimate "kleptocracy", where public funds are funneled into the coffers of the military-industrial complex, the fossil-fuel industry..etc. All of the nation's common wealth is in the hands of the ruling elites, while most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
Putin saved Russia economically and otherwise, from people like you, who were raping it in the 1990s.

Dummy he sold energy just like everyone else, made Russian economy more capitalist with mroe foreign investment, lower taxes and etc.

The biggest difference is that he had the fortune to sell it at higher price during the 2000's energy boom and he screwed up even that with his invasions.
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It comes in degrees. Russia's is far worse. Our leaders actually are just the puppets of oligarchs, systemically. Russian oligarchs ARE the leaders, with the #1 thief ruling them all.

It's not even close, really.
Russia has a high rate of homeownership, with estimates indicating that around 85% of the population owns their homes, a figure significantly higher than in many Western countries. This high rate of ownership is largely a legacy of the Soviet era, when most housing was state-owned and later practically given away, for free or at very low costs after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. They have universal healthcare, and education is much more affordable, if not free, if the person scores well in tests. You don't have to be a genius or have a perfect GPA to qualify for a tuition-free education.

Our leaders are puppets serving corporations, that now have us at the brink of WW3, on the edge of oblivion. These politicians, are really serving themselves because they hold stocks in these companies that profit from war.
Our leaders are puppets serving corporations, that now have us at the brink of WWW3, on the edge of oblivion.
What nauseating propaganda. You would have the world grab its ankles for imperialist autocrats? These countries would be our allies? This is fear porn right out of the very old playbook. the ones pushing world war are the ones breaking the norms like MADD and invading and annexing neighbors.
Dummy he sold energy just like everyone else, made Russian economy more capitalist with mroe foreign investment, lower taxes and etc.

The biggest difference is that he had the fortune to sell it at higher price during the 2000's energy boom and he screwed up even that with his invasions.


He nationalized the oil and gas, and other major centers of the economy. He forced the parasitical oligarchs under his heel and told them to stay away from politics. The proof is in the pudding, as soon as he implemented socialist policies in the Russian economy, the GDP increased significantly.
Russia has a high rate of homeownership, with estimates indicating that around 85% of the population owns their homes

They own apartments, not homes as in houses....why? Because Russians have had very poor access to credit and apartments are relatively cheap.
What nauseating propaganda. You would have the world grab its ankles for imperialist autocrats? These countries would be our allies? This is fear porn right out of the very old playbook. the ones pushing world war are the ones breaking the norms like MADD and invading and annexing neighbors.
Because some foreign imperialist power insists on deploying a Cold War dinosaur on the border with Russia, saber-rattling and cashing in on the instability. Boogiemen are profitable for the US military-industrial complex. If Russia or China were doing to us here, what we are doing to them, in their part of the world, we would be at war. We wouldn't allow Russia or China to do to us here in the Western Hemisphere, what we are doing to them. We live in a country full of hypocrites like Fort Fun Indiana, who doesn't give a shit, when his government goes around poking everyone, starting trouble.

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