What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

  1. [IMG width="141px" height="135.125px" alt="AntonToo"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/s/57/57834.jpg?1467483394[/IMG]
    17 minutes ago


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    Are you learning Spanish Anton? You're going to be Trilingual (Russian, English and Spanish), eating gourmet tacos from a taco stand around the corner. The empire is rotting away from within. It's crumbling, a la "Rio Grande". Enjoy.


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In your post there is nothing about about how Yeltsin came to power.

Once in power they stay in power, because elections are fundamentally UNCOMPETETIVE BY DEISGN. They are a pretense.
It is links on Wikipedia, you click on them and get to a Wikipedia article. I thought you know how that works.

So, now Yeltsin is a dictator? There were no political opposition in Russia, the press and media not controlled by the government, freedom of expression etc? In the 1990s I mean.
It is links on Wikipedia, you click on them and get to a Wikipedia article. I thought you know how that works.

So, now Yeltsin is a dictator? There were no political opposition in Russia, the press and media not controlled by the government, freedom of expression etc? In the 1990s I mean.

Those links are about a person in power, staying in power, by winning an uncompetetive election.

In the 90's everyone tuned into the same 8pm Kremlin news they are tunning in today.
Those links are about a person in power, staying in power, by winning an uncompetetive election.

In the 90's everyone tuned into the same 8pm Kremlin news they are tunning in today.
Anton's economic recovery plan for Russia consists of privatizing every public resource and asset, the commonwealth of the Russian people, placing it in the hands of billionaires, so that they keep the profits for themselves, depositing the money abroad, raping Russia again as they did in the 1990s, before Putin. Putin as bad as he is, managed to save Russia and your plan is to throw Russia back into the economic hell of the 1990s.
Those links are about a person in power, staying in power, by winning an uncompetetive election.

In the 90's everyone tuned into the same 8pm Kremlin news they are tunning in today.
No, those links are about elections in Russia when Bill the Pants-Off was their best friend and buddies with Yeltsin.
No, those links are about elections in Russia when Bill the Pants-Off was their best friend and buddies with Yeltsin.
If you are going to open up with a NO, then the rest of your post should be some sort of a refute of what you've quoted.
Anton's economic recovery plan for Russia consists of privatizing every public resource and asset, the commonwealth of the Russian people, placing it in the hands of billionaires, so that they keep the profits for themselves, depositing the money abroad, raping Russia again as they did in the 1990s, before Putin. Putin as bad as he is, managed to save Russia and your plan is to throw Russia back into the economic hell of the 1990s.

No dummy, the "plan" is very simple - give people fundamental democratic freedoms and they will figuire out the rest for themselves.

Freedom to organize a political movement.
Freedom to protest without repressions.
Freedom to participate in the elections.
Freedom to make public statements on independent media sources.
Freedom to have your case heard by an independent court.

This is what degenerates like you are effectively against.
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Yeltsin the alcoholic was easy to control and manipulate. A disaster for Russia.
Yes, and that is why they have a bad taste for 'liberal democracy'. But now it turns out to be that Yeltsin had an authoritarian regime too. According to our friend Anton, at least. Go figure.
What makes you think they were competetive?
Because the state didn't have a repressive apparatus on the scale it has now. Or this apparatus was dysfunctional already (I mean the Soviet apparatus in 1991). You do get that in 1991 Yeltsin was virtually a candidate from opposition, right?
No dummy, the "plan" is very simple - give people fundamental democratic freedoms and they willl figuire out the rest for themselves.

Freedom to organize a political movement.
Freedom to protest without repressions.
Freedom to participate in the elections.
Freedom to make public statements on independent media sources.
Freedom to have your case heard by an independent court.

This is what degenerates like you are effectively against.
I would love to have all of that here in the USA:

Freedom to organize a political movement...

Provided it doesn't cross the official narrative of the American ruling class, and their cronies in Washington, and hence banned, criminalized, and deplatformed/defunded..etc. Even the banks won't allow your movement to have a bank account. They'll freeze your assets.

Freedom to protest without repressions.

We need that here too. Organize protests against the establishment and get brutalized by the police, arrested, and labeled a terrorist sympathizer or even a terrorist.

Freedom to participate in the elections.

We can participate in elections here but everyone running is a multimillionaire or billionaire (a member of the ruling class) or is serving the interests of the ruling class, hence elections here are bullshit. You have no high-ground upon which to stand and point your crooked, feculent finger at Russia, because our "democracy" ("rule of the people") is a pile of bullshit. We live in a plutocratic, imperialist oligarchy that serves vested interests to the detriment of the American public if not the whole world. America's geopolitical interests and demands affect humanity, not just Americans.

Freedom to make public statements on independent media sources.

Until the West banned RT and other Russian media outlets, Anton and Todd, could have a media outlet in Russia, funded by the US State Department and George Soros, spewing shit about Putin and how Russia is doing horrible, and how "democracy" in America is great. You're living in Lalaland. Until recently, before the Russo-Ukrainian war, and the West's censorship of Russian media and Russians in general, the West had complete freedom, including Russian citizens, to shit on Putin all day, 24/7.

Freedom to have your case heard by an independent court.

They don't have courts in Russia? Are our courts perfect here in the US? Do we have perfect justice and courts? Is everything perfect here in the USA?
Because the state didn't have a repressive apparatus on the scale it has now. Or this apparatus was dysfunctional already (I mean the Soviet apparatus in 1991). You do get that in 1991 Yeltsin was virtually a candidate from opposition, right?
He was opposed to Gorbachev. I've seen the footage of them debating in the Съезд Советов/Congress Of Soviets. Most Russians in Russia regret the collapse of the USSR.

World supply chains are transferring to China and Russia, discarding Western-made electronics and other products—a big boost to BRICS. ZioNazi-US empire = Its own worst enemy.
He was opposed to Gorbachev. I've seen the footage of them debating in the Съезд Советов/Congress Of Soviets. Most Russians in Russia regret the collapse of the USSR.
Yes, he was. But our friend Antoshka is trying to build a parallel reality about that.

Many regretted in the 90s. And that is why Zuganov in Russia in 1996 (the head of Russian Communist party) was considered as a real contestant for Yeltsin. And a 'new elite' (oligarchs with their media, intelligentsia, celebrities etc) all campaigned for Yeltsin. Yes, it is also true that the Yeltsin administration also used sa called 'administrative resource' back then.

The similar situation was in Ukrane, btw. In the 1999 presidential elections, when then president Kuchma was contested by Symonenko (the head of Ukrainian Communist party).

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