What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

I did try. You just don't want to listen.

I told you that a historical comparison is needed. Did you look that up? Nope.

In 2010 paycheck to paycheck was 77%, which was followed by a decade of steady growth.
You're not refuting anything I just said. The fact is, based on recent polls, about half of our workforce, is a few paychecks away from being indigent:


That doesn't say much about those who aren't either, because they're also struggling to survive in our crony capitalist economy, that serves the rich and powerful to the detriment of everyone else, for the sake of profits. You ignored the fact that this is the situation today and the circumstances we're facing shortly, within the next few years, due to the quick rise of intelligent automation and AI.

Sir you're in denial, suffering from a bad case of cognitive dissonance. You're pearl-clutching, thinking that American demcratic socialism in the 21st century is going to deprive you of your gourmet restaurant outings and caviar, your beautiful home, German brand vehicle and 38ft fishing yacht, and it's not. On the contrary Anthony, you're going to keep all of that and have even more. Everything you have now will be even more secure than with your crony capitalist billionaire friends, who want to give everyone a "UBI" check, turning everyone into a worthless consumer serf. There's no need for UBI, or techno-feudalism, we have democratic socialism. It will protect your assets and fill your beautiful home with even more luxuries. We're not against living in opulence or extreme abundance.

Modern, American socialism, will automate practically everything, hence we need to sit down and plan a new economic system of production that doesn't rely on wage labor or markets. That's the requirement for us to all survive and thrive with this new technology. Do you get it now? Probably not.
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I did try. You just don't want to listen.

I told you that a historical comparison is needed. Did you look that up? Nope.

In 2010 paycheck to paycheck was 77%, which was followed by a decade of steady growth.
Let me clarify a bit. Steady growth in what? Because the outcome is that at least half of America is still living one or two paychecks away from skidrow. This has been true for years, even before covid. So your metric for economic prosperity is way too narrow and only applies to a segment of the population like yourself, who make at least 6 figures. You don't represent most members of the working class, you're an outlier.

You identify with the rich, even though you said you're employed by a capitalist. You're a high-paid professional, unlike most people. So when you say "economic growth", in what area of the economy? Wall Street? GDP, based on non-productive transactions, and speculative trading? What exactly? Are the jobs paying a living wage, is the cost of living down, can people afford their healthcare, are they going bankrupt? Do you get it now? The economy can grow and most people are still up the creek, struggling to survive.
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Let me clarify a bit. Steady growth in what? Because the outcome is that at least half of America is still living one or two paychecks away from skidrow. This has been true for years, even before covid.

Right, so you admit this is nothing new and does not tell us much of anything about "Bidenflation" comment that this WHOOOOOLE coversation has sprawled out of.
Right, so you admit this is nothing new and does not tell us much of anything about "Bidenflation" comment that this WHOOOOOLE coversation has sprawled out of.
The American post-WW2 economy based on manufacturing, with more than 1/3rd of labor fully unionized, and capitalism being forced by society or simply, the government, to work for everyone, not just the rich elites, was replaced by the opposite of that in the early 1980s. Our economy was "de-platformed" from a demand-side economy, based on manufacturing and making sure the demand for goods and services is maintained, by taking good care of the workforce, to supply-side, trickle-down Reaganomics, which gutted our manufacturing capacity, busted labor unions, and forced society under the heel of finance and speculative trading.

Our economy is no longer based on manufacturing goods but on Wall Street, hence Anthony can say "Hey, we have a great economy, look at the stats", but the numbers don't reflect what is happening in Real Street. We have Wall Street and Real Street, in the world of the working class, if the cost of living is through the roof and you and your wife have to work 12 hours or more daily just to stay afloat, and your private health insurance is denying you coverage for a procedure that the doctor says you need, and to fill your tank costs almost $100, and your city has dismal public transit because the right-wing Republicans and Dems refuse to spend government funds on developing infrastructure, due to fossil fuel companies lobbying for more highways..etc..Hello? The economy is growing in the wrong way, hence we need to reform our thinking.
Stop posting stupid bullshit.

It takes mental illness to live on the street in America, not a temporary lapse in employment.
Sir, you're smart and capable, but when it comes to this issue, you're detached from reality (you have a blind spot in this area). There are many, MANY Americans who are now homeless, living out of their cars, due strictly to financial reasons, unemployment, not being able to find affordable housing. I work with the homeless, volunteering, and you're not in touch with the reality of the situation. It's not going to get better until we reform our economy to serve everyone.
Sir, you're smart and capable, but when it comes to this issue, you're detached from reality (you have a blind spot in this area). There are many, MANY Americans who are now homeless, living out of their cars, due strictly to financial reasons, unemployment, not being able to find affordable housing. I work with the homeless, volunteering, and you're not in touch with the reality of the situation. It's not going to get better until we reform our economy to serve everyone.

Good on you to give back but they didn't become homeless because they skipped a few paychecks.

Unemployment is historically low, jobs are available and effective minimum pay is relatively high. Amazon pays $19/h, so does Costco.
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Move on to what? Those days are gone, in the past, due to the reasons I mentioned, but what do we move into now? Do you understand economics? What does the modern age demand of it?

Do YOU understand economics? We have historically low unemployment, who the hell do you think is going to be doing that manufacturing?

Americans want jobs, which they have, and cheap products, which they have because it's made with foreign labor.
Good on you to give back but they didn't become homeless because they skipped a few paychecks.

Unemployment is historically low, jobs are available and effective minimum pay is relatively high nowadays.
Minimum pay today isn't consistent with the cost of living. People lose everything for various reasons, including medical bills. I know several people personally that I work with, that are living out of their cars or in the NYC shelter-system, due to going bankrupt with medical bills. The pay isn't consistent with the cost of living, and at best are sharing apartments with more than one roommate. The quality of life for about half of the American workforce is poor. Bad. Not a good life at all, and without much opportunity for improvement, unless you're Ironman. People have to sleep, eat, and rely on public transit schedules that take 30 minutes between buses. Life is hell.

Someone born and raised in an upper-middle-class or just middle-class family, might not realize how fortunate they were and are now. They had access to resources that many people didn't have. The situation isn't going to improve, as automation continues to take jobs.
Do YOU understand economics? We have historically low unemployment, who the hell do you think is going to be doing that manufacturing?

Americans want jobs, which they have, and cheap products, which they have because it's made with foreign labor.
Most jobs in this country are poop. We don't have those good-paying blue-collar jobs, with benefits anymore, as before. The cost of living is obscene today, and people have to work two jobs. A full-time and a part-time, sometimes even two full-time jobs. What do you mean who's going to do the manufacturing? Can you clarify for me what your question entails or means? The manufacturing now is mostly gone, we gutted our manufacturing base. Our economy is one of finance, Wall Street, speculative trading, not producing real goods and services.

I'd rather pay an extra dollar or two for a product MADE IN THE USA, than one from China or Bangladesh. If we were to remain with capitalism, which is impossible but for the sake of argument, then we would need to restore our manufacturing capacity and begin producing American-made products. If we can't do that, then we have an unproductive economy, a cloud, digital economy that amounts to nothing. We need to produce tangible goods in this country with a well-paid labor force, and if we can't do that, then we need marketless socialism.
We don't have those good-paying blue-collar jobs, with benefits anymore, as before. The cost of living is obscene today, and people have to work two jobs. A full-time and a part-time, sometimes even two full-time jobs. What do you mean who's going to do the manufacturing? Can you clarify for me what your question entails or means? The manufacturing now is mostly gone, we gutted our manufacturing base. Our economy is one of finance, Wall Street, speculative trading, not producing real goods and services.

I'd rather pay an extra dollar or two for a product MADE IN THE USA, than one from China or Bangladesh. If we were to remain with capitalism, which is impossible but for the sake of argument, then we would need to restore our manufacturing capacity and begin producing American-made products. If we can't do that, then we have an unproductive economy, a cloud, digital economy that amounts to nothing. We need to produce tangible goods in this country with a well-paid labor force, and if we can't do that, then we need marketless socialism.


You are not answering the question.

Maybe you like conveyer belts at a manufacturing factory compared to conveyor belts at Amazon warehouses or McDonald's, but someone has to do all of them so we are talking about shocking changes in CONSUMPTION, never mind just the cost you basically make up out of thin air.

The only way any of this is realistic with our aging labor force with deminishing participation rates is a drastic change to immigration policies to allow huge increase in prime age foreign worker migration, this along with big terrifs on goods imports. And whats the bottom line? Big time inflation and higher costs to consumers.

I understand you have a manufacturing fetishism like a good ol' socialist but it's blinding you to the consequences.
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WTF? What job is worse than a conveyer belt ones?


Living in a country that produces nothing, and buys everything from abroad, with a low paid workforce restricted to service jobs, that can now easily be outsourced abroad or fully automated, unable to afford the rising cost of living, is a recipe for socioeconomic collapse. The answer, assuming we remain with capitalism, which again I repeat, is impossible, but for the sake of argument, here I go.....We need to reform our economy to one that produces tangible goods and delivers services using those products, MADE IN THE USA. Workers have to be paid well, have benefits, and afford their rents and mortgages.

People will gladly do what the workers are doing in your GIFs if they're paid a decent wage, with benefits, and live in a country with a well-developed infrastructure, where they can afford to pay their bills and have some extra money to save or invest. However, restoring our nation's manufacturing base doesn't entail using the old technology in the pictures that you posted. We have INCREDIBLY ADVANCED, CAPABLE technology today in the 21st century. We can automate most, if not all manufacturing processes, with few exceptions.
You should enterpret it as a post from a Republican in an election year - a biased perspective, that should be fact checked and not taken at face value.
In other words, our friend Todd was lying. As are a half of your country. On the next elections, maybe your half will be lying, depending on who the president will be. A great society, a true example for 'foreigners'.
Living in a country that produces nothing

Kinda crazy you say that considering I live in American made house with American made Teslas in the driveway, posting this on American deisgned PCs and American designed phones with American operating systems.

Are you sure you don't live on the fucking moon?
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American homes are less affordable than they were 4 years ago.
I don't think anyone will disagree.

Russia sucks more than it did 4 years ago.
I don't think anyone will disagree.

Anything else I can help you with?
No, thank you. Our friend Antoshka will definitely disagree with the first paragraph. But he virtually called you a liar, so decide that among yourselves.

Russia sucks, and I even would call it a shithole. But that doesn't change the fact that we see a global shift in the balance of power.

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