What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

They own apartments, not homes as in houses....why? Because Russians have had very poor access to credit and apartments are relatively cheap.
There are many Russians who own houses, and your housing, whether it's an apartment or a house, is more secure, in your hands than here in the US. Here most people are only renting their homes from a bank. In Russia people actually own their housing, and no one is going to evict them or kick them out, as regularly happens here. In Cuba, notwithstanding the poverty, mostly due to the misfortune of being in the shadow of the world's most powerful capitalist, hegemonic empire, has a population that is practically, completely housed. People have houses, with yards, fruit trees..etc. Here in America, people struggle to keep their housing, not in Russia or Cuba.
What Russia is doing is a response to your poking and bullying with that Cold War dinosaur, not to speak of the 2014 coup, orchestrated and funded by the US. You conveniently ignore that.
Russia is invading countries, because of a defensive alliance.


It embarrasses itself. It's the cheap, transparent con: NATO being a threat to Russia, so Russia should pre-emptively invade two European countries.

Just , so obviously stupid and bizarre.
Russia is invading countries, because of a defensive alliance.


It embarrasses itself. It's the cheap, transparent con: NATO being a threat to Russia, so Russia should pre-emptively invade two European countries.

Just , so obviously stupid and bizarre.
Fort Fun Indiana, is over there, saber rattling, deploying his troops and hardware. The American ruling class would love to see Russia fall apart, balkanize itself into several separate republics, they can rape, the way they did to Russia after the dissolution of the USSR. You're hypocrite, because you know darn well, that if Russia or China would to us here on the American continent, especially on our border, what we're doing to them over there in their "neighborhood", we would be at war.

We would never allow Russia or China, to F with us, the way we F with them. We wouldn't allow it, but "Fort Fun Indiana", thinks he can go over there and poke the bear with impunity, without any negative consequences. Well you can't, and now we're facing nuclear annihilation, because of assholes like you. You're not an American patriot, when you support this type of foreign policy. You're just forcing us into an unnecessary war with a nuclear power that has more nukes than we do, and the means to deliver them via hypersonic missiles.

We should only go to war with a nuclear power if WE REALLY HAVE TO. We don't have to have NATO saber rattling on Russia's border. We don't need to do that. There are other ways of protecting, securing our allies than NATO, you dumbass. There are other means to provide assistance to our friends in Eastern Europe than NATO. But you knuckleheads, just don't get it. NATO NATO NATO NATO...Why NATO? The Russians use that as an excuse. Take the excuse away from them. No more NATO. How about that? Can't complain now. No NATO. We can protect Ukraine, without NATO. We can help Ukraine, without orchestrating coups, and meddling in their internal affairs. We can help them. But you just don't get it.
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More "Durr" Todd fuzzy-logic.
  1. Local Currencies: BRICS countries have been increasingly using their own national currencies (such as the Chinese yuan, Russian ruble, and Indian rupee) in bilateral trade agreements. This trend reduces reliance on the U.S. dollar in favor of direct currency swaps or agreements between the countries involved.
  2. BRICS Digital Currency: A BRICS digital currency, a common currency for the bloc that could facilitate trade among member states.
  3. Chinese Yuan: China's push to internationalize the yuan, especially with initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), means that the yuan is increasingly being used in trade and financial agreements. Some BRICS members may lean toward using the yuan as a de facto regional currency for international transactions.

BRICS countries have been increasingly using their own national currencies (such as the Chinese yuan, Russian ruble, and Indian rupee)

Talk about a hot potato.
...?? It was never democratic, never held a competetive election, never had true political opposition.

Thats why Russians never voted in any change in power in their entire history.
I was talking about the Yeltsin time.
In what way is a jew named Zelensky a Nazi?
in 🇷🇺 RT WAY


On 31 May 1990, Boris Yeltsin was elected Chair of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation in a vote by the body's members; this made him the de facto leader of the Russian SFSR.

Putin became an acting president in 1999, when Yeltsin was removed.

The rest is pretense to democracy. There has never been a competetive election and power has never been changed in Russia by voters because whoever was in power controlled the propaganda nerratives and election mechanisms.
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On 31 May 1990, Boris Yeltsin was elected Chair of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation in a vote by the body's members; this made him the de facto leader of the Russian SFSR.

Putin became an acting president in 1999, when Yeltsin was removed.

The rest is pretense to democracy. There has never been a competetive election and power has never been changed in Russia by voters because whoever was in power controlled the propaganda nerratives and election mechanisms.
Antoshka, you now decided to resort to outright lies? Yeltsin became the president of Russia (then RSFSR), and before that took other official positions, not thanks to but despite the falling system. All his political career, at least on a Russia wide level, was based as an alternative of the ruling system and Gorbachev personally.

You see Antoshka how easily you spin quite recent events that don't suit you well. But no wonder, as long as all your 'open democracy' is built upon lie and distortion.

I'll bet that your story of success is worth the same as all your posts. But nevertheless. So, to sum it up, you escaped your homeland because no one built there democracy for you, and now you try to teach people how they should live, right?
Antoshka, you now decided to resort to outright lies? Yeltsin became the president of Russia (then RSFSR), and before that took other official positions, not thanks to but despite the falling system. All his political career, at least on a Russia wide level, was based as an alternative of the ruling system and Gorbachev personally.

Thats a cool story...but nothing about Yeltsin coming to power as a result of an election.

Strange right?
BRICS countries have been increasingly using their own national currencies (such as the Chinese yuan, Russian ruble, and Indian rupee)

Talk about a hot potato.
What other stupid, disingenuous objections or points do you have to offer? BRICS will eventually ditch the Todd-dollar, flipping Todd the finger. You go F yourself Todd, we're not using the Todd-dollar anymore. To suggest otherwise is just naive and silly. Brazil, Russia, China, South Africa, and practically ALL of Africa, the Middle East, Asia, the Global South, which includes much of Latin America, are joining BRICS and flipping off Todd the American imperialist, who thinks he can bully the world with impunity. Your ZioNazi-Judeo American Empire is going to be flushed down the latrine.
You didn't see my post 813? Or now you decided not only spin the past but also the present?
In your post there is nothing about about how Yeltsin came to power.

Once in power they stay in power, because elections are fundamentally UNCOMPETETIVE BY DEISGN. They are a pretense.
The Russians didn't ban American, Western media until the West banned them, not to speak of what the US did to Russia financially, freezing (i.e. stealing) hundreds of billions of dollars it had deposited in Western banks, then sanctioning Russia. Even then, as much as two years passed, before major Western outlets were officially banned. I thought you pro-capitalist Westerners were all about "liberal democracy" and the "free market of ideas", always criticizing the USSR and the DPRK i.e. "North Korea", for censoring Western media and information in general. I agree, that's wrong, however, you do the SAME SHIT! SAME SHIT! Hypocrites. You cancel people, de-platform them, ban them, get them fired from their jobs, destroy people's lives because they didn't fall in line, they resist the "official narrative"..etc. You're all a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
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